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f o w M O ! & O H P ' I T)R. JOHN J. LYOiVS FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS THE QREAT FEMALE REGULATOR, Are tho only known remedy that will suc ce8Sfully and invariably restore and regúlate the female systero, removing oll irreguIaritie8,aad producing health, vigor and htrength. Lyoa's Periodical Drops Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever discovered in ihis country, and acts direetly on the parts affected, whilst pills aud powders oan only reach lijem as they work through sympathy. but nat at aldirect and positive Are you sufifering from a constant anxietv for the regular relurn of nature's prescribed Iaw8 t Give yourself no uneaainess, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, if taken a day or two before the exp6ctl period, will positively and invariabiy regúlate its coming, as sure as effect followa eause, &a certaia as daylight follows darkness Are you sick, enfeebled by dieeaee, or unable to beur the labor and danger of increase? Lyon's Periodical Drops Come to you as a Messing, for is not prevention better than cur? If regularly taken it is a eertain preventive, and will save you much peril and many bours of Buffering. Haye you been afflietsd for many years with -compjaints incident to the sex, 'that have baffled the skill of physieians, and are hurrying you oa to &n etrly grave? Lyon's Periodical Drops Are the most reliable regulator ever tnosra and cure, like magie, all tho'e irregularities that have defied thedoctor's skill. Will j'ou waste away with aufferin from Leucorrlioea, Prolapsus, Dysmenorrhoaa, anc a thousand other difficuHies, all sumrned up under the name of suppressed and obstructed nature, wjhen an investmeni, of one dollar in Lyon's Periodical Drops will surely save you. Do not use the irops when forbidden in the direetions, for although a positive cure, nnd harmless at all other times, they nre so powertul and finely calculated to adjust and govern the functions of the sexual organism, that ■ f taken at improper times, they would produce results contrary to nature, against whioh all, particularly those whu would reproduce, 8hould carefully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time ; vet the proprietorn wish to guard agninst lts misuae, hoping that a thousand bot.tles will be used for a good purpose where ont is usd lor anillegitimaU ons. Lyon's PeTiodical Drops, the never-failing Female Regulator, is for sale by every -firuggist, in both ciiy and sountry, and do not, if jyou valueyour h-ealth and wísh for a rejiable medicine, buv any other. Take no other, but if the Druggist to wtiom you apply has not got it, make Mm saud and get it far you. O. G. CJLABK &0O., PaorHiKTORs, NEU Haten, Conn. At Wholesale by D. S BARNES 4 CO., New York. GÊO. C 600ÜW1N & CO., Bonton. FAEñAND, SHELEY b GO., Detroit. xn g CÖ r Ph ia O i I Glad News for the Unfortnnatel THE LOSO SOUGHT FOK Discovüreo at Last. cu r ismV é& 14 f to A CHEROKEE REMEDY AND CHEBOHlUt 1MJTKCTION, Cflmpoiudcd .rtfci tteot, Btrlu i. tares. CHKKOKE'C F.2UBDY, te ffreat InAlan IMaretic cares bil dis ases of the uribary ornan, sucb as lacoutlueuco cf theUrite, In Har. nuaion of the líluddtr, lnflamaUoD er iLe Kldueje. Stone Ln tü Blacder, BtrictQ.e. Qravei, Güaorrheu, Glutt, and ia peciaüy rtcot ULcnüed lu iüosc uses uf Kluor A búa 'or Vfhltw In feuiííu;,) wboie U tbe old aafcfleoui medicinen ïaüod, gy It is prcpure in a uitfbli cont'-ntrat tl torw, Uw MA only b-i'-g froni onu to waapoonTuld UüM Umes ier av. tiT" U U cJi-jr;;ic ftod uit rative ín lía actlüD ; pnrifylüg uiid cleaLMJijf TLe b üod, cutlu IC tO üow lu all of Hs ordinal pui ty auu v.+'or; Lbvw ramóvi&g o-om the BybtüJü a i ptruio -.'U cauuB wUicfa Lave Ijüducud ülsett.-je. CUKUOlvËB INJEOTION 1 lütdeJ as au ally or t'.fcblsuat to ti.t ClifercWtta Bttmodji tftfl bJiou.1i! ba u.iad Ui :)iuictioii Wiliï tliat meaiciu'-iu all caaes -t QlMt, üo&onlioi, Flciur Ai'jaa o: Whltej ItB ffecu &ra bPftUag, lootbuig aii domalreut ; re moviiix ail Mftlfknff, licat ana pal', luafces-d of ii burtiiüg and almorí niiwjluiirU(g Unt id experíeuced wltb nearly al? tbc ehfap c;,ncV Incto i. fWBy tïie udj ofiba IBIBOKKE KílUEUY :ü CliCROKEli: IK JE 1 ION- ibe two nitakiüCê ai UB aame time- all laipropor 'ilscbirges are reaioved, and the vreak&;iSdorgaL8 art: ?.feedily reatorcd to fall vigor ai. et Ptieiigtb. CT-F.ico.Cherukce liomedy, lï per botüc.or three bottk-B for $5. gdfPrlco, Cherokce lojectloni $2 per bojile, or tlireebottl.-Bfur $3. GfSeut y Expresa to n.ny aidr.ijaa ou veceipt of prlce. tjr For fall particulirB get our pamphlet iïom any drujr atfTC 1b the country, or write uaand wu wil! mul free to any atl!ie&9. a fuli treatlse. All sucli orders sea t ioC. A. CÜOK, Chicago, our General Atjent for tbe Wedt. Sold by Wbolefl ilf. Prnggista, and by all Drff# Iets everywl ere. C. A. COOK CntCASO. General Agen for the State of IUlnuiB lowa, Wl-coneln, Mcnigan and Indliia' Lr W. E. MEEWI]Ï & CO., 8OLK PüOPEXETOKS, fío. 53 Li'oerty trett, Kew York. THE GEKAT INDIAN MEDICINE, OjIÍPOÜHCKB ÏBOM g W Cherokee Cure ! Ad nafltütog cttre for Seminal Weakne?8, Koctarnal ícuilssione, ana all dlneasos caused by Stilf-Po'.ntion, suth as Losa of Memoi-y. Universal LaiLude, Ptlna in tlie Back, Dlmnebs of Vision, Premature Old Ag3, Weak Kerrea, DIfficuUy of Br&ubing, Trerabllns, WakeOnlDese, Kiupüoos oü the Face, Pale Couute nance, lüsan-ty, Cunsumtioji.and allihcdlrefnl coon plüiDtHcauie bf tlepaniag IVom the path oí nature. f3T l"hia mcdicme Is h Bimple vegc-table extract, anu one on wiiictt ali cma rely, as it has hee-a nsed in our iracricw for many years, and with tboueanda treaLtd, it has noL faiied ia a single instanca. lts curative powtrs bare ern saüicient to pain yictory over iUe moststubborn c;ise. IW Vo tb se who haTif triilëd with tbeir constitution. uiit.i tUy Lluus ibems'iivea beyond the reach uf medical aid, we would eay, Dkspaie not! tbe CBTEROKKfi CtTBB will reore you to healttl and vi.i;or, i,mJ aíí.ci1 all quHCk ('.ociors have faiied 1 Llf Pi-'.c.p, $-i pt;r pottle.or three bottlesfor 85, and loi-warJfd by E,vp.ress to all partsof the world. iW r.or fuH ijaitícu'.iva, get a Circular from any Drug Store ín th country, or write to the Agent, who wilt mai. freo, to any ocedceiriüg tbe Banae, afulltreatifle, to pamphiet form. All rucq orders mnstbe Rent to e. A.. COOK,-Cbl cago, our General Agen'. Tor tbe West. Sold ín Chícalo, by Whoteeale Druggists, and by all Druepista everywhere, C. A.. COOlif Cnicxcjo, Goneril Agent for the 8iates of IKlucis, íowa, WlsconsÍQ, Michigan aad la."" Dr. W. E MSUWI5Í & CO., Bolk P, orRiETOBB. No. 69 Liberty otreet. New York. 80M by Wholesale Drufrjints m Detroit, alao bï 8TEBB1N8 4 WH.80N, Aun Arbor. 962yl K ■■MIMI II J llllllitlftlTffinili-HaB F. B ACH 0 kaa % atw and cmplct STOCK OP SPRING GOUDS bought bofore tha receni fiMAT KISE IN GOLB ! Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONXTT, ..T THE LOWEST MARKET PRIEES ! Ca.ll and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. 100 BUSHELS PRI1 CLOVER 8EED! For Sale by P. BACH. Fob. 2Sth, ISS4. 200 BUSHELS PRIME ILLINOIS T1M0TQY SEEÖ, For Sale by P. BACH. Teb. i6th,1864. Ètf&f$ Gherry Pei?è0rl


Old News
Michigan Argus