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From Georgia

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- t The correspondent of the Ciucinnati Gaztlte, gives the following explanation of the reoent advance from Chattanooga ; The general object of this movement muy be stated iu a lew words. It had a two-íold, and, in o eertain eventuality, a thrce-íoUI design. Thj aspect of things ín East Tennessee had been somewbat threatening, frorn the time we made onr unfortunate advance upoD, and precipítate retreat from, the town of Dandi idge." Loogstreet held, in réference to our forces there, a moDacing position. We did not know exaotly how gréat liis strepgth as. We did know that ho might, at at any time, be reinforced either from Jofanstou's arrny or Lee's ; and it bocame us to watch hiin with the utmost vigilaaco, and, if possiule, to prevent these rcinibnements irom reaching him. Any force from Lee's anny could join him ia spito of us; but in réference to detachments from Johnston, v:e cquld do ono of twojtbings : either we could, by threutcning Palton, prevent thein from btiug sent out at all, or we could intercept theni pn tbeir way. ïo effect, if necessary, tho lat ter oliject, certain dispositions of trorps wore made, ol which I shail not npeak. joiinston's and lonostrket's jünction 1íender1sd dikficült. Sufflee it to say, that with our troops thus disposed, neither Johnslon could send reiuforcements to Longstreet, nor could Longstreet re jat o Jobnston vvilhout nieoting a tremenduua oppositiqn, and running teiriblo riek 8 of dcti'uction. Only by traversing almost iinpnssable routes through the vast mountttio regions of West North Carolina and Noi th Georgia, or by rnaking an immense circuit by railroads running far to the east, could tliey avoid coming in unvact witb our vigiïant and well prepared forcea. BEAHINtí OF TUK KXPEDITON' OSON S11ERMAN's MhVKMKNTM. Bi't Sherraan was pene1 rating (o Mie ce: tre of the (inlí''a'e rogítin. The fil'een thou-ir d trooj h ouder Jüshon Polk vvcie cónfessedly unable to check progreíP ; if tho rebel nrmy of the Mississippi wero nol refnforced, and that rijibt speedily, Sherraan wttuld unquestionably Roon re.-ich his destination, wbetherthat werc Mobile, Moiitgomerv, Behua or "RFno, If-, n the other hand, Johnston were allo wed to to send any considerable portion of hia army to the EUshopa assistance, Sherman iniglit be overwhelmed or hia marcfa Feriously retardad. This wouid interiore with tho generai plan ior tho conduct of the Spring i-ampaign; and must at all h:izards be prevented. WB M1OIIT TAKK lUiTüK. No other means of effecling thi prevention offtred itelf, ejusept a direct moveinent fi'oni ChaWaoooga towurd Dülton, rnenauing; the enemy at the latter p!aeo. Bnt this moveinent might possibly develop the fact thut the enemy h:id already so seriously weukened his iorce at Dulton, that he could oQer no effectual resistance to a strong column moving upon them there. In that case of course we should have no objection to takiiig possesision oí Dalton itself, and continuing to hold it or not as might suit our further convonience or neceasi ties.


Old News
Michigan Argus