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peur JrevfeemeuK STATEMENT Of Receiptt and Expenditures ?ƒ the City of Ann Arbor, ftum April Ist, 186J, o April Ist, 1864. Expeuditures of last Bosrdvf AMenm-n whioh irere rot niclü'lu.l in tbS Ancuul Repu uf JJ. ctB.i Uw Recorder ; " ' :t:n'l STBEffl An.o Arbor i;.i5 Compaay, Ligbtiag 8tB '.'M' 'J UK llths QQ ()(1 K. B.lVnl.niy Librarían, 26 00 t.'il.v Attorney, ],,, w O. M. Martin, Citj Marshal, 3 ,M B. Greeo, City Hettoxdet, '.u uo l'. Krrjf, Makiug iml K ': 115 00 N. H. Nye, :: rtaya on o 00 C. K.raif, Making ais. KoITand l'.ep. afi oo U& O) HSS5 io EXrEJfDlXyRES OF BOARD OF 1863-1. CKHI .TKFET ffm. McCrecfj-, Scívíces at Electio; 6 OJ i-r i: 8; Muii],, u 5 00 ii. I'. k-rmett, 8o uu .-.■;h (.. Moflt, do y 00 Williaiu .s. .Maj-nard, i!. J, uo l;-'-', 4u SOU fi B m ('lieevcr, dí ü 00 S. I ; ■■'.-.iv, uu a 00 We, do 5 00 J. , c.u 5 00 Alnl, Jo a Q) (HiarlB (I. F :,■ rl.nnij áu ;; nn .(..ui. Hume, ,lu ;i i;y ■"; j tlo .iiit H J. Jaakson, ao 5 od Je tnes M. VViiyoxson, d i q,j ! .. :;. .- Iuh hOÜ, !in 3 lij '■■■ B. 1'oWl, ,U, ;) l() ■ ' ! : J f b 00 i. .■■■_!■ ti. ';:■ ... ■ ,iu 3 oy .-. H, ilcCiiickcii, ,lo 3 00 in - ■ v in. in ... il, a s oo "i' " (""!.. I ê "I' Boóra fur Eleetïón, 2 oo t'.turg, cl,, t„ v ,0 M. :; 5ers, ilu ,1,, 2 50 . liflitiam, d;i do -) uu lumd, Jili.nk Boals, e 00 .-■'!. Bm ch, I-umber, 35 8 J. Jj..H-l.-U;i . rcrvic_s t Béatd ofAK. 9 CO i;"lt, i'a ug st.jne, 5 OQ I. i'. V, „II:., Wiuding CKk, 162JI;18S.55OO a. ti tri intimi Bundrto , 17 58 föhn 'lajlor, " strct Worl ■■, rn Kall, cfp ■■. . " fio i, ac I ,.' ftacli, u 13 78 O.'Ctaik, ,,. io eo M. .-chu do 17 51 Añn .obin Uass Contpanytias foi '■■", S ) luhO Salí, I Wi.rk, ' s-, 71; !'. .-M-liUmW-nr, do j SQ t. Francisco, d- 2 .-,(i ü. Clark, du 8 -.r SI. Sehli i 5 ya ■ ■ J . IV ti 1 tOr, tí,, ii ;;- Jacob V íMt iis, ('arpen tcr Work, 3 51 i'.-i. r C&vej - i HTiugtnei, 32 K ff oud, wflrt ori oíd 1 riueterj , 2 75 Dr. B . siuL;. h. do 1 o Mr. Cobb, áf 1 (jii I.uniln-r, 9 00 .!■.!;;] KrtaitT. 4 7 t? for Ol3 Crawl--, 90 J. V Awm, I!. !!■. ■ ■■ h , JpWOfllj ti.-e ■ '. fío ■-■;, Jo :s 02 Vilüaiii Lateúr, du 85 2e Paying i.ii--, M. Laséar, öfreet Wnrk, 2 8q u ni . Mci ■; tthy, rtri 7 1 , ,n,u t.briaCÜt, ÜO W" i i ! :: 111 Bwrk#, Ao .!. bu rt ai', iiu 3 Q(j G ; ■■ Èfcb lemmer, do Í.1 75 1 1. i 1 !',■'.-■■■, do G 'j:; ■ cet, üo 3 ;,u 1-'. iltíi) i'.n'i. do s 5 VVm. Wtíinuin, tío 8 44 1 ' ■■■ S ''"i1 ■ f.:o 25 rñí , Pm io - fltooe, 10 uo Btret Work, i., un i1'. Mair, PaviBg Stooe, ■ ;■; 00 M. Shuei -T. ' Sfereeí Work, 4 &L i -i.! üawley, -V : ís ■ ■ - , pj íing 31 reét, i;, t,o ■ . tí ih-mi Woífc, i'; :i -M. öpi'ade, lc lo 00 T. I). TooVv re of Pest, 7 50 M. Fraak, Bueet Work, 5 00 John Hoffstette?, -f" ia i P, WU, d5 n 20 A. Tearney, do 1 ii:i Francisco, do _ so J.ilin Gall, do .'ijj n2 do 25 Peíi p I ;i"cv, I ai og Mn rtj :, j q John WaU, Mreet Vork, í?4 :i7 A..Tearuuy, ilu 8 ;j] ti: ■ . ilion, do lf 50 ChrisLiati [ioffittc-r, do i- 00 Jo'nn lIultKlcL'.iM-, .- it tu Board, S 10 '' ■■ Streel W.rk'. 15 fii 14. ,cli;iciiler, do SS ., M. KagftB, fin .9 OU do ' IS 13 M. I'; I do 7 BI . Root, do Jolïii Wirtbrl.-ht. .lo :,; .o F. Vl:a,n ,]':■' ■,;■ -lont-, X, no SU-pet Work, )ü 75 P. i : .-irbn i-li , do 18 7.") A. 11 ",.■ do Wm. Mc'C.uthy, do :o:u Win . Vi,:,inan, ' ■ H4i! ui.h-'i.-, dii.eiiter Work. ü 12 I.. H.UL-. Printing, Í0 TO JoImGall, Streel Work, 72 Ot) '■ f ) ;! -e, Win. Mc 'arlhy, 4i 4 ;;s I'. Uvau, 1" 5 do [Jeuley, fo 5 68 .l:n,i, sG ■ 6 :"itj I nJfrCai 'uj 17 m Johjl W.i I , 00 ■ g ;")(j !. Cl.irk, dn e Ac litho Weitbrjeolit, do 24 ís M. Krituk . lo 7 Po l'u . Ka ■ :,. do . i . A. JI. iliinMin, do ;: in) U. Schuel :■ . ilo ir. 00 Jolm HoiMi'tt.'i-, di. fi Í6 l! ■ Pai pgStone. 3 50 John V, limit Mei L'l;aii'!iy.i'. ' 7 t. Kbodes, l-uiij. P6t8 4 00 A. I!. Roys, Turniug ffo 'i 50 (tus ('om :a[.v, ('is or Hall, 45 Wüliam lituwii, Work on Street, 40 00 .Mm Cali, ü.) do 35 62 " " do ■ do 53 5ü Jolm Dunlap, do do 17 50 Prter Cart-y , Paving reel 18 38 iatniM (ihcli, Street Wurk, 3 75 .lol,,, V;,;., do 8 75 O. Clark, do 10 31 loliii Wpilbri'icht, do 7 60 P. Rjau, 1 2S ;,■..,■■. Wahr, 1 1 Sf; .luim' H.iHlc-ttfH, do -2 Hl Jolm l'linu, do 1 25 M.FranV, do 3 12 John Thompson, Slouc, 3 36 H, ('. Wiiin it, l.lght'gSt. LiihpsStH Wd. a 25 Man.,',, í:-- i I i ■ if l.inie, 2 40 ,1. 11. Monri. 3 il&ïa Bx. lu BoU fi 00 e Krayf; do do do 6 00 (i. tí. i.i rliii, ; M-n'iilis salüi.v-. 5(1(10 N.B. Cole, " " Recorder, 50 00 JohnCiall, SlreetWork, 1500 do 3 75 John Walï, do 3 75 Vrpd Oeirbaoh, 'lo ? 00 ;. . l'avh,;; Mieet. 1 John Rail, Street Work, , „ J. P. Covert, do i. R.C.IHHon, do 5 Jeff. Hircb, LumU-r, f Edward Stiling, Poüoe Service 8 58 Behumaker & Spoeitf U' ■■■l-ksn.itliin)f, 17 57 Tole McUiitt, R'orkon1 6'hl Omettrv, 6 68 R Webster, Stationery, fís Risdon & Henderson, Sumirles. 12 79 A. Widt omaon, 't 5 3q .John Kettner, Lumfeer, 29n D. Henning, javing atoa, ," f. as Coiniinny, Gas for JSÜL 4 Lum U'i.ojruaVDamagn, " s „ JolmCali, StréétWorlt, 21 !. J.lin (. Grctzmgor do I' SeorgeKeto, do , S John Wali, do ï, D. Crawford. do ÍT? A. W.Warboys, do 52 i George W, GW.hue, do jíí! Johh G . Boffiitetter, do 'L ïf .lohn Vilbneciit, do C, B. ïli.iinp.-. n. do i .? Je.fl. Fir.'h, l.umber, ,.!' John Bíttoér, do J! Clem ThomNoo, Paving Stone, 1 13 SpaidiDg $ Fleming, SundnoH, 33 5 i Jacob Andrus, treot Werk, 1 7 C. T. Wümot, Lumber & Street Work, i G. Frite, BtiiMing fires Engine House, 5 OO John II. Eolio, I drain box public well, 125 GeorfreH. Rhodtí, Lamber k.-. 254 J. S. Iiavidson, Repairing Cistern, 'j 5) KliliuB,HonJ, Cit5' Librarían, 20 00 lT Eliliu B.. Pond, City Printing, 21 51 W. AmbroKe. Justice Fees, 18 44 N. B. Pierce, Deputy Marshal, 31 77 GasC"ni.anv. (is for Hall. 180 TbOBias li.ïer. Street Work, 6 5 O. M. Martin. Quarter Salary Marühal, 25 (0 I„ E. SJawfion. Stroet Würk. SI Wa (Hoilhue, do 14 4' II BatoterBaadlBgCiten, -120 00 II. Buniater, Dcainftging ('stern ]5 23 (iiar-e W Goodliue. SlreetWork. Í0 T9 JohnGall, do SS Genrge W Goodliue, do 33 2fl C. Krapf, Carpeoter Work 19S9 C.Krapf, Aimsmánt Boíl, ico 00 Jame H. Morris, do do 100 00 im Oompany, 8 for Streeta, 450 co Dean & Co. rundries, 22 L0 Heutler h Travf-r do j 3p Gas Ccmpany, (,'a's for Hall, 1 15 George W öoohüe, Street Work. '■■ jo Ñ. B. fok-, (Jr. Satervïïecorder, 25 00 S.C. Thumpson, Honey Kef nnded , Wrong! y Asiessed'J ' 13 39 Wm. F. Roth, Justl'-e Fees, 30 75 Jolui W. Hun, Snndries, 7 88 John HoiMetti r. Services to Board, 4 60 Alphcosl'elch. City Attornev, 110 00 O.M. Martin, ir. Salary Marshal, 25 09 NMi.Cole, do do Recorder, 25 00. RECAl'HTLATJON. BECEIPTS. Für Licencia, 83 00 Received of Kev.(i. Pmitli, lor Cintcrn, 2.1 00 eseed forOpneral Fund, 1500 00 " Stveot " 5.C00W ï 1,608 $2,00) Etl'K.NDITUBSS. OnStieet, 1 6 1M IVlh', 40 35 Klcctions, g:; 50 SiijL-rvisorSj 212 00 Lumbër and Lime for Streets, 173 W l'jintMiitan'l Blank Book, 48 20 .-■.i- ;.s nu Board of Alderraen, 15 50 fT Paring Street, IHJ4 PavingStreeís, 102 M Itistici'Fees, 49 19 Cas foiFiroiuen's Hall, 4 PO rafl for Lightiug streets , 450 00 Snndrtes, Total, loi 75 Whi'iiiii; City Clook, 25 00 3t y Iibrariaff , 26 00 Uurpenter AVork, JÖS" Lamp I'osts, 5th Ward, 40Ü WoA et ew Oiiififrj-, 14 6a For use n) IVst linuse, 7 5') tatio.iary , C6 WoodrufF, Damages f 5W Blacknaithing, 17 5J 1 Drain Boj for 1'i.Iilic. Wll , 1 m Buildine and Repaicisg Cisterna , ir7 73 Money Refnuded te Solli Thompson, 13 39 City Attorney, 1(000 City Marshal, 100 00 Cfty Recordoï, 100 00 ïi, 55a 02 $imtr. Balanco iü (avor of GeneUl Fund. 48 98 " " ■ " Street " 10 04 E. WELLS, Mjor. N B. Cin.K, Recoiiler. Aun, .Mnrcli 55th.l864. A CARD. The midcrMgned liavirgMil 1 liis í.k,U iQ trade to M, PkVaxy, takeá this metliod to return bis tlianfci to hia fríen a anl customers io generil for their liberal patronage, wbile in the Tobacco and Cignrbuti nesí : and wnuld furthor state that lie is cow ivithïl. Dkvji'v, where he will bo happy to have iiia fttraA customoi'S and frieíida cal! Rtwl tralo w'úh htm- ib tablit lutifii! being r tplosisbed vvitli n hivge and exten. bít stock ol the besl brawdí "f Oígmw and Tcb.icco, logetber witlithe usual rariety of artícles enerally kepl ]v Tobaccmi.;.-. lícmemlicr Ilic piuco is on Hurón Street, at the sígjiol' tb.e-Reil Indiau. B. LORIXG. Aan Albur, Marcb lOth.1864, 949tf NOTICE. AI.L PERSONS iiidebted w the late firme KajrMï & Co.T by note orbook accoañt, hir roquested V Bet t le the soae fithQut ilcluy. Ifr. K.'iyscr's etite rauft be st'ttk'il forthwith. :ind costs be savedby calliag en A. LchabErle ftt "!! símp, or liKOHCKF. 1XTZ, 9+Ü Administratorofthp Estáte ofC. Kayser, dtceed. FOR SALE! ASEW (ROVER í; BAKF.R SK1V1NC BACHISI, aiso NEW VINGER MACHINE, eithcr Fimilj or DWELLING FOR SALE! EONVI:Mí.T TO BUSINESS, nnd grooBdn H Btockd with cboiee I-'ruit Trees. Kor terñis, Sc, aii!' ;il this uilice. or to A. J. SÜTHBRLASÍ, Ï7R0M THE !-iU.!l'l-:í of the Rubscnber io Vp.iilaníi City, on t1-1 eTéning oí' the 14 tb int. , a arge SORRKL HORSE, with white u forehcad, í-car on left shoulder, i"i irotn rfbt liiinlgambrel jcnt. Vs Iastba of inFreedopi, A liberil reward vriU be paid for tha rotura of said Borae, or informa ti un uf hís vhcn abotits, C. McOORMlCR March, 24th 196-t. '.U9w2 Comiuissioners' Notice. STTK OF MICHIGAN'. County f Washtensw f Th onderrigired baring béen ippolnted by tl" Probate Court forsaïd Couaty, Comnaissioner.s to rfceive, examine aed a.'.ju.sf all oMm and dcmamlí ■ all pernons again'si th est ate f Shubal T. Moore.W of the Village of Dexler, ín said County. deceased, hertIn- ftve notièe that mx moniha frotn date, arfe, byordtr of said Probate Goact, alïowed foreredfiors topr-sea' theip claim-; aïnin-t sai-1 dcceast d, and tliey ff meel ir, ÜJagpof Dexer, lu aid County, on =t' urday the eighteenth day óf l;ty of Jut, and Satura? tlte aei ■ oi Öeptember tne o'cloek P. M. üf each day, to receivc, examine and adjustswi elaim'R. GEORGfiJ WARMER, ? n . . _ Dttted, KaVèÜ ttfct, IW. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALÍ THE CÍIEAPEST PAVER IN THE WORLDThe extensiva and comprehensivo facilities in itsp" sesslon ènablw the PRoPWïtOR i-MIipWeeki.y Hkí1 lo guarntítee tbe latest and most: reliablp informatií poesrWy i" be obtained, not only frota all parta of tb Crtited States, but p uju a parta "f tlie world. lis home cúrrospé ■ edrat bav$ cnst.sj1ccnaected witb. each uew naval and military exp tion ofthe government, troves that it is deterniint to leavo no spot uñcovered hy ts opc rationa and o event can oécor t&at shall not fiml immediate rep1 columna, lt costu the prop: ietor over one huD' dred thouflaud dollars jfr yuar to maintain ita cor (., corrcsponAanta :n . I I ii i is eollationof 1 oreign News the Hbbald lias f in-M a hjgb insition, and t will enOeavor !'■ ftitare to maintain -t:tu.l it bjj wsamed It . sir'ia oofrespontienta Btationed iualloi the princip" cities of the workt. Itn tek'graphic arrangeinents cxttuil to wherovor w etectrfc wfrei are sh-etclied When the Atlantic ble is luid, whlcfc feat will won be iiccomplished, tJ prams w-Hl !" receivert fronKarepe ftd Asia, as wei as f rom the l nit-M States. Tben uur readern wiiiwj Üieeremsof llie week in all ïmrts of the civili WOTld ifL'ulirlv ftBd htW befort them. Tlie proprifttoi devotesa portion of the pnper to U" r.iture, Fashion, Agricultuicilu1 Meohanic AttB,Sp ing Matters, Business, Theatrical. and Financial Kporta, Gftttle Market3, General Ncwi, and reportJJ ealculmed to fono an excelleat nietrupoli" ix'wspaper a weeklv photographie view of the eö' of theuorl'l -and aH al a vwy to price, ïhe Wkkkiv ji:i;.M.i is wsued overy Saturdaymw ing, añil furnishod at the following ra tes :- u One cojiy j copies 8 Fie copies .... jj Ten copies ''.. Acy larger numtor aAflresBéd to ñames of sudsbers, $100 eaih . An etra copy will be sent { o every cl -poften 'Iwenty oópis, to tmt? tddrewi one year, $'-t aad8' largfr nmnber ut !le uice. An ( 'ra copj will be pent to clubs of twenty , Advertisementato a ün-.ited mmiber will be inserí Ld fcïw WBXKLÏ IIkü.md.fl. The Pily IlKKAM,threo cents per copv. Ten o er year for tfcree bundrcd and sixty-three 'si'f„ Flvedollara for six months. Two dollars &ná f cents for three iööutlis. JAMES GpRDÓN HENKETT, KibfT and Ppoprietor. NoHhweiit corner of Kvtföo nd Ns.-au strer 049'i Kw Vfrït C'ty N I ■ Thuc are co Eraielmg igwata lor tLeUtfHAjr'.


Old News
Michigan Argus