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FURNITURE ROOMS Ou door N'orth ofBindon and iJendwscn', „ mbo undewigncd having pnrchased the nf,n ., X of W. D. Bmlth & Co., and added lanjely ," [' I prepared to fnrnteh hi fnendí and patrón """i assortment of wel] made fumiture, coDsistingf IMi LOFAS, BUREAUS, 8ED$TEAö$ BOOK-CASES[ TABLES and CHAIRS, LOUNGES. MATRA8SE8, ie, ie, made to order bj good and experiecced ., men, and arran.ed to give Mtlrfactlon H, 1 keeps a good assortuient of a„i Walnutu.í for sale at reasonabto prices. And wil] "m ! ooasLmmtT!prict!for Chr"' Wal-'. 'Í P. S. He has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEAESE! of Smith it Co., and is prepared to furnish all kimu Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, A-]N"X CASKETS, On the shortest notice. AUo attpnrls to larlt. ,,. dtceasfd persons day and night, without charee Z furniture delivered n the dty free ol charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Artmr, Jaulry 18;h, 18Ö3. 94otf MICHIGAN CEÑtRaTIaILÍ Panseogertrainsnow leaïe Detroit. Chicago indlli everalütationEin folíows : ' GOING WEST. Leaye Day Ex. fiext. Ac. Eve. Ex. Nightft letroit. 10 00 a.m. 4.ñüp. m. 6 3ur m lOtOn Ypsilanti, 11JB0 " 6.10 " 7.40 " 1130" Ann Arbor, 11.J0 " 6.35 ' 8 00 " 11 j 1 )exter, 12 05 f. m. 7.10 " " . Che',a, 18.25 " ' s.pj cc __ j Ar. Chicago 10.80 " ' 6.00 ' 10 30 i ( GOING EAST, I.eaüe. Eve. E.t. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Daili Cbicago, 5.40 P.M. 10.00 P. M 6.30 i' .helaea, t A. m. 7.40 i. a. 4.00 M Dextet, 615 " 80 " 4 20" AnnArhor, 4.0 i. M. C.45 " 8 25 " 4 45 Ypsilauti, 4.40 " 7.10 ' 8 45 " 5 05" Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 "10 00 " 6.30 " Xb Express each way is the Mail Train. Ve,ini do not stop at stations wherefiLuresareomictodinti..' tsble. Trainsconneet at Detroit with theGreat Westerniii Grand Truiik Raüwajs of Canada, and the Detroit Toledo, and Detroit nd Milwauktc Kailroads ui Cleveland Meamers. At tht Compary's Ticket Office at Detroit, Chii JoUft and I.!il..;-i-ttc-, tbrougb tickets can be purckuii tcjall the principal cities and towas in the l'mtedStits and CawHcjH.s. LUXURÍOUS SI.EKPING CARS upoa all ight tnhn Rnttan's celeW-ati-u Vntilatinfr Apnaratus uponiü Ètaj trains--tle best dost prevcjitative iu use. P, N. RJCE.Geueral Superintendent, TJ.S.5-20'S THE SKCRETARY OF THE TRF.ASURY has nol t gire nolice o' any intention to withilrair this papal Loan frora Sale at Par, and until ten days notittï arhreja, he "GENERAL gBSCBlPH AGENT," frfil continue to supply tfee public. The wh,ole asaount of toe Loan authorizïd TM Hundred MiIüods of Dollar. NEARLY FOUR ft DRED M1LI.IONS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SFKCBÍÍB FOR .MÍD PAU) INTO THE TREASURY, mostly uill" tKo ljt seven monfhs. Tli,e large demaod froüiakn and ílierapidly increasinj homo demand for use as 'i' büLih foioirculation by National Hanking Associiti noirorgnaizing in U .arts of the couL,ry, will, il' very sln.rt period, abnoib the oalaces. Sale tai lat;l y ranged from ten to fifteen imllinns efilji, I" quently exceeding three millions daily, and asilUli known ihat the Secretary of the T.-eaaury hs ï1 aud nr.failing resources in the Duties on Import! IH Internal Reveuues,and in the issue of the interest bw ing Legal Tender Treasury Notea, it is airoost a certa ty that he willnot find it necessary for a long tta'k coroe, to seek a nmrket forany other long or permiof8 Loans, THK INTEREST AND PRIKCITAI. OF WHlil ARE PAYA BLE IN üOLD. Prudence and selfinterest must force themia10' those cunteinplaticg the forraation of National Bsnltë Associations, aswellas the minds of all whohsu money on their, to the prompt conclusión thü they should lose no timp in subscribing to this popular Lnan. It will soon be bcyond iheir reacb, n1 idvance lo a Landsome premium, as was the resulté the "Seven Thirty"Lnan, when it was all ooU ■' :ould no longer be subscribed for at Dar. It Is a Six per Cent '-'", the Interelt Principal payable lu Colli, thus yielding Nine per cent per aiinum at the present raíefl of P mium on coin. ïhe Government requires all duties on importí t pid in Cuin ; these duties have for a loug time Pll! amcunted to ovir a Quarter of a Million of Dollars it' a sura nearly three times greater than that requir the payment of the interest on all the 5-20's nd tlM pei manent Loans. So that it is boped tbat the i"fl Coin in tlie Treasury, at 110 distan dar, will eníblí"1 Uöited States to resume specm payments upun ïï' bilitii-s. ' The Loan is ca.lled 5 2 ' fr.oni the fact that ïhilit Bonds may run for 20 years jet the Governai 1" right to pay them, olTin Qold at par, at any tin9 5 years . The Interest Is paid halr-yenrly, vii: i' first day of November ans May. Subscnbers can havo Coupon Bonds, wbich arepï ahle to barer, and are $50. S100, $500. and $1"" i '' Reislered Bonds of s:ime denominations, aDd in s tion, $5,000 and $10,000. lor Banking purpof" " for investments of Trust moneys the Fegisterfd B n are preferable. These 6 20's cannot be taxed by States, oiliCSi'0'! or eounties,and the Government tax on them is one and. a half per cent, on the amount of ipcomc the incomecf the hplder exceeds Six Hundred do t per aunum ; all other investments, such as iDc0 3 from Mortjagss.Railroad Stock and Bonds, ete-i"" pay from three to five per cent tax on the income. Banks and Bankers throughoui the the CoudW J continue to dispose of the B, ; and all wB ' mail, or promptly att nded to. , The lnconvenience of a few days' detay i"1, . of the Bonda is unavoidivble, the .iemand M'l great ; but as interest comineuces from the aay scriptioD, no loss is ocensioned, and every eiïot 1 ,„.... EWdt ta diwioisii ttm Ay cppKB. SUBSCBITlON AGE1' 114 SOUTH THIRD STREKT, PHII.DELI' P ladeiphiii, November 25, 1863. Jlyer's Sarsaparilla


Old News
Michigan Argus