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- - I Buffalo Testimonjv THK rTTPT? Curtí rEOPt'5 U IJü Kbeumxti-m. "1 was troubled ith Rbeum.itlsro for two voars su fie ring moroor ltíss everj dny. I bavo tukeü two bottlesofthe'l-'enpipá Cure and have not liad aov pfiln nee I left it off more thcn four "weeks ago. I cMisider mjafelf as entirely cured, amjf the medicine bas made me feel very llpht H'nd gnod- jnst llke a young man thougli I ra bÍxív two yners oíd. GODí'REY'SCHEFFEL, 402 Aímhigan 3t," "My wifohne been suffding írom Tbei:mati6m of an inflamnia-tory character for a bout sí.t or aeven ypftrs sometióles very acutely. About the first oí J-uae last she comraenced tnking thc 'People's Cure,' ánd continued to take ít aome three weeks. In ter,i daya after he comrnenced, the mrelling and stifineas ofber Joints vc-ry ni aerial I y lessened, and ia throe wjekg had disappeared nltopethpr. "THOMAS P0I.L0CK, (aí W. H. Gleosy's 1 "BuíTalo, Octobcr 1, 1862 " " ' tfSfc CURE TU. "Tu-o of oneof them flfliicted with a bad Fever Sore. the other with Rheumaíisin- -hoving acen the advertiseraent of the 'People'fl Cure' in thfi paper, purchusvd the Medicine , and now, cfter ba ving thor oúghly tried ít, report to us,commocdÍEg It most he.artily &h a thorouiïb remedy In thelr case.- Editors Chriütian Advocate. THE PTTT T? Cur6S siseases PEOPLE'3 O U It i!í of the Skin. "My face-has for more tban ten years béengreatly disfigured by truptioaa aad bonehos, which at times exteied over my "whole body, and once for ttree days madne entirely blind ; but faaying taken two bottles of the 'People's Cure,' my acqunintanees badly recoguizo me - Indeed I hardly kimw as I aín now a well man. Let all wbo are aliku aicted try 1he 'People's Cure, - tbe Medicine ptepaíed by the Sónitary Society - aod I think 'bey wjll not begrudg? their dol lar. "JOSEPH SOUR, Turner. Mechante St 'BulTalo, Nov. 15,1862." Thf: rTT D I? ClXTes ycspfuU & PEOPLE'S UU rvüi Salt Rheum. 'll have us-?d the 'People'? Cure' in my family with gre?t benefit, :n ca-es ofSirofala and Salt Rhtum,aud ha ve r;coiüruonded it frequently to my f -iends, all of wbora I believfi have been benclitted, and most oí' t hem 3$.tirjely cured by it. ' ' . CHAS. SCIIAKFF, 273 Main St. , up-stairs." TfiE rTT"D T Cures Femalo PEQ1 1453 y U 1 Mj _Weaknes?es. "I have been ín feeble health evt-r shice the bilh of my boy, whois now twe'.ve years 'old. I ha.v'4 had j many ü-oublesand diificultiea, all thla time, unfittiug me for every kin1 of labor, and deatroying all my cora fort, Last sumniür I commenced takiiig the 'People'a Cuve,' and liave uaed four bottlen, and om now alniost a well woman. My difilcultiea have nearly all disap peared, und I feel cheerlul and happy. "MRS. CATHARINE DEWALD, Dressmaker, Goodell Á.llíy aboveTupper st, "Bnffalo, Uct. 20,lö62." THE OTTOT? Cures when b.ther PEOPLK'S Vy U IV üi medicines fail ".My wife has been in poor health for a long timo ha ving frequently to cali a phsicinn to attend her; but she was 'recent ly very much worse. For five or six weeks she tUt iio aprtite, lost all her' strength, and was each daytfiróiffg worse, Ühe' bad night' sweatH, coughed a grea; tisal urii each niht and considerably 'during the day, anti we & yupposëd she iras going off witb the consumptioG, wh?,n ft ft-iend tidviseü her to take the 'Peoples's Cu, Óju tuing the medicine she percfcÍTed a change at oncu. Onthetblrd day she had recovered her appetite, and ws fat regining her trengtb, until, on the eighth day, not yet haring taken oue bottle, she has stopped taing ibe medicine saying alie was a '-veil as anybody couid Ua, and .she has continued so ever since. "PAUL KLEIN, Oarüner, 32 Pearl ut. "Buffalo, October 1,1862." For Sale by all Druggists. 922y1 . C. CROSBY, General Agent, No. 250 Main st., Buffalo. N. Y., to whom all orders should be ;iddressed. For Ssle by Sïsbbixs & Wilsox, Ghexville & Fcllek. and C. Ebkrbach & Co. WONDEKFUL SUCCESS. ST The nttr.ntion and research of the most dïsL tii'iiiehp,! Chemists aod Physicians for yeurs have been devotd to tbe production of a remedy for those mósi distresálng maTadies NEüKALGiAand RsctnUTiSH. Xfter long study and many experiments, a speciftc prepapqtimi luis been discovered. WATtíON'S Neuralgia friUmal Remedy ,) curing thousauds of cases whereall otherremedies have utteily failed. We are assured that iL is no rnerc " ANODYXE," relioving fnr the moniunt wliüotho cause remains, but is a perfect fPECIFlC ntid CUBÊ for those painful diseases. The vast numtoer of Liuiinents, Fmbrocaiions and Externa] Medicines, which art as stimulants of th? surface only, are merely temporsiy in their eft'ects and pf doubtf'ul virtue The NEURALGIA ICING reaehes the sourco of all troublo, and etfectually baui&hc-s the disease from the system, Price- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared bv' C. R. WALKER, 1)922 CufTaio, M.Y., and Fort Erie.C.W. For Sa te by ?tehbixs & Wilson, Geenvillk & Fuixer, and C . Eiïekbach & Co. Il ' [ 1 1 1 II I FÁ Wí(lll] ÍSm AM YOU INSURED ? "" ê IP NfiT CALL ON 3E3T.. 3MCXJLiXi3E!Ba-, A gout for the folio.ving ilrst ciass Conipanieaj Home Insurance of New York, Cash Capital over One tnd a II.iU MïIKpns Dollars, CONTiNENAL INSURANCE CG. Of Xow Yoik, Capital over One I'iiiiicn üf Dollars Tn iliis Company the lïured partrcipüte in tbe proüts. CITTT FIÏtE IISTS-, CO-, of ii.ivtfurd. Capital over Tbree Hundicd Tiiousarui Dollars. C. II. Mil.l.l-N 93"U M.iin Street Ann Arbor. - Tobacco l Tobacco I I AM SEIXiNG' ÜÜODl-INE CUr' CIIEWIÍÍG TOBACCO At from Fifi y cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO,. From 1 í cents to 20 cents per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ajid Arbur, Mich., Do.-. 17, 1869. 883tf . uissoiutioit Wotice, rflHE FIRM OF CHAPIW, ffOCH) k CO., -n-aa dissoh ei XJanu:ir,y 1), löf'-'i, by mutual confcent. C. A. Chapín acd A. B. Wooil wiii tiiiltie tlicacüuut of the firin. C. A.CeáPl.v, ' " A. "B. Woód, v. Ornaat, E. Wais. na Arbor, Juue 21, IíkJ. (JopavJnershlp. TTE l'N'DKKSIiiNED CDtcrerl iptn pertnirsüip Jjn. lS.l'.ï, by tho Ërm naiae o! fhapiu & Co.,nd will, coDtiüue the buLiüe&ü of tcajufcturing pdctÍDg r.ipping paper. I C. %. CufK.", .V. Cejjtir, 1 7. Cxifi. ttD jMci JuctS, ïfcti ilfrU Terrible Slaughter! TH2Í VICTORY IS OURS ! TIZX3 ttA.rrrtT Which has been rnging for the post four weeks t MACK & SGHMID'S STORE Hos prored a frand sucsess. although the iUuglitor of ÜÜY GOODS Fins been terrible. We now make the announcejneQt thatweahall continue "Kor Many Years" to mak wanvith high prlcüS, belng determinod to giïe the hundreds who daily drong 'our store, full Taluc for thelr monoy, J-udips "cni find with ui aü Jeslrafcle shndes and stylofiof DRESS GOODS, RIBBONS, TBIMMïVGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOS1ERY, GLOV-ES, &c, With a verv largo anl attractiye stock kt CLOAKS AND SHAWLS ïar tlieir Valuo. We heur ït sa!d erery daj that w) are rulnlnjr tho business ín this citj by sel]inLso cLeap but we cannot help t, Tiie Gooüs Must toe Sold. lOOONew Stjle and best quullty HOOP SKIP.T3 veiy chtap, and foi theüyiitlfejncn we have a verjr large assor:men:ol' Frencli Twiilec! Cioth. Beaver OvercoatIngs, Dcaskius, ï'-aucy Cassim.res.Vestings, &a., Of nll descrlpüona. ñn! can íiunish a vhöle suit en nhort nnticcmtich che.auer than it can be bought elde where. An exaEDinuü-.?] of this branch of our business n-illcciivincc a'il thatlhis is tlic plucetobuy thtir Pfints, Coats and Veas. We havp aít-o ft complete stock of Lndies nnd ChfidreO' fihoes HATS AND CAPS, And in fact evrvíhf.'ig that man or woman can dcaíie to wcar on head orfbot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c , At astonifthing low prices, and In short our entire Ptock must abare Ihtí same late for we nre delurmmoil to aell, no matter what oM croakers may sav. f AU are inviíed to nspect our stock as it ís uo trouble to ftliov our goüdu, and we ure bouud to meet the delüftDds of all. 32tf lTArK_ft_ PCHMIO. BBSJHH U. S. INTEEMAL REVENUE TAX AND LICENSE NOTICBTlíIRD DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN. ÍWlitr.e of paymenl Extended in. consequeace of the hls Serere Storm íntersupting the Mails. ïfotice is hereby given thnt nll Taxos, Dutics and Liaenséa assfssed upen persona reBidingor doing d'jí iness in the Tliird Collect!ou Bistriot of iliehigan, liae 'becditie dtoe and payoblc, aad that I shaüattend in person, or by De.T)Uty. to reoeive payment of said Taxes, Dutiea and Lieenses, at the followini,r.araed places, on the days hert-in specified : VVashtenaw Conty. 8th cirisiox.- At the office, ia Chelsea, for tho Joiyns of Lyn'don, Svlvan, Sharon, ManeHesibr, Bridgewater and'Freedom, from the llTh'tö'tlïe 3üth Of January, 1864, exeepting the 19U arid 2Oth, when the Bepu.ty will be at the Manc'hesler Hotel, ia Manchester, for the accorp.pdatipn of persona in that part of the División. Daniel C. Fenjí, Deputy. 9tii nivisiojr. - At the Deputy's office in Ann Arbor, for ihe city of Ann Arbor, and for the towns of Ann Arbor, Ñorlhfield, Webster, Dexter, Lima, Sc:o and Lodi, from the 11 th to tho 30th of January, Itü4, excepting the 19th, when the Deputy will be at tho Bently Hotel, in Dexter, for the aceonjmodnof persona n that part of the Divition. AsVKKW gstL, Depyty. IOth División -At the Store of Showertnan " ás Bro., in Ypsilanti, for ihe city of Ypsüanti, and for the tewns of S:iiem, Superior, Ypsilanti, Pittsfield, Augusta, York and Saline, from the llth to the 30th of January, 1864, excepting the 19th, when the Deputy will be at the Store of David Bhielimar, ofSalihé, for accommodation of persons in that part of the i División. Cicsb.0 ftliLLiN-GTO-v, Deputy. -B. - The Eicise Laya requr th'at 10 per cent, beadded to all sums due and un! p-)id after the days lic-rein mentioned for pnyment, and that all tartos be paid in Treasury Xotes. IRA MAYHBW Colipctor ïhiru District of 1iïcliiiin. Alhii-u, Jan. 7, 183-1. 9E9w2 P . BACH llaa receivoJ A. LARGE STOCK -Oh - F ALL AP GOOD! INCI.UD1XO IÜTEST STYLES -OFOliawls?, Dress Groods, and evci'ytLing for Ladies & Gents Wear. GÜLNGFAST FOR CASH! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oct. 18(33; DissolHtioii. rHEFIRM of Shuvsoni.-G(eris this.üiy rli=5olvedby mutual consent. AU notes and nifi:Hnt. due tdo Bi-m.are (o b sttüud by.aud paM to I., R. Slawson p.t peragreement. I.. !i s;.'.W?0N, J. It. GEER. Ann Arbor, Deo, 123, 1F63. Notite. rpilE GKOCI.l:y it provisión hll'ïiriess will be cou1 tinuedat ihenlj ftan.l by yawn .V Son. Tho patroDugc of thea'lt! cüsto'meis an'dtojfiirs, s pglicjicd! SLAWiÜN & SOX. Ann Arbor, Vxc, 22. 18"d. SKND JJV YOÜR ORDERS. I bring t viery extyasWe vjirlety of fruit tree nto ttuj nt) s tarly ' u the Spfiug as tbey can ber'jnovfcd. , na I shtfil ba?e for air, 10,000 Pear Trees, 20,000 Apples 2Wcs. 10,000 Peaóh Trees, 5,000 Grape Vines. ,Me- alargo tistortmeut of rergre?nB; and flowers an5 fihruhs. Orders oiaV b sent to ale-br c:all o ofhc.rwjh. A--. a-i ■. r - . r. 4x:::


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Michigan Argus