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The Michigan Argus

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pnbHaliedevery Friiïay raorning,in thethiril story of tv,e brick block, corner oí Main iind Hurón ï?ts.. ANN RÖOR, Micli. Entrauceon Huron Street, oppositethe ftnoklin. ELIflU B. POND, Editor and Publisher. Terms, $a,OO a Ycar In Advance. Advertlslng- One square (12 lines or leas), onf ,eek 75c,-nts; Uirei' weeks $1.50;nil 25 cents lol firy inaertion tuere .fter, lesa than three moliths. ' une square 3 mos $4.00 I (uarter col. 1 year $20 One square 6 mos fi.00 Flalf column 6 roos 20 One square 1 yesr 01) ! Half column 1 year 35 Tvrosq'res 6 mol 8 00 '. One column 6 moa. 36 ■fvfd sq'res 1 year 12.00 1 One column 1 jcar 60 CvI in Directo , not to exceed fourlmes, $4.00 ''jvcrtisers to the extent of a quarter cnlumn, rogulay through the ymr, will be cntitlcd to liave tluir eirds in nirectory without extra charge. rt? Advertisements unaccompanled by written or Tííbal ilirectiiins will lio pubhshed until ordered out, lndcbrgeiaccor.hin;l.v. Ueal ailvertiscments, nrst nsertion, 50 cents per 'ulio 25 ceuts per folio for each subsecjuent irsertion. 'Fl.en -i postpenement is added to an dvertieeinent the ,hole will bc chared Uiesaiue as for örstinsertion. Job PrllitlllB-I'iunplilolK. IIiUlrt Bills CirculaiB, i Ball Tickets, Latei, Blank.. Bill Heads, and Jfher varteties of Pl'ain ...„1 fanc, Job rrmting.execuet with proinptncss, autl in tlie beat style CarU-We harea Rugues Rotary Card PrcBS.and ,larvanetj-nf tl.elatc-l styles of i'ar.l type which Jnahles s voprint Tards ef all in the neatest , ' k-"tyle and cUeaper than anv other house m the '.Tv Business for ni.n of all avocations and proSons, Ball, Wedding and Vlaiting CardB, pnnted on fStaMMM Callanl Mfc samples. BOOK BINDING- Connected with the Office isa Rook Bindery in charge of two competent wmkmen.- K" Record, lgers, Jonrnal., and all Blank Book aUe to order, and ..f thè bost stock. Pampblet and ftriöiiicals 1-onn.l in a nea( and duraWe manner, at Detroit prices. Entrence to Bicdery throngh the Argus Office.


Old News
Michigan Argus