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American Collecting Agency, No. 'J 10 Broálway, New York. Claims dL ;ull kiiiil.s a cal ol : ,. r (ïc-ne-rai üovernmefit, State 'h-u;. ..-!.-.-,■, : i.' i.ity , priva t o purtien, prosecutpd ;i ii'i '■"] [.-i-ïi'ii :i i wij expcii ge andrii-k i ytiv '■' pitrtie.j 1 .n-s. ■.-,,., -,, ,;■ t faciliUes eoll.ectint claimt'veï)w)u-rt in ili l'nited átales and ('aua'lar-, reitevïug anTchaat. assignee, banier, andothers, of ca i anti al! röponBib.lity . spcoinl iitii-ntion irivfn to o14 J-vVttj,, hard cape,di, TOF3VUI, wills, fstii tes, etc. Rplrip fuiiili;ir nitli, altlu ctetaUsof the " int-rnal Revn.vt L,iv," ) wiiUUead pruwpti.v tu the collatáon o( dra batikt, and tast'tj overpaM througli güoz ie of tlie 1 w. HoldUcs.' pesioaB,ay, anrl hounty Becured fortlicm iw tlifr h-irM. For that purpoio. and for prspcutiiiff elawii Bgainftt tlieijovfinmctit. I Have a bruncJt oflice ii Wa-ihmton. No charge made áltese claflns are col au itoldfeFfl d1obr#ed by roason of vrouY9 - Iioweprhor'; ihe time thev h:ive served- are eotïtled to Hirndred PoJiïtrs Itounty . All -cldierfi bavfngwrred tw M w;i entitld to the sume. 4 s t v.'i.oM mftrkpt prtcë y bo paW fnr solrlrri' clnjTas. Lijwï nhor doDiiiuds Hgainst the Geueral Gov.M-nmer.t iTiformíitifln uní opinión piven, anl Inveetlfffttlon tualf without charge tnwa chiimti poposedto be plaod iu my bfvüdt. For H:icularP. fldrew H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf No, L40 Bnmdway, N Y A. LAEGE STOCK o e1 LATESÏ STYI.ES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS. HSTE SHA"WIiS Of the New I'attoro. C AU PETS of all kinds, Cloths, Ctssiioeres, and W ooien Goods Of all kiuds for th Wintfrr "J rail, now opening at G. H. MILLEN'S. N. B Tlii t':e eenni Air val "f Vni and Wintor Goodo, üii.l wil) be olTcteiiat clone figures. Hilase cali 9)ítf ('. H. M tíiUUÍS &HEiUKKSUA !O TT O ÏSL 3E3 Y 33 CRAIN DRILL, G-rass Seed Sower, Manuñietured ai 8pringfle!d, Ohio. 1 all nthers; adHjtted to isuwing Wlient, lije, Oatb, B.uley SSáGrttH S96d. lt. It i r tti a R-tary Feedfi: 2', Wld sow uil kinds of Grai'n. and Grass Seed, 3(7-, Never lunchen the Grain th. Never iifeakx the G'inin. bth. ü'w-i (ïrcwb Seed broadeast behind'the Drill. fír.i. ji(x hiyh whet'fc und long UoeK. 7(i. Ja lonj and wlde xleel pointe. Sti. It a, luid íneasure or Surveyor. 9tA. t hns douhle and simjle ranc d.r-Ux. lOtñ. li has a self adjustmy shut off. xlie. It is and siilistantially made.' Tbtre is liarlly a In-ill offereü in tlte mirket but can J boMHt Of innn' or itíSS FlfíST PHEMIUMS." Thfy are ulumi an lqd}scnjninately beHtoweil the tille oí' " Prcfrsuor,'' wbieli ip Komcíinie applled lo the '■Jiddlrr'' or ■ hootblack.'1 Jhey coaift; tu convvy tL idea [ merit. lli't Binikt'ye Di-ill h;is bc-n in h-liihíriin ut (juite a mnijlxT uf laie and ( uuoty Kair.-., md vrithou i gkíng fu var t Míe liHO'ls of my Cimiiuitico, has füccívüU íih ful! sliare i'f l'ri-miuins TE8TIMOMAL8: W'c ltíví' th' fulíwing Lianifpi of a lew Farmtru in th; viciuity w j" havr buugkt and u(d thf Buckt-yeUrlB : Ü.itn Miilc-r, 8cij. ach i'uliu muí ' 'llinimWliiitt, Narttiíleld. Jnlin Brtikuv, 'l Chfisftttii Kapp, " & línvicii, Webster Jumes 1 ri'itlwt'U, Ann Arbm l;iiui'l O' [Jara, " J.tiin U.Cook, I.o'li. (t. a. MnrshaLl, í4 I,. MmAv s Saltne. Oeorge Cwjpney, 'Gri-fU OaR, í,lv. Co, V uiealso Agente t'ur the Ohio Ücapcr & M. wer, ackijuwlclgi'Li t be the vopy best in ate. Wo arojust in reoejpt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli wc will .sell Cheup. Also a large assortment o Grrass And the largust and best selceted stock of EJKISrT STUT F FOR CATÏRÏAOKPever before offered m this market Weaísu ketpalargeaíyd i'u'l &733S (a? taaaaai NAII, pLASP,PDWTf PASíTfajid.ígLEri .01. A complete assortmeot of STOVES, T1NWARE, ANIi RA VE 1ROÜ6 JSaly en lianrl nnd put npattJie fihorteht imüct'. RISDON S HKXDKÜHON. Ann .Arbor, JunpSOth.lSfi-'. . 59tf (ïv-jii Plettire Frame CLSBÍ, WÍf and I'KICES jvit received .ir.d foriiiU' cti"tu nt CUQFF & MILLEK'S. USO. Dio. 26, 7S THE ALL SUFFICIErlT THREJE3, THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KTuóWh na " Jlcliiibold's" GEKUISTE PaEFARillIOSiS, VI Z; atiMBOiB'S KXl'KArï " IM'CHV." ' ''-lKlM.A, DIPRÖVEU KOtE WASH. II KI-M LJOI.D'S GEÜJ ÍNE PPEPARATION, coitrouxi) FLUID EXTRACT BOCHÜ, A I'osilive and Speeific IÏÉinecly, For Diseaf-es of tlie BLADDER, KIDNEYi, GRAVEL AND DK0P31CAL SWELLIKGS. This Medicine inoreaíns the power of PSgwiition and excites tlie intn hèalthy action l.y wiiich' t!. - W.4TKAY OII CALCEROUS flepositloii., a nfl all wiil.a-wnr. an.l intHmmatiou, iiad is good MEN WGMEN, OR CHILMÍEN. ' HELMBÖLD'S EXTRACT BÜCKÜ FOR WAKPES&SB Arising from Kxcenscs, fíabítsof Dissipation, Euriy IaHiscrefon, or Abuse, ATTENDED "WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMT0M8: Indi.sposition to Exerlion, Lossof Power, Losa of Memory, Uiffloulty of iireatliiug, We k N'ervas, Xnuibüug, Horror oí 5 ise,, U.iuie.; ui Visión, Pain .u the Hack, (Jiliveisal Lasgituae of txjL Flufehinj of the Body. Macular risteia, Etatptiotis on the Face, Hol Hands, raluil ('uuntuiunce. Drynes öf the .kin. Thtjsö tymptnm, f fillnwed to go on, which this roodieiuu iuvariu bly lomóles, pool t'ollow UViOTENCYFiTUITY EPILEPTIC FITS Ic one of which the patieut mny ex]he. Who eau na y tli:it they aie n 't trequeutly luïlowed by tLusc ''direiul iliaea-es," Insanity and Consumptioiij Manv areawace of tfie cause of thelr suffering. but none aí11 confss Tlie reeordí nf tho Insanc Asjluma nn-1 ttiH mtiiancholy deaths by ConsamptUm, bearninlle witness to the iruth uf tho assertlon. THE CONSHTünON, ONrfi AFFfOTEB WITII OIÏGAMC IVEAKNfffS, RequïreR the aicl of metiicine to stronffthen and Id7 ratc t!i. y stem, wtiieh HELM OU S EXTRACT BU W invarmbly doen. A tria' will conviuce tlie mopt skêptical. Females, Fomales, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, STN'GLE, MARUIKR, OU CQN THi'LATIXt; MA'iKIAOK, Tn raany afTctions peculiar to Fenialoa the Uxirnet Buoiiu iis uncquiliod by anv retncdy, as in Clilcrosis or Ketontton, .rieuLiril v , PttiufulaesB, oi uf)pn-siiiii of the Cuslomavy Kvaciiutv Icorateü op .-'cUiiTous tai of tlie yunus, Leut-nrihca, oí Wbités, sterility, and for all eomplainis incident U, tlic '(■. wtwthai'aúing from indi&CiL-tiun, llabits uf Öisail)atioa,or in tüe Decline or Chungo oí" Liío. &EK SVMPTOMs .BoVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BK WITHOUT IT. Take no Halsnm. Mevcury, or fnpleapani Medicine for l'n-lea.sant aud Daugtrouh {iseaaee, ilELliBOLD'S EXTKAOT BLCUL CL'HliS Secret üiseases. In aMtlieir stages; at little Npcnse ; Httleor no cbnge m diut ; no iaconvenience. AND NO EXPOSUÜE. Tt causea frequent desirfr, ni"l iive strenpth to J L'rïnate, thereby rinivin obstriictimjs. pre vent in aud eui nirHtrictures ot tlie Ure1 hra, mUy ing pain anti infl;:nnnntio.. , Bd re.U"n' in liis c aH ol' lÜSeaKeft, fto expellinii PnIOXOUS, VÏ$LASLD 4XD WOllX OUT MATTER, Thoutüïnils apon Thnuflaodi WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.tve paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedïna short time, luivefounii thcy fftrödecelved,and thftt the "PoiBori" bftS,by the se. of MPoirêrful Astringents," been drieri up in the fsystem, to break out in an aggra vated ierm, and PEHHAPS AflftP IHAHRIAGE. ÜSE ilelmbold's Bxtract Buchu For all AffecUous and Diseases of Tlie TJrinai'y Organs' t?bibr i'xistini; in MALE OR FEMALES, frnm wUateveriü, aml do matter duw i.ot; nnisi{;. Diseases of thoe Organs recjuire the aid of a DlüKETic. Helinbold's Extract liuchu IS TtlK GRKAT DIURBTÍC, Aad it is certnin to have ihe desirtd offeet ín all I'i seuse.s, for ftrhlcb ït ia ri'-vinim'iKled. LOOD! BiJ7Öï! BLOOD! Iïehnbold'.s Jlilily Concent míed Cowpound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. Tliis ís an alft-ct;nn of the Bloed, aftel atCaeks Mie Sexuii Organs, LittPBg oi the nsi_', Kars, 1'liPdHf, Wilpipe, rtM'i otlier Mncm; rtirfaee, mnlnug t nppearaucpin the Urrta oi L'li-'.ps Helntibold Rkt-tid 8ai -iipKi-illa purilio the filood, ;iml wmove'rall (]v Ki-ui-uoii ol the Skln.giTing to the Complexión a Cteai aiiil IeaUliy ('olor. It bftinp prfpüred expreg ily forthin class of complaint.-, BlondIuiif;mg Pro pertiès ure preserveil to a irreater eAtent any (jther p.e}artiou ot SAr aiiuil)a. Pelmbuhi's Rosé Wash. An exe.'llent Ijotioo íor piscases of a Syphíttíc Matute, and is ;in inj6JtaöB in lirae nuf 4 rtf tlit1 l rina i'_ ' 'rt'aii -. arUlng from babitoof dinsipation, usrd In eonnectïon wit li ttie Kx truc is Buchu and tíureapurilla, in nuch disea e f aw recinintjuleil. ef themAst íesponsili'e ad chaeacter vvill accunp .ny tin' medicines. CEÏiTIKKATi:? UP ClJHIW, From piifht to twenty venrs standing, witb n,imo' KiitAvti SGIEVCE ASX Fst.Vf-:, pug M''u:;ii Kr-upvrtitfof B(JCHtr, nee Üisponsatpry of tlie United 8ta' bij Öee Prnfetniii VÈWRE8' vaiuable works on the Practioe nf J'hy-ic Minarks made by the kue celebra ted lh; PET8ICK, Pbiiaiïphia. tiet; remarla made by Dr. EPUIIA1M McDOiVFJX, a celebra ted IMiysican, aud M Ma bei of tlie Koyrfl nlJege of Öurgeonn, Irebnid, :m I pubJUbed in ïraaj sct:.itis e) 11. e ffínyasd 3utníj .ftitirña!. e Mt'.lid'i-ririfryifíil Kcview, pubjiabed lv HKMJAm& V&AVÈtètt IfeUoVöf tlie Koyal College of fcurgen MM. He e most "f tlie late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Riem:, $1 i 0 pkji isotiik, oh mx ok $5 00 " íiABSAl'ABll IA 1 ':0 (i ll & O ImI'roved ïUisk Wami, 00 ff '2 üU Orhnlf a dozen of each lor $T2 i"0. which wil! be Mifficient to ure the most obstinate eaue, i" dïiocli nn urv a.iln.-Til io Heliverfd to any d4rss, securely pRci.i-;l Jroinobservation . ►" Poacíríbe Bymptin.? in n 11 Communications.- Cure.s uaraiiteed. Advine gv&tid, A PI I IA VIT. PpMonally appfarfd betorv mean Aiderman of fre city of l'hiladel)b:fl II T. Ukí.mhoi i. who, being duly Rwnra , dot li snv, iiia prepunitiona oontaíu no narcotíc-, no mereu ry, or other injuiious diugs, but ai e purtly vegetable. II T IIKLMfKU.P. Rworn and Fiibscpibed before me, thís '.'-'ni ilav of Nov.nibr. J-.M. YM P. KIBBARD.. J.i'ifrinitii. Xintli-st ieet. bove lííice. I'bila. Addpi'ss Letters for nfnrjnatinn in confidence, U. T. H!-,ï,MHOl,[).rii(.n:i-t Ippoí,J04 South Tenth streel ,blow (hef-timt, l'hila. HilVVAIii; ny i'iV 'IKÏÏPF.ITS NU UNPKIXCTPLEP DFAIIRS, SYhn oilavor t.n dip; ose " OF TUFIH f'i-VX " and Iloth"r" nrticl-S(n imujjfpon :'tliintil by íJíImbojptíÉuiic l'rep.jii.iifi, ' " Extract Bitctm, " ' ' Siirr!.'ir-iil.i, " " Tinpn.ved Hose WhsJx. B#M by a!l ílfíiy-int evecvw lifie, ASK FOR HELM R0j,P S-TA KE NO OTHER. j tfnt.óuï tho n'lv'.1iti-"mrnt, nnd srd for it, 4ND I ain Bound íor Pv.ï7ivy. .......■■..'.: "-.;,". - ffl. UUilCinfflAn Rúa Dispute tlic íiict if yon c;in, It takes the T A I LO H ut'ter all to give ujipearance to the otttcr man. If you wlsh to appcar weU Yon must atcorilingly IJresi Well. Go to Bf. Guitermau & Co's., The re you will find things ex'ctly SO. SO NP HE IM ülways reatly to take your ■nieusur, GÜITEWMAN will sell you Goodí W'itfi í;r;:il. pleasure, 4 figuren LOWER than you will find íd he State, Take heed - call eaiu.v, tilse vou art too LATE. The iXDL'CEMKXis are unw greater than ever, Uur C'lerks you will find obüging and cluver. Wo will how yon ond CLOTriíXG ni mir nwh oettingup, Filling our Store from IJotto.m to ror. STDDENT8 eípecially will find it td TMKIIt ADVANTAGK, Por it tabee büt LITTLE xMONEY u. replunisb. 1500 nVERGOATS of Cloth, Beaver, ;uid Liiíiir, Warrunttxl tbr alinost ever to near. COATSof Cloth and Cassimere of our OU I) 15!lOi:TAT!ON. For, arded through our ííew York relatioDs, From Knglaud, Bolgiuni, Gei'mauy and F''arice, Such H8 yon crin stand up ín. or weak, at the dance. Pauta! Pants ! ! Paulsü! Fanoy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN nt ë'very grade, Wd sel! Ibem troin ONE.DOLLAR hp tO KKJHT, VL?T8, &C, of every deseriptíon, Yon wili üud it so without íietkin, Puruishing atpakels Frófn SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we sav now, Tkerefore ws make our bov?. Yours truly. ever so, M. (ÍÜ1TKKMAN. A Co,. V-Tim]1 tiike this iTitttlind of iAfói$ing Viis oíd friego and patraña an4 nll uthw who may favor liini witb their patftfottge, tl.;it lie lias gratty f nlüigvl hifi Stocfe and Assortmerit ! CASH SYSTEM BOTtMN BIYING & SRLLÍNG i prnptred. tq scll ni JTI onwonn "fcXo TF X" 1. 0 e S T i 1 í s sto;k conlst ili i;ir o[ the íotlowing: __ AMPRICAX AND OTHI.R yV, W"atchcsí è&fcv HET1 ! TI fOMAS CiJUlKS! FíneJeweTry Setfs GOLD OHAIN8, TABLE AND POCKET OÏÏTLKKY ! KiizorK, ShearM, ocias and I' i : -!,{..; ROGKKU l'LATKIl WÁIü', llio bost in niiirl;et, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, l'Al Klí and LN'VFl.OiK, Musical Instruments, Striiffs S( BixiJcs f ir Instruments, SPECTa IjB , of Guld, Slrt.r} Siffl, and Plated, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article Vcrsnnn havins liiliculi watches ín fit witli glasea '■an bt; ftecomotiated , as ttij Rtocli is large'aui: cúmplete. I. S. Ptirticulai' alíentinn lo tlit o' all liiiil offine WatcUsi, su.-l. as Makiug and Setting new Jewel's, i'inioti.-. Sinirs, and Cijl'mlrrs. Al;f CLOCKS, íSc JEvELI?. nally rt'píuií.d and ivar-nnted', at liis i-!il stitnfle&pt pf Main stncl. fi, ELISS. Ann Arhor. N'ov. '.'íi. lt J íJ'w(H) For ltnta. HIoc, Uoacllos, Ant, Brtl IIus, Klmlis I ii Puis, VVooloiis, fcc. Insect tjn Plnuls. Fo)9, Anímala &c. "u]y infVlIthl" r-ini"lii's knn'.vn.'' " Fií'c tr .m imii-oüí,."' f' fíot dang iioub tu tbe Riiman Family." ' Kat s auua out ut Ujrir hl-s to díe." #y Sold'.i'ii: aJJ li i c tlí. i ínW bv all Druímstn tnd i: ■!"!■■ rs fic,yhorc ! '■ '■ í;iK : ! : .i ;ill w.nlhle,. imita tions. y ?cu t!;,t u(v)hTA í'8" is on (tacii líü.( UoL1 1 e u ín I F'aslí, htjfnrc v iu lny. WArte HEIÍÍV H ÍOST4R. l' Hepit. Rri. tüSBrondwa; Sen Vcjlc. fr"S..lii hy all llii' V]nl(.,ali' iuid Bvtail Druggistn, Aun Arbnr, Mich 9í5a - áyer's Cherry PectorpJ, '


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Michigan Argus