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From North Carolina

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JNewbern, April 22. Governor Vanee, who 3 a candidato for re eleotiim, has boen in Leo's anny on in electioneeriag tour. A correspondent oí tha UtSeïï Express, from Lee's army, says, we havo resolved to suspund any of our men wlio vide fir IJolden, liy the thumbs, over wbiob the Raleigh Pnss ia rery ndignant, and predicts the defeat of Yauce bv thü ueopla il' hu encourages it. Jus. M. Leauh, i puaue man, in elected lo tho Confedérate Oingress froni the Seventh District by u lurge nnijoriiy. Tho buil Ie vvhicfa hus been going on at Plymouth from áunday the lü:h to the 20tb, rettulted in the capture of' the city by the enomyon Wedotwday ooon, tnoiuding General Wesel and his forces, 1,500 men, The eneray obtaitwd possession of Lhe town at 8 o'eloek in the raorning. Generul We-m;l, and hs t roo pa retiied nto Fort Williuin and held out uatil noen, repultiog the enemy i: stiven decperute assaultB, whose loss is said to bu even huudred while t)ur loss is ligli . Geoerul Wessel, who gaiued suoh ciistinetioa in the teven day's fight before Ritíbmond, has n beroio resisiauce. General Peek eays he had given General Wtssel ail ansistanee in his power in bis cal! lor reinforceinents. - It is reported thut the en.iny has left Plymoulh and is imw moviugon Washington. Aleo oo thifi city. The rebel ram at Kingston has, it ia ascertained, moved towarda Newbern and is expected to malre an uttaek in a day or two More gunboats and reinforcements are required here and at Washington. Two oompaoiea belonging to the 2d North Carolina Volunteers were among the caplured at Plymouth, most. of whom ere taken out and shot by the enemy after our forcea liad surrendered. All the negroes found in uniform were also shot. The funeral of commander Flesher takes place to-morrow. The rebal ram at Plymouth, which carao down tho Roanoke, is expected to act in concert with the other rams in the attack on Washington and Newbern. She carries tnree small guns and one eisty-four pounder With tho aid of a few gunboats these rams could speedily be run down, as theirsea-goiug qnalities are bad. Under the cover of uight the ram at Plymouth sunk two of our gunboats, butit is not expected she will attaok any respectable number of gunboats in the day time. Newbern, April 18. Eeports from Plymouth have it that our flag Btill floats over our fortifications in that place, though the enemy have possession of the town and river. It is said that Gen. Wessel retired with his iorce into the fortifications with fifteen daya peovisions. This report appeara to be believed. On the arrival of more gunboats we shall be able to reach Plymouth and ascertain the facts. Washington and Newbern are inuch atronger fortified than Plymouth, and with a faw more troops and gunboats, which are said to be on the w y, they can be held against all the rubela that present themselves.


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