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Application For Exemption From The Next Draft

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Thero aro only certain claims of exemptiou which will bc heard pre vioua to the draft, viz : lst, alienage: 2d, non residence ; d, unsuitableness of ago; 4th, manifest permanent physical disability ; 5th, persons now in tüo military service" of the United States, or who havo been discharged since Mareli 6,1863, The following statement will show what cases are being now heard and what are laid over until afler the persons are drafted : " Only Support" -c. - These cases are not heard uow, and can not be until the party is actually drafted. It ifíII be well for those interested to remember that &mother (in the eyes of the law) is not a step-mother, mother-in-law, or a grand-mother. "EUction of Parenis." - Where two or more persons are subject to draft ; the f'ather or widewed mother may elect vhich one shall be exeníptod. Thia ïlaim must be put iu befare ihe draft, and tvill not avail after a draft is made. If jne or more is enrollcd in some otber áistriet, a certifícate of the Board of Eurollraent to that effect should accompany the paper. Those exeropted froru thu last di aft for this cause need not file uew papers dow ; their names will not go into the wheel in January. " Two Brothers m Service." - These cases will be heard after the draft is made, and the appheations should state the name of èaöh brother, and the ootnpany, nud reaiment he is in, as they must be sent to Washington city for examination by the War Department. Unless the brothers are " oí the Bame family and household," this will uot exempt. - Commissioned officers do not count iu this case " Conviclion of Felonif exempts ; after the party is draft cd. Tiie application should be accompanied by a eopy of the record j and the oaths of two citizens identifying the drafted man as the person so convicted. A subsequent pardon does not relieve the party of' the disgrace of not beiug allowed to serve bis country m the fluid, "In Service March 3, 1863."- AU these are exempted and placed -in the thirc class on produciug their discharges; an( showing they are the persons eurolled. - This should ba done before the draft, o may be done afcerward. "Aliena,", - These should apply now but if drafted, their claim, if well fouad edv will exempt thora. If already ex em'pted for alienage, they need not apply agaiu. Those exempted for this caus {vo'M t!i3 July draft, need not renew thei applications. '' Over Forty-jivo and unüer Twenly of Age.'' - These may apply now. In all oases, the age on thefirst of Juhj last determines whether they are or are not Hable. A man who was not twenty until J uly 2 is uot Hable to draft ; a man who bocame over forty-five on the 2d of July ia. Where a famiiy record, certifícate of hirth or baptism, "wanderbuch' or other record can bo produeed, it saves time and troublo to briug it, as it is the best evidenco cf age. Those exempted on account of age at last draft need not renew their applieations. "Ocer 'Ihirly-ftve and Marnedr - The same rule applies as in previous paragraph. Those who were " over thirtyfive and raarried " on thu lst of July are exempt - not those who have married since, or tüuce become over thirty üve years of age Thoss already exempted for this causa are ncw in the second class, and ueed uot apply again, as they will not be afiectod by this draft. - This refera to those who cid not reside in the district at the time of the last enrollment, or on the lst of July last. They should apply now to bo strickea ofl, and bring evidence, (a certifícate of the proper Board) that they are enrolled at their proper residoDces. Those alrcady exempted for this cause need uot renew their applicatious. "Nbiv in Service.'' - The friends or relatives of this class of persons may have their naraes strickea ofï by filing proper evidence of the facts, "Physical Disability."- Those already exouipted for physical disabtliU, need no; apply. Othcr enrolled persons may be exaniined where the disability is man ifest aud permaneut. Men sufl'eriog irom olipepsy, lung, liyer or heart disease, or other affections of the kind, neëd not apply until drafted. Persous who were, therefore, drafted aud put in substitutos, paid comiimtatioD, were exempted by reas n of pliysi cal disability, &c, ueed ot give themselves auy concern about the CQnaing draft, their nanica being ou,t of the wheel. lt is hardly probable that any person liaviug valid claims for exoniption will be refused to bo heard, either before or after tho dnift; still, it is a tafer plan to apply bufore the 20th, if the claim ia aue that so requires. -T Frencb trauslator of Coop er's "Spy," in which it will bo remem bered the residence of the Wharton fam i'y is called ''The Locusta,'1 foutid this Jeria rendered in his dictionary " Les Lenterelles," - " The Grasshoppers." - But iu one place one of the dragoous is represeuted as t ving his hórse to oue o tho locusts on the lawn. The translatoi takiiig it for gnuited that Auneri'cai grasshoppers must be of giga&tifl dimen Lions, gravely informs his readers tha tjiü dragoou fasteucd the bridle of hig charger to a huge grassliopper stauding before tho door for that ptfrpose. KW' A weak luind does not acenmulato forcé eqpugh to hortjtsptf jstupiditv ofteu savos a ïniiD frorn going macj. l3 Talking shapea our thouphts for uk; tbc waves .of convertatiorj oil thcin j as ibe Burf rolls the pebbks uu tbo


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