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1863. SPRING. 1863, We are now opening' A Large and Beautiful assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Dry Cloods! LADIES' DRESS GGODS in great variety, SHAWLS, RIBBONS, -Oarosss Tx-ixia.iM.iii.sssij tfco. Also a largo stock of 6 oods for Mens' Wear, Cassimercs, Oloihs, &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCEPJES, CROCKERY, All of wliicli we will sell at the LOWEST FOSSIELE 0 A S 2E3C PRICE! MAGK & SCHMÍD, Aon Arbor, March 19, '63. 89Gtf CITY COOFÏIH SHOP. 1Vliüle.siIeind lí'.-tail, O. C. SPAFFORD Wouia respectfnUy announca to he citfaens ol Ann Arbur and viciuity. tlint h ia uoiv iranufaoturing andkeepsconstootly on hnd a Large Assortment of Cooper Work ! sucli aa Porfc and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Ciiurns, Well Bnckets, &c, Which viii be solil clicap for caob. CTJSTOM WORK Wade to order on fihort notice. llepairiug doue vith neatness and dipatch. I wnuld cali particular attention to Merchants in want of Bntter Fïrkins. Iannnanufachirinsr tlio Sewïoik Slatc FHltln, vhicb sa better Kirkin tljan hasevi-r befnre been ofered inthis market. I would invite all who want Firin.s to Gall and exanine for themselves forepurcliasingslsewljre, and I will conviuce yon hat you have called at the riglit place. 1 vrould also cali tlie attention ofBrtwers in want BEER KEGS, am now prepare tl to manufacture Eights, Quaiters and half Bbls. in large or smaTI lots, and of a Better Quality lian can he had in Detroit or elsewhere. A11 work warranted to give entire satis faction. hankJulfor past faTors andby.asWct attention to msiness, 1 hose to meril a continué liberal supplv of lie public patronage. " 3. Do not forget to cali at the City Cooper Shop. O. 0. SPAFFORD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, ilich. Sfifiyl GREAï.GREATER GBEATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED "859. Mm1H59n thi3 City, are uow being offered at the OHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & JeTsrelry StoreTHE Snbscriber woulrt eay to tV citizens of Ann Arbor, in particnlnr, and the rest of Washtenaw ounty in general, that hehasjuat 1MP0RTED 01ECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! .11 of wbieh hn binds him?elfto sell CHEAPER than can be bonght west of Now York City. pen Face Cylinder Watehes trom $6 to SlO do do Lever do do 8 to 21 untiög Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 38 old Watehea from 20 to 150 J have also the CELKBRATED AMERICAN WATCHES, which I wlll sen ttr $35. EveryVvatch warranted to er forna well, or the monoy s-ehinded. Clocks, Jewelry, Pïated Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Pens, ufiicalínatruments and Strïngg, Cutlery, &c, nd in fact a variety of everythin u au all y keptbyJewelors eau bo boughtforthc nextuinety days at your OWN I'RICES!' ereona buying anything at this well known estabshme ut can rely upon getting goodü exactly as repesented, orthemoney reftinded. OaJlearly and seure the best bargains ever offcred in this City, One word in regard to Repairing : Ve are prepared to maltn any repnirs onfine or comnon Watche8,even to makingoer the entire watch, necesBüry. Repairing ot' Clocks and Jewelry na suul. AIbo the raanufacturinp.oí RINGS, BROOCHS r aaything deBred,from California Gold onshortnoce. Enpravinc in allitabranchesexeented withneateas anddispatch. J C WATTS. AnaArbor, Jan.28thI859. 7L4vr RifleF actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Siitherlanü1,] Jlanuffteturers of and Dealers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pouehes Game Bags, and Everjother artiele ir. that Line. All feta tl one at the shortcst notice, and m the bost manner. ■. B ;, full assnrtmeut always kept onh;uil .-nul tiuhIc1 order. ift Bb.op corner Main a ml Washington stxèets. Ana Arbor,Oct. 8. 1362. STotf Trusses ! RÚPfüRE CAN BE CURËÖ UT A TRVSS of the right kind, il" proporly fittt'd and duly attended to. 'h8 bas been abunMantly dernónstrated in innúmera ble instanefts by the use of th Miiltipcclnl Truss if Dr. Rit? ís, da ruig tlic lasi few yeni's. This Truss beinp covricil wifh Har'! Iïnblu.-]1. la iiorfectly water(roof, inay bo used n liatlnn, and is ahvnys cleanlv ;is vol] as iniï(.'sinictiWc b ocdiDary usage. If not satleaetory sfter a fair trial of sixty daye, it raay be )(- urned. It cliallengta cojïiparisoii vifa any truss Dr. RIGGS' Office No. 2 BARCLAÏ Street, NewYttV, 683W SCEOFULA AND SCEOFDLOOS DISEASE3. From Emery JCiles, a vell-knoicn merchant of 'rrj'onlj Maine. u I llave .-oM IarLC quaiititie: oí your Sausapariila, Imt never yet pne bottle whfch failed oí' the desired effect nml i'uil nüt ütction lo those who took it. js fast n our peopie try it, tbey agree there has! been iiü iiiL'tiiciue Hke it beibre iu our cummunit-y." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohe3, Pustulea, Ulcera, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Bi .-. Bobt. Slratian, Itristol, Englanil. li I only do my duty to you and llie public, when I adrt my teettóony to tliut you pubüsli of the medicinal virlues of your .Saiipapaiulla. My daugliter, aged ten, Iiatl au alHiciinir humor in her eara, eyes, and lmir ibr years, whieh we ere unable lo cure until we tric-d your Saesapakilla. She üas been wel] ibr sume moüthtó.:' From Mrs. Jane E. Hice. r, toeU-briown and much cstcemed Uuty of ennisvil.' ■■. ( ',ik May Co., iv". J " My datighter has Buffered fpr a year past with a ecrofulous etuption, which was very troublc.ome. Koüihiralïbr(kd any relief until we tried your Sabsaparilla, vliich 60011 completely cured her." From Charles P. Uage,Esq.,ofthewidely-hioKvfirm V Gage, Murray $ Co., manvfaciurers of enamelled papers 'm Kashua, N. II. ' 11 1 had for sevCral years a very troublosoine humor in my face, which grew constantly worse untfl it disfigurcd ray features and became an intolerable amiction. I tried almostcvery tilinga man could of both advioe aml medicine, but without any relief wKateyer, until I look your Saksaparilla. It inimcdiately made my face worse, as you told me it niight ibr a time; bui in a few weeks the new í=kin begau to form uader the blotches, and continued until my ïïiee is as smooth as anybody's, and I am without any symptoms of the diyease that I know of. ] enjov perfect Uealtb, and without a doubt owe it to your Saksapauilla .:' Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify the Blood. From Br. Robt. Samin, Hauston St., N. Y. Dr. Ayer: I seldomfail to remove Eruptions and Scrofuhus Sores by the perseveiing use of your SAESAPAniLLA, and 1 have just noiv cured an attack oí Maliguant Erysipelas with it. Kb alterative wepossess equalsthe íjarsaparilla you have Eupplied to tue profession as well as to the people." FromJ. E. Jolinston, Esq., Waieman, Ohio. "For twelve years 1 had the yollow Erysipelas on my right arm, during whicli time I tried all the celebrated physicians I coukl ïeach, and took hundreds of dollars' worth of medicines ' The ulcers were eo bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. 1 began taking your S ausaparilla. ïook two bottles. and fiome of your Pili.!?. Together they have cured me. I am noV as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this community, and excites the wonder of all." From Ilon. Hemry Monro, M. P. P.. r.f Newcastle, C. W., a leading memher of the Canadian Parliament. "I have used your Sarsaparilla in my farnily, for general dehilHii, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and feel conüdence in commeuding it to the afflicted." St. Anthony'3 Fire, Hose, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. FromlTan-eii Sktter, Esq., the abla editor of the Tiincl:hannod; Dcmocral, Pennsyloania. " Our only child, about three years of age, was attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, wliich covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for sorne days. A Bkilfnl physician applied ïaitrate of i=ilver and other remedies, without any anfiarent eflecí. Foríií'íeen days weguarded his hands, est with them lie should tear open the festering and corrupt ivound which covered his whole face. Having tried every thing else we bad any hope from, we began giving your Sarsaparilla, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finishcd the secoud. The cbild's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he is now as hcalthy and fair as any other. The whole neia-hborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Iliram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I flnd your Sarsapakilla a more effectual remedy ibr the Becondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possesa. The profession are indebted to you for some of tbe best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physicvxn of Lawrencc, Mass.. vho is a prominent member of the Legislafure of Massachxisetts. "Dr. Ayer - JÏy dear Sir: I have found your SAiïsaparilla an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary type, and efiectual in some cases f bat were too obstinate to yicld to otlier remedies. I do not know wbat we can eraÍloy with more certainty of success, where a powerül alterativo is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lieio, of New Sninswck, 2V. J., had dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease. which grew more and more aggiavated for years, in spite of every remedy or tréatment that could beapplied, until the persevering use of Ayer's Sabsaparilla relieved ïiim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing than this, and it took severa! dozen bottles to cure him. Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produccd by interna! Scrofulous Ulceration, and aio very often cured by the alterative effect of this Sarsaparilla. Some cases require, however, in cid of the Sarsaparilla, the skilful appiication of local remedies. From the wcll-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. "I have found your Sarsapap.illa an excellent alterative in diseases of iemalee. Many cases of irregularity, Leucorrhoea, Infernal Ulcération, and local debility, arieing from the scrofulous diathesis, bave yielded to it, and there are few that do not, tvhen its effect is properly aidedby local tréatment." A lady, unwilling to allom the puhlication of her name, writes: " My daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitating Lcucorrluxa of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparïlla." Kheumatism, Gout, Liver Comptaint, Dyapepsia, Heart Diseases Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofua in the system, are rapidly cured by this Est. Saesaparilla. ayTrs catiiartic pills possess so many advautages over the other purjatives in the market, and their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that thev have ever done. Prepa'red by J. C. AYEB, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by STEBBIifB i: WII.SON, Aim Arber, F. S.M-;ONT, Ypsilanti, A. ; EWIÍÍ0, Dexter., WliKl-l'dX & l'.ATCH Cliolsea. Wl b FAEEANDSHELBYÍtCo,.Ife. triit. ('. E. COEUUN, Travelling Agent. UNIVERSAL ÏLOTHEyiRIMEL X.i. 1. Lab : FisnLT Wsisbbb $10.00 No. 2. liKDirm ' " 7.00 No. 1'i " " " li.i'O Nu ;:. si!i. " f' 5.50 No. 8. ÚíbqíHiWei " 14.00 No. 18. MtDU'.H í.a; nííúy ( torunby "1 18.00 No. 22. I.AHr.u " J steam or y 30.00 (_ hand. J Nos. 23 and 3 have no Cogs. AH otht-rs are warrantcii. No. 2 ís tfie BÏze generally' used in ptivatê families. JK.x;i: ,Irw.: lie "American Atrriculturisl of tbe UNIVERSAL CLOTHBS WRINGER, "AcUii'i eau fa ■ , ■ :il of etotbea ina fawminotes. Uis inïeality i CLOIHES SÁ l R ! A TIME SAVK!: : anl a ï 1 RífGTH SA ER ! The kiving of garment-; w!H :w pay rt la rere rír centavo on its CU.-.1. Wt ll.iti!, 1 in:icbinv uuicli mure thün l'AVS FOR ÏTSEÏ-Jb' EVKRY VKAR in the B8.y}pg ofEDUntfl! Tliwv are advera.] fcinda, aearly alike iu gcneiül cimmmetion 'ut ve coTasidër it important that the Wringer be fitt ■ , fttherwiae a toasa of -s-.wments xna.v olog tiie roUers, ;iud tlie upoo the TMuk-sliair -i;';: . ■ tear tl# (éfoioes, or ih'.j : break ïoose fyow tlie shaft. Qur uwn is vnc oï the . i ii Ík áearl: iS ÑEW aftcr neiii-J.v FOyfi VKAIíS' CUNTAJNfT i Every "Wrirgex -with Cog Wheels is Warrauted in overy Particular. KO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITHOUT COG WIIEELS, A goo-1 r v i . ífí iu every town. ■ - otl ■'■ fice from places where uo v i:l M-nJ the wringer yEE or EIPKsga !■ oï per1 Icula 915tr R C. BKOÍTNING, 347 Bioaday, ÏT.Y. LIVERY! LIVBRYI! J. GREEN & E. BKOWN, iave puVchased tlie I[M-t;h nn Carriages of B. Green, nul linvt' a!-. ;■ j ery fine Hnröes & Carriages o the abnve shnM;. in the -anic baru, so that thej can uií you all cm reasonable terjus. Ga 11 and 8e e 1 Ann Arbcr, Juíy I l(h, 1S93. CmO14. Notice of Attachment YE CIRCUIT OOCET for the C„untj. „f Thomas L. Humnhreville ) Büg!i Dowm-y. ƒ Ia Atalimeiit. September, A. D. 1SG3, a writ of att Í, ?th J.' ed nut of the CrcuitCeúrt oí the Cm",' Í.Í ■ the ,„it „f Thomas I, HuW,V&! above named plaintifT, against ie lan li ,tVl!It, Ik tne liefeudunt above mjruu.l, for tlje ghDo(, dred donatB, whiïh sáid wt a ?,LLL SU' M8WG Wft DaUd, thi S9th day of October, Tlí,!?1""1 Por Rats, Mlee, Honclies, Ants, Brj n. Mol Sis in Fmg, Woolens, Sic. In.?8' Plants, Powls, Animáis, &c. w " Only infallible remedies known ' " Free from poipon,--.'' " Xot dángerous to ílip Human Fam]7K " Katu come out of tlii-ir lióles to die." ' JKg-Suia Whulesalein alllarge c ties 4S-Sold by all I(ru2git nd RetailoM even.1 : I ! ükaivhk : : : of all worth]es imittii. J9"See that "Costar's" name ís on rach Bui t tlean'l Kiask.bofore vou buy. "".!■ -■Addréss IIESiiV K COSTAB ■ Principal Depot, .W 428 Broadwav .,i , iy Pold by all the Wholesale and Rctail Drmi!. Ana Arbnr, Micli. 915m3 ""%, O. BLIS sT Would take thia method of informing bis oM frün and piitrons and all otters who muy favor bio f ■ their patronage, tiiat hehas greatly enlargedhii Stock and Assortment! and haVing itaopted the CASH SYSTEM BÜTH IN BÜYIN6 &$m 8 prepareil to Bell Uoods at Híigiojv, ble FrioeSj His stock con.lsi.ijZ of thefollowing: tg. A3IEEICAX AND OUD iMb seththomaCLOCKS! Fine JewelryM GOLD CIIAINS, TABLE AI POCKET CUTLEKY ! Fazors, tiear. Scisbrsand Rrushes, ROGERS PLATED WARE, the best in niitt Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencili PAl'ER and K.WELOl'Ki, Musical Instrumente Strings f Books for instrumeHi, SPECTACLEg, of Qoldt Süver, Steel, and Plaled, rail PERISCOPIO GLASJ a superior artïele. Persons having difficult watcfaes tofitwiitfl can be aecoraodated, as my stock is largeTani pi te, P. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewii Piuions, Siaffs, and Cylindirs. Alen CLOCKS, Sc TEAWELBT neatly repaired and 'warranted, at bis oíd iluda si3e of Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4ibor,Nov.25,1869 HÍ JUST OPENING! The largest Stock and best nssoituffi CABINET FÜRNITIIRE! ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNG? BED ROOM SETS, ,CENTEE TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAtt; Ij.ools.ins CSrlêissei Gilt Frames and Mouldinf OOPPINS METALIO CASES, &c.,t. and all other jroods kept in the best and la in the country. Wc seepno second hand fariüW1 Auciion goncis. Coffins kept or.nstantly ofife' made to order. My goods are olfercd at THE LOWEST CASH 0 N. Tl. I must have meney, and respf those im1ebted,to cali and lix uji their oU" without ile'.av. . O. M. MARTI" Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. W8! SECOND ARR1VAL OF FALL AND WINTI AT C. B. Thompson Nov. 1863.. t


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Michigan Argus