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DYSPEPSIA, AND DIíSKASES KESULTING FROM! DISORDERS OF THE ÍIVEB I AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARE CURED BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENüïG Thrse Uillprs have psrformcil mom Tures HAVE AND DO GIVEBRTTER SATISFACTION Ilnve mort IVsümony ! HAVE MORK RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO ViTTCll FOR THEMtTbiin any ether (trtïclc in fhe n.niket. We defy any one to contvadict thia Assertion. AND WILL, PAY $IOCO To any one wtio wil! produce a Ooi-iïfieate publiriheü by lis, tliat is not ge.mink. BOOFLAND'S GEiUlAIV BITTERS WILL CCRE IX EVERV C4SE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Di&eases of the Kidneys, and Dlseases arising fiom disordeied Stomach. Obierve th follming symptoms resvlting from Disorders of the Digestivt Organa ; Co;istipation Ioward Pilos, FuII&hbs o! Blood to the tiead, Aeidity, oJ the Ötomach, Nausea. H'artburn, Disgust for lood, Fultnesji 01 weight in the stomach Sour Eructations, zinking or Üutti tuig ut the p{( of the títomach, Sffimraing ol the Head, Hurrk'd iind ■ ilion] i breal hing. Flu tterhg at the Heart, Chokl&g or öuffocating tieunAttosa wheá in a Lytsg Postín e, Dimness of Vision, Dota or Webs belore th SIght, Fever and tull Pain in tlieHeai. Defidieney ui Prespiration, YtltoWness of the Skla and Ejes, pain ín the side, back, chest, limbs, ko,„ Sudden flushes of Heat, Buraing in the Flesh, Constant lnihgiuing.s of Evil and Great Depresión of Sp rits, TIE TMttt 3Mt!B JE! H. THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOOC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKKY. AND CAN'T MAKE DHUNKARDS, BUT m ?oa (aas? wmh In the World. & REAI) WHO SAYS SO : From the Rev. Uvi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Cburch, Pemberton. N. J. uruierly of the Nortli tiaptist Church, Philadelphia. ♦♦ I haveknown Iïoofland'i Germán Bitters favorabty for a number 01 jear.-=. 1 have used ihem ín my own family, and have been so pleased with tlieir ftffect that I was induced to recommend them to many others and know -hat they haveoperated in a strik ing I y beneiicial marnier. I take great pleasure in thua publ cly pro claiminif thia fact, and calling the attentiun of those afllicted with tlie dieases for which they are recom rr.ended, to thcee bitters, knowing from exnerience that my reeommeudation will bc sust;nned. I do tiiis more chetifully as Hoofland's Üitters is iu tended to braeflt the afllicted. and is -'not a rum drink." Youra truly, LEV1 G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, i). D. Editor of theKncyclopedia of Eeltgious Knowledge and UirULian Cbroniele.Phïla-delphia. Ithough not dïsposed tofaroi or recommend Patent Medicines in generul, th-ough distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no suílicient reasons why a man may not testify to tb e bene fits lie believes himst-lfto have received from any simple preparation in th' hope that he maj thus coatribüte to tlie beneiit of others. I do this more readily in regard to HooÜand's German Bitters, preiared by Dr. C. M. Jackflon, of this city, because I was prejudiccd agaïnst tliem for manv yearw, underthe impréssioo tha. they were cliit-J1v añ alchobohc mixture. I am indebied to ray friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the remo val of this prejudioe bv proper le.sls, and for encouiagemènt to trj them when sufTering fromgreat and long continu ed debiiity The use of tbreebdttles ol these bit tPT at t he beginning of the present year, was lollowed by evident relit-f nd restoration tt a dogree ofbodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months bef ore, and bad almost despaired of regaining. I tberefore tliank God and my frirnd for diitcting ir.e t tte use o) them J. NEWTON BR.OWN,Phila From the Rev. Jos. H. Keunard, Pastor of the lOihBantist Church. l Dr. Jackson :- Dear Sir:- I have been irequentlv reqnested to connect my name with commendatlona of different kinds of medicines, but rf gard ing tlie piactice as out of my appropriate sphere, I have in all cases declined; luit with a clcar proof in various instaneen and particulaily in my family, of the usefullness of Dr' Hooflaod'a Üerman Bitters, í lepart for once from my usual coime, to expresa my íi;ll cenvictíon that, or general debiiity of the systcni and especially for I.ivcr Complainc, it Isa safe am! valuadle preparation. In Komo cases it may ail ; but usnally, I dou t not, it will be very beneficial to those who sulfer from the abovj cause. Your8,very respectfully, J.H. KRXXAPJ), Kighth belo Cuates Street, Phila. From Rev. Warren Randnlph, Pastor of tlie Bsptisi Cliurch, Germantown Perni. Dr. C M. Jackson :- Oear Sir : - experience nablfts me to say that I regard tbc Gtrman Bitters ptep;treil b.v .von as amotitcxcel ent medicine. Iu cat-e ol Kevere cold and general debiiity I have been greatlv benefited by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they wili produce similar effects on o.tbers Yours, truly, WARRKX RANDOI.l'HGermantown, Pa, From Rev. J. H Turner, Pastor of Hedding M E Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir .- Having used your Germán Bitters in my family frequently, l ana prepared tu say that it bas been of great .sorvice. I bi-üeve thut in most crises of general debiiity of the system it is the safcsi and most vahuble remedy of which I have any kuowiedge. Tours , rcspectfullj. ,T. II. TtTUN'ER, No 726 N. Ni tieteen tb. ötree. From the Rov.J, M. Lyons, forxnerïy Pastor of tbc Co iumbuc, (N. J.) and Millsiowi:, (Pa.) Baptist i'nurches. New Roc.elle; N. Y. Dr. C M. Jnkson :- Dear Sir:- I feit it a pleasure,. fray own accord to bear te-iimony to the of tlie 'ierman Bitters. ome years aince, betng macli afflicted wuli Dispepsia , i uteï thein wilh vpry bneficial resultn 1 have uiten re commendetj them to persons ra'eebled by tlaat forntentiiig diesae. and havo liear't trom theiD th most Ba t tering tostimonial-i as to their great value. In case oi gene-al debiiity, 1 believe it to be a tonic that eau not be sarpatmed J. M LYONS. From the Rev Thos. Winti r, Pastor of Roxborouirb Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson '-Dear ir : -I teel itdue to your excel lent preparation, Hi.ofi;mit's '.'ermau Bitters, lo add iny testimony to the deserved reputiitii'ii it hns obtaine, 1 have foryerus. át timos been troublcd with groat dis order Ín my headand nervnu.s systcm 1 whs ndriged by frirnd to try a bottle of your Germán r.itters. I did sn and have expeiit nced great inri unjepected rt lief ; my hcalth has been vory materlally beiicfittfd. 1 eonndently reoommend the articU1 w ere I meet with en ss similar to my own, and have been a&cured by many of the;r good rfiects Rthpectfully yours, T. WIXTER, Roxboroügh Pa. From Rev. J S. Herman, of the Germau Reform e(J Church, Kutztown, Berks Co Pa. Dr. C M. Jackson : - Rf-Ppected Sir .- I líate toen troubled with Dyanepsia aearly twenty years. anii have oever used anr medicine tlia-t die me usukicIi god s IIoMtland's Bitters, I am very muuh i fo pro red in iitalth after baving taken flve bottlep Yours.with respect, J S. HKRMAN. PKICES. Iirge Si?e, holding nearly doublé quautitv,) $1 00 per bnttle-half doz $5 00 ?mall Sizo- "5 centn ],er Bottle- half dosen$4C0, BEWARE OF COUNTEKFEITS. Se that the signature of " C M. JACKSON'" is on the WRAPPER of tach bottle Phonldyour nearesit Druggist not have the article do not be put off by iiMox-cuting ptvpnrntions tbat my he oflered in Itfl plnr.e, but end to tin, and we will forward securely packed,by expresa. Principal Office and Manufnctory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, philadelih;a. Jones & ZEvans. Sccessors to C. M Jachson lf Co. PROPEIETOns. Tni alebyDroocIr'ii&idDtós,-;');: '.--ary towa JB Glad News for the Unforlnnate 1 ÏÏS Ï.ONS 9OT7QHT FOB Discovured at Last. CU R ESmír IYtM CHEROKEE REMEOY , AKT CIIKItORUK INJECT1ON, CcmpiiiHiiitil iFfcia Siools, U:i. a:,d i ïjtcs. CHEKOKE-'; REMEDÍ, tl.e gioiu lm)lan Fliuetic J cures all dta:aiM-n ii lbo Brltarj criiaim, sucb a ( contluem'o of tlifc UriLe, inflaiLtDHtionof theBiadder, j Indam natlou or ifce KHIne8, Btone la thf Bladder, Btrlctare. GMvet, Goaorrben, Olu t, and Is e pecfHy rocot meftded in lboso ei wb of Flinr Abns 'or Whlio lu femttiop.) liure ali tüe old medicines h-ivefuikd. 8jP" It !s 1 rrpore in a liiitUy cooo n'rat ! frm, tbefloseouly bil'g from one to teaspoouiula thiee ttmeB i-er rfay. r-U It ia dkjretlc and alt ratlve lu Hs atrtlon : purllylnp.and cleaufinjr tic bood, canda it totlow In ailoilis or lual pm.ty !:fid Tor: ttiiki removlBR froio the eyitew a I 1-' rn:i; ia c-ua wl; liavc In duced (Ilutase. CI1EKOKI.E INJr,("!'ION is [ntcude.l a an ' ally or aksiátaat tp te (Jbtvukf Beuiccllt nBd , Bhoaldbeueü Id c injnoetlon wlttl tlmt lueJieim li.' , &U casca ti ülbtt, (iüDuribea, Fluor Albne WLltca ItfielTectsnre bcn'lng, gootlm-2 ar.l dcinnlrtLt removíují all scM-:ni, IteftL anü pal:, li;teud of tbe txirnine and almoBl unendnrbie pr.iu tb-t h eipcrlfliccd lth ncariy a!l the llrsp i .Uack InJ' et'o I. CS-BJ tiiomi! of tbe CHEEOKFB IiJlWEUT and CIICHÜKEE 1N.T10 1 ION- lhe two n.ejl; lr,( s at the eami time- all liapvoper rUflChargel are remnved, and the weakenedorj;apR art Hpcedlly restored to full vl(or ai'.d fti ctiRth. CT"PiIce. Cbrrokoe üomcdy, 12 per bottle, or three bottleB tor $5. W Prtce, Chrruhve InjctiMi, tSper bctrte, or three boules lor $5. C& Sent by Express to any ad!r.eflB on recelpt oí pnce. ZST For full partlcul irp pet onr paraphlei trom sry drup sture la tbe cenntry. orwrlte uoaud we wUlmall free to any addiess. a Ml trwttae. AllBticli orders most be ent 10 O. A. COOK, CV.icago, our General Ag'-nt for tbe SVest. Sold by Wbolea ilp Prnglsts, and by all DniirfilstE ever? wt ere. C. A. COOIi, Chicago. QeneraJ Apeüt for tfco Statra or IlUnoiB Iowa.'Wlconsln, M:niïan andlndl"ta' Dr W. E. MER WIH & CO., 8OT,R PííOPTÍI! TOK8, o. 59 Liberty Btrec t, 1 ew York. the: cjií.ií:a.t INOIAN MEDICINE, O.iiiPOUIÏDE FBOH Clierokee Cure ! An nnfatllng cure for Semliml Weakne-38, Nocturnal EmlsBiODB, rhü all (liBcasea caneed by Scïf-Polntion, suf h aa Loks ofMeroory, TJr'lversal Lasr-itude, PrIüb in the Back, Dlmnets of Vision, Premature Oíd Age, Weak Nerven, Difficulty of Bie.uhlng, Tieinbllng, Wakefulncpfi, Kruptions on tbe Face, Pale Coimtenance, Insnmty, ConsumptlOD, and all lhe dircful comp!:iints cuaje bv depanlng from the path of nature. ty filis medicine Is a simple vegetable extract, and one on which all cn rely. & It has br e.i tised in our prftcrlce for many yeara, and wiib thousande treated, it bas not failed iu a Blngle instance. lts curattve powers have Veen sufficient to güín victory over the most ntubborn case. t I'o tb.i30 who bave triñéd with their constitutioQ, until tbcj thlnk themBelves beyond the reacb uf medical aid, wo woold afiy, Diíspair noi I the CETEEÍOKEE CtJRE will rettore you to healtb and vigor, and atter all quack doctors have failed ! %W Price, %% per pottle.or Ttiree bottlesfor S5, and forwurded by Express to all partí of the world. 53?" For txx'A partículars, pet a Circular frota any Drug Store in the country, or wrlte to tbe Agent, who will mail frec to nny ooe desirlng thf same, a fu'l treatlsc, ín pamphlet form. A1sU!íü oriera mnst be pent to C. A. COOK.Chi cago, our General Agent for the Weet. Potd In Chicago, by "WholesaleDruaitlsts, andby all DrtiirKlötseverywQere, C. A. COOK, OniCAOo. OeLcril Agent for the States of IUÍlioís, lowa, Wieconeiu, Slichigan and Iu■ Dr. W. E MERWI& & CO., ' EOLE Pi 0PKIKT0B8. No. 59 Liberty utreet. New Tork. 9old by Wliolesa' Drusgists ni Detroit, also by STKBIilNS & WILDON, Anu Arbor. 952yl i. B ACH has a oew and complct SÏOCK OF SPRING ÜOÖDS bouglit before the rocent GllEAT ll!SE ÏN GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, -&..T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES Í Cali and See ! Ann Aibor, April, 1864. CAUTION! AL!. PERSONS are forbiil UttstlDg nny ono on my account williout a Racial nrder rum me, au r shall pay no ilcbt.i of Othels' ontrading, after tiiiK late. HAHVEY AVNAiHI.. Miaron, April Jth, 1864. PSlwö I andcirculaterl as coin.will be rédremed ateither ir our piaeeiiof linsiness. C. II. MINI. KM, WJI. -VAONER, I'AJLIP BACH, PKAN & CO. A. PrFOKKST. Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1S64. 6w?öl FBUIT THEES. Tl rH;3OIs has oponed the Jarfffst and 9nesf ast-'orf1 meut üf Fruit an'l Onmnifntal i rees, e er brought to tbih ciy i ofiposite tbe Northwest corner of tbe Public (Uiire. Farmers ard" otbers will do wuU to cali early apf] mnk& tbeir selectionB. T. Vl?& itort- ?■'■': k fêti. #i


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