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Important Military Orders

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Our spuco wilt not pernut us tö givo place to all the military orders, loc.-l or general, of the times; neither coulJ our largest (juarto exwhanges contain them all ; but we have. two of sufficient lecal impórtanos to secure tliom this pcwBiiuint place in out1 columns. We . append them : A. A. Prov. Har. Gm'Is Oiïice, ? - Detroit, Jan. 30, 18ü4. $ CIRCULAR No. 10. I. Pursuant to instructiobs iVoni thê War Department the following rutes will be observed in regard to, recruits: Eecruits wil] be orecritcd to the localities fVoin niich they reccivo local bounties, providcd the nnu-ter-in rolls show iLrem enlisted and mustered iu as of Ihnt locüürv. The muster-in rolls mu,s,t show the facts in the case, nñd will be tbe evide nee i'or awarding credits. Tho crodits will 'm no oase be j ed atter the muster-in rolls have. been forwiirdecf, The (ffeet of these instructions is, iliat hercafter all men, whether enrolled or nut, may be credited tt any locahty they may dect to receiue local bounty. II. The premiums of $25 for veteans and $15 for new reoruits, will be )aid to auy oou-commissioned officer, jrivate or citizon who presenta an aocepted reoruit i'or any three yoars orjanizatiou, upoii the certifícate of a U. 3. inusterfng üfi(icer that the recruit has jeen duly mustered in'.o. U. S. service. Eecruits tcan be taken direct to any Regimeutal or Compauy Depot, aud if accupted, the peraon who jresents them, whetlior a rion-commissionfid officer, private or citizen, will, on their being raustered into service, ' be furnushed with a certifícate by the mustering ofjicer, ectitling them to tho premium. ■ B. II. HILIi, Lfr. Col. 6th Art'y. A. A. P. M. Gen'l. The abova order makes it important that town agenls and reCPUiting officers see that men enllsted by them are properly credited ; and also that they keep their eye on rival enüsting oiïïcers, for it permïts all enrolled men to be credited to other towns than thosO in which they are enrolled and reside.- We do not believe that this is right. - Men are not compelled to enlist, but if they do enlist they should be credited t,o the tovvns in which they resido. It oflers inducements to recruiting officers to sell men to other tovvns for an extra bounty of $10 or 820. The otber order is as loüows : OKDER No. 8. A. A. P. M, Gen'ls Office, Detroit, Feb. 2. ) Pu p-mant to instructions from the War Department, the .follayviug rules will be adopted in relation to credits of the returned veterans: Whenever the muster-in rolla show a local credit to any tovvnship, ward, or sub-district, the oomraanding officer of the regiment or battery, or, when but a single company has returned, the commanding officer of the company, shall issue a gertifieate to pach soldier certifying ihn.t ho is credited to such township, ward e,r sub-district, hich certilicato will be a voucher for the payment of the bounty. No change vvhatpvur will be np,ade in tlie credits as eho.wn by the umsierin rolls, atd lists giving the name, company and regiment of the Soldier to whorn such certilicatüa were given, R'ül bfl fofwardéd to this office. Where the musterln rolls show no local credit - that is where the men are credited to the State at largo, to cities or Qongressional diairicts, or to some place in tho field or are not creditod at al] the commanding oflicer w 11 tíiln to what township, ward or subdistriot the men desire to ha eredited, and vvill issue oertifipates aocordingly, but lists giving the ñames of the píen, their company and regiment at the places where credited, will bo sent to this office to be förwarded to tho War Department to be Ihere entered on copies of the rnuster-iri rolls on file. Tho addiüonal cal! í'or 200,000 men will increaso the ijucrtas of the several townsliips, wards and sub-districts by two thirds, and the returned veterans who have been credited on their mus ter-in roüs td loculitios fhttt have previously tílled their (juntas, will now liave the opportuniiy 'of reeeiving any local bounty paid by the s-evera) localities to which they were credited. It is very important that the severa! cominandiñg ofticers give immediate Utention to this order, and tho certificares of credit can only be obtaioed rom theui. B. H. HILL, Liout. 91. Hli U. 8'. At-tillüry, A A. P. M. General This order ira pues that the veterans are to bo credited to such town? as they piense, and fhat the local boun tisis yill cohtrol these credits. Our re oruiting committees should immediate y look up llie yeterans who of right belong to ihe several towns or sub district, assure them of their bounty and 8ee Ümt they are prorxerly creditec on the musterin rolle. Tho authoii ties will be governed by these rolla in making tha final order for the draft. - The Legislatura has provided a State bounty of 100, and authorized a tovvn, city, or county bounty of not t exceed $100 mere to volur.teers in th army and navy jinder the new cali. - Tlio State bouiity is not to h paid l persons credited elsnohere tiran wher tlicy reside or are enrulled. This i right, . 4j pmi in 1 CPGko. Rked iviDin.n li as pucceod cd Scniitor !AVAi;n o Ueinware, vvh recently resigfiêd bis seat in tiio United States Sennto beoaufe of t.ü "test .oath " preseiibcil by ;body. CKing Kiinieliornehü, of tho Sun.lwiflh Islands, dicd on the 30th of. November, and is succeeded by ■ an older , brothc1". {L3 Congress is still at wosk at the coiiscriptiou and revenue bilis, and Vfill probably perfect.(?) the firs-t in. time for the draft to tak o place on the JOtli of March, and tte latter as. soon as the people vvill desire to pay the estra taxes it levies. Tho Seríate has iusisted on the " test oath" and Bavard took it and resigned. What wil] it do if Arkansas shou'rd send the late rebel Gen. Gannt to the Senate? Ooukl ho take it? It has also concluded, wiaely, to neither expel eensure Senator Davjs, of Ky., fcr his resolaticiis; and the Judiciary Cornmittee has repopted whi-tewashing Senator Hale, so that it :nay be eonsidered " legitímate ". l'or Senators to aecept i largo ('ees for procuring the release of I prisoners legally or illegally hel'!. iCSC" For months the report of Gon. J McGlkllax was keut froin the public becauao of its great length and the ; tremendous expense of its publioation. When ordered published1 by Congreas, it took Out a, short time to ran it thro' the govermnent pnntiug office, and a.ow the public is told it makes but 244 pages, and is briefer than the reports of either Gen Pope or Gen. Grant. - Messrs. Sheldox & Co., of N. Y.. are republishing the report L,-orn he government edition, in good style, and it will eoon be ofFered to the public through the regular channels oí trade. tc5 A bilí has ptissed the House, and wc présame the ÍScnate alsn, authorizing the several townships in the eouutk's of I Jjivingston, Oakland; Washteuaw, and Wajnè to pledge tlicir credit, and the eounty of Ijivingston to raise by tax, or borro w money, to aid in the construction of a railroad from some peint near the city of Detroit to Howell. The authority is, pirhaps,, well onougb, but we think tliat counties and towns should be extremely cautious about contraating such debts ; at least ïhould make them no larger ihasi ihey can aSbrd to give the company in the end.


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