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From Libby Prison

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On (be Otli of November the Soldiers' Aid Society of this city shipped two barrels of supplies to the Federal prisonera in and near Richmond. Tlie follówing letter froin our fellow townsman, Maj. John E. Clare, acknowledges their rcoeption, and a subsequent letter states that the supplies bad been distributed among thu cnlisted men : Libby Prison, Richmond, Va, ) November l'HIi, 1863. ) Mï Dear Madam: - Day beforo yesterday camo the two barrels, to day your letter. Everything was in good order. The ari'ival produced a great oxGiteinsut. All supposed they were for me iodividually, and thought, cvidentij', I must havo a big-hearted wife. I suspeeted, howover, whence these thinga carne, aud havo kept everything except a fow oook ies and a little cheese, subject to order I'mglad that the wish expressed will per mit mo to dojustico to the enlisted meu if I can find and reach them. It is they above all .others, who deserve attention from thoso at home ; and they, if I can manage it, shall reeieve for the greater part of your coutribution. I have alroady addressed a note to tho authorities, requesting permission to look up the men from Ann Arbor and vioinity, and deliver these things in person. I may not get so much as this, but thiuk, at least, I will bc pprmitted to eommunicate with them in somo way. Assuro all the kind ladies who have joined in the enterpriso that I will do everything in my power to execute your commission. Blair, Johnson, Kuaggs, Knight, and Mead, are all well. I had a üice box from home the same day the barrels came. Blair and Knaggs receivcd their box safcly. Your friend and obedient servant, J. E. CLARK. JL5L"The Festival given on Wednes day evening, in Hangsterfer's Hall, 3V the Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society. was moro than a success, at least as far as immbers were concerned, for hundreds of our citizens essnyed in vain to get into the hall. Over $200 were taken at the door, and the amount would have beend oubled had the hall jeen of sufficient capacity. We do cot jnow the receipts f rom the refreshment or fancy anieles departments, but they would have been greater had there been more room to opérate. We tbink the enthiisiasm and liberality manifesled vill gladden the hearts of our brothers n field or prison. The narrative of Dr. Êwing, of his ndventures as a prisoner, was nterestng, but was cut short by the impossi)ility of being heard in the " noise and confusión." Dr. Ewing promises, if lis time permits, to give an evening of he subject beforo he returns to his regiment, of whieh due notice will be given. The " Oíd Folks " were unable to go through their programme, but performed soino excellent pieces. The oncu fashlonable costumesjn which, ihey were dressed made them " quite a show,'' but we don't think mproved their Uppearnnoe " muohly." Wonder if our greot grandchildron vvill think tho same of the costume of to-day. For tho aecornmodiition of our citizens who could not obtain tho privilege of contribiiting to tho object on Wednesday evening, a repetition was announced for last evening. SS" A Great Western Sanitary Fair, under the control of a general comniitteo of the citizens of Cincinnaü, of which Gen. Kosecuans is President, is to open in that city on the 21st inst . - Mondiiv next, - and continue open during '.he holidays. Contributions are sol'eitod both for sale and exhibiton. - Thoso for exhibition, are trophies of the rebellion, Indian relies, curiositie's from foreign couotries, unique coins, autographs, rnanuscripts, &c, &c, may be forwarded by expresa, addressed to " Committee on Relies, Sanitary Fair, Mozart Hall, Cinncinnati, Ohw." Contributions of farm produce of any kind inay be consigned to Baker & Co. EÜP" H. G. Hodoe, Eeq., editor -and publisher of the Union Demacra, at St. Jobns, Ciinton county, offers his establishmont for 6ale, on reasonable tertns. fiST Tho 5th of January is closo at hand. Is cvery thing possible bcing done to have tbo quota of our county filled by tbat time ? Our city and several of tbc towns havo ofl'ered bounties, but something e!se is necessary. Somebody must make it a business to procure tbo ealistmeut and mustering in of the men. If all S3t still, tbo quotas will not be filled. Each towti sbould lose no time in putting an active, energetic agent in the field. L3LWe nv'to atten;ion to tho prospectus of the EcJcclic Magazine, lt is a periodical of pertnanjnt value. The contenta aro selecíed with excellent judgment from a wide rango of foreign literature. Each nnniber has a steel plato unexcellüd by any other publicauion. The subscriber gets tbree fine volumes annually. $5 a year with a premium of tvvo beautiful parlor prints or a portrait of Everett. Address W. II. IÏIDWBLL, N. Y. The Akgus, the Eclectic and the premium for 88. SS" Col. J. 0. Parkhurst, of the 9th Michigan fnfantry, is Post Commandant at Chattanooga. Col. Parkhuhst was a delégate to tho Charleston Convectioü, and aftor tho breaking out of tho rebellion concluded to takc a hand in settling tho musa cotnmcnced by " ye Southern Democracy " at Charleston. At tho surprise of Murfnsboro he was taken prisoner and to Richmcnd, and on being exchanged, repaired immediately to Lis post, and is now temporarily halting at Chattauooga. If Charleston don't knock under to the fleet before many raonths, we aro in hopes that with our victorious army of the Southwest ho may knock at its rear, and forco bis Charleston friends to give him weleome. P. S. Can't " Pauk." make us Post Printer ? ÍSE" A few of our subscribers have promptly aud honorably responded to the proposition made in our anncunceiuent two weeks ago, but the mass, wo fear did not read it with careful attention Eor the benefit of sueh we reprint it to day. Eemember you will save money by settling all arrcars before January Is and paying one year in advance. After January lst the prico of tho Argus wil be $2 00 to all not complying with the terms referrcd to. That day is close at hand. ÖJPKepoi-t saya that Gov. Blaiu has called an extra session of tho Legislature for thn 19th oí January, to consider the subject of a State bounty to volun teers. L3Í We invite the attention of our music loving readers to the advertisement in another column of a grand Gift Concert to be given in Detroit on the 6th of January. A rich musical treat is prom ised, and besides a valuable list of prizes is to be distributed -among the ticket ïolders; The promised gifts are no bogus affairs, and there is a great rush for tickets. Go to ScnoFF & Millek's and get one. (3 The House has passed a resolution calling on the War Department for the report of Gen. McClellan. We ïope it will be forth coming. UL All enrolled persons claiming exemption from military duty on account of alienagc, non-rcsidence, uueuitableness of age, or manifest permauent physical disability, should inake their croofs at ho Provost Marshal's office, Jackson, on or before the 20th insfc. Parents wishng to elect a bod as support must do so )eforo the draft. Lists of enrolled men nay be seen at our offioe.


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Michigan Argus