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- ■ American Ccllecting Ageucy, No 'J-1Ü l'roadway, .New York. Claimiof :t'il kin lMlea})t the (,'euera GoTWnme f Stte Uovein iivnt, the City, or privaiv lartie, pro! cuted aun éultaoted n míj apénet Againal private partió 1 im, .■■ ujjrror f&cilitlsi tur C"ll'CtDícl:imíOVdyilicre II thi l'niteil .-tales and Caoadad) reliarlug merchante, nnsuces, bankei iii.anthnii,l tliccaic nd all rpaartnlity. Special ttnitic.iiKivfn t(. oll dtbts, liard cases, di, rorsas, wül&.eirtatpn, etc. Boinjr familUr.wlth allthe detaiUnf Míe ■ h,t mil Jlevenne Lua," 1 wiünttenc! prowptl.r tu tlie ollent.on of l':iwbiu'liK,:ind laxfii overpuid tlirougli i"-nuí '■ of tlie lavr. Soldiers' pensione, pav, and lnuntv securen forthom or tlicir lii-irs. that ptfrpoae.ffnífur pVosécutiug claims ngaiiiH thu(invernmint. I nu a !ranch office at Washington. No charge luiideimlossclamw aro colIrcted. AH áoitliers dicliargcd hy reason (ífwnun !s hplr ever f-lior ! the timethey have seiveil - are tnfitled to Ono IIuiKlred Ii.ilars Hmnit.v . Alfi ildier havlngaer. ved two vcarB.r" Antftled to the sume. - Th higl.fst raaiki'l prion w (,f pay for g0_ diers' chiiins, audbthor demtiadB against the General G'Tfr!lniT.t Int'trmntion nn-1 opiníonM priven, nnd investipation malo wlfhmit charge, apon aláimfl proponed to be jjlactid in niy hands. Korparticulara. ílrc" H. HUNTIKTCfTOII LEE 900tf Xn, Ü4I) Hr.indwKT, N. Y qPHE ROOTS AND THE LE AVES WIl.L bo f(.r Healii g of theXMtiuus. Bill e . x'i-of. 3Fi. a, iji-srcaivsi. ':"EVI' AN'" CKI.Elü! ITBD PHYSICMM of the TIJHOAl , LUXUS. IIKAKT.UVKB AM) TUK UI.OOD, Kqowq all over the country as the % CKt.RnHATKI) INDIAS HEBB BOCTORJ Üt' Ü86iuperior Sttwt, Cleveland, Olno. W.1I vlsit the folluwmg plncts, viz APi'OIS'TMK.VIVFOK Sü'2, 18(iö;iiil IR64. Prof Ii. J. lAon-.c.m by cousutted at tho inllowintr placea every muntb, viz: Detroit. UurtSfJ Koue, encli montb, I8U1 nm] l-9th Aun Arbor, Monitor Houae, each month, 99Hh. Jackpun, Hibbara lloutte, encli niouth, 21. Adriaa. Brekt Uoupc, eath montb 22d and 23d. Tcïf.Vo, OUio.Oolhus ilou6r,L'iich month 2lth 25th aivl 36tb . ' Hilledale, Mioh.,HilIadaleHotfift,aöIi montli,27th Col1 wr ter, Mica.. Öoutnoru lichigiiu Uouse, th month , 2-St li. Elkhart, bikbart Houp, each month , COth Suutli Hen.l, iu.l , ;-t. .[,,. Hotel, each mooth, ,'ÏO I..,p..itft lml., Tee Garden IIoukc, eacli itwntli Sist w oo8 ter, uLhü, Cramiell Kxchaueo, oacli uiun'ii Tth RQi 8lil. Mmisilfcld, übio, Wiler House, eacli njonth, Oth and It.Vüinon, Kenj-on House, each month, llth and Nowark, Ohio, Holton House, each nienth, 13tli and llth. i'iiiaesvillcOhio, CowlHfmpe.each month, 4th t bKVÜLANÜ, bHlO. REHDEKCf Aïii OFFICE, 28á SUPERIOR STIÍEET. . East of tliu public square, opposile the Hoütoffice affleedaj-a each month, lt. 3d. ihtjtb, tth lóih - Oüico huurhl'ruuj 9 A. o, to 12 M, and lrom 2 l'.'JI.'tn 4 V. M. Uafcuodaj from y to 10 A. il.,und 1 to 2 t. il 4L3r4I.txim sti ctl.v a-ihtM-fd ti_ I irá weh tialmas have no Rtrife, VVith nature or the la ui !Üe, Wtth bluodiny bunds I nevt-r htaiii, Jiór jjoison r.ien toeatte tbetrpalo. HeU a phijáicían indeed, wko Cure. The Indiau 1 outop. R. J. LYüNS, curoe the f.vl lowiDi oompiamti uthe muKt obstinate wues ui their oxistence, iz: Dihoasefiot tiie Thrnat, Lungu, Henrt, I.iver. ytomach , Dtopsy n tha Cüeet, íiiieuiuatisín, Nearulgia , Kits. or FalliDgsioknfl,and llotlmr iiervun-leraiijienit-u's AlOaUdUease-of the blood such ah Scruluia, 1-rvsip. plas, Canoera. Fe ver Sorei, Leprosy, and all otliercumplicatcd clircmic conapIainiM Allform of iemuld difficultios nttended to with the hippie.-t resulta. It is boped that no one will deapair of a cure until they havt'Kiveu th( Indian Ilerb LHotor'n Medicine a fair and falthfnl trial, itlkirinpf the Dfietor travhIs itt Kurope, West Indien, South América, and the ÜDited States, li e hits been the insirument in Goti1 lianJ. to rentóte to he.lth nnd vigor tbeusanda who were given up an-l pruamncel mauraMe hy lie mest eminent oíd cha) ph.vsioians; naj-, uioit, thouxanda whu were on tlie rerge of the grave, are now IítÍok moL,umnts to the Imli.n Herb'a Dnetor's nkU anl Buccesafai t rea t ment. and are laily exchuminR: "B'pssed bethrday wlim fii'st e caw and partouk f the Indian Herb Uootor's medicine." atisfactory referencoHof c.ires will be gladly and cheerfully given w lietif ver required. Th Doctor piedles hin word and honor, that he wH) in no wise, directly r índirectly, induce or caue anv invalid to takf hifi medicine without tbestrungeat probabiiity f a cure. Ay Modef ftxamination, whicb is entirlv dilTt-rent from thefficuHy i'r. Lyn pmft-sses to dic(-rn dineftaea by thp eye. He theiefure asks noquestiotsp, nor doeahe requtre patient-:ti explaifl symptfras. í'aH ine anl uil, i ml lm ve tho -ivmptnms and location of your diñase explained fret' of charpe. fThc pnorobnil be jiberally considered. flarfostoülce adoren, t)0 yrfi:iK. J. LYOX?, M T-. Cleveland, Ohio. Sov. 25. 1S62. lyfiPO SCHÖFF & MILLEÜ iBE STII.I, ON HAND at tbeirold Stand , No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PEItFCMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TA SS ELS. GILTCORXICES, CURTA INS, nOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Market ! and they woulci luggent tothoseí n pursuít uf anythingin SANTA CL A US' LINE tbftt they can decure a Doublé Christmas Present ! hy jHirchaffng from thftt Ktock, as eah purchaner ietp ut idditioual present of Jewehy. kt , Kanging invalue trom 0 ets. to $00. $iiir TlH'vtrti-it that their long xppne(icp in select i i.)? tooiIk fni thís mirkpt and strict attentmn to the want? f rii!-t.ini('t , ïiiay entitle them ti, a liberal sha re o Patronage. NEW F ALL GOODS! I ara now rexeiving; my FALL STOCK, wliicb i laigoani well seïecUd aoJ tnarkid at m 3VE jiV. TLm Ij PIIOPITS ! I have as usual in great v.'iriety, Shawls & Cloaks, WfHTE GOODS, Grloves & Hosiery BALMORAL AX1 HOOP SKIRTS. aiulafuUSTO K ol1 all 8DfrlBffiËX84J OO3)S2 -AND- CHOICE OROSERIES. I)nyor taf CASH flr PliOHUrK will ahvays find most of the Stock lurgtly under CUEDIT 1'RICES. J. II. MAYNARD. Aaa Aibor, Oct. 18, 18C3 t.WM THE ALL SUFFICIErlT THKEF. THE GRKAT "AMERICAN ÈEMEDIKS," Ivnown s "IleliiibuWü" GEWUÍWE PHEPARAIIONS, VI Z: HEI MBOLB'S EXTRACT " BLTHÜ," IMPROVED liO.-K rt'AclJ. H KT.M l UI. 1'S GEN 1NE PPEPARATION, u ' CEïTiUTE'D FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHÜ, A Positivo nn.l Spocific Kemeily, For FHseaiO of tlie BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GKAVEL AND DkÖPÏICAL SWELLiXtiÖ. Tliis Medicine KoreaVos the power ,",f niepktlim -md excites theAHSORBKNT intn l.e.-Ul'y oti.-ii liv w'hu-1 row 7-ra . arm ws&Lvr.2 i:;,.';,.1,, ,;„':,' : " HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜGKU ron veakxks.-i:s Arising from Excedes, Hnbitiof Ksapdtion, Ettriy Jncireeretion, er At'use, ATTEXDED WITH THE FOLLOWI.NO SYMTOMS: Indlapojition toExertlou, Loatof p.iwer, of Memory, Djfflcultt of liieathing, We,k Nenes Trembling. Horror of D.saase, Wskefulnejn, Dimness ol Visioa. I'ain iu the liatk, Universal i.nBsituile of t lic Ptathini ofthe Hm-. Muscular tfvstem, Eruptioo i.n the Kace, Hot Hand, l'allid C.iuEti Dante. of the Ski. Tliee sympiciin, if süoived tti go on, which tuis medicine invariably iiïjovcs..sojii. folkw IMP0TENCY.F4.TUITY EFILEPTIC r!TS Ic one of wliich tlie patiënt my exphe. Who cnn miy tliiit theyaie aitfreuuently iülluwtd hy ttust) ''dlreful dise;t-f h," Insanity and Goasumption, Manv areaivare of ihe cau'e of tlu'ir suBtring, bul none .vill cnnldsa. Ti.e recaída of tUe ítihkqv Asylums int tn inolanchnly dsaths bv Coosumptioü, buur ampie witness to tli" M-uth i tlie assertic n. TUE COXSTITUTION', ONTE APKECTKD WIT11 ÜRGANIC ■VtlOAKM.-'i, Reqnires the aid of mertic'np to ptrnerl:frt "jri priK nitothesystem, which HELMI OLI''SLXTIIAC 7' BU' HO invariably Uuen. A tria' wjll cOLVibce tilo moft akeptical. Fcmales, Females, Femalee, OUJ OK VOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIFD, üü tON TEiU-LATIXU MA'UU.ÚÍi:, Tn many affectiona peculiar to I-Vmilea the Extract Buchu is unequilkrt uy ny ntl er remcdy, as iu Jht(,rosia or KeLtnlion, irieirulavHy, P.iiiifu nivn, ut upju-ession üf !hf Kvaciifili. ns L'lcerateil or -cliirroUK stats ot the L'ti'rus, Le.ic rrliea, "i Wbites, Sterihty, anti IVr all corajdaints incidt nt U. tlie sex. whethararUinj from ludiseit-tioo, llíiWtsof Disbipation,or iu the Decline or Chungo of Liio. SICE SYMPToMs ABOTH. NO FAMILY SHOUI.D BK WIl'EOÜT IT. Takono Balsam, Mercurv. ,.r l'npleaant Medicine for Unileasant utid iJangerous Diseases. UEÜIBOLD'S EXTUAET BLCUC Secret Diseases. In aM their stagen ; at little expcn.sp ; litlloor nu chango ; iu liiei ; no niconvenimce. AND HO EXPOSü:E. Tt caitss frequent de.-re. ifcpd jtívpk strfnpth tn UlilAte, thert'b-y rrábwinic hst;uctinns. p te v enting aod cuiinjStrictures ot' tlie Ure hra , aJ;i iiif pain n-l inBammatlon, ho frequent in his c h? ni dienñA.Hn ftxppIHnfi PISOXOUS, DÍSEASED AXD HOUX OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thmn-ands "A'HO HAVE BEKN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h .ve paid HEAVY FEE tiM cupedina short time, hare found t,hy wi-n'deceivfd.Hinl that tlie "Puisi n1' has, by the" use of ''Powerful Astríiagent' boen dried up in the system, to break uut ian aggra vated term, and FE IÍ II APS ilAKKItGi:. ÜSE tielmbold's Extract Buchu For all ACfectioní aud Pise.ises of Tlie XJrinary Oj-gaas Whethrr eisting in M.1T.E OU, trim wbatever cause originat ng, and DU tn&Utr OK 1HV I.OG STVMDING. Diseases of" these OrganR require the aid of a I hhktjc. ilelmbold's Extract Buebu IS THE GIÏEAT DIÜRETIC, Aod it ;s eprtain to have the denin d fffi'ct ín all I'i seatea, for whicb it is rsDumnie&diKt LOOD! BLOOD! BLOOÜ! Ilelmbold's Hilily Cnncenlruted Coiopound F'iuid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHIL1S. Tliis ts an affi'ct:on of the Hlnnd, nd nttackft tbe Sexuu Orgatif, Uo agn of the No, Kar, fbroat, Vinlpiyf , ina otber Muous ui lacew, makmii itn tip. le;i -Aii-rt in Vh Num ol L'lct-rft HtMmimktV Kt-:ct SMi-a[i;i rillfl the Hl mul , ;;n,-l rino e all "-ca ly Eruftions (t tlio Skin. givinpc t" the C'-mplexioD a Cleai and Health y Color. It bei dr prepared ftpreitiJj furthiRotana of complaints, its Blood-l'urifyin(r ln pertie are preiTved to n, irrcater exluut t..arj auy oLhor pieuarwtion ol Sftr&fiparflla, Helmbold's Rose Wash. Am excellent Lotion for Disoascí of n öy-pliilt:c Nature, and ;ts .-in Injectioa in l'iseas g of the Urfnary Urgan, arisintr frnin babtt .-f dissipHtirii, uKd in coiïnection with the KxtráCla Buchu and barsaiaiil!a. in e-uch ai■ea&ea as recinimcmled. tvidence ui' thf most responsih'e and reliablecbacacter wÜ accorapuiy the medicines. 6ERT1FICATBS OF CUfttE, From eight to twnhfy retrn ftindmg, with name-knowQto SClEycS A$D FAS E, For MedicaJ Projwtiestïf BUCHC, ice hfpensatory of tUe United Ölates. tíee I'roiessnr ftJETFJESS1 valüable works on tlie Pnctice of Pbyito to leinarU: made by the laie colebrated P-r PKYSICKj lWIa4lphia. Hi.ninaiks iiuidc by Dr. ETHRAIM MrDOWF.LL, a ceUibraied l'hysican, atid Mtuihcr ui Hn'ni t ollfjre of BuTgeona. ïfland , ivl puUli.--ripd in thu Tra aa:tions o) the K Inga ad QueeD'a JourruJ, ■i-p .i-difM-Ciriirgical Review, pttMislwd bv HSVjf MIN TRAVERS, FvlK.w of the ttoyal College uf fturfüona. tee most of the late Ptapdard Woiks on Medicina. KXTBAC'l' BtTHU, $1 M) I'Kn BuTTLtt, OK S1X FUK $5 00 ' SRSAPARin.A 1 l 0 ' " 5 00 Isivrovkd Jiotp: Wami. Í.0 " ' ü fio Or bftlí a (hiM'n of ench fir $12i"0, which wil] be Ruffieient to :ure tlie most obstinate pasee, i'dfreetk&fi htv attliered to Ilellvered to any addrees, seciirely inclicd frcaiobiervatioo . I3ê IVscribe pymptomj in all communication.',- Curguarunteed. Adviee gratis. A Ff IDA VIT. FíTson.iHy appearcd bef or( mean Alderman of t' f.' cilyt.f rhiladfIIrH UT. Hki mhoi p, w lio, being dulj Kworn. doth sü v, lii preparatiaoft cuta in no narent ie, nn mercury, or olhcr injurious drugs, bt re purvly vegetable. il t. rn lAiRor.n. Pwnrn and nubficrlbed befare me, th :''-) day oí Novembir. JfiH. WM I'. HIKRAKn Aldeininn. Xi'nTli-RtiTet. RbrrTf Iíjicc. l'liüa. Addres.s Letters for Informflt'on in cmifidenoe. IJ. T. HfiLMBOM, fhemiM Depot 1C4 South Tcuth Ktrect ,belnv CheMnwt, l'hila. BEWARE OF rOUVTEHFFJÏS f AND CKPRINCIPLED DEAI! RS. Tho endeavor io diFjiode OF THEJP ' WN " and '"otlir" articleeon the icpütutionattafned by IJclmhüld'ü Gen in bc Pre] arniinnfi, ■ ' " Kxtract Huchu, u t4 "' SarspMriIIit, i 11 " Improved RpseWaeb,. Pold by alT ÜnTírgHstH PVL-rywheip. , ASK FOR HELMBOLtVS-TJKE NO 0THER. k Cut out the advertisement. and mtíí for it 4ND 1 aro Bound for IGÜITERlfüCO'S! Dispute thc fact it' yon can, It tik"s ikeTAILüli tit'terall togive uppeaiance to the ontcr man. If yon wlh tn ajipcar well You must ici-.oKiingly Drcsí Well. Go to &j. Gtiiterman & Co's., Theru yon will fiíid things exaetly SO. S&NI)HElMuvii$a ready to ta be vniir mpHswre, GUITERMAN nrilü Bell you Goods vviih trieni plufimirt', Al ügiiwn LOWER than you will find in In; Stiito, 'J'íike lifcd - call EAiii.v, else vou are too LATE. The ixduckmkxts are uow gi'oater than ever, Our Clkrks yon will firid obliging aod cPtívec. We will show you ffmid CLOTHING ol oor utrn okttino up, Filling ur Stoiu l'rom Uotto.m to rop. STUDENT8 eípecially mft find i to THKIli ADVAKTAOK, For it tal-es hut LITTLE MOXEY to replunifh. 150D 0VERC3ATS.f Olotb, Beaver, :ili(l Beuf, Warruiited lor iluiost eyer to wear, i COATS ..f Cloih and Cassimoro of our (l II I.MI'Oin'ATiON, Forvxiüded through our New "i'orlí refutinnit. Proin l'njiliind, 13flgii:tii, Gcrmany and F'MllfO, N Siu-h iis 'ii cali stand up ix. or WJCAB, ii t the dttftre. Pants! Pant&I! Pantsü! Funcv CASSIMKRR3 and DOESKIN ol fVtiv f_'r:ide, We srll ibtfm íi.mhüXE DOLLAR up lo EIGUT. VEí'TS, &C, f cvcrv (it'scription, Vu will tind it su without tiulion, Purnidhinsf appakels From SHIRTS m UMBRELLAS. Thís is all we sav ncw, Thoiefjre ws make our bow. Yours t.riily. vor so, M GÜITIKM X. A Cn.. % MHHWRnRfniraBRffRPSü! ■' '"■.'■ - ü! ■ O. BIiISS Toul'Uak thÍR metLnd uf nforming tis oíd f rienda pnij patrona and alt othctai wlic wty myot Mu witU patronage, tl al he ba greatlj tmlargeU hla .stock and Aorfinent ! ani havinjr adoptad tbe CASI! SYSTEM BOTN IN lU'YlNC &SELUNG ia ,rc,!iriM to Mll UlIWÍB 1 nSflf,OUnblO IPrioCS, U Btlick cun.-l-.t6Hj par m cite lullowiog: -r-, . AMF.UI ANT AND OTHER &Tr % vw a t c h e s ! SI SRTHTHOMAS UMCRS! Pine Jewelry !'efís GOLD CÍFAINS, TAI3LE AND POCKET OlTTLíSUY ! RÍIGKRS I'l.vTHi W.-vCK, tlie bP8t in -narket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PA !! umi EXVKLOl'ES, Musical Instruments, String Se Bni'íi fr Inslrvmcnts, f Qold, Srtrcr, Stegt a-'ld PlaUfl,7cUh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a su pui inr nr ele IVi-snn hivinp: diffieuli watches tolitwitli glapses c:m w tcüomuiliited, as my Kttick s targe'unu uoaaplete, J". S. I'iirtifnlar atteotlon to tlie REPAIRING o' 11 kiri.u üf floe Watclics, sncli as Making and Setting now Jewels, 1'hi'mns Sftjfn, nnri Cilinder, A}o CLOOIÜS, Sc J-E-WELR? iii'iilly repalred and wai-auli'd, at bis ol.l stanrteast sideof Main Street. C BLISS. Ann l'n .Xov. C5, IWS gSCÍl Por 3Ju. Sllce, Muncllrg, Ant, B d Ollgs, JfolUs i-i Furs, IVoolviis, &c. Inmuta on l'IniiU, FihiIh, Anlilinls &c. " 'nlv iiirlli'U ri'uiL'diea known." ' Frt'e Ir 'ni pni'ons." " Not dng lOQBtü (be lliimfin Fíimily." '■ Kals ouma "ul oi I luir hül8 to e." Ï- Sold WliclcMiliin all large o t w. S Si.lil liv al. Driigrifist mil K-t iüíts everywhíre. -!!! mwiai: ! ! I ufall woi-thli'.-s mitatiom. #jr Sw thl ■■( ibliV" niimi' is . ti cacli Box Iiott't? and aak, hpFore v u íniv A.Mh.s HHXllV R COSTAR. BT Principal !Yp. t, X,. 488 Broadamy Xew Tork. ty!l! b all theWhuleüJin1 Uc-iail Drunuto, tmi Arbnr, Mich 0i5m: litesolntiou Nutice, TITR PfRV Oí" (TI UMN. WuOn k fo , ni Statohed JnnUHn 1 ., Igi.a. ly mutual coiiBent. C. A. Chapia ind A. B. W,.nd will Síttle tlii-atcouu'.s ol tliiflrin (' A. Chapi.v, a h OUD Aun Arbur, June 2í, lHh3. Copar .ntvsliip. TTE rViyERSIJXKD t,.rrt intn Prtnirhlp Jan. li.l-")!, by tlie lirm of Chapín íí Co.,and 'ill sombree tho husint'hs of mnnufucturing ininting md wrappiBK paper. C. A duw, N.Ciupin, Ana Alba, Jun 2i, lid gioif


Old News
Michigan Argus