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WaTÏCE. IX persons to whoin the lato Philip Schend: was inÍ debted eilherby note or buok account are rcqueated :o present tlieir claims to tho unclersignod withni mnetyciars from date, mil all persons indebted to him are requtsted to make immeüiate payment. MARV SCHESCK, Widow. Freodom, Jan. 20, 1864. 941m3 A Farm for Sale. - o - SITÜATED six milos North of AnnArbor. SaM f.irm coniists of 122 acres. On the preroises biv goed buildings, a fine orchard and a living stream. It is known as the Rosecraus furm. It will be sold clieap. and tenus et payment made easy. Euquire of Ann Arbor, Jan. 26, 1S64. B4ltt FABM g5. SALE ! f TITE uudersigaed offers Tor sale bis Farm in Webstor, JL Washtenaw County, Michigan. Contains 196 acres, 100 acres iniproved, 'busides about 2ö ncrei of frood raarsh mcadów land. H,as a good orchard of graft:d fruit a tcood frame 1-onse, barn a.cL fihed. DAVID ÏH05IAS. Wobstc Jan. 14tb, 186-1. "ÖeANGER & FJNLEY, ATTORSETS & COUNSEL AT Collecting and Land Agents OFFICK OVKE DONEIXy's STOEK, HUEON STEEET, B. F. G hanger, ) Ann Arbor, Mioh. II II. Finlky, S Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf Browiiell & Perrin, GEIV'L COMSIS&ION MEBCHASTS, 183 South Water Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Sceds, Green and Dried Fruits, Oider, cÊp. JeferoDceü: Preston, illavd & Kaett, Chicago. S. Boisford & Co.,' Ann A'rbór, Micli. tJ3. Particular .nttention givcn to the sale of Green ana Dried Fruit, Cider, &p. Oruórf for the purchase of C.lover anfl Timothy Seed. Cut Meats, &c, promptly atiended to if accompaaied vfitli cash or satisfactorr refereuce. 9; 9tf rp Sï 3E BEST - is- THE CHEAPEST! Xxa.sxa.3re NX7"itli tab.O 1. FIRE AND INT.AND NAVIGATION' UI8KS vccept"l now as heretofore, ut fair rales and liberal condi tions. 2. BUSINESS CONDUCTIÏD uilh constant ilispnteh and accuracy. 3. LOSSES alway.-: met irith [iromplness aml complete justice. Net Asscts, Januarjr 1S6, 4. THE PLAN AND 0RGAN1ZAT1ON of the JETXÁ aiter 45 years scvore trial, has lealized flie greate public advajatage and succcss oi' the rarïous system of Fire Insurance ín the countr. U now better thaü ever prepare d for duty. 5 16,000 Los Claïpi havo boen sottlcl and paul, - PIXTKKÍ M11.1J(VN OF DOLLARS ! 6. THE CON'ÏUMl'TKlN QF TROPEHTV BY FIRK, in tl) United Sta+es, avt-rages oVer 8100,000 daily. Is you property exponed and urtpr;_jtected? 7. ABE YOÜ ÏNSCBED? If nt, why not? The i trjüipg; the duty is manjfóst; thu resuH niüy h your' escape fniiLi ruin- wüiïe delaj ahd céglect maj involvc you in bankruptcy, ;fverty or cruel diap pointmeot. 8. BAaTICÜLAR ATTENTIpN an;l regara is (rtven 1 sniaïl 'risti as wel] (a large ones. Able security and superior pommep cial advantages afforded. Policies issued without delay. 941oi2 S, 4BEL., Agent. FÜRNITURE ROOMS One door Korth uf ïïisd'm and Bendereen ra Hardware Stqrft The umlersigned baving purch-ed the enlírr stock of W. D. Smfth &Cö.,bcI ndoii Inrgply to theaarae. b prepared to.lurnishhis fwends aud [mtrons a good ssurtiTient of well mafte furniture, connistiug of fcOFAS, BÜHEAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS.j of all kimlsj umi in fact of èveryl liíog pejrjuuïng lu the bijsip' ; L O U S Li ES. MATRASSES, &c, kc,.t mail; to ,Yiav lv good and exponma 1 v, rrkmen, and yrg,rranted to give a.tiefactioD, He :i ls , kepfl i good asdortnieoi of Chrry uaü WaJnut Ljuraber sale at reasunable prics. Anl wilj aUo pa,i the liiglifht market pric for Cherry, Walrut, and W'hito WJ"d Lujflbí i1. P. S. lie has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEABK! of Smih & Co., and is prtpaved to furUh all kin !s of' Wood Coffins, Mefalie Cases, l.JTV CASKETS, On .1(0 shortost noticf. Also filtrnils to layïng out deceasfd persons day aiiil nilii; without charge. All furnUure ilcliverod 'in the .ity free of cBarge. W. U. BENHAM. Aj0 Arbor, Jnnuarv 18tfcj lStö. 9!0tf BRADBURY'S New Fcale Piano-Fortes. UN'l'RECKDEXTEI) SUCCESS ! SEVCN FIRST PRJZEST [ïiTfivtMÏ wilhin tour weokF: Fjrora Nou Jersey S.íate Fair, at Patterson, N. J : from New Yófk"Ötate Fair at Utica,N, Y.; from Öho Sáte l-'.air at Cleveland, ü(; Pen Muy Irania State Fair, at Non-istnwn Pa.; llltuois State Fair, at Ueoatur, III.; [ndiana State Fnir, at Indianapolis, Iml.; fi'om tin' Airi'-rican Institutc l'aiv in New Yorli - Jodgen : (oitsclialk, Berg, Bcann's, .and F. H. Hrown. The folio ving note was rcceived fru;n onte of the j uror.s : "Mr. WM, B. BraDBÜBT. Tïcar Pir ; Yoil have rcceyped the Gold Medall I (;otifrnitulate vou iipim be i'p'gtne snccpsslul conineütüj for tUs FIRST HRIZH 0OliD MEDAL for the BEST PIANO FORTE, at "the Fnir of the Amcriciin Inst'lute at the Academy of Music. Your instnnntnts Füllt merit this award, fot their rich!y beautiiul, voluminous tone - so pinver!;;!, yct so sweet." ÖOTTSCHALK, Tbo celobrnted Pianist, saya of theip : " I bare eunxlaöd wffh órí-jít 6ark 1r. Wm. B. Brdbnv s Wkw Pcaib PlAHO-FOíTBB, anátt ia rny o]iinion I that they are very snpc.rcor, Jjhave esnfcially reniiirlicd their thOrQugfc rforkib'ifnflhp, and thr power, purity, richneafl and eouality oí tiiejr tone. I rccomraend. therefore, these inKttiitnèütfl to the public ingtDeral, and doubt uut ol üu'ir rhoowi. 1.. M. tiOTTSniALK. New York, July 12, 18C3. The most eminent of the música) profesaíon of Xew York have also given the mosf uncjualified tetitimouials . in favor of these instrumenta. J8 íípud tor a Circular. BRADBURY938 Nü 4Í' BroümeSt.,.N. V. Ayer's Gathartie Puls.


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Michigan Argus