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"too Much Advertisements."

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The most serious of ;i]l objectioni which forcea itself upon the publisher of a papor. is the stereoty-ped and hackneycd one of " too innch advertiseineuts." Persons raising it forget that advertisenients are to the printer what sun and r.iin are to vegetation. They forget, also, or are to 'vise to learn, rather, tfiat printing paper, type, help, nk, rent, f nel, etc, are al! up to the higliest notch in the scale and that they cost. money. - VVlien we lidsr a farmer niake the complaint of " too much advertisements," we Cflti but think. as he f-ells us beef cotnposed of half bone, grizzle, etc , or when he hauls us a three dollar load of wood which contains lnrge erooked sticks, bo knotty that neither beetle nor lightning ean split ihem, that sotne one elwe puts in " too mueh advertisements" also. lf we emplo-y a lawyer ;itid he goes clear 1 aroimd llobinhooii's barn " to hunt up oviiienee in a two shilling suit, making us scveral dollars expense, merely to show the sublime workinga of the law, in the vindication of outraged equity, we are foreed to the eonclusion. that hia eourse has "too inany advertisemeuts," in it. Venérale and respect religión and the great Poimder of all good, as we do, we can but think, as we listen to an ï 11- natured, pharisüicnl disciple, tul 1 of pompous, swelling pretensions, disposed t extol I, and d - n you, withnut judge or jury that hia preeept and example ha?e by far " too mucL advertisements''' in tliem. When we see young Misses or Masters, scarcely clear from the restraints .nd protection of the nursery, turn up their noses at people becausa they are less showily dressed than themselves, or when they atternpt to distort ehildhood, to say notbing of bending manhood or wommihood, by affeutation, or attempts to imítate the cupidity of full grown human butterflies, we set it down as moially certain ihat they have "inuehly" 'too niuoli advertisements" in iheir young üfe prospectuses. Wben w see merehants too poor to 'advertiso" n the too selfish to let tbe world know they do business in it, fhere is to uur thinking, "too muth advertisemeuts" in their style of pursimonious economy. Wben we see peisons, all smilcsand affa bility abro;id. but incessant scolds at hoiue, it is an unerring indicatioa that there is " too much advertiements " in their action in both iustances When we sea a rmin ncglect bis business to bang around tavcnis and drinking shops, Iraving his family to work their wuy hrough life, as best ihey can, we resolvo that there is "too much advertisemeDts," iung out in his couutenaucd, on his tat[ored cloibing, brokeu down fences, ragituffed windows, e!c. When we Lear 'hese. or any of them, or a uiulïitude of )ther enses not enuuierated, eompiaiuing :hat the village paper coutaius "too nuch ' adveriisemenis," we think they )ught. first to cas :he beain out of their )Vfn eye, then make iheir charges and iring in iheir cvidenoe ; o herwise be iue.!.-


Old News
Michigan Argus