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Instes gimtoï :=couÑty bible society. „KPOITORY of Bible and Testan-enU at the So JITWÁÍTS & BRO. faÜÍRS n Clocks, Watches, J-vrelry and Silver ) X B1"ck' Ann ArbOr' ""' C BLISS. D ffár. No . 2MBIock1Ami.rl)ur oT-OíríLEÑT" ngM.E!l in Hry Goods, Grocerie, Crock.ery, &C. &c. U Xsin ítrett, Ann Albur. - plnLÍFAcla TvEttHtórn Dry Rood. Orocerics Bopfs 4: 3hoe, 1) (tc.,Mm t., Anñ Arbor. ' 0. collier7 a IMNOTACIURER and dealer in Boots and Shoes, one Jl duur porth of the Office. N. B. GOLE. DE4LKR in Roots Jt Shoes, Rubbers, kt. frinklin Biock, li"' Street, Ann Arbor RÏSDOÏT& HENpKöON. DgALRRS in Hardvrre, St..ves, h.,ue furnishing Kood8, TinWaro, Kc , Sc , New Bluck, Mainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICIlN aad Surgeon. Resdno d opee on Detroit treet, neur the ep"tÖ. C. SPAFFORD. MANÜFACTURER of all kinds i,f Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Custom ork done on short iiotic. Dptroit Street, Ann Aitur. A. J. SUTHERLAND, i Crat tor tho N'ew York Life Insurance Ctmpany. A Offlce 00 Huron street. Aiso has on hand a stock cf the most approve 1 sewir.g machines. 885tf "gëorgiTfischer. MEAT MARKET- Huron S'.reet- (eneral dealer in Frtnh and SH Meats, Beef. Mutton, Pork, Haros, I'oultry, l.ïrii,Tali)W, ie, &c. lTrCHOFF & MILLEK. TiEALEItS ui Miscellaneou, School and Rlank Books. l) Sttioiiery,PptrHanging9,iic., Main at., Kiunklin moet HIRAM J. BEA1ÍES IITORNEY and Counsellor at Law. ..nd Solicitor in A ChiQcerj. Office in City Hall lilock, orer Webster's Büok Slore. IVM. LEWITT, M. D. 1)HYSICIAN and Surgoon. Office at bis residence, 1 mirth side of Huron treet. and second house west (J[ Divisiim street. M. GÜITERMAN & CQ. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer and Manufacturera oí Koniy Made Clothing Importer of Cloih. C (imere,I)oeskins, &c, No. 5, Plicenix: Block, ifain st. WM. WAGNER. TiEAI.Er, in Ready M.ido ClothinR, Clotlis, Cassimeres. 1 and VMtillgs, Hat.% Caps, Trunks, Carpe. [Jags', kc. , fbcinii Illock, Main etrt-et. SLAWSON & SO N. flHOCKRS, ProTision and Commission Merchaots. inrt U lleler in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster ff P-rij, one do'ir east of Cook' Hotel. j. mTscott. AMBROfYPE nd Photogiaph Artist , in the rooms oier Uarapion's Clothing store, Phcenii Block. PerfrelutijfaetiongiTen. C. B. PORTER. OÏBGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huroo Itriets, oTer Bach & Pierstin'fl Store. All calis Promptly attendfd to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON. IDEALER in Dry Goods and GrocRries, Boots andïihoes, I' fee Produce bought and sold, at the old stand of ■honp-ion k Milieu, Corner Main and Washington st. MACK & 8OHMID. DEALERS in Foreign and flomcstic Dry Good, Groce. ri'H.Hitjand Caps, Boots and tilioes, Crockery, ,■, Corner of Main & Liberty sts. "ITATlyáí'LKY. pHOTOGRAPJiKU- Corner Fourth Í: Huron streets. _n.i Arbor. C.ifs frames anfi Photograph Albums fmstaatly on hand, and at lower rates than can be "-elsMhere. Iy891 ANDREW BELL. D KALER in Groceries, Provisiunt. Flour, Produces c,, i;c,( corner Main and Washington Siree:, ■nö Arbor. The bigheátmarket pritjus unu) lor country 'Ptueö. " ' ' ' f 8t6 "ITb. p. f. ïfASlKENAW I)ilge, No. 9, of the Indenpnrlent Or" Ut of O1_ Fellom meet at tiieft I-'oJjje Room, '') Priúay EveuinK, at7} u.'lock.' f.ntmmx, ,V. ■. ' P. B. Rote, Sccy KÏGSLEY & MORGAN. ATnfitNRVs, Counsellor, Solicitors, and Notarien '■ Pililic,have Books and Plats shovring titles of all 'Isituiie Oouotv, anrt attend to conveyancinir and JletiQg demanda, and to payippt fa?8fl ;u:d school in"stiniiny part of the state, fjfflée'east ofthepark. ïf." DeFQPEST. WHOLE-iALE and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, j.. 8hlngle, Sash, Doors, Blind, Watei.Lime, (Jrand "JMepluttor, Piaster Pari, apd Nails of all sizea A alU:irt perfect asso-.tmeüt of the above, ml all other ,lrllof buil linü: miterials conütantly on band at the „t "miblo rates, on Detroit st., a few rodsfrom the J_i'l Deput. lso operating extensively in the ■nt Cement Ri.ofinr. HOWAKD ASeOCIATION, FHILAPEfPHIA, PA. TYMs,l"he Vtryon, Seminal, tTrlnnry 'id Scxnat SytenÍ!_-i)ew aod reliahle treatliiii k" .P0"'' of 'the aOWAKD ASWJCIAT1ON- ■S(V_Z.!;''linoalfd lettsr e_rlojii, fjrcé of charge.


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