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Uta Jflwrfisemwrte, POR S-A-XjE. A N ELEGANT HEW MANO, „.ti, cholee of tí ry 8ntlM 1 Mil pofulu makers. A bargain given Inquire at ihe b " ARGUS OFFICE. CALIFORNIA OATS. California Oat have been raised in this county fo four years n succession, which fact shows that the will not defrenerste. They are naid lo be a distinc pecie. They are one half heaviet than the oommo oat. ForSaloby 95'2w3 DeFOREST _& STEWAftT. FIKST NATIONAL BANK of _a_:N:ixr abbor. DESIGNATEÜ DEPOS1TARY OF THE U. 8. NATIONAL TEN-FORTY LOAN This Bank ü authorized by of the Treas ury to roceive subscriptons to the United States 10-4 Loan authorized by the act of March 3, 864. Thi Loanbeara date March Ist, lS64,is redeemable at tu pleasure of the Government a) tei ten years, and pay able 40 years frem date , bearing interest at the rale of per cent per anvium. The Interest on this sum is payable in com, on bond not over One Hundred Hollare, annually, on tlie Ors day of March, and on Bondfl over One Hundred Dollar semi-annually, on tile ñrst days of Mareu and teptem ber. Subscribers will receive either iíegistered or Coupo Bonds,as they may prefer Subscribers will be required to pay tteir subserjptiona in Legal Tender otps or tlie Notes oí National Banks. CHAS. H. KICHMONIJ, Cas hier. Ann Arbor, April 8th, 1864. 952tf JUST RUCE1VEÜ NEW CAPPETS, NEW SHAWLS, !W DELAINES, IW GRENADINES, New Oloaks, New Prints, mm ïï&xm, JNTew Dress Groods, IN GIIEAT VARI ET Y. MW GOODS OF ALL KINDS. FOR SPRING TRADE, A-.m Arbor, April, 'Q-Í. 952m2 !P. BA.CBE has a dgw and complete STOCK OF BM GOOI bought before the recent GREAT RISE IN GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLYS .A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. Estáte of Jaoe flowe, STATE OB MICHIGAN, County nf Wahtenaw, sa.- At a session of the Probate Cmirt ior thé County of Wa.shUnaw, holden atthi Probate Office, in the City et" Adu Artor, ou MuQilay the eleventb day of April, in the year one thousanu eiglit hum] red and sixty-four. Present. Tilomas Ninde, .1 uip;e of Probate. In the matter of the E tale of Jane Iïowe, lato of said County, deCeanaed". Ou rc:uliiii; and öling the jietititm, duly' verifieel, oí Ha.riw Howe, praying fof the appointment of an ad ministra tor on the estáte di sail dcceaMnl. Tlit-reiipon it is Ordered, tbfit l'"riday, the tsixth diiy of May uext, at oue o'clock in the afternoon, be assigned for tli-o hearing of ssiiü petition, and thittln' lii-irs at Ia,w of said deccased . and all other ernons interestefl in said éstate, Stre requiied to appftr at asearon of aaAá Coart, then to be holden at the Probóte Office, in tbe City of Ann Arbor, in said County. nixl sboweatiee, it anv iherebe, why the urayer of the pettttooer shouhl uot be granted: And it is further ordered, that said petitioner glvè notift! t&tbe persons inlerested in said estáte, of the peiiiJcncy oí said jietition, :uk1 hearing thereof, by cousiDga copy of this Order to be publisheil in the Michigan Argit$,ïi iiewspnpr printud and circulatinp in said County of Washlenaw, threesuccessive weeks, previous to saki day oí hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NINDE, 952 Judge of Probate Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw sa : The undersigned havini; been appomted by the Probate C'J'irt Tor s;iid County, Commi.ssioners to receive, examine and a-ljust all c'ainis and doinands of all parnoiu aprainst the estáte of George D;infcrtlit late of the C ity of Ann Arbor in said County, deceased,horebv gira notiae tliat pix months f rom date, are, by order oï' said Probate Court, allowed for credi{nrs to present their claims acnin-;t sjud deotaed. and that tliey will meet ;it the olllce of ihe undorsigned Aloheus Felch, in thö City of Ann Arbor, In said County, on Saturday the ninth day of July, and Mondfiy the tenth day of Óctober next, at oneo'clockP. II. of each day, to receive, examine and adjust süid claims. ALPHEUS FET.CH, ) JAMES KINGSLEY. J Commissioners. W1I.LTAM S. MAYNARU, } - KprAlWU, lee, %2w4 DYSPEPSIA, AND IDEASES RESUI.TIWG FRO1 DISÖEDERS OF THE IIVEB AND DIGHSTIVE ORQANS, ARK CCRKD BY HOOFLANL'S GERMÁN BITTERS THE GREAT STRENG THENHÍQ These Bitlers iiavc performcd more Cores HAVE AND DO G1VE BETTER SATISFACTIO Have more TYstlmoi.j I HAVE MORK RESPECT A BLE PEOH, TO VcUCli FOH 1HEMI Than any ether article ia the market. We defy any one to contradict tliis Assertioi AND WIL.I. PAY $1000 To any one who wil! produce a Certifícate publi.h, höoflap's mm Bims WILL CURE IN EVERY CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Diseaae of the Kidneya, and Diseases ansingfiomdisordeied Stomach. Observe th , following ympioms rt.uhing' from DiMeri of the Digtsltve Organs : Constipation.Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to th hcad.AcRhty of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Dtagu.t for loorl. Fullness or „eight in the Zl' faour hructations, ï,nt,ns or fluttering at thëpi of ths Stomach, Swimmlng o! the Head Hui. riedanddifficultbreathing. Flutterh.z at the Heart, Choktog or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs beiore the Sight, Fcver and Buil Pain in the Heai, Iktidiency of Pre. Piration ï ritowneg. „f the Skia and Kyes, pain in the bick, chest, limbs, Sc, Sudden'ttiiS. es of Heat, Burning in the Flesh Coustaut ImagmmgsofEvil and Gteat Depresión of Sp"t,, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT AXiOHOXiIO, CONTAIN8 NO RUM OR WHISKEY. AND CAK'T MAKE DRUNKARDS, BUT In the World. i& RE AD WHO SAYs SO : ,„, I lUVe known Hoonand'i Germán Bitters fTO7aM for a number 01 ,-eaw. J have used Ihem in my o.. HHtrUy, and have been so ploased with theeffe?tï Oa was indttced to recommend Ihim to many others „Í knolv -hat they haveoperated in a Ktrikinly b.n.iíu manner. I tate great pleasute in thun nubl "r oro cUíming thi f,ct and calling ,l,0 attention of ,ho' .ifllicted wtth the diseases for which the, are „„T mended, to these bitlers, knowing froni experie,," Xl my recommeudation wil) besustained I ,!,, th " chee.fullyasUoofland'., Bitters is Siendid to ]ZA the afflicted, and ia -'not a rum drink " Yours truly, iyj Q BKK From Rv. J. Newton Broivn, l). D. Editor of thiFt,.. cleP Pnnadelr Kn0W'edlíe LLÍC$5 Ithough not disposed to favor or recommend P,t,nt Medicine in Kenerl, th'ough distrust of their inm dient and effect, 1 yet know of no suffioient rea wh.ï aman may not testifjr to the benefit he belie lmuselftu have received Irom any simple prcpar.tiou óÓtherPe maJ' thUS C"llMhut'i tu thi Idc. thismore-readilyin regard to HooÜaDd's Gir man Bitters, pre, aredhy Dr. O. II. Jackson, „f,J, city, because I was prejudiced against them lor rain, ye, unJerthe mpression th.í they were chieüv ,i alchoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Rob m ihoenmkn, Esq., tor the removal of thf preludie. ut proper tests, and for encouiaement to trihtm hen uffering from great and long cout.nued dtbilitr lhe use of lli ree boules ol these bitters at the imm ning of the present y.-ar, was l,.llowed by evident reliëf ind restoration ti a degree uf bodily and mental Tiior which 1 lia.l not for six montli beföre, and had alraoit detpaired uf regaining. I luerelore thank God and mr iriend for directing rr.e to the use of them J. M-.VVÏO.V I!I!üVN,Phil t'rom the Rev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the 10thBpDr. Jackson :- Dear Sir :- I have been frequently r.qiusted toconnect my name witli coinraendatiom o( different kinds of medicines, but rfgarding the pi actie as out of uiy appropriale sphere, I have in all cu declined; bilt with :i elear proof ia rarious ioatMtM and particuJlly in my amily.of iho usefullneis of ft Hooiland s lierman Bitters, 1 uépáft for once from mj asnal cour-ie, to expresa my full cenviction thae 'or general debiiity of the system and espeeially for l'.ira Omiplainc, ït is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases itmay rail but usually, I douUnot it wi be very beneficiai to those ivho sulfer from the abon cause. Yours.Tery respectfully, J.H. KENNARn, Eighth below Coates Strest, Phili. From Rev. Warren Ran.lolpu, Pastor of the Baftilt thurch, (Verniantown Pcu. Dr C M. Jackson :-l)ear Sir :_Personal experiene. enabldsme to say that 1 regare the Germán Bitltn pi cpii red by yon as amustexcel ent medicine In MM ol severe cold and general debility I have been rtlr beuettted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not thef will produce similar effeets on others. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH. Germantown, Pi. From Rev. J. H Turaer, Pastor of Heddinir M E Chuich,PhiIa. Dr. Jackson :- Dear Sir .- Ilaving used your GermH Bitters in my family frequently, ) am prepared tour that it has been of great service. I believe thatinmMl ciiBes cf general debility of the system it is the sIl and most raluable reinedy of which I have anr knorneilge. Youra.respectfullj, J. H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth Stwet. From the Rev. J. M. Lyon, formerly Pastor of th Coumbus, (N. J.) and Millatowu, (Pa.) Baptiit ChurckM. NewRocáelle, N.Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dear Sir :- I feit it a pleaiun hus,,.f my own accord to bear te,timony to the icllence of the 'ierman Bitters. Some years sioca, bfin( much aillicted with Dyspepsia, I used them with Terf beneficiai results. I have olten recommended tbem to ersons enfeebled by that lormenting diseaee. andhttt leard from them the most fiattering testimonial alto ;heir great value. lu cases of general debility I bieve it to be a tonic that eau not besurpassed. J. M LYON& omtheRev. Thos. TVinter, Pastor of Roxborouth Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson - Dear Sir : -I feel it due to your eicelent preparation, Hoofland's Germán Bitters, to add m; estimony to the deserved reputation it bas obtaioeJ. have foryears, at timc9, been troubled with gret dif rder in my head and nervous system. I was adviwl y s. friend to try a bottle of your Uerman Bitten. I d so and have expemnceil great and unexpected r ef ; my health has been very materially benefitted. I ontidently recommend the article w ere I meet with asee similar to my own, and have. been asnred bj many of the:r good rfiects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough P. "romEev.J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reformé 'hurch, Kutztown, BerkR Co i'a. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Respected Sir .-I iaTe b roubled with Dyspepsia nearly tweuty years, and bat ever used any medicine thut'dii me na much good u [oofland's Bitter. I am very much improved in healti fter having taken five bottles. Yours, witb respect, J S.HERMAN. PRICES. .irgp Size. Hioldhij nearly doublé rjuaDtity ) 1 00 per half doi. ■ mail S120 - 75 cents per Bottle- half dozen H , BEWARE OF COITNTERFEITS. See that the signature of " C. M. JACKSON" il o IC WRAl'l'EKof each boitle. Should your nearest Druggist not have the articlt, do ot be put olí by iuto.veating prepsrations that maj 1 Fered in its place, but eud to u. , aud we will forirri3, ecurely l'ackt'd,by expresad Principal Office and ilunufactory, PÍO 631 AECH STREET, PHILADELI'HIA. Jones &; Evans. Successors to C. M. Jack ion tf Co. PROPRIETORS. " For ale by Drnggists and Oesters ! eiry io ! c UaitttJ SlitM, fJ


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Michigan Argus