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R'hereaSi the President of tlie United F tatos, by bis pi'odïirnurioïi of the dato of tho I7ih day of Ottober' last, ban c:ill?u poe tlie Gnvernois of t'ue different ■fatts to ïaise and have enlidted tuto tbu ' I'nitcd Siatud eervioo t'or the varioug compsniea and regiments iu the fiold, fven) their repootivo States, thairquetas of tbrec hundred thousand men. And, ir uni-iis, It has beou judged nccWfnry b'y nii)y of the oouutios, towns, and cities of thia Statp, that provisiona should b made for tho payment of bouni-ios to voluotet'rs by sueh oouuties, towna and cilio?, to enablo them to fill thcir i-everal quota witb voiuDteers, and thet Í turther logislation is ueoossary in order to gire fuii iaitli and credit to the acts and obligation of such municipal bodies, Th-ertfvrc, Beliuving Üiat suoh an extraordinary occasion exwti as is contemplated by tho constitution, I, Austin Blair, Governor of the Stato of Michigan, in virtuo of the powor vested in me by tho constitution, do oouvoue the legislatura. of this State, hcreby requiring the HenatorB aud Represontativcs to assemble in tbeir chambers at the espito], in Lunsing, on 'i'uesday, the lOih day of January nest, at twelve o'clock, noon, theu and there to consiiior and determino uj)ou the measuros proper to be adopted 'fa regard to the poymeut of such bounties to voluntoera, and the legalization of ets already done fur that purpose, and !1 suol) othur subjorts as may be brought lefore tho Legitilatura ia pursuanca of th) coustitutioD. iu ieUnionv wheroo'. I have iiereunto set oy liana, ana causea to be üffiïöd the ftreat seal of tho State at Lausing, lóth day of Decem bar, ia tho joar of our Lord one thousand eight huudred and sixtythroe. "JA11K3 R. PORTER, Secret&ry of Statr


Old News
Michigan Argus