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The city of Philadclphia has paid $2,419,750in bounties to volunteers. Teakettles are decidedly. Yankee in their rnelody ; they sing through their noses, It is reported that Italy teadered 40,000 men and a fleet to England if sbe assista Denmark. An ausiliary department to the United States Sanitary Commission has ben organized in Londou. The Tnhune has a rumor that General Beauregard is ordered to corninaad the Department oí Miseissippf. The Btnall pox is very prevalont at Port Royal and Beaufort. It is ruostly confined to colored troo-ps.. The title of Czar is a corruption of Ceesar. It was first used aa a titlo by Ivan II, of Russia, about the year 15T9. A magnifrcent service of silver has been prcsentcd to Gen. Sheple.y by. friends in New Orleans. The Berlín and Vienna journals continue to ridicule the uotion of a conference. The aggregate steam power of Great Britain is equul to four hundred rail Uons oí wen. The commis8Íon to investígate the conduct of' General Rosecrans, at Chickainauga, iujly eoaerated bim from blame. General Sigel has resumed command of the Department of Westeru Virginia. His headquarters will be at Curaberland, Maryland. Hon. Isaac Davis, Worcs&ter, bas given one thousand áollar3 f'or a prize f 11 n d for elocutionary excellence in t he University of Rochecter, New York. Gen. Beauregard's wife died on the 2d, and the funeral on the 4th wu the largest ever seen in New Orleans.- Over 6,000 persons attended. Over 400 of the workmen employed on Forts Tompkins and Hamilton, NewYork, have struck, and work is suscended. General Rosecrans has rescinded all orders heretofore isaued in Lis department prohibiting the sale or circulation of newspapers and other publications Washington specials state that il is undurstood that the Committee of Ways and Means propose to increaso the tax on manufacturad tobáceo fifty percent. The Chase manifebto seems to have had effect upon the Oliio Legislature, whicb has refused to reeommend Mr. Liücoln for re-noraiuation. The valuation of the State of New York, as determined by the Botird of Equalization, amounts to the 8urn of $1,454,454,817. It is estimated that during the present spring, perhaps in the .ingle mtjuth of April, the aggruga.te shipmenfcs uf nursery trees frorn Kochester, New York, vfill exceed live millions. The coneumption of coi ton in England lasi year was oído por cent United States, nine per cent Brazil, sixtyfjve per cent 13ast India, seventeen per cent Egypt, &o. The Washington Intelligencer says drily that it w! favor qo cqnstitutionul amendment abolishing slavery in the iusurgent States, whion does not also próvida for the preliminary abolition of of Lee'e and Johnston's arniies, The supplemtintalrevenue bill, pj-cpai1ed by the Commissioner of Internal Kevenue, is now in the hands of the Ways and Means Committee. It suggests an additional tax of one dollar on whisky, and fi'ty cents on tobáceo. One of the fathers of the Polish revolution is the wandering forth of the Jews Two hundred Polish Jews, we learn, lately arrived at Quebec from Pumburg; they iniend to forra a colony in the country near Ottawa. Prof. Agassiz says that a grasshopper's organs for hearing are legs. - Of course, when in doubt as to the threatening danger, he is enabled to jump to a conclusión and a safe position at the same time. The London Times has an ?d(torial on Gen. Banks' general oráers at jS'ew Orleans relative tq nggrp labor, &o. It says it is the establishment of serfdom, or the retention of slavery without the, anc} the design is to secure the votes of the employés for Lincoln. Qovernor Doty, of Utah, says that in the southern Mormon settlements they are eultivating large fialds of cotion. The yield is good, the staple long, and for whiteness, color and strength, is pronor,nced equal to the best upland catton. Henderson, the actor, was t-eldom known to be in a passion. When at Oxford, he was one day debating with a fellow student, who, not keepiug his temper, Ihrew a glass pi wine in the aetor's face, whon Hendergon took out his handkerchief, wipud his face, and coolly eaid, " That, sir, was a digres-: siori : now for the argument." More than 70,000 traes, shrubs, and herbaceous plant were plantel in New York Central Park last yenif. The carriage d;-ive now coinpleted is about eiglit inües in length ; bridle-road tivii miles, and vvalks tweuty milas. Over 4,00,000 jiersons visited tho Park in 1863, and in one day over 8,000 carríales entered the drives. [3P VVould a protiiissory note wbieh is made payable st sight, be a legal tendei' to au iccaate of a bliad asyluiB?


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