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THE KOOTS AND THE LEAVES WTLL bu for the flealh:g uf the Natioms. Bible. TUK GBEAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICiAN of Si throat,lux;s, :;jA,'.r,i,iv:,i AM) THK BLOod, Known tb e country as tho CKLERRATED I3STOI-A.isr IIERB DOCTOR'. Of 2S2 Bupgrtor títreet, Cleveland, Ohio. WiJl virfit the following placew, viz A?IOINTMK.rTWFOIÏ18Ö2, 1803 and 1864. Trof R. J. Lyons eau bo consulted at the followinz places every month, viz: Detroit, KuBaelHoaae, eacl) month, 18tb and 19th. Ann Arbor, Mimitor House, rad) month, 20th Jackson, Hibbanl House, cach munth, 21. .A'lriaii, iiiacket House, each monih 2dand23d. Ohio. Collins House, each month 9áth öth and 86th. ' ' Hillsdule, Jlieh. , ffillsdale IImho, each month, 27th ('ul.hvaler, Mich., Southern Michigan HouHe ca"}i month, 38th. Elkhart, Klkiiart House, each montb, 29th. South i; n. fii.l., St. ,Jo. Hole!, cacLi month, 30. La porte, ïnct., Tee Gardeu tlouse, eacb month 31st. Voosterj Ühiü, Craudell Eí;chanire, each munth 7th and8t}-. ' iXiuinifeld, Ohio, Wiler Huuse; each month 9th and lQth. Mt. Verviui, Kcinyun House, each month, ilth and 12tti . Ñewark, Oftfö, üoHon House, each month 13tb and I4th, ratnesville. Ohio. Cowlos f, pach month 4tla ('LhVKLAND, OHIO, REIÖENOE ANO OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of the public square, opposite the Postofflce. .:;,s eacb niuiuh, lst.d, 4tli, 5tli , Bth, 15th.- Office lyura from 9 A. M. to 12M, and from 2 I'. .M. to 4 I'. M. OnSunday from 9 tu 10 A. AI.,aud 1 to 2 1'. il. #3 Maxime strictly adhered to- . : ■ tima ■ irife, Witb nal ure oí L&wa (i' life, Willi blood my hands I never Btain, NoTpoiBon men toease theí) pain. "■ is a phy&ít ian i ideed, who Cure. The ladiftn J 1 ■ Doetór, R. J. LYONfii cures the Tol lewiag compiaini iuthe oiost obstínate stages of their existen , ■oat, Langs, Keurt, T.iver, Stomach, Dropsy intheChest, Rhumatlsm, Neuralgi ■ oi FalUngSickn69S,andall other oerrouaderangemeni s. ■ v' o all ■ e PaaftheUload such :i.s Scrol'ula, Krysipelas( Cáacttpa , Fever Sores, 1.. prosy, and all other complica ted cbronic complainta Ail forma of female difBLcalties attended to with the happíent resulte. It is hoped that nn one v.ill despair of a cure until they havegiyen (he [ndian Herb Doctor 's ■ fair and faithful trial. tt9&ttring the Doctor'i trareïs in Europe, Wesi Indies, South America, and the [ Difin Stal es j he Las bei :í the instrument in God'.s hand, to rewtoro to i?alth and vigor thou anda wbo wen iven anti pronounced incurable hy ihe mst eminentolO chpoJ physicians; nay, more, tïiousands who urere on tl fl rei ft -of the - re now living nun.uiii-Tits io tl:" Ind.ian Herb's Dóctor'a skill and . ■ ; ; ment ,am] are daily exclaiu ned be thrday wlit-n &rst ne aaw and partopk of the Imlian h medicine. " "lí'i ■'■.; iry rpf&rpnoof cares will be gïailly and cheei fully given w hcnever n The Doctor pledgei hi woi d e}t he will in no wisedireotly or indirectlj . induce or cause any in valid to take hi medicine without Ihe strongeet probabilit) of ;i cure. jK5= Modeof exaraination, which is entlrelydilTerent from the faculty Dr. Lyoo profei ■ ern diaeases by the eye. He fcfaerefi v asks no questiïons, oor doe-; he requirè patientsto eiplain sj mptoms. Cali one and all, vnd have thcsymptoms and location of your diseasc explaïned free f cha Tho poorsball beliberally considerad. íiS-FostoItlceadtlress. box 2663. R. J. I.YONS, M. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25. 1862. Iy880 GREAÏ.GREATER OREATEST BARGA1NB EVER OFFERED 1859. - Ï859 In UiisCity, are uow being offereo! at the CHEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & F O "W t X ry StoreTHBStibsonberwmildaay to thecitizensof Ann Arh.Tr.i.' particular, and the rest oí Waehtemiw Jotifiï? iijïjoneral, that hehasjust 1MPORTED Dl RJ5CTLY from EUROPK.a ■ Tremcndoiis Stock of Watchesl AU oivhichhe blndebimselftoiie]) CïIKAPER tfcan can be boue-ht wrat of New York City. OponFf.i;e Cylinder Wetohes (roni 86 to $10 do do Lever do cJo 8 to 21 iunting Case do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder dp do 9 to 28 Gold Watehes from 50 to 150 I have aiso u... CELEBIIATED AMERICAN WATCHES which I wlll sett Ier 35. Every Watch warraatbd to )erform wei], or the money reiunded Clocks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Goode. (;old Pena Musieollnstruraeuts aD strinss Cutlery, &c, ' nd infactavariety of evfry'hinir ujually kept ' olera can be bouglitl'orthn nextninety days at ynur OWN PEICES! Persona buying ai.ything at this wel' known estab8hme ntcanrolyupongrétting goods exact'y as repesented,orthemoney rcfunded. rallrorly and Beure the best barj:ains ever oftired in tbif City. One word in regard to Repairing : We are preparedVi make any repairs onfine or comnon Watches, even to makinpo er the entiro watch f Rëpairlng of (ocks and Jewelry as' sual. Also the msnufacturliu' oi RINGS, ÜROOCHS ! r aaything deired,frqm California Gold i ice. Engravirs in allits brancheaexeected withneatneas anddispatch. J C. WATTS. Ann Arbor, Jan. S8thl8,W. 7S4W kl , Llll'J .11 ■ ■ ■. A. LAEGE STOCK o BEATJTIFTJL DRESS GOODS, LATBST SXYLES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, Of the New Tattoma. CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Of all kinds for the Winter Trnile, now opening at 0. H. MILLEN'S. N. B.- This is the Pecoml Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods, and will ba ufTered at close üKures. Piense cali 988tf c. H. M. I JUST OPENING ? - ■ ■ - TfOL --. ... The largest Stock and best aasortment of KABINET FURNÏTURE ? ever broaght to this city, including SOFA8, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIG CASES, &&, &c, and all o t hor goorls kopt n the bost and luidst houses ífi the country. We eej no socou;l band fornituie or Auciion omls. Coffins fcept cnnstantly on bami, made to urder_ i'y goods ure ofltered ft1 THE LOWEST CASH PRICES X. R I must havo mcney, and vospoctful y request tkosp lodebted, to cali and fix up their old mattere without 'fl; VO. M. MAT? TIN. An Albor, Oct.O IMS. 926tf J) , r; :n: peca iiir taint or !OJi f- iiifc-f :i ii v.-hii'li wc rail i ScKOFDtA lurks in S.i V'K t':t' fonstitotions of "X d& ninltitiides of men. It ' ïtv"fL$s Í c'''1('r ]"'üi'ii''es or is NiR!!! jiroduccd hy an enjiPiSï. riI? feebledi yitiated staie 'Ifei-Ël'-.'V-of the blood, whcrein PL üuiil bécomes in-, jjcompetent to Baetain j_ijrmi!:r vital forces in tlieir ; vigorous action, and U;;ives the system to rz ■■■- (-,1 uto disorder and decay. The scrofulons conmminaiion iffvwiously riiuscc't by mercurial distase, low living, disordered digestión from nnhealthy food, impüre air, filtli and filthy habite, the depressing vires, and, above all, by the venereal infectic;n. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in tho constitution, dcscending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth pcneration ; " indeed, it seems tp be the rod of Ilim who says, " I will visit the iniquitios of tho fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take variiïus names, acoording to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consuraption ; in the glande, J'.vtílings which suppurate and become ulcerous soi'es ; in thé stomach and bowels, derangements which producs indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and eutaneous affections. These all having the satne origin, require the samo ' remedy, viz. purilication and inrigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangorons distempcrs leave you. With feeblv, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health ; with that " life of thé flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor's Sarsararilla is componnded from tlio most effeetual antidotes that medical scicnce has discovered for this afliicting disemper, and for the care of the disorders it entails. ïhat it is far superior to any otlier remedy yet devised. is known by all vvho have givcn it a trial. That it does combine virtucs trnly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputabiy proven by tko great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diüeases : King's Evil Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas. Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Eheiri, Scald Head, Coughs from tulereulous deposite in the lungs, White S-ellings, üebiliLy, Dropsy, Neuralgias Byspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Sypïiüitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, tbc whaie series of eomplaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reporte of individual cases may be found in Ayer's American Aimanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and some of the remnrkr.ble cures which it lias made when all other remedies had ftiiled to affbrd relief. Those cases are pürposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one wbo can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scroftila depresses the vital energics. and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and ts fatal results than are healthy eonstitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ater's Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterativo power. By itsaid you may protect yoiirself from thesuffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions ttiat rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous bealth will follow. By its peculiar virtues tliis remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Stirsapania, that promised much and did nothing; but tliey will neither be clecoived nor disapjjointcd in ihis lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and tliere remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different' medicine from any other which bas been before the people, and is j far more effectual than any other wliich has ever been available to them. CHEERY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colda, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so Ion": used and so universa] ly known, that we need do no more than assuro the public tliat its qimlity is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Preparad by T)r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Vhemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. STEBBINS k VII,(., Ami Arobr, E. SAMSON, ypsilantl, A EWING, Dexter. WHKM10N HATCH, . Wholesaleby FARRANDSHULBY & Co., Detrolt. C. E. COBDRN, Travelling Agent. Family Dye Colors. IjlOR Dyeing Silk, Woolen aw Mixcd Goocls, Sbawls, 'Saar&, wdsRefl, Rfbboos, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, l'calliers, Kld Gloves, ('liililrea's ' Clothing , and all kinds of We&rlng Apparel S-A SAVIJVG OP SO PER CKST-d For 25 cents you can color as many goods aa would otuerwise cosí ftve times iíj.ii bbzd. vartous hades oftn be produoffd ftom tbe same Dye. The prosess s íim] U. .mu auy one can use the l'ye wíth perfect success. Dlreotions In English, Frencli and Germán, inside of eacli package. For further information ín Dyeinjí, and írvinr a perfect knowledge wliat oolora ar best adapted to ilye over others, (with mniiy ahiablc reeïpesi) puroh&se Huwe tí títepliens' 'freatise on Dyeing aud'Coloring. ienl by maüon reoejpt of price- 10 ceuta. Manufactured by HOWE k STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston, Forsuleby DrugglsU an.l Dealerugeneraily. 26mS Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coumy of Washtonaw In the matter of the estáte of Joseph KelseV í tho County of Washtenaw in tlie State of MichiJa deceased. 8a"i Noticois hereby given, t}iat in pareuanoe cf an or der granted to the undersigned Henry Rearick Admin istrator of the Estáte of said deceased, by the Hot Jü.dge of Probate fi.r the County of Washtenaw o, tli. twenty-seccnd day of February, A. D. 186-1 ti will sol, a,t 1'uhMc Vendue, to the lnghest bidj,. al t' dwelling house on the premies to be sold i the 'Towmhip of York, in the County of Wasliten, in said State, on Saturday the sixteenth day of &J' A. Ji. 1SB4, at one o'clock in tbe afternodn of that Ja, (l ulijcct to ali enenmbrances by or tlieiwiu existing at the time of the death of said deceased) tí! folloving described Real Estáte to wit : Sitúate io ,, Townsliip of York in the County of Washtena ,,J State. of Michigan, knoivn and described as the past w of the north east quarter of 3ection No. seventeen con taing eighty acres, The south-west quarter of tU north west quarter of seetion No. sixteen , contaron,, forty seres, and ten acres oñ the east end of the ok balt of the north -west quarter of section twenty one all in town four south of rauge six eas( ' H13ÍKY REARICK, Date!, February 22d. 1804. Administrator. Estáte of Shubal T. MooreT OTATE OF yiCHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, ss _ k 7 Ata session of the Probate Court for the Countv'of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the city r Ann Arbor, on Momlay, the twenty-secoml day of Fel) ruary, in thcyear one thousand eight hundrcd andsinj Present, Thomas Ninde JaJge of Probate. In tlie 'matter of the Estáte of .!mbal T. Moore deceksed. On reading and filing the jietition, dulj ri fied, o-f Caesandria Moore, praying tor the appoiiiitneut of an administrator on the Estáte i said deceased Thercupnn it is Ordered that Monday, the tweW yofjMitich nexi, ut one o-Jock ín the afterhoon, bo asgined for th.1 hearing of said petition aoá tliat the beiri at law of iaid deceased, and al; óft( persons interested in said estele, are required to an pear at a session of said Court, 1hnto be holden at the Probate Office, in he City of Ann Ajbo. . and sho cause, f any theje bc, wliy the priyer of the petitioo,, Bhould not be granted And t is further ordered, tbt tonei giyi notice t the persona interestai in sa id estáte, ot tho pindency o! naid letition andtu hearing thereof, by eansíog a copy of thia Opirr to U publiehed !" the ÑicAigm Argm, a newspaper printíi and . cirrulatinir in said County of Washtenaiv. thiej Buccesa d day of heariDg (A tmie topy) ' THOMAS NINDE 9451(1 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. DEAULT having been in ihe condition of morfgage, executed by William J. Whipper to Eli jan W. Sorban, dated llarch second, A. D., 18"3, ut recorded in the Kegjsters Office, in Washtenaw Coudu March sixth A. 1). 3, in liter No. 30 ot Mortgages pageib'J, irhieh default the poner of salecuntaineöa said mortgnge operftti re. and no suir or proceeding having been iastiiutal :i! law to recover the dekt secured by said inortgage, or any part thereof, and tkl sum of two himdrtd and eixty one dollars bebg'n'Oj claimen to be due tliereon : Notice is thereforé 'htreh given that the said mortgage will be foreflosed by i sale of the morigageii preráise. to wit : The west half of the east half and theeast huil of the west half o[ section No thirty one, in township No. four south u range No. seven east, being in Augusta in tbe Cotuti of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, exceptijw the south wesl quarter of the south east quarter ofsiki section, or some part thereof, at public vendue, at tiié Court House, n the city or abd Aibur, on the rtoty .sixth day of'March next. at noon. E. W. MORGAN, Mortgügee. James Kixusi.kv, Attorney. Dated, Aon .irbor, Dec. S3d, A. D, jeS3. JNotice. Washtenaw and Livingston County Unios Ditek ■VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIT.EN tbat the undersigned, 1 Commisaiooers-, will sell to the lowest bidder, foir miles of ditcli, at J l'. Avorv's Hotel. Whitmoi! Lake, Township of Nortkfield,' Washtenaw Comtl State of Michigan, on Tuesday, 22d day of llarch 1564 ten o'clock, A. M. Wi.lth of botton) made known oi day of sale, and of a dtpth as marked on station stika set in line af ditch six lods apart. Kach baak to sloj ontward one foot toe-rery qf depth, ana the dirt tob thrown two féet fiom the edgeof each bank, and tb! j dirt slope the same as the slope of the ditch ïnleü to be left in all natural water channels, and otherloij j places ; they are to be not more than 18 rods aputl any place. i I. PARS1IA1.L, 1 ÈSmi K BKNNETT, Drainage Commissionere j. f. a;i:ry. j North?eld, Feb. 22, 18f4. 9154 ISTotice of Ditch Sale, NOTICE is hereby giren that the undersigned Í missióñeL, -,vil! sell to the lowest bidder, lOaudj, ; miles of ditch,at J. F. Avery's Hotel, WUtmort Lakt; Township of NnrthBeJd, Yfashtenaw County, state o! Michigan, Tuesday 15th daj-of llarch 1S64, 10 o'cloii A. M. Width of bottom made knoivn on day of salt and of a depth as inarked on station fitakes set in line I of diteh, six rods apart, 5ach bank to slope one foot I outward to each fooi oi depth, the dirt to be throwc tvvo fcet from the edge of each bank, and the dirt to slopn the same is the slope of tbe ditch. Inletsarefc be left in al! natural water channel3, and other'loir j plftpes, (hey ars to be not morethan 18 rods apart i any place. .T. J. PAB8HALL, ) „ PRINClí BEXNFTT {„ Bramase Northfleld, Feb. 151h, 1864. 3344 P. BACH Has received A. LRa35 STOCK -OFF ALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCLUDING LATEST STYLES -üï- Slxawls, üress Goods, and everything for Ladies & Gents Wear. o GOING FAST FOR CASH! o - - Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oct. 1863. FURNITURE ROOMS One door Xorth f Risdon and Henderson's Hardmr Store. The umiersignod havinf; purchased the entire stoet of W. I). Srottb Jr Co., and added larirely to Hieran is preparol to lurnish hia fneud and "patrón a g4 assortment of M-eü made furniture, consisting of LOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, and in fact of everythiog perlainiogtoÜi6 business. LOUNGES. MATRASSES) ííc.j tfec.,madc to order by good and experieuced worb' men, and wsrranled to give satififaction. He al80 koeps a good ass.ntnjent of Cherry and VValnut LuinW for sale at reasonabltí prices. And will also pij1 higheat market price for Clierry. Walnut, and VbiP Wood Lnmber. T. S. He has also purohased the new and ELEGANT HEAESE! ofSmith & Co.,andispreparedtofurnishall kind o Woed Coffins, Metalie Cases, On the shortest notice. Also attends to layin? H, leceasfl persons day anii niglit, without charge. & furniture dtlivercd in the city free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January 181h, 1863. 940tf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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Michigan Argus