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Launch Of An Ocean Monitor At Cincinnati

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The fust of tlio iron-clnd monitors, ■ ordered in tliis city, was launcbcd at j 12 1-2 o'clook yesterday, froni the works of Niles & Co., on tbc landing, just j low tb o Liüle Miami liailroad. An immense crowd was gathercd at evcry eligible place along tlio on botb sides, numbering many thousauds. The ''Catawba" - vvbicb is tbe most approprinto a'id poctic of names - bas boen rondy t" tke her element Por sumo timo, the delny being attributable to au inadequate etage of water. Nine hundred workmen bave beeu direoly eniployed for many na on tbs on the "Oatswbi'1 and her compauion, the " Oneola." Tlio ''Caiawba'' is the exact counterpart of the monitors in the ileet before Charles ton, nnd will probabiy j'iin it as soon as completed. DES0RIPT10N. The Catawba is 22'1 feel long, fortythree feet beam, deptb of hola twolvu feet. Her niachinety, which isall abourd except tb stcam pipes, consista of two engiues forty eight inc-hes boro and twentyfour inc.hes strokc, one vaoum engine, two turret eugines and two fon origine. The huil, whsre exposed to shot, is covered with iron-platiog eleven incbea tbick. The turret plating is fifteen inches thick at tbo base and eleven elsewhere. Tbe turret is notyet aboard, but is ready and will be erected iinnediatflv. It wiil ba twenty one feet in diameter, nine feet bigb, and will contain the armameut - two fifteen inch Dablgren puns. The pilot-bouse, six feet in diameter, suiinounts the turret, and bas eight inches of iron plating. - The Btuokestack is six inches thick and geven feet bigb. The decking is of seasoned white oak, soven ioches thick, overlaid witb two inch iron. The wheel is of MBt iron, fiUtteeii feet diameter and twenty teet stroke. The treigbt of the Cü'awua when coni pleted will be about 1,500 ton, and sho will draw nearly eleveft feet. She is, as we have already said, design ed for ocean service, :tud lier condensiog and oiher machiuery is made in aooordanoe. A CAPE MAY SCÈNE. At the fout of Butler street a great orowd was gnthered, and though thoao standing ui-ar tbfi water's edge were repeatedly ordered away, they returned wbeuaver the were cailid elsowhero. At the moment the launch was fuilyin the water, an immense wave rulled shoreward, instantly submerging one or two hundred people, and earrying many of them off their feet. As it retreated, a sight at onee ludicrous and ternfying was presew ted. Women aiui children wore seen crawling up (líe nmddy bank, wil'lly olatcbing at each other'a heels; min were floundering on their backs and bellies, and one individual had his bat cairied off by the undertow, and was frantically hugging a log, alternately float ug and burrowing in the mud, as the surf advütioed and receded. Fortúnate ly, the first wavu was the largest and most Kudden, and all the batbers against their will soranibled out of danger. One bedraggled individual said he " didu't care a pin for the wetting, but he didn't like to miss the show." He disappeared in a neighboruig bar-roo:n, and pro'oably launched a little Catawba on his own account in o a región whero there was do danger of its displaciug an overwbelming bulk of water.


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