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jTc. WATTS & BRO. rvEALERS n Clncks, Watches, Jiwelry and Silver L) Wr Ko. 22, NewBlock, Ann Arbor. " C. BLISS. TEAI.ER in Clocks,, Jewelry and Silver ]) Ware No. 22, Now Black, Anu Arbor. cTh. millen. DEU.ERin Dry Goocis, Groceries, Crockery, fcc. ie. Min Street, Ann Albor. " PHILIP BACH. TNEALERS in Dry Goods, Groceries. Boots & Shoes, IJ ÍK., Main st., Ann Arbor. "i 0. COLLIER." MANUFACTURES and dealer io Bosnd Shoes, one door north of the PontOÉSoeN. B. COLE. DEALER n Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, Sc. Frankün Bloct, Jfaiu Street, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDER80N. DEALER9 in Hardware, Stoves, house furaiíiiíng jood, Tin Ware, Sc, &c, Vew Bloct, Marant. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICHN and Surgeon. Residence and office on Ditroit treet, near the l'epot. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. MiVUFACTUREKS of all kinds of Coooper Wurk, City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short ■ÜW. Cor. Detroit and North Streets, and ccr. North iailFifth Streets Ann Artor. A, J. SUTHERLAND, AGENT for the New York Life Insurance Company. Offlce on Hurón street Also has on hand a stock ■X the most approve 1 sewing machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Psultry, l.ard, Tallow, &c. , &c. HIRAM J. BEAKES 1TT0RNEY nJ Counsellor at Law. .ind Solicitorin A Chancery. Office in City Hall Biock, over Webster' üooli Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. -QHYS1CIAN nd Surgeon. Office at his resicience, X north aids of Huron atreet. and second house west Y Diriaion treet. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manafacturers of Ready-Mada Clothing. Importers of Cloth, Caslimrs, Doeakins, &c, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. " TvEALER in BeaSy Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, V od Vesting, Hatf, Caps,Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c, Phtinix Block, Main street. SLAWSON & SON. rlROCERS, Provisión and Conimission Merchants, and II Dlersin Water Lime, Land, and Piaster of Paris, ooe door east of Cook's Hotel . j7m. soott. A MBROTYPE and Photograph Artist , in tbe rooms il oret Campion's Clothing store, Phoeaix Block. Parfet Mtiafaetion given. C. B. PORTER. OUEOEON DENTIST. Officeüorner of Main and Huron ö ltrets, over Bacil & Pierson's Store. All calis ffWT attendi-d to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON. DEALER in Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots and Shoes, c. Produce bought and sold, at the old stand of Thompsoa Jt Mille, Corner Main and Washington sts. mack7& schmid. DEALERS !n Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Groceries. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, 4c, Coroer of Main & Liberty sts. O. A. KELLEY, BHOTOGRAPHEK- Corner Fourth & Huron streets, I Áa Arbor. Cases frames and Photograph Albums tnasiantly on hand, and at lower rates than can be íoiad elsewhere. 1í891 ANDREW BELL. DISkiKE ' Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Produces, ie., kc„ eorner Main and Washington Streets, ín Artor. Th tighest market prices paid lor country produce. 8S6 I. O. O. F. BTiSHTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Or" der of Oild Fellows meet at their Lodge Room. tnryfriday Evening, at7X o'clock. í. 8oDamM, Ñ. G. B. Rose, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTORNEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, ana Notarles . Public, have Booksand Plats showing titles of all 'liiatheCounty, and attend to conveyancing and 3o'Jtingdemand6,and to paying taices and school intiQany part of the state. Office east of the park. " D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and ret&U dealer in Lumber, Latb, " 8hmgle8,Sash, Doors.Blinds, Water Lime, Grand 8lTr Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes A Ml nd perfect assortment of the above, and all other ■iods of building raaterials constantly on hand at the ' po.ïfiible rateB,on Detroit st., a few rod.sfrom the lilrad Depot. Also operating extenKively in the ■tentOetMnt Roofing. GRANGER & FINLEY, 4TÏ0RNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT Collectipg and Land Agents 0nc OTM DONILLT'B SIOBI, HÜE0N STp.iET, B. F. Grangee, ) Ann Arbor, Wich. H. H. Pinlbt, ] JaD. 28, 1864. 941tf


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