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==COüÑtY BIBLB SOCIETY. TMTOSITORYof Bibles and Téstameos at the So Dcietv pnce, at -VVoorhe - Tc7WATTS BROr FALFR i.' Clncks, Watches, J=welry and SUrtl 0 ffare X. K, Nev Block, Ann Arboi ■ cbííIss, EAI.ER n Olocks, V7atchs, Jewelry aad Sllver J) We No . aVNewBlqok, Ana Arbor. rvEALER in Dry (Joods, Croceries, Crockery, &p. &. ]J ifrinStreet, Arm Albor. PHILIP BACII. TiFALERSin Dry Goods, Grocerie Boots & Shoes, ) jtcMainst., Ann Arbor. ; " O. COLLIER," MANCFACTURER anl dealer in Boots and Shoes, one 'door north of the Post Office. N. B. COLÉ. DEALER inBoot3 & Shoes, Rubbers, cc. Frankün Block, Maiu Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENPERáOÑT" DEALERS in Hardware', Stoves, house furnishing goods, Tin Ware, fas., &c, New Blocfc, llamst. GEO FRAY, U. P. PHYSICRN and Snrgeon. Residence and office on Detroit street, near tho i'epot. O. C. SPAFFORD. SyTAXCFACTURER of all kinds of Coooper Work , (Vi CitT Coopor tíhop. Custom work done on short Cotice. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. aTj. 8UTHÍERLAÑD, AGf.NT for tf Tew York Life Insurance Ccmpany, Office on Hi'iron stfeet. Also has on hand a_ stook cf the most approve i sewing machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. TlTEAT MAUKET- Harón Street- General dealer in lVi Kresh and Sak Meats, Beef, Mutton, l'ork, Hanis, Poultry, Iard.Tallnw, &c, &c. SUHOF? & MILLER, ■nEALERS 'n Jliscellaneous, School and Blank Eoo'ks. i) slntiooery.Piiper Hangings,&c. Main sí. , Tranklin Block ■" HIRAM J. BEAKES ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law. .,nd golicitorip Chaneery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webstsr's pook Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. T)HYSICUN and Surgeon. Office at his resi 1 orth side of Hurón street. and second houss west of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. nniOI.ESAt.F. and Retail Dfalers and Manufacturen II óf Heady Mail? Clothing. Importers of t'loths. Caslimere.ijDoeskiDs, &c, X'i. 5, Phcenix Block, Main at. WM. WAGNER. TvEALER in laA Made Clothing, Cloths, CassimeroB, i) and Vestings, Hntf, Caps, Trunks, Carpel Bags, &2.. Fbaníx Block, Main strekt. "SL4WS0N & SON. (IROCKRS, Provisión and Commission Merchant, and U Üculcrsin Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster of Paris, one door east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SOOTT, iMBROTYPE and Phítos?raph Artisi , in the rooms U orr Campion's Clothing store, Plifpnix Block. PerÍjtctHatisractiongiven. C. B. PORTER. OUUGEON DENTIST. OfficeCorner "f Ntain apl liuron 0 straets, over Bacil & Pierson's tore. All call.s P'Mnptlj attended to Aprl859 C. B. THOxMPSON. TjEALERin Dry fíoofls and Grocori-, Boots andïihoes, ■-' kc! Product? bougttt anri sold, at Ihe o ld stand 0? .rhompson & Millen, Copníiv Main and Washington sts. MAClT&" SCHMÏD. DEALERS in Foreign aad Domestic Dry Good, Grocerie, Hnts and Cffps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, .■Cfirijpr ;f iíain h Liberty sts. ö7a. kelle?, PnOTOGRAPHEK- Coj-ner Fourth k Huron streets, . Aan Arbor. Cases frames and Photograph Alluims ttantly on hand, and at' loiveï rafes thjiu can be fond elsewhere. Iy891 ANDRPVV BELL. DEALER in Groc.eries, Provisíons. Flour, Produces, L-'., c, corut-r Main and Washington Streets, Aio Arbor. The highest market prices paid tor country produce. 8ü6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW Lodge, Ko. 9, of tho Independent OrMr i)[' 01 1 Fellows meet at thcir Ludge Room, ivr.v Triday Evening, at7Já o' . SóroHtm, N. O. P. B. Rose, Secy "KIÑGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTORNEVS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and NotarieR iv Public, have Books and Plats showing titles of all ■W'W n the 'i'iunt v, :uiu attond to conveyancipg and íollectÍQgdemands,and to paying taxeg aqd school inierestiaany part of the state, üflice cast of tlio park. l)7DF.F0REgT. WHOLE'ALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, " Shmgles.Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lilj;eGrand I1"" Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes A ''}" and perfect assortment of the above , a nd al' other tnaH of buil-linir materials constantly on hand at the "■" Psibl ratew, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfrom the w'lrovi Depot. Also operating exteoeiyely in the iteot Cement Roofing. IIOWARD ASSOCIAflOÍ, PÜILADELPHTAjPA. Tlsennesorhc Nervous, Seminal, íírünary 1 SexonX Systenjis- new and reliabfe trea'tywit-in ReportH of the WOWARD ASSÜC!AT10N- bynjajjinscaled letter envelopes, fre oL ctage. ,"'", Dr. .7. SKILLIN HOUGMTON. Howard' Afsoos Co''2íb N'iííh Strest, Tïila , Ti. !?■ 1


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