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Sala On American Hosptaility

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Once !t the American renlljr know wlio and what you are, and they welcome yon w lli upen arms. Their houses, their carriagcs, tlieir servants, all are nt yur disposa). Dot iiietaplmt icnlly, as the Spontards offer tlicni, but actually or entirely. Tliey will ti t i you, thry will brcttkfost yon, tliey wll up you, and whoii thero is nofhing legitímate in tlie wuy of euting and drinking going on, they will picss you to havo oystera. - They will give you, if you allow tliem a groar denl 'nore ('haiupaigiie, Maderi. Scoich le and Bourbou whiskey, tliau ís gnod for you. I f you are a teetoUler, they will sciid ymi i dozen of Congruas water or effelvew5ÍBg sarsnparilla. If you confis? yonrself a Hiimkur, they will rain your pockcts with Ilavanas, or send you u box of imperials almost as long and as Btróng ne poker Admire un Ameritan mtlior, aud you will find liis works, haudsoiucly bound, on ynur table when you return lióme. í hnppened to ineiitioii tlie other day that, inteiidiug to look in :it IL ivaipi on my way to New Orleans 1 thought I might as well get up a little Spanish, forthwith a copy of Ollemlorf'H Spunisli gramuiar was sent to me 'I'fiey will insist on paying your hackiKíy coach, your omnibus and ferry tiie; and I positively believe that wero [ mean enougli to ask, I could find a tic zi ii frieuda wlo would pay uiy hotel bilí That, which they do to st.augers, the Aiuei icans ar not slow to do among tlicmsolvea A gout lemán of maturo years intbrini'd me lately that hia unció had sent liiin a thousaud dolhirs as a new yi'nr's gift. Any peraon of good mi; mis. with a house of bis owu. is mra to liive froin six to a dozen ncphews, ni CLf and eouains, stying with him for months at a tune 1 liever knew such a peopíe for having cousins, particularly i'uiualt'S, and prelty. Teu to one, also, you will tind an adopted child in every oihui' f'amily. Wlieu an American faila in business - and most of them fail at one time or anotlier - he is 8ure, if he be st all a decent kind of a man, to find, friends who will not ouly "loan," but give him monny to start afrusli. And pray let n(e aiy, that it would be doiug a cruel aud stiameful wrong to tliia peopie, to assuuie that their hospitality toward the sirangers within their gates is dictated by a vulgar spirit of ostentation. That there are vulgarious, ard "stuck up," and ostentatious folks is clear euough ; but their great heart in rospeot to the sacred duty of hospitality is sound ; I and in the performance of that duty they bral the Eiiglish, and the Irish, und the Rufsians, which i? saying a good deal. - In Frinee, you know, you get little but wugar and waier out of your frieuds, iu Gei nuiiy iiothing but sinoke, and in lts ly there are soine grand houses where you can only olitam supper by puying for it. I n Spain you can get nothing to eat, because, beyond eggs and chocolate, and garlie, there is nothing to eat. Jiut in the United States you may ruin your digeMive organs for iiothiug IU a fortirglit. If the ■■ysterw and the canvasb.iek (luuk.s dou't give you dvsppsia. the eienial ice crt-anm and eandied swetineat will: und, when you fall sick, you will find plenty of kind friwuds to preis llostetter's and Diake's Plantation Bitters as caratives, on your a cepiance. Al this is done iu sheer, bounteous generosity and kiudneso .f ln-art. Not a vapid touriat lands in New York- -witb letters be it uud.rstood - not a guardsmun runs down front Canada, not a gunroom mess of a mau-of-war comes into port, but the flood-gites of American hospitality are opened. With all their real hrewdness and imputed cunning, tlie Americaiis are iu maiiv respecta as frank, as simple, and as innocent aschildren For tht very ruasnu are tb y to me a mystery, and a problem which I can never hope to solve. For, once having anvthing to do with them in busi-, ness, you will fiad yournelf in a " tight place," aud amonsj your kind-hcarted friunds you will become aware of a considerable proportion wh.i would steal the very teeth out of your head. Stealing is here called í'ojierating." and when a eoininereiit man stnanhes sil imefully, rooks his creilitors, a:il bugins auew, he is süid to hüve ' recup"rated." There will be a g-) id dual rf roeuperativé actimi done in green grueub icks soine day. I opine


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