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Buífalo Testimony. thf nTTDl? cus TEOPlX'rf V C fiJU rbeuuwliain. . i was troubbíM tvith Rhoum , foy two yearg, suffering more or less erery day. í have takeñ two bottlesofttac'Peopie Cure,' and have not hd any pain niñee Ileftitoff more tfean foar "weeks -ago. X ■ c nsider myfielf íip pntirelv curod, aml the jcdicine ■ has made me f el veiy Hgtt fjid ood- just like a vouii" man though I ni nsty two yprs oíd. GODi-'REY BCHEFEELj 402 Michigan St,; "Síy wife has beon suffirinc from Rhermatit-m of ar. infiammator v character for about síx or se ven yoars sometimes vevy ac'itely. About tlie first of June )ast he ccmmenced takingtho 'People'a Cure aud continned to take it some three weeks In tpn days after she coramenced, the STvelling and fttifTnees ofher joints very materially leasened, and in tliree weeks liacl (Hsappearííd nltogether. "THOMAS POIXOriC, (at W. II. Glenny;B.) ': Búllalo, patober 1, 1862,1) the iTTDTT riiroa "Two of ont: of Uiem afilicted with : a l?ad Fever 9ore. thfi oHicr -.vitli Elieumatism- baTÍDg ■ st'th Ibe advtfrti.setnent of Lhe 'People's Cure' in this na per purclifacd 1 he Medicine , aiid now. after ]iíTing ; tor oughly ;ne(J It, ;sp,ort to as , coramending t most : heartily as a thórousli remedy in their case. - Editora Chiistian. Advocate. THE f'TTTy tP Curos Dispases PEOPLIa Vv U .IV -J of the Sküa. (:My face haa for more than leu yeara beengreatIv disfigured by f-ruptioTif and bunehea, which at times xt.ri-Ud oh f ,n;; WTiol(!,B01y,ana te lor urn nade 'me entire'iy b!in! . nt haring ;nken two boules hwci hai-dlj roognize 93e - indeed InardTj knew myself as I urn now wellman. Let all lyho are alike nfllicted Iry tlie People's Cure, - the Medicine prepareü by the Panitary oeiety and I thiuk they.wi:. iijs.begm.lge thetr dol "JOSEPII SOUE, Turner, Mcchanie St '■'Enríalo, Nuv. 15, 1S62.". THE rTTDt1 CurMSorofiilaS l'EOPI.K'S UUÜ4Í4 SáítRneum. "I have ns'irt the 'I'pojiIc'-s Cure' in y frrruly witl greiit benefit, Tn caes 01 .- ro-uki and Snit fiheuin.and ave recoramenilcd Rfrequenlly to J f-it-.Kk, all of [ v-hom 1 believe hive beea bem-fltled, und mini bflhem .. ntirely cureil by it. GHA8. SCHARTT,9TSMaiBSt.,iip:SialrB. THE f T T Ti T1 Cines Kemale PF.O1 LE'S vy U JlV Ui WeakaessM. "I have been in feeble health ever sinue the birth of my boy, who isnoi tivelve years oíd. I have had many trubles anti difflcuHies, all tlils time, unfitting me for everykind of labor, and destroyinpr iill my com ort I.ast slimmer Icoramencfd tal;i!:g the Teople's Cur'e ' and liave used four b'ottles, and am now ahnost awoll woman. My diffloaHIe haye nêarly all disap poared, and I fee. ehu. and Drr.fsmaker.Goodell AUey , aboveTupper st. "Bnffalo, Oot. 20, 1U62." THE ÍTTTÍTj1 Cures when otlier PF.OI'LK'S - U J..11j lueilicines liul "My wife has been in poor health fiir a long time haring frequently to callaphysician to attend her; hut she was recently very much worse. Frtt five or aix weeks che had o appetite, lost all her Btrangth, and asearh daygrowing wnrse, She had night sweats, conghed a great Jeaï during each nijht and considerablv during the dny, and we all supposed lm was going off with the cmisumption, when a friend advised her to take the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the medicine he pcrooived a change at onoe. On tl.e third dayshehad recoveied her appetite, and was fast rt-airjing her strength, until, on the eighth day, nut yet haring taken one bottle, sjie has stRppVi the medicine saying shr:' was as wel] ns anybody could bo, and she has continued ao :-r BiaCfi "l'AUL KLEIN, Gardner, 32 Pearl st. "Bnffalo, October 1,1862." For Sale hy aü Druggists. 922yl . C. CKOSBY, GenerW Agent, No. 2.r5 Main st. , Buflalo, N. Y., to whom all orders should bo addressed. For Ssle by Stbbbixs & Wilsox, Grexviue & Fdller, and C. Eeebach & Co. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. j= Tlie attcniion and research of the ïirnst diittinguislied Cheftiists and Phyaiciana for years have been devated to the productiou of a remedy for those most distressing maladias Neuralgia and RheCíiatiSm After long stuciy and many experimenta, a spectfic preparado has been discoveren. WATSON'S Neuralgia K h ix, a n ínter nal oarinff thousauds of cases whereall otbèrremediea have uiteiiy fatled. We ;tr usurea is nu mere ' ANODY.NE," rehevingfor inouu-ni; whü'-thc c;uie cèniains, hnt ir, a perfect SI'K [FICand CpRE fur íhose' paínful digeasefí. The vast nuniibiT iï ÏAuh ;eni í. I ■ ■ td fixtg) pa Medicines, Which actas stimulans of the surface only are Boftrely temporfti y ín thetr éffecta and of doubti'u virtue The NEURALGIA KJSG reaches the souree of all trouble, 'and effeptually bánishes the disease from' tbesystem. Price- Oue Dollar par Búttfe. Preparad by C. E. WALKER. Ij922 Buffaro, N. Y., and Fort Erie, C.W. Fui' Sale by SrlBBCts k WílfiOij, Gbenvilli: k Ili.lkk, and C . EbbhbACH k ('o. ARE YOU INSURED ? i' XOT CALI ON O. 3E3C. 3MCIXJijLí3S2", Agent for the ryKotring Erjsl class CompnieBj Home Insurance of New York, CabU i.'.:i)!(:i! over Oae an.l a U;i!f liilüoos Dollars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE GO, 01' VöTt, Capital over Qn MillioD of liollin In Jila Cm ;m' Ii:e [nsarcd parUcilia'e 11 tlio prufilH. OITT? PIBE IJSTS-, CO., nf Hariröi-a. (.■ïiuuil mi-r fhtíe tíumU,:4 'lii. ■ii'-aii.l Dullai. O. Jl, lül.I.KN'. 98flt( Main s;.v(t Ann .Arbor. Tobacco! Tobacco! I AM SEUriNG GOOD.FINÏÏ CDTCHEWING TO BACCO Al tït:,-i i'ifi V cmis In $1 pound. SJ10KTN0 TÜJÍAGCÜ, to5 1 tents to 20 cei per pound at retail. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Miish., De -.17, 1RK2. BSS'tf Uissolutioii TVotice. ITUIF. FIRÍI OKCH)'1N'. Wnoii & C'O.. WM disnohed JL.Innuar.r lö,lP3, by mulunl consent. C. A-Cliapin and A. B.'Wood will settle tUeccoupti of the linn. p A. ClIAHX, A. It. Vnol, V ;iu:mx, ;:. "n.i. Ann Arbui-.June S4, 18(8. Coparíneislilp, TTV. rKDF.R?IGKn entered Into partnership ■Tan. li, 1!3, Uy tbo firm of (hapiji k po., and will continue the business ui' rntiUufacuiiing printin; anfl u-iMpi.inir pa]ier. C. A. Chapín, X. CturiN. V. CnAl"v. A,in Artor,.Tunc24, ISf 910tf " "taken tjj?. ON tliP 5Hi day of December a C0W and f.'ALF. Thq Cow aboui uil yeara "ld, red and wnite, and Ilie' rnir abnni rti nioutb oíd- a li; iu:.-. fBo ooi r im1. Í o prove nropei'ty, pa y c::r ;.is ;.n-l tCB M&d anlI"alsayiHiinw Loíi, Jan. Utb, I8M6ft9. 4yer's Agüe Cura A RtfiTÍLfONHAND at tiïïfïbifSïimf; ft -'" No. 2 Franklin Block, irith themoflt complete 8fssrr,tment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS,, TASSELS GILT CORNIOES', CTJRTAIN HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &?, Ever oifered in tliis Market ! They trust that theirlong experience insolcctinf? goods forthis market, inf1. .strict attention to the wau-ta of Customers, may entitle tbem t; a liberal shaïV ,ö Patronage. - P. B AC H lias "eccivpd ■ A. LARGE STOCtC F ALL AND WINTER QOODS ! ík';lu?ls,. kiLTEST ST1TI.IÏS . Sliawls, Dress Goods, and everything for Ladies S& Cents Wear. Ot GOIJXG PAST FOR CASH! Cali artd See ! Ana Arber, Oct. I863: rHE FIRM of Slawson & Grer s tliii üljt di.-aolved ly 1 mutual consent. All notes and accounts due the fiiin,are to be .settled by,ani paid to L, R. Slawson as per agreeiuem. L. R. SI.AWSOX J. R. GEER. Ann Arbor, Dec, Í21, lfd. Notie. rpHF. GRpCfBy and provisión bpsmcsR w!ll be cnpX r línui-it át the old slknd by SlaWnn &' Son. Tlie patronage oi te old customersand ntkrrs, U solicitud' SLAW-ÍON & SON. Ann Arbor, Dec, 22. 18'-3. SE2VD IN YOUR ORDERS. TUK subscriber is making' larjje prêparalïons to bringayery t:tensive vanVty oflröit tree? into tliïs nity. aa earljr in Ihe Spring as'they can be removed. I Sjhall bave for s.'tle, 10,000 Pfr Trees, 20,000 pes 7fc. 10,000 Peach Trees, 5,000 (ïrOpe Fiapj. Alfte - a large ;tnrtment of Evergreens, and flowers and Rh raba. Ürdftra liaaj fce seht to rae by muil o1 otherwisn T: DuROIS. Ann Arbor. Deo. 2d,lSf3. 4m934. THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVEg AVIl.L be lor the Iitalii g of llie Xations. BibU. IPof. X. O". LYÓNS, TUK GREAT AM) 0KI.EBRATEB PHYHC1AN of the TIIROAT,l.UN!;s, IJKAKT, iJVl-.U AND TUE Bi.Odi, Knou all over the country a3 the CÜLEBKATKO INDIAN HEBB DUCTOR. 1 or 82 ,M"-ri"r 9trt, (.'lerUmü, Oliio. Will viiit tlie folluwiDg places, tí. ■ APPOWTMENTHrORISpii, 186Sand JS64. Hrof U. .1. I-voiis can Ut' consulted at' the following tS ■';■;■ nionth, vr.: i ( 1 1 .. : t , liusspiHüuse, each mooth, ÏSllt and ïyth. Aun ArDor', Monitor House, each month, 20th. ..ii'xm, Hïbberd Jlci:, ;k'1i mmiili, ''t. ■ Ailrian. Brjickci liocst', each mqnth 22(1 and23'l. T!ile4o, Oh!o', Collms noue',each' món(h,'24th, 25'tb, anti 'J ■ Hjllsdale, Mieh. , riillsiUle flouse, eacli montb, 27tli. COldwater, Mich-, rSuntfnrn Miohigaa', each month, . Klkjiarl .tllJiart House, on eb moiith. C9i!i. Bootli Bend, In.l., St. 3a. Hotel, each month, 30. I.apuvto, Ihil., 'fee (arden House, each ïnontii 31 st. Wo(ter,Obio, Craadeli Sxchange, each month, 7th andgth. .MiiiisihW, (iliio, Wik'r llousi', each month, 9th and loth. Mt. Vornon, Kenyon Ifimse, each nioiith,llth and utii. . ".: ■ Xetvark, Ohiu, ïlolton llmtse, each inonth, 13th and 14tU, L'aiuesvüli Olv; ■ CoIpsTlDusr.e.a-ch mputh, 4tli l.LtVKI.'ANII, DillO, lKíll;l-..:jK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Eaat ff tbo puTilic Rtmare, oppoite üie l'stofTice. Qtfïdedaj - eiK'h mmitK, 1-r. ."■!, irti, 5th'; 6th, lóth.- Office houis ft'iMn 9 . A,, M, Lul2Mvac] Innnt.' 1'. M. U 4 !'. M. UhSündayfrom 0 io 10 A.M., and 1 to 3P. M. j giye siíqIi buitn ;i8 Iiavo no sirife, W.ili nal i'i-i' er the la) i)f Üfe, With blitoil my hftti'lsl ritain, oí isun men tucastí thcirpaiu. 7tr 's e fin ■- '■ irho Cvrej'. ■[],■■ ftWiiÖ ■ ■ ï. .1. I-YO.VS, cures the fut - lowing iu the ii.ust obitin;ite .stages uf tbeir extoiice, r: piseassof tUeThrwtt, Lungp, líoru-t, I.iver, Stomftch , Liropsv intheChent, Rbeujinatism, Neuralgia, Fitt (ir i-íílin.--si'-k nes,añ(liil1 other ncrvnuínierangements. AImi ail t he Motul, .sucli is Scrofula, Krysipelaa, . Fver ore, Leprpsy, and a il other couipÏMated clironiccorni'lnin! s. Allforinsnt foin,aU' (jffícuHies aíTended to with tb e hapi''t i ejmlttí. n ; , ii-M.rl tftiit r.n oOfi will 'lepair of a cure ntil t he ,■ have j('!l th ludían iíeru ;J)oclur;s Medicines a fáiránd faitliful trial.' öPuting tlie Doctor trivel in F.uropc, Vpst Indies, South Araoncft. and the ■; Si;.i 's, "li.; tías btpn thu in u('iiicjit in God'.s lian'l. to resti re 'io healiVi m,! vífíir xiíbosañdí wua íovq gi-en u'':ii." pi .."a"'!!!!-!'!! i,igiii(ible by ihe raout eminentold sclioííl physicians: ny, morr, thousands ivliowrrnn tr.f? vorffí1 of tlic pfrave. are no living"[its ín tUo I.ídiKn Herji's Doctor's skill and succes!'ul trcatmeut ,an] aro Uily exclaimiog: "Blrsledbethediiy when lirsi Ue' saw'and parlook of the . lndiunlU-rblXM Iu'-mhc'' " Patisfactory rcrereiirespYcnres will be gladly ani clieerfnlly i?ivennhep ffcfr íeqirfed. TheDoctnr [íledjreí iis prni-d and, Uoaor, that he will in ih vine aífectfi orinfllrectly, induce or cause &úy lntau4ótaV W ■■" ''inc without the strongest probatilUy "I' ;i cni', . flS" Mode ofexai in.iíion, which is entirely different fjcm i'n.'t.ira",. ï-rn pvofefises 'to 'discern'diseases by the ye. tlierefore isks norjtiestion, mr does bo requirc putientto explain sympiomf. Caïiime ....I -II, L-lni i HiiiwfMnwg and location of your 1Vi-:i-clMiint:c'.frf'euf charge. fTh' pöorsnail belibprnllv considered. t'ostoíBcc ;'.adross, box 2Q(í;t. ' ', HpvelriTid, Ohin. Nov. 25. 180'.;. ' lySSÖ Ayefs Sarsapariüa.


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Michigan Argus