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Address Of The Rebel Congress To The People

Address Of The Rebel Congress To The People image
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New York. Fob. 25. The tiddreM -i the lii-bol Congres (o the penple of the Oonfttdofuta fetates is iiulilifhed, H if very lengthy. It mv ihat the conreé of the Federal frovernnciit has proved that it did uot iet-irt penee ülid wouU not consent to it. on Hiiy terina that we Riirrld pnpsü.'y coni'lude. iu ( roof uf liiia we refer to tuo report' ed tvjoc'icn of nll torms of couciliation and compromiso, to their recent O'Miteiui'tuous refusal to receive tho Vice Pruident who was sent to uegogiate for soflening the uspurity of wor, ai.d tbeir sconilul rejection of tho i.ffer of K neutr.] powur to mediato between the oontending parties. The motive oí f-ucli Ptrange oond'Jot is obvious. Tho ropub!ic;in party wan fomidcd lo desíroy s'.avory and the pquality of the States, fmd Linculn was nelected na the insiruiïient to aocomi!ish thJs object. The Union vvhs a banier to the oonsumaium of this poli cy, bt-cau6e the ooimtilution which was i's boixi reognized iind protectnd sla very itnd ll'e sovereignty of the States. The Union must, theretore, be nacrifiocd to iiisLire it destniction. The niass f the Northern people wcre not püvy to and sympathized in ïiosueh dt'glgn. Tbeyloved the Union and wished to preservo it. To rally the people lo the fupport of the war itg oljout as proulauned to be n re torn 'ion of the Uuion, as il' that whieh iuiplied voiuntary absent, of hioh íigieemciit waa an indispensable tj'oment ahd condition, could be preserved bj' coerción, it is absurd to pretend ihat a guvurninent roully desi rous of n Storing the Union would adopt Hich meaeurea as the confisoation of private proporiy, the emanoipïtion of claves, systematic aid offered to invite nourreotiofl, forcible abuction from fheir homes and compulsury enlittnent in the anny, tl.e división of a sovereitrn St.ite wi'hout i's consent, aod tl preo laiuation that one-tenth ot the popuiation of a Stale, and ihat tenth under military rule, shoald control the will of the remaininüT ninc tenths. Tlie only reldlion beween the two I soctions under Huuh a poliey is th:it of tonqueror,i:nd ood quered, superior and dependeiit. It wouid hurdly bo fair to assort thut all norlliern peopie participato in Ihose designs. On the contrary, there oxists n poweríul politica! party which openly condumns thetn - The admkiwèralioD las, bowever, been j able th;ia fiir, hy its enormou3 j iige, and its lavish 8xpndituret, to j dace, or by lts legión of Hessiiin incrOnaties, to overawa the maiíses, to ; trol tliaeleotions, ind to establish an ! arbitrary despotidm. It oannot be pos ( sible thiit thid state of ibinga can Í tinut The peopie of the United j States, accustomed to freedom, cannot consei.t to ba ruined and enphived in ■ order to ruin and ens'ave up. Moral, likt) physicd tij-ideiriicá, hava thtir allotted periods, and must soonr or later be exhansteii and disappear. VVLen reason returns, our eneniies vrill probably reflact tbat a peopie like ours, who have eshibited such c;ipabilities, and extemporizod such resouruea, can never besubdued. That a vast espanse of terrilory, pith such a populaíion, can't be govaraed a3 an obedient oolony. Uutil soma edidence is given of a ehauge of polioy on the part of the Fbderal government, and some aBiirence is recuived that eöorls in negotiation wi.l not be shuaned, the Congress are of the opinión thal any direct tures tor peaee would compri mise oar eelf respect, be fruitlcss of good, and interpreted by the enemy as an indieation of weakness. We can only repeat the desire of the peopia for peaee, and onr readiness to accept terms consistent with the honor, intagrity, and, ndepondence oí the States, and compatible with ihe safety ot oor domt'süc institutions. We have no aheTnative but to do our duty. The future of our chiklien, the pre-ervation of our lair land from polJu tien, and to avert a doorn which we ,cau rend b'th in tho threats of our en emies and the acts of dppressioo we have alluded 'o. The situation is grave but furnishes no j ust excuse lor despondeoce. lnBtead of bar.sli criticisai on the government and our Generáis, instoad of bewaiüng the failure to accornplish iuofrtbtiities, we sbould ratlier be giateful fop tlifi resnlts which have rewarded our hibor, remembering the disproportion in military and naval resources, and the difiert'iit status oi kibor iu the South. Our ncaompljahnients hnve suipassed those ot any peopK: in the annofs of the world. There isuo just reason for hopelessness or fear. Since the out break of the war, the South has lost the nominal posse.jsion oftlie Mississippi rivcr and i'ragrnents of hor territory, but Federal occitpanoy ii not comjuest. Tbe n'res of patriotimn stil! Uurn in the breast of those who are subject to foreign domination. We have in our uninterrupted control a territory which, accoriiing to jiast progresa will reijuire th.o enemy ten years to overrnn. Th9 enemy are not far from difliculties with an enormous debt. The ñ- nancial convuision, long post poned, is snrely coming. The short erpf in the United, States and the abundant harvesta in Europe, will hasten what was otherwise inevitable. Many sagaoioös persons at the North discovering the bsurpatims of the govrnment the oer tai n overthrovv of their iibertieu, a large nuaiber revolt from the urjust war, and would gladly bring it to an end. O'.hers look with alarm ai the complete subversión of constitucional freedom by Abraham Lincoln, nnd foei in their own persona the bitteriiess of th,e slavery which tliree yeará of var has failed to inflict on the South. Brave and earnet men at tbe North havo fpoken out igainst the usurpa tion and cruelty duily practiced. The hjipcesa of these men over the radical j..n d despoti.c party which now rules the North, rnay open the woy to peaceable rjegotiations.and an en'.) of this bloudy and unnece-sary ar, J coiiclusi&n vfo exhort our h-llow citizens to be of good cheer, and Fpare lo labor nrr üscriilue ihat mny be nee to onbk tM to win iho paign upon which we have entered. - Wo havo passed throudi gruut trials o( affliction, but sufriring and kuniiliation are tht sohool-masters thut lead Dationa to se!f reliance and iudöpendence. We 1 og 'hut ihe supplies and resources of the country vvliich are ampie, inay bo sold to the government to support and equip ts ar mies. Let al! spirit of füction and part party diOorences be furgottoQ ia tho presooce of our cruel fuo.


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Michigan Argus