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C=COUNTY BIBLB SOCIETY. WOSrroKT of Bibles mJ Testanwnts at the 9t D ciety vm t W.CYoorheis'. - j; C. WATTS & BR O. rEALER in Clocks, Watches, J.-vrelry and Silver D ■ ' Bluck' A" Arbr' C. BLISST" tMTALER in Cloc-ks, WntehM, Jewelry and Silver JJ Vare No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbur. _ a hTmïlïbn. nEUÜR in Dry Goods, Grocerics, Crockery, &c. Sec. jj Min Street; Ann Ai hor. "phTlipbach. tEU.ERS in Dry floods. Oroceries, Boots & Sboes, l) 'iic.Main st., Ann Arbor. Ö7COLLIER. MUiCFACTCRER and dualer in Boots and Shoes, ono 'door north of the Pont Office. N. B. COÍE. DEALER in Boot & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Block, Mail. Street, Ann Arbor. ' WSDÖN & BENDE lid 0 N. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware, &c , fce., New Blocfe Main st. " GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICUNand Surgeon. Residence and office on Detroit street, ni'ar the i'epot. ' O. C. SPAFFORD, MANUFACTUHKR of n'.l kipds o{ Coooper Work, Citv Coopcr Shop. Custom work done on sliort Botice. Detroit Street, Aun Altor. J aTÍUTHERIíAJíP, AGENT for the Xew York Life Insurance Company, Offlee on Huron street. Also has on hand a_ stock íí the most 1 sering machines. 885tf ' -OEOEGB FISCHER. MEAT MABKET- Huron Street- Oeaeral dealer in Fresh and Sak Meats, Beef, Muttcu. Pk, liaros. Poultry, lird, Tallo w, Vc. , kc. SUHOFF & MILLEK. TlEALERS in Miscellaneous, School and Blauk Books. 1 Stationerv. Paper Hangiogs,&c. , MainsL, Franklin Woei HÍEAM J. BEAKES JTTORNEY anü Counsellor at Law. and Solicitorin A Obancery. Office in City Hall BjucU, over Wubster's iook Store. WM. LEWITÏ, M. D. ■nHVSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his residence, X north side of Huron street. and second house west of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealera and Manufacturera of Rwly-UaiU Clóthiag. Importera "f Clothn, Cas Siineres, Doeakins, &c, No. 5, Phcenix Block, Vïain st. Wil. WAGNER, DEALER in Ready Mide Clothing, Cloths, Cnasirneres, ana Vestiugs. Hat?, Caps, Tcunks, Carpet Bags, &c, Pbsnix Block, Main street. SLAWSÖN & SON. 1ÍOCERS, Provisión and Commission Merchants, and II Dwüersia Water I.imc, Land Piaster, aml P'aster oí Paris, ooedoor east of Coak's ilolel. J. M. SCOTT. AÏBROTYPK nnrl Phatograph Artial , in the rooms over Ciunpion's Clothing store, Photmix Block. Perit satiafaïtion given . C. B. PÖRTER. ÍBIMEON DEN riST. Office Corner of Main and Huron iJürtjeis, over Bach & Pierson'e Store. AU calis inmptly attendJ to AprlSS'J 0. B. THOMPSON. DEALER in Dry Goorls anti Grucfrii's, Boots and Shoes, ka. l'ro'Iuce bouht and sold, at the old staml of Thorans-in ft Millen, Corner Main and Washington sts. MAOK SCHMIP. DEALERS in l'oreiïn and Domestic Dry Good, Groceriw, HatB and Caps, Bqots and Shoes, Crockery, 't-, Corner of Main 4 Liberty sts. Q, A, &ELLET, pHOTOfiRAPÍÍEK- Co%er Fourth & Huron streets, A'üii Avlj'ir. Cases frames ;ui'l Fhotograph Albums cunstantly on h,anii; aod at Ipwer rates than can be fywi UewÜere. lyböl ANDREW BELL. DE4LF.R in Groceries, Provisions. Klour, Produces, kc., &c,, corner Main and V;ihintou Streets, Ma Arbor. The highest rnarkpt prices paid lor country )W'luoe. 866 I. O. O. F. .WASHTENAW Lodge. No. 9, of th" Independent Or" ierof Old Fellows meet at tlieir Lodge Room, „"vFriday Evening,at7K o'clock. S. Soïmkim, N. (. P. B. Rose, Secy KÏNGSLËY & MORGAN. AWORNBTS, Counsellors, Solicltorn, and otaries ■ Public, liave liooks and Plats showing titles ot all Jndflin tho Oounty, an'l attend to conveyancipg and löllecting ftmands,and to paying taxes and school inrMt tn nj 'part of tt e sta ie. Office east of the park. D. DeFOREST. WHOLEsALE and ratail dealer In Lutnber, lAth, ' 8hinelo, Sh, Dnurs.Blinds,. Water Limo, Grand "jr Piaster, Piaster Pacis, and Mails ofallsizes A 'UU and perfect a ssortment of the above, and ai! other I rf building materials constantly on hand at tlie WístpoíniMe ratos. on Dutroitst.,a few rodsfrornthe ,ttn.roiJ Depot. Also opecating extensively in the ■tent Cement Roofing. HOWARD ASSOCIATIOii, piiilaiii:lpiua,pa. Tlnscorthe Nervoua, Scm)rol, UrnarjJ' ttld Scxuail Systenit - new and reliabie treat7n 'i R.!port of the HOWARD ASSOCIATIOX- j'"'"J mail iniealed letter etivelopes. free of charge. , !re"'.Dr.J. SKÏI.UX HOUOHTO.V, Howard Ausocia Í Suuflj Vi,.-h S'ntt, rhi'a , r. IByl


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