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IJEÏMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. TT IS NOT A DYE, Hut restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capülary tubes with natural suRtenance, mpflïredbyage or disease. All inntanianeou dyea are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and atïord of themselvca no dressing:. Heimstreet;s InimitableColoring not only restores hair to its natural color by an easy procesa, but gives the hair a r.uxuriant Beauty, promoten its growth, preventsits fulling off, eradicates JandrnfT, and imparts hoalth and pleasantness to the nead. It hasatood the tc-st of time, being the original Hair Coloring, nnd is constantly increasing in favor. Used by bolh gentleman and ladies. Tt is nold by all respect&ble dealere, or can be procnred by thoïu 4 M commercial agents, D. S. Barnes & Co. '202 lïroadway New-Yoik. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6m922 WYNKOOPS ICELAND FETORAL. Diseases of the Throat, Ohest and Pulmoimry orgam are ever prevalent, inf-iöious and and dangerous. The proporties of n nirdicine toalleviaic, cire nnd nproot these somplaints, must lie Expectorant, Anodyneand Invidnitiniï, looM'ning the mucufl of the throat, and impartïng tone to the cntire systc-in. No discovory in medical scienccever mastered tilla clafifi of diseaselKe Dr. Wynkoop's Tceland Pectoral. Tt is used wttli the most a.stonishing results in all cases of Bronchitis, In lluonzaf Whooping Cough Diptheria or I'utrid Hore Throat, Asthma, Oroup, Conght, Colds, Nervous Irra tabiüly, &c. Tlie Kev. J. ,T. Potter certifiep, " I have nsed Pr. WynkoopV Iceland Pectoral for fieveral yearfl, mynelf and in my family, for severo Pulmonary CompKiints, and have recommended it to many otliers, and never seen its equal." Hev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, X. Y. llr.u.lii1' anfl 'jKHifiands of important teütiraouials could pe prorfnee, cjiowing its remarkable cures and that it never fajs ït is oóniposfö of pure ïceland Mons, TÍHlm of Gilead Peru vían lïalsam, lílecapipaue, ppi.ilicy, Bur(lock,and other invaluable expectornnt and tonic ingredicnis. It is, prompi and l:istíng'. Invalidsand sutTerers ciuinrjL ülTordto neglecj; a trial. Erery fa;nily sliould have it. It is romarkble for Cronp. íull doscription, recommendations, and direciiopB iceoinpany each bpt te...-,. .-.■,■'.,: Suld by atl principal Drnggij;t" Preparedby Dr. R. D. AVvnkoOj nnd sold by D. 3. Barnes & Co. New York. gS2uifl HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the moSt delightful and extraord:nary artille ever discovered . Itchanges the sun burïit face and hands to a pearly satín texture of ravisliicg, buty, impartlng the mar ble puiity of youih, an-l the distingue appearance bo inviting in tho city helle of faslnon. It removes tan, frecklcs, pimples, and roughness f rom the skin, lea ving i t fresh, transparent and contatos no material injurioua to the skin. I'atron ized by Actresscs and Opera Pingers. It is whafevery lady should have. Sold everywhere. IDexnas Barnes Sc Co. Oí enera 1 Agents, 929m6 SO2 Broadway, HST. Y. AGOOD TEEE 18 KNOWN I3Y IT8 FRUIT. So is a good Phy.ician by his Kuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYON8, THE GREAT AND CKLKBKATF.D PIIYSICIAN OF TUK THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Knovn aïl over the countn as the Celebratod INDIAN HETIB DOCTOR! F rom South America, wül be at hts roofDR, RÜaSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19th nst.,on the name dale of and every sabsequent niontli d uring X862 ;:id 1803, A Xi'.AT 1'A.MIMII.KT Of the Ufe, study and etensive travele of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireonö,' free of cbare. Dr. L wiil vi.'it Ann Arbor. Jfitton,and Adrián, M:ch.,asfolIoV-f; -"■ ■ - '■' 'A:p 1(':oi-, Mr.nitoi1 House, 20lh. JdrJisön', Jiibbard House, Slat Adrián , Brackett H use, 92d and 23d. Hodb orr Examination. - The Doctor discerní dlaeasea bytlieeyes. He, tkerefore, asks no queitions nor re('ïires patients to explain .symptoms. Afllicted, come and have your Bymptonïa and the location of your disea-seevplained ree of charge_ 03" TOBACCO- Yon can buy the best grades, of FINE OHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cen';s to One Dollar. ÖMOKILVG f rom fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND OIGAR STORE Sign - Red India n. South side Hurón street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor; Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf TTJIPTHEKIA. DH. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERI SPECIFIC. CERTAIN Ct'RE FOR DIPTHERIA AXD CROUP. Inlhepastyear over 200 CASES OF DIPTHERIA ín and aroond Rochester, N. Y., CON'SIDERKD HOl'E LES8, have been cu red with tbis medicine. Nar.ies and resideaces can be given. ALLTHEPHYSICIANS 'fUERp NOir USEIT. It never has fajlgd to cure í Get a bxrttíe; it costs 50 cents. Fot sa$ by ! ■ ■" EBER8ACB & CO Preparcdand soltl 'oy ' ' ■"'ll ' v1 íy9Í3 W. E. SKJNKR, Bomater, NT. Y. J A.V l.NTKliKSTI.VG I.KT1KÜ, - H8Brt t Bruff. Agents N. Y, Socie+y, Rochester. - Gents . I deern it dut; to yon state the oí that une boltle of People's Cure wj(ieii 'i (Vtiiaincd from 3-ou in November last. Peeiüg tjip advertisenient üf your So_ ciftty ofíV'ring to tric your lut'Jicine to cleiyymeu for the jwjíi1 n t(,tMr p,trshos,I ootaiued a bottle forapoor girl of ray congregalion, who had long been nearly helji lcss fron Rheuinatisin , and strauge to sny, that onfl jo[j.(e cared her entirely. I write this hopin it may aid íiie oeiety in ta eflfcrta to introduce the medicine, and bless tbose who may need uch a renudy ; and I ufiestiong terms,os I believe its meríts will full} justify ibe most superlativo f'iniR of speech. Yolu's, Befipectf ully , C R. WJLKTXS, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church ftÉïyi Ptt,fora, Monroe Co X. Y. The Great Freneh E-emedy! MADAM BOIYIN'S ORLBiBftATED SILVER-COATEI) FEMA1.K I'II.I.S. Tiie only cortain and Safe Remedy for all L'teríneObtítructimis, Motitlily IHHiculties, Irregula ritiL'.i, and ai) the otber díseasea to which the Wonjaiij V.rite ■ and Motber is iH'culiaily Hable. These Pilis contain no deleterious in. . . lints, but are safe and certain in their actfrm. TIk 'v. iil o found to exert tbe Uappiefit üffect in all easafi of I'rolap'sus Cterfj in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; (luy wil] be ' íound thé efteifest and most certain Curet}i;.t cari ho loun'd. 'It is od account of this certrinty the'y sViout fiót' be laken by Pregn:mt Females (daring thejlrst indniTin, as mucarringe, is certain,) to bc broüght 'a("but 'a't other periods their ut is povfectly saic. N. B. - One Dollar encloscd to anyauttorized Agent, wil! endure packago of PiÜs by rct-jrn of mail. 'V. OROSh'Genei-a'l Agent, KoHEi, (j.W., Buffalo;N. Y. CimoN, - Beware of .'ounterfei1?i, lbo rctiulne havo tbeiynutureof CétO&BY, 4a thé oiitsi'dè wrapper, l-'or .sale by all respectable bruggí.sts. ljeowSSS 8APONIF1LR, OR CONCEIÏRATED LYE, FAMILY SO.P MAKER. V"V J tl ,.: ' et ; .apimifier liclps li. reduce them.1 [I tá$ei'BOBp for Four cunta jipound by u.sii!y'jtir kitrin ri gi-caso. US" CAtlTiO.V As spurmus I,yi-s are offercd also, lic "i'crul and only buv ttl Patented arliclc put up in lion c.;ns, all others beiiy Counteritlts. Pc:insjlcjnia Sat Manwfaclunng Co., i'hiladelphia- Nt. 1Ü7 R'alnut Sücet. I'utftburg - ]'itt Sti-cctamJ Duqursue Way. WOTICE. A LL porson.s to whoin the late Pliilip%t:lienck irínJ debted Bither by note er bool; account arerequesiM to present llu'ir claims t th8 oaderslgned within ninctydjvv from date, )od all persons fndeMwi to liim aro requested to ma-ke immeüiüto p;jymcnt. ::.KVi:ChL.VCK Wldor. r.'ecdcti Jan. ZY, Ih6i. 941 il3 "Asmilo was on her lip- linalth was n her looi.-, strenglh was in her step, n;id in hor hands- J'lnntatinn Bitters." g-T-1860-XA fw bottlea ofFlantatlon Bitters Will curii Sfi rr.ur eadache. l Cola EftremLtléa ai.,,1 Feveiish Upe. " Stoma eh atuxFetid Rrealli. " Flatulepcj and Indigestión," " Ncrvous Affêotiftns. " tl Excessive Fatigue and Shoit Brea,th, " ' Pain over the pi es, '■ r 1 Mee tal beflponaèncy. " Prostration ; (ïreat WeakneM' " Salïow Complexión, Weafe Bowels, kc. Which are the evidencAS of IJVER COMFLAÏNT AND DTSrEPSIA. It ís estimated that even-tenths of all adult proèèed from ft üigtafled a ml torpid llver. TIub bifiary aecntíons of tbo ïïver eYcrflWiag into the stcmach polson tlt1 outi-resyem and, exhibí t the aboye sympluins Vfter long research, we arcable 1o present t hemos I remarkable cine for thene horrk' inghtmareiliRenseM, the world ha ever prochred. . SVithin one year over si lnuulreJ and forty Ihousand persons have taken the l'lpntation Bitters, and notan instance nf c'm_luint ha come to our knowlclgo ! Itisa most fflectual tunic and agrec-able timulftat Bnitedto all conditions of Ufe. Thereport that it relies tipon mineral subatajpcfts for its nctivR properties, ure whoJly ftilse. For the puV,y,c satiaïaction, a ad patïents may consult their physicians, re append a list of its component. Calisaya Bark - ('elebratcd fur o. er two hundrpd yearsin the treatmeüt of Feveraná Igñe, Dyapepía, WeaKnesrf, Kc. It was introdued into Kurnpe by the Countesü, vife of Üie Viceroy pf I'eru, in 1640, and aftenvards solil by the jfesuits for the enormova prtc of ite wn wñight in silvtr) nnder the name of Jesuifs ï'otrder8, aud was ilnally maüe public by Louis XVI, Klng of Franse, HunoboH makes ]ieeial roferenee to i "(■! rifuge quaüties duringhis Bou tb Araerican traveis. Cascaiïii.ia Bark - For Dtarrhcea, colic umi diBflfteH of th' stomiLch and bowel.s, Danjjkuo.v - For inilaiunution o.' tlie luins an1 hrop stcal affections. CtUUOMIIE FLOwKRS- Fop enfeeblfri fligpfition, LAVSKpsit Fi.owicrs - Aromatic stimulaat and tonic - highly inviirnr(itiii? d n?rvous debility. WiXTEKiJitKKX- For set of u la, iln-imi;ttis,ni,&c. Anisk - An Rromátic carminative ; crea tin g floli, musclf iind milk ; nmcli nsed by mothers nursing. Also, elüYcbud.s, orange, catraway, coriander,snakeroot, ku. S- T- 18G0- X. Another wonderful in?redent; of Spanish ortgta, ImpCting beauty to the complexión and brilliancy to the mind , is }'et unknowu to tho commerce of the w o 1 1J anti we withhold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATIE. Rochcstir N. Y. Decrmber 28, 16üt. VOflSrs. P. H.Drakf. 4t Co '-I have been s grent mfifer er'tVor.: Dyoptvsia for threfi ar four years and had to abandon ihy profecía. About three monthfl ago I ti'Ied the riantatiun Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a wèll m.ftB. Ihave recoiomended tliem in aeísral caaea,inü,s lar asi know, nhvays with Hignal benefit, 1 lam respectfuily yours, RFV J. S. CATIIROX. Philadtlplüa, lOiA qntfi, 1th Day , 18G2ReíO'Kctkt) Fhikxi : - My daughter Iihs befn much iieiielitted b'y the1 ÜRfe of tliy Plmitatioii Bitters. Thou wiít .seiid mi two bottles morti, Tby f4èü, ASA CURRIN. Servían House, Chicago, llt.Fcb. IX, 1862. ■Measrs. P,H, Drakr &Co.. - Pleaae send us another twelve cí'.scs of your Pluntntion Bitters. As ft mornlng apptizef ,f tfeéy uppear'to Iiiive superceded ereryihiog else, and arègre;i:!y 'esteemed. '■ 'Volirs, &'c. GAGE & WAIÏE. Arrangcmenis are now completed to supply any domand for this article, which from lack of government stampa bas not heretofore been possible. Thi public may rest assnred that in no case will the perfectly pure Btandaid oi' the Plantation Bitters be departed from. Evcry bottle bears ve fnc. simile of &r sig nature on a sttelpliite tngraving, or it cámiot be genui ne. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Desliera through out the country." P. H. DRAKB & CO. 92'2m6 202 BIÏOADWAY, X. Y. CITY COOFER SHOP. o SPAFFORD % ppDSYj RifCCO.Sso.-.-, tO O. C. SPAFFORD & D HENNING, Would respectfully announce to the citizens o( Ann Arbor and vicnuty, that they art' uow n::inufactuiing and keep constantly on bnd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Ci(ipt' Parréis, Kegs. Fii'kins, CLurps, Woil Bueketi, Tloix aad Appies Barrels, cfec. ,m ! li.ipfs nn'l Hrowors ure invite to examine their Buttef Fi'rkina íukI BeerKegs. CITSTOM ATOIS-IC, dunc to OUDER on SHOKÏ NOTICIO and Würrantod. {3P Cash paid for Staves, Heading and Hoops. Pliops corner of D 'troit Xortb Ptm't.s, fiml corner of Nortb S Fiftli Slrtcls. bPABFOBD á DOÜSLEÏ. Ann Arbor, Feli. ítt, 1864. J+3tf GR-NfiER & FINLEY, AÏÏOMTO 5 COLASELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents OFFICE OVJ!R DOXEI.Lï's STORE, SCfOjj T;lKi:ï, B. P. Granoek, ) Ann 4.rbor, Mich. ff II. FiN'LicV, ' $ Jan20, 1864. 941tf Jirowuell & Pevrin, GEN'L COIIJÜSSIÖN MERCHAnS, 183 outli 'nier Street, Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions, Seeds, Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, e. Kofereuceii: l'reston, Willard 4j Ketn, Cbicngo. S. Botsford & Co., Ann Arbor, Micli. t ______ Particular attention gi'en to tbo ui. af droeg and Ilried Fruit.s, Cider, i:c. Orders for the purchase of C'lover and Timol'iy Seod. Cut Meats, ,tc. , promptly attpniéd Ui f accöim piinied with casb or sattsfactorr refefenée. ü-'ütr The Presiclent'.s PüocJiimation A(KNTS WAXÏEDFOli KV-'.!., IMWXSWIP in (],„ St.tte of ilicliJL pi, to sfltthe gvjfafae Fac-Similc copies of l'residdnfliitK'olns ]■ .u-'iii(riiia1i(in I'roclamatioc. AgMts :l n uke fror.i Í5 fo Slüper day, as evcry man wh) 6m!S , aud his country wil) buy me. 4 ve.y suiall capital rtiuired. I)iabled rtlrhi-rs a ill' hav the preforence Address p incloe'l . '- ■ ASULKY A. CO., S.atc_oiv, Office 122 Jeff.avo.. Detroit, ' CÍMJT1ON'. Evwvgonuáw copyof the. Fas-Simfle contains not only the Procl-tuiation. bnt also the Let' er of President Linr.olli.dated Oct.2ll, M',1, and may 1 casily recognized by tlie oertllhartè' on i-a face. óf Tlios. B. lh-y:,a aultienticatinc jt, !so by tlie foldicrs' Hiimi.,]injt, and rno'tto, andiiy the Prof lama ti n SiMUUmped u],on evnry copy whiïh e liODötly lij tLi . i_..kcl !:; t! tiip faoidiirp. ■ ■ ' 4t9íí. SCHOFF & MIL LEK ARE 9RU; O'-í tlwlrold Stam! , No. 2, Frankmi, ock, with Ihemost ootnpleie RBSoHürtUt of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WIN DOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, -ASSELS. GILT Ü0RNI0E8, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND FINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Market ! #ïf" Thevtrnst Hint theirlon fïxperic.ire inselecting goods Tor tb i i ra&rket, and strict attentioil'to the want of Cuítomei' cátale tb:1'" t liberalshare o Patronage. IJMlMniiïlll mHHHÉEHÉlEuHlMBH VMI T IE-I E BESX - is - THE GIïÈAPEST! Ixxsaa.x-0 xTcltla. tüa.O 1. FIRE AND INTr.ÁNrí) NAVIGATION RIrSKS accepted, now as heretofoie, at fair rate.s ud liberal conditions. 2. BÜPIXE9S COYD;[Ca:t:n wtth constant ilispntch and .iccuraey. 3. I.OP8ES always mot wth proniptnes.1; aud oomplete jtisliee IVet Assots, January I8G4:, 3,002,566.39 f 4.ÏHEPLAN AND ORIÍAXI.ATION of the -1iTN, lifter -15 fe&rs Bflyöre, ha.s realized the greatest jniblie ailvantitue and Buccess of the various sy.sfcins ol Kire Insurance in the country. Is now better than evei prepartd for duty. 5. UlibuiJtiÖ b QÍaims have hem pottled and paid. - MXTI..KN MlLUdS (■[ UOU,A.RS I 6. THE CON'SÜ.MPTION OF PS'OI'ERTY BY FIRE, in the United States, avi rade's Sivi S.'.OO.OCy daily. Is jour property exposed and unpiotected? ' 7. ARE YOU INSUEEü? If not.'why not? The cost is Irifiiag; the duty is manifest;' the fesult may be your escape frora ruin-r while delay'and regleet may invoivo ynu. in bankruptcy, poverty;;or cruel disappoiDtment. 8. PARTICULAR ATTEXTIOX nnd regard is given tü gmall riska as welf ai Iarge ones. Able security and superior commercial advantays aiïorded. Policies issued without delay. Jiissolution Notice. m-IIKFIRM OF CHAPÍN, Woon & CO., wasdiajoWea X .TRnufiry lfï, 1863, hy mutual consent. C. A. Chapin and A. B. Wood will settle theaccounta of the firm. C. A. Cn-AHX, A. B. Woon, V. Chapi.v, E. Wklls. Aan Arbor, Juno 24, 18b3. Copariiiership. TTE UXDERSIGXEn entereü into partnership Jan. 16,1863, By the firm muñe of Cliapin & Ca., and will continue the business ol' nanüiïicturing printing and v.rapping papjr. '■ ' " ' fl.4 Qa'.iix ' N. Chapín, ' ' ■ W1 y. Qhapjv. Ana Artor, June 24, 183" 910tf Dissolution. r HF. FIRM of Slavvsnii&Oceristhjsdny asso)vedhy mutual consent. "All notes and 'accounts'due the firmtare to bo settl?d by, aud paid to L, R. Slawson as ior'agre'envefit. - ■' ': L. R. SLAWSOX, 11 J. K. GEER. Aun Arbor, Pee, C21, 1P63. Notite. rpllE OROCERY and provisión business will be enn1 tirrried at the nld stand by SlaVsnn & Fan. The patronage oí theold custoraers and ntkrrê, is solicited t-LAWiON & SOX. Ann Arbor, P, 22. 1803. Tcbacco! Tobacco! T A.H SEIX1NT3 GöqppiE büt CIIEWING T015ACCO Atfrmn Fiftij cents to $1 per pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, Frcm 1 í cents to 20 cents -per pound, at retail. M. DEYANY. Ann Arbor, Mich., De ■.17, 1S62. 883tf SEJVD IN YOUR OKDEKS. THi'. subsciibor i maS:n largp prepara tinns 't o britig a very t'XtfnsJv'è riety of ! j -t v treca into t'ii fity, as v;rty in tho Ffï.ng tía l-.-'y tmn beremovfcd, , I sli:iil Inive f oí s;i!r, 10,000 Piar Treft. 20,000 Af pies Trees. 10,000 PeaJf, Trees1, 5, 000 Grape Vlnes. .Alsft - a laue assortiB&t uf'Kvergreens. iiml llouers and shr i, '. - lil"'((-rsrn:v bi? i'lii f D16 by :;[ ü' dllifrwiso T. brBO(:. Ann A-l,(ir, Dec. 'Jrl.lSti3. 4m934. Rifle F actor y! Beutier & Traver, [Sneoeaera to A . .;. uUierland,] Manufacturera of nnd Dealere in GunSjPistols, Ammunition Fl.asics, PoUihcs Giiwc Bqgs, and Evcrjothcr afiele iu thatLinc. All kinds of dono at Lo r-iiorlcst i;i.tict', a ml m tüe best m ann er, a full as.-ortnient n!w iy.s kept 'm h.uid and made order. ff-. iiho):;..nier Mam .-.n.: Wjiiugfoa otri"it-'. I .„ . A. I-r Oct '- 156-'. Í73tí Buífalo Testimo&y. tok PTT D 17 &■ PEOPI-K'P ; V-Ü RheoniMtfem. "I was troubted th Rhonm.,ii?m fot two veara, sufi'ering more or lesa fvery flay. I have taken two bottlesof the'Peopies Cure and have not liad auy pain since 1 left it oíl more than four 'weeks ago. I c nsider myself a't rnlin-lv cured, and medicine has made me feel veiy Jight nnd good- just Jike a young man though I .■mi sixtv two ynrs oíd UOm"RKY í'CJÍl 1'KKÍ,. 402 'Mirrlilgan Pt.' ".Wy wífe 1uí s bren sulT rlffg frcm Rhm.niati m bf an inllammatory character Éor abSut six or seteti rptirs soniotiines very acutely. About the first of June lust ,1h commenced tak ing the Pure. and cutinued to take ít somt' three weeks In ten 1avs ;if t er abe commenccd, the b welling and BtiffneFf t hr Joints very materíaUy lesscned, una n three weeU had disappeared altojrethe". "THOMAS I'OIJ.OCK. (atW. II. Glenn'8 ) "Buffuln, Oatobet 1, 1S62,'' THE PTT D 17 Cure "Two üf our.subseril one of UienfafUicítM] H tb. a bart Fevcr So re. the oiber witli ha ing H'eétí'tht advcrtisemi-rií of flio 'Pe'oplé's Cure' in tilín paper, purchased the Medicine, and nnw.altei hning thor ouglily tríed it, report' to us.C'tninending it moBt héartily as a thorough remedy in their cuse. - Editora Cürístian Advocate. ú THE pTTT) T? Cures Diñase., PEOPÍ.E'S UUlílíi of the Hkin. ".My íiice bas for mere th-an ton yenrs be?i: grently 'lisfirnre'l hy riiytijips and ', umcIm-s, wliich al tii;ie extended ovef'my wb.(neboflj'Jand onefríortf rw d;typ maile me entiicly blind ; buv havbtg táVeq two hutUef of thp 'FoojiH-'s Cure,' my üfquaiuUtnces lially t-cognize me - Indeed I hiirdly know as J am u'w a well man . Let all wlm rt; ulike" afilie t d trií Lhe 'People's Cure, - thf Medicino ptópared by Ihe PHrltaïj Society- and 1 thinU tliey will not bogrudge tbeir dol .ÏOPF.PH FOUR, Turner, Mtcbanie St '■CuITulo, Nov. 15, 1S62." THK TTTÍT? Cures Scrofu la ti PEOl'I.K'S UU IVHi Salt Rheum. ''I Itave ussd the 'Peopk's Cure' in my fnnily with great benefit) :n ca6fl ofSarofula and Salt fílteum, und naVé rècomm-nded it frerjuently tñ my f -iends. all of whoii) 1 A-lie; e iyw beea benefitted, and nioat ui üifm entírelv cu red bv it. CHAS. 8CHARFF, 273 Main Pt.,up-stairs." THE rTTV) "L"1 Gusep Fejnali) PEO1 LE'S Vy U 1 Üj Weaknesi "I have been in fee'ie health ptpt since tbe birth of my boy, M'ho ís bu twe'.ve years oíd. I have had many troubíésañd difficaltiea, al] tliis time, unfitting me for everykind of labor, and destrnying all my c m fort, Lust Kiimmcr I cominenced takiug the 'Peoplea Cure,1 and have used four bottlPB, and am now slmoit a wcU woi-ian. My diffieulties h&v; neurly all di.-.ap peareü;'ant I i'etl chtovlul aud liappy. , ■ ■ '-MUS. í'ATII.VIÜNK Í'F.WAL, DreFsma'w-r, (íoclell AUty, above Tupper &t, "BníTalo, -'ict. ÍÜ; ISÖ2."" 1 YíHÍ ""TTTÍT Gures when other P,i;a}'LK'S V AV 1 medicines fail I "ily vvife iiíis been in poor health for a long time fVeqnenily t o cal! a piivsicijin to nitend 3,er: but sh'e vis recent ly very muoh worse. Fr uve or nix wceks abe had no appetite, lost afl her strength, and was each day growing worse, Sbe had night sweuts, coughed a preat deal dui'ing each niht and considerably during ihe Sáy, and we all yupposed she was going OH witb tbe con.sumption, when i íriend adviert hár to tako the 'Peoples's Cure. On tak ing the medicine be pereeived a fihange it once. Ob the thlrd day slie had reenvered her appetite, and was fat regaminf? lier fitrength, uutil, on the tigbtli day, not yet having taken one bottle, alie has stoppen takfog tbe medicine saying she was as veJl as anvbody coul'J le, and ah& has continued so ever sínce. 'tpm KI.F.TX, Gardner, 32 Pearl st. "BuPfalo, Octoberl, 1869. 'i For Palé by all Drugffiflífi. P22V. C. CROSBY, (ïeneral Agent, No. 2?15 M.'in st., Buffítlo, X. V., to wliom all ordra ghotild be a3di'eíed. ' 'Mi For Ssle by Stsuhin'3 k Wi-ESOS, Grenvillk & Ft'LiK, and C. Eberuach & Co. ' WÓ.NDEpyUL 8UCCESS. JJ" Tp.e attntion aid research of tlie most Uj'btinguisbed' Chemists aii'd ' P.lísician.s for years liave been devoted to the production of a remedy fnr those mostdistressíng raaladie.s Neirau;. and Aftcr long study and many expérimPnts, a spe.ajic preparation has been discoveren . WAri!?OJJ 'S Xeuiulgia King,an inUrnal Remt:dy , curing thousauds of cases whereall otherremedics have utterly íaifvd. We are assured tliatit is no mere t( ANüDYNE," roheving for the moment whïletho cause remains, but is a perfect SPKCIFICand CLJRL for those painful diseases. Tbe vast nimiher of Liniments, Embrocaiinns and Kxternal Medicinef? which act as stimulants of the surfaee orrty, are merely temporal y in their eífeets and vi doubtluí virtue Tlie NKUK ALGIA KIKG rea che a the source of all trouble, and etfectu;Uly banishes the dísease from thesystem. . Príce - One Dolbir per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER. lyL22 PuITaio, N. Y., ind Fort Evie, C. Y. For Sale by Stetii; & WiLSOfr, GVYUSJC & Fvllbb, and C . EüFRiucn h Co. ' ,■■.. FURNITURE ROOMS One door Nortb. of Risdon and llenderson'.s Hardware tí tor e . Tbe underpigned havíng purchapoil the entíre stock of W, D, Sm i th i&Co., !ml addéd lnrely tu the ,s;inr, Ís prepared to furnisli his íViewls and iatronn a good assortment of well r.iade furniture, consisting of L0FAS. BTJREAUS, BEDSTEAOS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS,) of alikinls, and in f;ict ol evo. ;t]iing perttiining tü the business. LOUÍGES, AJATRASgES, &c, í:c.,mrn! to onler by good and experienced vorkmon, anl warninlei! lo trive Katfafñetion. lie tttn keeps apoort u.-. inti,,t',i;j ol'_Cürry and U'alnut Luniber frs-tt-íil reaKonobw yrfees. Aml wil] also pav the lijfchDxt r.mrkct ftSm tut Clieriv. Walnut, tnd Ú'hite WoodLniuber. ' I1. S. He hay also purchasod thc Qew and ELEGANT HEARSE! of Smith & Co ., aml is prepared to furnisu all kinds of Wood Coffins, Meüilie Cases, AlsTD CASJKETS, On the RbortCflt notice. Also attons U laying out i'.cr-asrd persons Öay a;i-1 iliglit, .viti j ■ t charge. All furniture jlclivennl in the -_iiy fre ut ettirge, W. U, BENHAM. Ann Arbor, Jaouary ls;li, ISi;:i. :oif BRADBÜTtï'S JNew Peale Piano-Fortes. UNTJiECKIH-'.XTEO RUUÜiÖE ! SEVKN FIKST PRIZKS ! Jieceived witliin fuux we.iKs ; From Nw .lerey ?:nfe Fair, al i'iitu-r.-nn, X. J : l'n.iu Xew York otate Hfeir at rm-:i,X, Y.; froni Ohio Sute Vah n Clevelind O,; lVnnsylvailia State Eiiir, at N'orrM nwn l'a . ; [Ui. nois State Kji ir, al Decftur, 111. ; Indiana State Kair, atlndiunapolis, {ná.; from the American tnstitute Fair in KpV York- Judges : (ott.- liaik, lierg. Bdatfttïs, a ad K. II. Hrown. The folio -vrjao uote received froni on? of tho Jttturs : "Mr. Wm, Iï.' Bkadhibv . Dear Pir ; You have receïved the Gold Mc.dal ! IVongraUilalc you upun botnglhi succcsslul competitnr for the FIRST PKI7.K ttOLD MiDAlforthe HKsT i'IANU KOKTE, at the Fair oi'the AmvrfcaD lustitnte at the Academy yf Music. Your iustrinneiiis PULI.Y ME BIT this award for their richly be;iuti.ul, vuluminou Cuna - .-.o pmveiful, yet so swt'tt ' ' GO1TSCHALK, The celebinled Pianist , ays of them : "I hae "Hinine.l wübGKBAT cark .Mr. Win. B. Bra!bury'.s Nkw Sc.ik 1'iao-Kobii, rdit N rtfy opmion that they are very snpercor instrumenta . Tiave 9ptc■ i'jilT v remarfted fh'-ir thorough worimansnjp. and tlio í power, inirit', richness Kiid f.iialily of thelf tone I ' vecomincüil. therefore, these instrumenU to thepubïic ingtneral, apd doubt uot of Iheir success. IL. M. COTTSCHAI.K. New York, July 12,1863. The most era'neut of tbe puslcal professipn of Kffw York ha vn al;-' ffffen the moit uuqiuititied testimoniivla in favor oí thene ius'ruments. JSá Sèhd tor a Circular. WM K BKADBTTRY[ 938 So 4i"Biooc Ët ;K. Y.


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