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Gen. Hill And His "elks."

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The Washington correspondent of tbe Free Press says : In the speech of Gen. Todd before the Elouee Committee oh elections recenüy, there appears a passage in alluBion to Gen. Georgo D. HUI, so well known in JVli-chigan. He was cominenting upon the evidence of a witness who had tetstified to receiving money for his vote, and closed as lolfovvs : - "But the most dazzling and munificeut present of all was reservad fr the iáurveyor Genera), Georgo D. HUI, to secure thia vote - a pair of noblo elk - doubtless, magnificent I I can imagine the exultatinn of the Surveyor General when lie reoeived theo anímala ! How he reveled in delight when pioturiug to himself the glorious rides he was to enjoy on returning to tiie elaesio shades ot Ann Arbor from his long aLd dreary exile to the praries of Dacotah. The wonder, admiration and envy that would folio w in his train os he swept throLgh the haunts of learning which adorn that beautifnl city of nis residence, drawn by theso msjestie animáis - the delight of the eye and the pride of the plains. Alas ! thuse vieions wt-re but the idle creatiuns of the moment, bubbles of the sea, and deslined to disBpear as soon. Ttie stern rouli:ies oí ■lile called hirn back to duty. Thu Ides of September were at hand, atid ia an evil hour he parted wit.Ii bie treasme for a single vot but in niaking the aacrifice he proved his devotion to a fiiend." In 1860 there were 18,143 more femíilee Iban males New York citv.


Old News
Michigan Argus