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Platform Of The N. Y. Fremont Campaign Club

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We, the matnbors of the Frepion( Campaign Club, benig iuipretsed with the inciea-i ira ot tho country, ukI ioroseciiiif tl.e ut' pe.-rii'.y QÍ' placing the govenimect in the hands of uien ol tinn naturen, tixed principies, and un compruniiaing palriotisiii ; aud beintf cpposed, moreover, to a cunüiiuaiice of the presaiit irresoiule and t'able uuiional poli(:y (butii í'ureigq and dornesíio) - do hert-b) noniinate Major General J. C I''ieüioi)t as (iur oandidate ior the next .iiesiduney of tho L'nitud States. Peppgjlliflg ii; liim the pioneer of our principies vvhon it was " moral soltu,de " tobe their advocate; hearing in mmd he was their chosou standarubeartr wh&a th-pfle pjinuipies lir.t solicited ü;e orgauijted expiession of the ooüiiUy; and remembering, ulso, that he was the liit to Stamp the impress of uiiivüisal f'roedom on this war - wi: uept hiiii ügtriü ;. tlic Uu; ivpn;.-ontallStifKVtS tf :'■■■■: ■:', oud as o ii;i!iüU ■ :.;'. r oí' thut üiiroest, rogi"eA-lve, ronuliiicaa dinincruoywhicli, difduiuing any t:buferyiU'i8J ot expiuded errtTf, nierges uil party Vcuili ftgS in dVOtlDD In lia' t'-OUntlJ'. Cniii!. i {_■-, ; ti t-iort', in hi.s nii;i',l cpnviclions atJd peipnwl integi-iïy, ut) uüunu FroiiionL as tbo representa! ive of a natiotud poÜoy wLicii shall comprehond : A vigoi-otis, coDsistent,' eoncentrated pri).-:ecuüi)i) oí tbc war against the insurgsnt;rinies in the ü;ld ; with adoquute penalties for treasou, and no aaincsty except to absolute subiriishi()D. Tho rlgjjft of 8iiíírago to be rogulated by legislativo bodies, and not prusuribed by the Esecutive. No resjoration of civil rights as ao inducemont to 'oböls to forsweart themselre. No initintion of serfdom by tho peison oí laborea to tiio soil. Absolute e(uahty of all men boforc the luw, without distinetion oí race aod color. Extensión of the bencficent principies of the lionjeslead luw, nnc! :i liberal distributimi oí bounhy kinds auioug all soldier Paramount nationality, as opposed to a feditioui applicatiou oí the doctrine oi' Hiipreme statu riglils. The rigiJ maintenance of the Morroo doctrine, so as to vindícate the republican integrity of' the continent. A refonncd and thoroughhj American polioy without regard, to tho opiuious or meaacea of kireign powers. A liberal systein of f'oreign innnigration. The one tevm priociple fur tho proeidenuy, so as to secure the integrity f ic liiicnmbent lili the lat hour of hia oüii'o, and prevent the distribution of bis rwtrofiage lor the Bubjugntioó of the constitueiicy by Olflèa holders. These are our principios, nd this our oandidate; and, in presenting thi'tn té(jether, wo caotiot too earnestly expresa [ our convictioi) ol tho nnportance that it should be made known to the preaidept, as early as possible, tat tbe onetccui pl;udgo of hin inaugural vvill be rigidty exucted of hioi; and to his I ministrijt-ion that, loaing sight of their i difiusive and procrastinating policy, they concéntrate their efforts so as to complete their rocord honorably, withn the present lease.


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