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Buffaïo Testimony. mr. fJJUV Cu ! PEOPLJE'S KJ U IV Jü Hbeuuiatism. "I was troubled ffith Rlieum tisin Cor two vearfl, f Bufterlng moreor lesa every dar, I hare taken two - bottles of the'teoiJies Cure,' aiid have not had any rain pinríe I left it off moro flinn fonr 'wet-ka so. I c.naider my.seli s entirely cured, aud the medicino Ims raadc oe fr cl ver y light rrd gcod- juat líke a young man though I sn s!ty two yc-ars old. GODiTfïEY SCHEFFEL. 402 Miahigan at." ((JVIy wifoban tx-en suff. rfriL fr m ftucuniatlsm of an infUaiuiatory eb ara eter for buutsix or aeren years sümt'iimes very auutely. About the first of June last she ccmmenced telling the 'Peoply'a Cure,' and ■ tinued to take lt somw three weeks. In ten ÖTl after ehe commenced, the swellingand Ftifi'nesf; of her joints very mterlally Ldiaendá, and ia three week had dtsappeared filtogether. "THOMAS POLLOCK, (at W. H Glennr's ) "Bufialo, October 1, 1862," THT-: PTT DI? Curra PEOPLE'S UU ïlli Ferer Sores. "Two ofour one of tLem afüicte'd wiÜi a bad Ft ver Bore. th other withRheumaUsin- haviug seen the advertisement of the 'Peoplá'a Curo' in this paper. purchb8&3 th ücdicine , and now, after having thor ougbly ;ried it, report to ua,commend!ng lt most beartily as & thorougb remedy In their case. - Edltors Christiftii Advocate. THE PTTT I? Cures DJ-Rs PEOFLE'S J U .V ïli of the Skin. "lly face has for OdOCQ tlicn ten years beengreat-' ly disftured by truptiona find bunches, whlch at times ex.tendd over roy ".vhoieboijrja.nd once for ttree days ni -;, me entireíy blind ; but aaVïng aken two botxlea cf :he 'People's Cure,' iny atuaintances hadly recOg&tn me- Indeed I harcljy kaow au I am now vvell man. Let all wbo are alüê afflicted try the 'People's ('ure, - the Medicitie prepare by the Panitary Society- aad I tbink tbey will notberudge thoir dol br, j0aEPH SÖUR, Turner, Mechanic St (;Büfifa:u, Kov. 15, 1362' TUS PTTDT? Cures Sirofula & PEftPIJPfl VU iSrj HaltP.hvra. 'I have usd tbe 'People'fl Cuie' in iny fjtraify wlth great benefit, n ca -es of Suoiula anü Balt Rhettcuañd have i ecommended It frequently to my f 'ieriris , Ml of wbom I believo have been benettted, and most oi'them entiix-ïy oured L-1 it, CH S. SCHAEFP, 27S Main St., up-ntair." THE ri ITT) Y? Cures Fwaale PEO1 LE'S KjXJ ÏX2j Weaknesses. "I have been in feebie health eyer siuce the birth of my boy, who is now tv-eWe ycara old. I have had many troubies and difíicuKiVs. al! thU time, unfltting me i'or every kind of labor, and destroying all my coin fort, Last suramcr I comuifsnced taking the 'Peoijle's Curs,' and have used four tottles, and am now ftlmoet a well woman. My diffleulties &av nearly all disap peared, and I fetl cheerlul and happy. "MRS. CATHARIXE DEWALD, Pressm3ker, Goodeil Aliev, aboveTupper ut. "öuifalo, Oct. 0, 1S62." TIÏE PT1ÜT? Cures when otber PEOPI.K'S V U rilli medicines fail "líy wife lias been in poor health for a long time having freq.ucntly to calla phvsician to attend Ltr; but 3he waB recent ly vtry much worse. For üve nr six weeka she had ño appeiiíe, lost all her sirength, and waseach daygo7ing worse, She had night sweats, coughed a great deal during ench niht ani considerabiy during the day , and we all iupposed she was going b ihp censumptionj whea a irientí adviseü her to take the Peoplèa's Cure. On takiug the aiedicine she perceived a changa t"t epee. On the ihird day she hsd recoveied her appetite, and was fkiit regatninj? her strength, until, on t!ie c-igiitii day, nut yet having taken Oiie bottle, she has Stcpped takiijg the medicine saying she was as weil as anyfcody coul'J be, and sbe bas continued so ever since. (tPAüL KLEIN, Gardner, 2 Pearl st. "BuLfaïot October 1,1802." 3& ?oz ?ale by all Druggiat. 822y1 . C. CHOSBY, (ien?ral Agent, Ko. 255 Main st., Bufl'alo, N. Y-, to whoyQ all orders should be addressed. For .Ssle by Stebbiss & Wílsox, Grunyillt: & Fclieb. and C. KsT.jitACa &z Co. WONDERFÏÏL SUCCE8S. 5T The attention and reaesrch of the moat dii tinguif,lj6d Chemists and Pbysicians for years have beendevoted totbe productlon of a remedy for thoae moátdTstrosfling maladieí Neuralgia and KhbcjtatiSm After long stüdy and many experimenta, & spectfic prcparatioit. has been discovered. WATSQN'SNettiftlgHi Kingt&n Inttrnal JReme&y , curing thousaids of case whereall otber'renaedlei have utterly falled. We are assured thatit is no mere ' ANGOYNE," reheving for the moment whiletho cause re.nains, bui is ii perfeci SPECIFICand CURE for those painful diaeases. The vast nummer of Liniuients, Emhrocaiioi and Externl Medicines, whicb act as stiuiulants of the suríáce only, are nierely tempor;M y in their effecta and of doubtiul virtue ' The XKUKÁLGIA KING reachea tüe aoajöpa of all trouble, and effect ually baniahes the disease from 'theay&tem. price - One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER. 1922 BuuuiOjN.Y-, ana Fort Erie, C.W. For Sale by STEBBixa &. Wïlson, Ghexville k Fcllee, and C . KüEBBACH & Co. ARE Y0U INSURED ? 1F NOT CALL ON O. DS!. üLXXjiX331Nr, Agent for the fuliovfing first clan Companies, Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over One and a Half Million? Dolfars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE CO, Of New Vuikj Capital over One Milüon of Dollars In this Company the In.surccl pai-licipate in the profi'.a. CITST nB,E IISTS.;, CO-, of hertford. Capital ovrt Tbree Hundied Thousand Dollars. f II. MILI.EM. 9S5U Main Street Aun Arbor. Tobacco ! Tobacco l i a:-,i sei' GOQU FIN] (DUT CHEWING TOBACCO At from Fijt;) cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 t cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Artior, ï.üch., D-. 17, 1ío2. 8S3f JJissointïon Wotire. mHEFIRM OF'CII.U'ITI, Wt'OI) ft CO., ni dls'nlrcfi XjflnanrT lö, 18Ö3, by mutual ronsent. C A.Chpin and A. B. Wnod will nottle liieaccount of ie ili-vn. ' C A. Cfunx, A. B. Woon, V Ceapin-, E. 'ff;ilt. Aon Arbor.Juoe 24, ltó Copaï'iHërsliip. fipTK ÜNTiERJGEr) enterei into p&rtDerphip Jüh. I 16, 1S3, by the ör,a name of Chapín & Co.,s4 ■i-ill cooüime'iSe baslüess of n:a3uf3aturiBg pSéitfl i-ci n; C Í Ceiy, ' K Coin--, Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTORY IS CURSI Wlrlcïi tas b(jpn raglug for the past foor wecknát MAGK & $CHMID'S STORE 3as prored a grand suecesa, elthougb the slaugbtrt f DHY GOOD8 Fïas been terrible. Wo uow mako the announcement that we shall continue "for Mauy ïeara" to ma'. o tvar with l.Igh prïce;J, beiug determine to glvn Iba hundreds who dMIy ïiirong oaf tore, tvdi ihue kir tLt-ir mouej, Luüies etui ünú yrith m U fle.TjJtbl &&dsft a ml at j' lea of DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TRIMMÍKG8, EMBRO1DER1ES, WHITE GOODS, IIOSIERY, GLOVE8, &c, Witij a turf largo ouj ttractire atoe, cf CLOAKS AND SHAWLS belqw thoir Valuo We bui it said every da j tbAt w ) ftre nUnlng th ItMtnMI In tijl cJtjr f seiliaï so cLsnp but w eancot tialg It, ■' ' The Goods Mst toe Sold. 1000 Now Stjleaad best (juallty KOyP PKIRT3 ietf cheap, and for the üeutlei'-h we bave ffrt Jarg asPrenoh ïwilled Cioih. Beayer Overooatings, Dosskina, Faucy Casaím res, Vetings, ác, Of al! descrlpttons, and can íurniíb a whole uit c short noticemucb cheaper tlian ir can be Ucuglit plee where. Au oxaminati.Jn of thia braccli ei oui bul. nes wülconviiice all thatihis i the place tobuf iktlt Pants, Coals acd Ves'. We have aio a ccflïplat stock of Ladies aid (.'hiiilrens' Slioert, HATS AND CAPS, And in fscleverything that man or woman an desïi tti mar ou head orioot, Gro&eriea, Crockery: Glassware &c , At astunlsüing low prices, and In short our otlf# stoik must Ehiuethe Samo late for we ure deiermli.oj to Bell. n'i ai:ittor what old croakers m sn . Aliare nvit?d to lnp80t our stock as'it la uo troable to sho-i cur gbjds, móir are bound to mtet the dmands of all." 93'2tf MACK ; SCHMID. MTTEKTION1 A. $c C. LOEB, Are happy to announcr to the;r numerous fricnd nd patrón, tual ïUey have lately received a lrgt ad3itit. to thelí formar he.vj otockof Beady-Madp Olothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS1 WEAR! 7e Lary aiso oa hund & L AH(E L113 "Wel Sglected STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods HATS, TRUNKS, VALISES&c, &c, And we vould respecttuüv íolicit you to cali and examine our Goods. before purcliuiug elsewberu, aa wt are coníideut tLat we can sil jou 'ioodi pfiKAPER THaX THK CI1KAFBST AT THE CJevplantl piolhing House. A. & O LOEB. Ann Arbor. II jron Street, opposifo Park, few doori Weslof C'iiuka' Uúl'el. ' "! ' O2':ia'J P. BACH lías reoeivíd A. LARGE STOCK -or- F ALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCLUDINQ X.ATEST STYLES -üiSliawls, Dress Goods, and everytliing for Ladies & Gents Wear, o GOLXG FÁST FOR CASH! Cali íiiid See ! Anu Albor, Oct. 18C3. Family Vyv Colprs IIK)R Pyeino: Silk, Woelen 'anï Bft#d Gonris, Shw'sl 1 tícarfa,' ItrexsèK, Kibbns, OioveM, Bonnets, Htn, Fcather Kia Gloves', ChH-lrea 'a E■:■ n, and all ; kiud-s of Wcaring Apj-ar! ' : CS-A SAAiVU OP SU PER riBOUNpl Fur 35 cents yuu can color au man pot-us a,1 wfa,lk. ; otfaerw isf cost five times tbt BUWt, V'arïona shadiM eau beprad'icorl f fim Die prae Dj. 'Th proOii& is fiimple, aod any oue can use the Tve witjt perfect &uc- ! CQsfl. ! Diri'ctifns in EngHsh, nv. ! O'r.-.aD, of For furtbpr infortarition p Pypinjrevi vb ing1 a prfe ■" I VnrwteÖ2 whiit. oolora kt-c nst adapted to dj over otbftpj Cw' 'P110 iteipes.) purchape ! TTrjivo & Stephent' Tn !';" "-'i ■';■: wod Co lor ing - Stni ■ ■ -oit orpi-íoe- Hycí-titíi. ! Manufacturcd Uy ' llCTt?. k FTKVfiKP, ■■ 260Tïrnniï-ay, Boston. . -. .'■■- r .■ ; :.i s niTl Dealers rentrally. 9 fimd IXsspHitïon. "piïEFÏÏtM ff Rl(kriiáday dissolved bj l ' mutual opsfint All notes and accounts due tb Örra,aro to t -gettled by)aoJ païd to L, R. Slaweon a per agreemeát. ï. R. SLawSON', ■ J. R. GEER. an Arbor, Tec, CS 155. IVotïie. rpjíE GfOCKRY )nd provinion trapiiieBe tpü! lx enoJ" ouod ït lbo olö utand by blawson & bon, he


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