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Tax Receipts

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fawiiship Treasurers will find üt the -iS office a new form of Tax Receipts just iRne(l on good paper. AU orders accomP" fd hy the casii promptly filled. rif Our hearty thauks are due to leniany subscribera who have so eheerlliy responded to our invitation to setje up arreajages and pay a year in ad, But few have shown a diposi. „ t0 coinplain of the course we have jeemeil nccessary to announce. We I ilendeuvür in tlio year now entered ' outo make the Argus worth the roo1 „e ask for it, and hope to ga in ns ány new Patrous os we slia11 lose old __Xo accommodate thoee of our new jii)SHibere wbo have been taking care rf tte ax-gatherer, we havo coneluded w exteod the time for paying up and in smet, at $1,50 a year, until the first ty ot February. Subscribera paying „dato and ditcontinuing will be cbarged jjui'2 as advertised. ry As we go to prees- Thursday Doon_it is snowing finely, and we almosl bcar the sieigh bella jingle. Let 'etn jingle. ry Report says that the old Frank,1 is tobo imraediutely torn down, and modern hotel and several fine stores reetod. Good. rf Nel. Colb haa removed his 5„e stock of Bor.ts and Shoes lo the Store nest door east of Slawson & Soii's, oi Huron street. In consequence nf reduced rents and expenses he prom■m to 8ell his gooda at 10 per cent lesa than heretotore. LY We get fcnother interesting letter from our foreign correspondent, F. W. B, tot late for insertiop to-day. Insillfiad a place in our next issue. gf The teachers of the MisHion Sabbath 'School provided a supper and Christmas tree for their scholnrs, on Wedueaday evening, in the basement of th M. E. Church. During the evening appropriate remarks were maiie by tbeRev. S. Uobnkuds, and by E.C. Whkkr, Esq-, of Detroit The linie olcj, nd older ones, too, seemed to enjoy the occasion. L3" üur irinies ire just now enjnying rest, and thero is üttle or no in dioation of the quitt being enrly distnrued. 3P,We invite llie attention of our readers lo the proepectus in anofher column of the New York World We nced liaidly fay tlint the World is an abl paper, aud that i's dinly iniition is itlwMj's np totKe times with tlie news, whie tn eekv has ne ii the most extended ind reliübla mnrket report tn hefoiind in any New Yoik journal. Politicidly the World nr.'y bo olassed au Democratie, not as " Wur Demoorat" nor ua :' Peaee Demoorat," but Democratie, for stundina; ly the Union, and as the Union can only be savsd hy putting down the rebel I ion, for putting dnwn the rebellion ; not with the adminia'.ration in favor of putting down ilnvery and letting the Union toko the conwqtienceH, but for saving or restoiing the Union and letting slv#ry take the ennsequenees. We commend the World lo onr friends wantiag a New York paper. L2 We eannot discover tliat any wganiied, active, conttniied eflort is being made to fill Üie quota of this city, and unless our citizens waku from tkeir lelliargy a large mimber wil I inevitubly bedrafted from our mirlst. Several towns of our county are pwing liirger ooanties than our city has offered, and, bwides, have their comtuitteea persis'ently at work , enüsting (ransient or unenrolled raen wberever tiiey can find 'liera, and seein that their own citizen? te nat enlisted ad creditecl elíewhere "Aon Arbor would escapo the draft. Wion niustbe inmediato. By an net "fCoogrui-s passed at the present es tlon, and approvcd by the President thularge Imuntios now offjred to voluotëers will not bo paid ifter the 5th 'nat., and tbo re?ult will be a fitoppnge ofviJunteering, at least to n great ex ten'. Thia law has been enaeted at an ""Múñate time, and the bloek i tlirows in the wuy of enlisting our quo must ba removed by local effnrt. "ill not our citizens, at least all o Niemliabie to bedraftad- and we take " the two classes will be uniled - hike "me action imtnediately that will reflec credH on our city ? IS" Mr. A. J. Sdtiikrland ha Pfrchased the Presbyterian church P'npeFty, and the steeplo is already be aK taken down preparatory to remov 1Bg the building to Washington street Bj the way vrhat is to be den ''h the city-clock that has so long ""ied the tinto for our oitna wit


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Michigan Argus