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Indolence And Industry

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A Hule Hi'i'iletioe, b'-ief v.icuity of thought, may enérvate the muid for the lsbor of a whule day. If you feel iu poppj influencia preading over yon, ttart up nd ihsfcft yoursalf. Be inteut ahout iomething, howev-or trivial it may oera, and the innidioiis langour wiil iood pm awy. Joba Leaoh, in one of hia iktolie, Iim wel! illuatrated the differeuoe batweau craking dlenest and elf-oontooted actiritT. Turo younjr man hr gou out to petid their holidaj iu fihiug. The rain begins to pour in torrentg. Oue of theiu throwi asid' hi rod, bat th otber uontiuuei witli tuca determiuation. "Do come boine," ay tho croakor. "W'eli," Bay the Imppy fellow, "I never did .' mich a prauiou dif)agreabl o!d cliap ; yon come out for a day'a pleaxure, aud yon are alwayi for going home Of courae the raiu wat far from pita- ni, but ha kuew that a day of anforoed idleaena raí utiü wort, and cluug to tus rud as :i pruteetion. agaiunt tnnui und dMcontont He knew tbe valué of the wordt of the wis mau - "Wliatoever ihy hand findeth to do, do it vritu all thy migiit ;" he had couio out to finh, u-jd tirtli he would, though a watersjiout should burnt upoo bis head. We ühoiild all act on tbe ame principie, and many of tbe cloudíi of lite will be diisipai .d ; the Hou in the patli wili be fouiid to be oiily u juukutig ; ttits miiid ouoo 8et in motion wi!l tiud haipiimM in 'be pisy of ita owu taoultiet, und be proof againsl. the corroding cir of life. No matter what the uiy bc io long in it is inuouunt ; road, thiuk, write, fish, shoot, paiut, tarín, go down in diving heil or up iu a balioou ; do auything yoti oboose; but ubova all thingg ue"or b idle or yu will soon becotne oroaker. The Nlni[ düly ilie la.-tyear in England has producnd ihe enórtnoun hu in of $1,620,0000. A Wit fias jmt iinc)verod th true cotitM! of the bravc-ry in negro troop; tb yjire the color buitrera of tho human r-ioa


Old News
Michigan Argus