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Mississippi Valley Sanitary Fair

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St. Louis, April 24. Tiio conmiiUee on publioatïon, of the Mifiseippi Vnlley Sauitary Fair, which is to be opum-d n thia city on tho 17th of May '"est, have issued ihe foíLowiag ad dr esa, and most eamcstly requcat tliat tho editora of both secular and réligioua joürnals throughout the country will give it a place in tlieir columna : " J'hi! ïioble mis-ion of this great pat riütic (eatival should be made known to Vcry hamlet iu tho land, sod tiie succes of ilie fair should be comtnensnrate "ïvith tho sacrcdnees of our causo and the greatr.ess of the nation Prienda of the Union ! Our gallan t soldiere havewreated an empire trom tho grasp of tieasou. They have plantod t, o oanntrof the republio ti'ion tlie oapitala of maay redeemed eominonwealthe. They havo opened the Alississipr i and enabled its waters, unvexed by rebel blockado, to flow freely to the ooean. To Ihoir heroic and res' lees valor, which Las on man ƒ a bloodstair.ed Beid cleaven down the bopes of the rebellion. we owe the assured restoration of nat i.mal uuity and pubüu tranquility. An iroperilled nation eau not forget its preserrera; a freo people will not tiegleot tho d. tenders of its liberties. Kepub'.ics have been proverbial for uyratitude Oars must be fne fYoin tliis historioal reproaoh. Our povpnimei;t, though providing for its ármiea witb a libtrulitj u ipreocdentod in the history uf otber oouutrieg ia tiot authorized to supp!y iimry comforts wliich sick and wounded soldiera necd. Thousands of our brave defenderá are qow lying ill in camp and hospital. Tlieir patiënt euduraoce of bsrdiUi; s, womids and ewkDWS, and ihiipi! i ■, xpn-iuc of their livei ibat their coaulr might uot perisb, betpcük for them inniediat aid, und kindlifst treatinni. Their aufforings plead eloquenfty tor relief. [ is the objeol of tliu Mi.-sissippi Vallcj S.'u itarj Pir ! Witbin ilio last three 3 ilie iVes'tern SmÁUry Común ■ ■ ,,-,■, ,,,.,,■,, i!nl;i 1..500,{i00 in i. I ;..; ,f lihsableiJ goldiera u tbi : . , ■. , gectioi ■ ; ire made hi thé Jl!l ' ■ ir bouniy, The d nionei ■ - ■ s a;e linea, n oog 'izu :■ Ij ■ claims of our couiRton couutr.Y Tbe nwd of relitf is lo all aüke, a guaran! : upplj A new levy ol' öOU.tJOO iiun is now brooht into'the fii'ld. Thi" resource ior sanitary relief', unlesy lrg Ij uugineiited, will be far in adequate to iü'jtt tbe (unurgwicy, Evry recoverj! is quivaleut 'o a new reeruit. Patriotic ebanty must now contribute with Uvixh Iwnd to pn-vent ihe unneoeapary decimatiou ai our armies bv expo■ar and ttoglect. The Kxeeutïve C.mmittce hope tu raise 8"00 000 by the iIss-8;' 1 Vaüty Sai.ic, ; y Fai". Every saleable pruducfioii of earth or oceau, uvcry work of kill in uil the numberlews branches of industrial and tueeèaitu art, evrry iu-tielc, che p or costly, pcmhable w ei rtui 1 f U81 ful or luxurious litemry or in -.t:i-, native or foreigu, vrbleb is rgii red il; tbe inventory of the woild's wesltb, ia eameetly solicited and will bu gratefuHy recelad at the bulla of the Miwwsippi Valley Satiilar Fair. A novel and noble feature of the Fair is a special dt'purtm'Mit, orgai.ized in behalf of freedinen and Union refugees Upon these unfoitunate classes the etorms 1 f war beat. witb pitilesa violeuce. In their trausiuon to liberty tbousanda of freedmen, witliout homes or present eiuploytuent, withnut the meaos or babits of elf support are exposed to great priva tkuis atidsuiFerings. Union refugees, for tlie crime 9: patriot sa, have been persecuted, robbed and driven from once happy homes n peonitegg destitution.- Thj helpless freedmen, whose kindred ure valianlly bnttling for the redemp'ion of XÍieir persei uted race and the maiii tenance of thu Unifl, and the self sacrificing exiles who, kniiwing thatlojalty would insun; their ovn rjsin, yet dared to be true to the:r allegiance, are etititled by every consideration of duty and hu maDitv to tise eympathj and assist nee of the nation. The uearness and su&eess of the fair deinand immediate and efficiënt ACtion. Letyour bounty beproportioned tothejustiee of our eause, and cvery aanitary eomfort whieh our brave protectora aeed will soon be lully supjilied. "Note. - All anieles should be distinctly markcd with the addresa of the donor, ana directed to James E. Yeatman, St. Louíh, lliaaottrí, Por M. V. tí. Fair. A bilí of kding should aüso be sent to Major Alfred Mai-kay, Correspondintr Socretary, St. Louis, Mo , commitiee rooma under the Lindel! Hotel. Dona tions of tnoney Lhould he sent to Samuel Copp, Jr., Treaaurer, St. Louis, Missouri. The leading railroada and express compauie genemusly give free transportution of all contributions to ihe fair." (Signed by the Ommittee.)


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