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Notes And Suggestions For The Month

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Anos stands as a vvanior, wuHing fpr'the word "íorward M va ■;." "r the Fttrmër, however, a backwárd Maroh ie decidedly preíerublo,- backward so far as vegctation is eouceiued, but forward in respect to dryness of soil and ability to plow and eow. T hare is little danger of American farmera making a retrograda movement in their important profession. Progresa is the order of tlia day. The maroh of events iudioates that wo are to reoeive great accessiona of Europeau laboréis the praseDt season, most oí' whoaa -will fínd their new homes upon the farm. The land. is broad, the soil in deep, and its fertility iuexhaustible undur goyd management. Our reeessities will secure them a welcomy, even thongh selfish men disregard the broad principie at the foundation ,vï our goveiüineiit, whieh uiabes this freo couniry an aaylum for the oppressed of uil lanas, and a field for every sort of productive or uweful labor, il ia tor na to shape this mass of material by whicü proèpritj in the inmediato future (not less than postèrity mqiti ceiiiotély ) it is to be greatlv iofluenoed. The slow, diligent, ploddihg Europan gruc(ually taka the Anieriuan idea ; bis children grow up Americans. Let us then impart true uotiona ot that prograss and euergy, which in our agriculture as in general businese medianil-, arta havo made Us the most prosperous and progresivo o-ation of the woild. The genius of our inalitutiiins is to Americaniza foraigners, whileatthe s-,u;ie time we learn IVom tliera all that we can which is new to as, or capable of new applioati ris. It would be well if we eould eegraft eotne of their ideas oí' weedlees, thor otlgh culture, of fenculess farming and other desirable wuys ot farm management. The constellation of the zodiac thro' which the üun passes this montb, ia that u2 the Ram - not, vcry well markcd amori'g ths tare, but very afjropriate to the .seLiïiou m wtüoh the goud c re of the flock is so esseiuial to the success of the thepherd. There are probably morelambs dropped in April than in March, and it is desirablo in this climate tha! this should 00 BO, in floka of fine wooi gheep, Mutton lainbs ought to come aarlier for they attaiu a much I better sizo, and are sooner ready for the butcher. Breeding'cvves snould at onue bave good shelter, either iu closcd ebeds or baru rooin, litteied just ' enough to keep the fleeees clean, not filled wifch bulky, strawy litter, and provided with very free ventilation even on cold nights. As yet the interest in sheep breeding, which is so general among American farmers, appears to be ol a healthy eharacter. Prices paid for shep have in some capes been extravagant, and the opportunities for fraudulent dealing, in eellmg to peiRons having limitod knowledgo of sheep, have perhaps been taken advaptage of. - Still when we reduce prices paid for sheep and wool to the gold standard, we sball find that at present they are not after all high enough to warrant any inordinate excitemont, and that ancs - now in the ascendant - really oooupies a no more prominent position in our aericulture, than the importance of tha ehep to the pronperity and comfort of the country detnands.


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