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The Anniversary Of

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ton's birth was celebratod on Monday sst in many of the larger cities and towns of the country. In our own city no celcbration of the day had been prearranged, cxccpt on the part of the Firf Coiupany, composed of patriotic Gerfflau8 who never let a natioual holiday - or any other - pass by unobeerved. - gut in the forcnoon, firemen, stuents, ,nd citizens arranged for a jubilee at the Court House jn the aftcrnoon. The house was crowdod at the hour agreed upon, and the large amüenco was ad(Jressed by Dr. Haten, and by Messrs. Cooley, Cockek, Hil, and a number of students of the University. We were pot present, but hear that some very patriotic thínga were said, and also that iOme things werp aid VP'7 inapproprir ate to th.p ocqaaiqn. Gen. Hill is credj:c4witn goicg out of 'l'S way an( 'ug' piog in University matters, and, when pmpelled to tack by a storm of higses, ith "going in " on a partisan speech. Ile aortainly w3 npyer inoculated vvith to principies of Washingtqn or he 5 .uW n1 nave so outrage4 the proprieti s óf the hour. [f the anniversary pould be made the jfl'ansof im pressing the people, and .espdially the ruJers - not now a mere forin of ojpression - with the principies which governed Washington, and which he Un.:bt in his " Farewel! Address," it wou'd be well observed. But mere vapII Jeclaraation and empty eulogy, or a ipling advocacy of principies and tnoagu:ef Washington never dreamed of eniirsing, but condemned in every act pf tU J.'fe, neither honors his mem"ery por Kncfiis the uation. 6r The ladies of the Soldiers' Aid ijpoiely of this f!ity are holding a " tluettj Wi'lttng " 1b Buchoz's Block. The ges; ons iommenced yesterday, and wlli continue te-ljj and to-morrow. The ivork in hand is the pr paiation of pickles, and all ladies who can posibly spare the time y3 inyited to be on han 1 in working gqrb. 'fhe soldier-boys in the Aniiy of the Cumberland are suffering Kitli jFuryy and it is liïghly necessary that a üiieuil supply of picklod vegetables be iniITOiltow' sent fonvard. Our City and County 5 lti'-!i!y repreaented in that army, and or i-ifjzns, therefore. have special reasons fgrlt-iidiitg an active helping band. We undersl.intl that Chaplain Day has made large purclitsi of Potafqes, önions, and Vinegar, and tlmt tlier.e is work enough provided for a large nyimber Qf hands. Farmers are also in?iled to bring in donations of the articles jE3f Tijis week ha$ reversed the weatlicr o last. The mercury has gone from P be!ow zero to 50 aiid moieabove, and the polil, liitin nortluvesiers have been succeeded by bahuy southern breezes. An April shower carne in tli .- early morning of yesterday, and when the aan shone out brightly the raindrops spaikled like diamonds on trees and lirubs. fl e fear that it is too Spring-like to last, aml th tt nature in dealing out her compensations ill again give as asuuft-and feel, Ija- Qf ine ice-king's breath. If tiot, sugarmakersiuibt work while the day lasts, and fïnuers mu,-L make ready for early spring work. =-Riw nnnounces an early Spring, and tlat the ilo s will be running town-meetiii" Ejf The oíd Franklin is rapidly cotntajilou-n. The roof is off, the windows out, lk partït ions broken, and the thing is no 'onjer a safe liarbor for rats. We Iiave nary 'w fo shed over its destruction, for Greq 'm the plans f a nalace-like structure per'ted. and e are proraised tlie best hotel ïtlieSlate out of Detroit. " So moteit be." Cï" Uacfarland's Mammoth Dramatic tiompanv, from Detroit, opened in Hingsterfrr's IIsll on Wednesday ' evening, ná is drawing full housea. The Hidden Band is on the programme for to-uight. - 'HBiitu;i'ABLAND appears as Capitola. - ihc Berger Juvcnile Orchstra troupe is one ' the attraction of the company. LS Bayaud Taïlou is to speak before the Studcnts' Lecture Association, tliis evening, ir, tiie M.'E. Cliurch. We are not drseil cf Jiis subject. A bare announcesient of Mr. Tavlok is suffieient to secure "malarge audience. He is one of the most Popular lecturors before the country. " S. Subject - Russia and her People. LF The March numbor of the Con'""lint Monthly has a readable table of contelts, includiiifj two financial letters from ''"' B. J. Walícki!, and several other "crisis" aicjes öf a radical stamp. $3 a year twp 'I'ies, J5. Address Joun F. Tkow, 50 Oreíne Street, New 'örk, L3E The January number of the ''minsíír Remeto lias the following papera : Tbe Life aiil Wiitings of Roger Uacon, Tho ttimcl undor Mount fenis, Astrology and IaK'C The Dopi-pciation of Gold, Gilchrist's "fe of William Blake, Parties and Prospects 'n Parlianient, The Inspirad Writings of HinJuisr'i, Russia, The Physiology of Sleep, ntemporary Literature. $3 a year; with w other tliree R, sietes and Blackwood $10.- 'Wress h. Hcoit & Co., 38 Walier Street, " Vork.


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