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From The Army Of General Grant

From The Army Of General Grant image
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New York, May 10. The Jlerald has the Mlowing relative ! to the battles of' Friday and 8at,urd;i7 : ' At fivo o olock on Friday morfiing the contest was rcnewed along Iho cutiré line, and the roar and hum ol batllo carne from eveiy quarter. F rom crertain i cstiana it jras eoncluded that Leo was j inforciriit Longstréet on HancockV front I and pan of' Buruside's corps was accordingly moved to liis support, laking a positiou to the left of Gen. Warren and complcti y ülling tho gap into which the two Brigades had been thrown the precedmg cvuning. Ot.' moving at daylight towards the aïsigned position through a close forest they found it occupied by rebels prepared to d spitte its possossiou. The figtóing atr this point was over by nine o'cl'jok, fii.ding it iuipdstifote todislndge the rebels from their position. - Early in the morning Haticook was driv e.i back close to bis breastworks by o superior forcé, bul mbsíquentlv rallied and suceeeiied in retaking the lost gronnd. - Bel neen ten and eleven o'ciock however. Longstreet sueceeded in luriiing the left of' bis advanco and ihrowi'ig it intogrent confusión. This extended along the line and e;uiu; near involving ihe whole corps in incxti icable confusión, and Hiineock as once more torced back to liis breast works, and the rebels Kt,auHy planted thëir eolors insiiie these, but could nnt su tain themselves, and were tjected. At tl) i a time heavy reinfoicenients were thrown to bis support from Burnside's corps, and b8 men wero rail ed and laken w'ell in hand and all danger of further disasti r removed. The charge of Longstréet was completely overwlielming, solí ! masses of int' n try were hurled upon Iiat.oock time ;tfter time wilh an impetnosity uothing cmild withstand It was exceedingly fortúnate for the Gth Corps and Uie whole army that Longitreet was checked at this critioal period ad driven back wilh as inuch precipitaron ns be eame. The ground ii) front i 1' Hancoek had been foutrht over a number of' tin)es, and the wounded and dyii g on the field were vast. At uighi H:meoek oceupied bis brtastwork.- and had notbing but prisoneis and rebel dead to show for ihe slaughter if two dfljrs fighiing. He behavi. d with con Hpieuous g;iUantry ibroughout and was ou the field in pTsoii whero the dauscre were thickest. Gcner 1 Warren wi4plso botly assaulted along liis entire line and the utmost surprise was manifested :it ihe number of troops Lee was able to briuu; into action. '1 bis eorp retained its first position however till darkness - Aboul midnight a charge was made which eaused hiin to givc wayand he was unable to regain the grouud thus lost. Th is of course compelled the abandoünipnt of a great portion of the line of breastworks iu front of this corps and brought the BKirmi."!) line witbin a half mile if Grant and 31e&de's headquarters. Sedgwick s corps maintained itself agiinst the vigorous assaults of superior numbers at differeut times duiing the day and had no serious refeise until late in the evening. A charge was maue on its extrema right for the parpóle of turnin it as was done with Hancock's in the moruing. Milroy's oid división was driven back in great confusión at length, and the enemy Rucceeded effentually in turning (iiirjight. flank. The behavior of ibis división was severc-ly criticised by those 6Upposed lo ki.ow more eoucerning the aiïair. This probably necessitated a transfer of our siek and wounded and all the supply trains from Germauia Ford road to our landiug at Chauoelloraville. Tho latter were in motion the whole tiiglit, and at daylight had Lee nccupicd Germania and cut oiF retreat of the army on that routu would have giren hiiu au advantage, and might have worked incalculable inischicf, causing undue extensión of line aud correspondmgly wcakening it. The contest of Friday was unsatisfactory. Many oílicers despondingly feared Lee víould in some manner defoüt Grant Superficial ob ervers might eonstrue our repulses of that day into defeat, but no such foreboding found a restir.g place iu the minds of those who kuew the tenaci ty of purpose and fertility of resource which characterizes Grant. The advautages of next day veriüed their hopes. satürday's opbrations. The battle recninmenoed on Saturdny, but the firing was desul'ory :ind senttering. No fierce uttacks were mudo on either pide. Bwtn Generáis were intent On strutegy :ind neithor iinxions to brint; on a general enrageinent Lee secmed intent in büttfng our cominnnicn ria Genniiii:i Fmd. Gruñí nppcared u 1 1 i-rl v indillefent to Ui:s, and scerued rattier to court it, by w it!idr:iwinr Sediiwiek from bis pi-itinn, mil tbrbvnig it b;ick by Germiinirt Kord hem' bis own hend()uarters, md pushing JJirnside ont on the Spot'svl vnniii (J'Uirt Fïliftnë rotd, threitoning Lee'n line of coinmanicfition A new line if l);iitle vis formed by ebaiigo in ('Oition The line extended i eiiiiy iioitl: :md ioulh mikI jjfive Let) u choic of' bfiug ent off li-iim bis cupitnl md lisking evci vthing upen iWlfgW'öf hntllo. At 2 P M-.j Biinisidu wms vvcll ! iinilcr ivav to Spottt lviiniü. Len Inul thrown inf;iniry on to ciui1 ritfbi and drove in the) envjdry pi'kels on OíerniMNia Rimcl. Thè result conld only le to preeipllate a retre;it on ihe ];ir t of Lee to prevent' n r irinv lu-ing tlirown between himsei.l iind Kiihinond, or :i (!c:iiilv C"iit'sl in opin 'mttle, thnt ecuhl only end in bis extcrminntiou. He snim tfCoVered the error, ind ti nll nppearance hád Bttirtéd in hot haste for im.tfi er line of deferiré. Sume thi k feö ill be found it Norih Anrm Jiiver. w bile others hra fiually errhiin tbtre H no tetüiblo posüion for liirn to (all back to between this ;iml liie.hni'Mid. The question ;ts to oil ut Albion will KOíjti he solved. A oomp;iny orgiiniaed ; it New York nndw lbo niinio of the Mú-bÍL?íii! Central Petroleum Oampmiy, will break mum! for nn oil w 11 tbis week. They in'.ond to use fivo i-team engiues. It ÏH estlmated thntabout 2,000,000 ncres weru Cowti to whe'.it in the west last Ml. Thero w:is a yield expe'ted I of 31,200,000 bushela; but 20,000,000 i warenly nnH''.'pit"} hw.


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