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A Congressman Perplexed

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A Washington correspondent says: Walking alotig the avenue yesterday, I met a Oongreseman who seemed to ba Borely perplext-d about somctbing, I asked him wliat was the matter, and he replied, " VV liy, its enough to make St. Peter swear. I aiu a mortal man. I go to church regularly, and I try to lead a good ufo, but there are thitigs tliat humar! patience ean't endure." I made up my uiiiid hat snmetlmig despeíate had Imppened to thc M. C , and entreated him to uiihosom himself, which he did as follows : I've been trying for the last four dayg to fret a ii audicnce with the President. I have gone to the White House every morning and waited till dark, but could iiot got a chance to su-ak to him until to-dav, whon I was admitted to his presence. I told hit what I wanted and eupposed I was foing ld get a direct answer, when wliat do you think ? Why he starled uff with 'Do you know I heard a good thing yesterday about the difference betwecn au Amsterdam Dutchinan ind anv other dmiin Dutchman ? " And ihen he comuiencod telling his Stor:c8. He told thrco, and I didn't listón tu a word lie 8;iid. I was mnd cnough to knofk the "i-llow d 'vvn. But thu worst of t lio wlinlo thing was that just as he got llirough with the last story, in carne Secrotary geward, who said he must have a private conference wi'h him iinini'diatelv. And Lincoln coolly turnod to me and sai!, " Mr , can you cali !ig:iin?" Danin his unpudence, l sy, to keep mo listiiiiing to bis jokes for tvro houis and tbi'ii ask me to cali agaio.


Old News
Michigan Argus