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"jTTwATTS & BRO. P.EU.KRS lo Clock, Watthes, .Tawelry and Silver D No. 22, Kew Bloek, AnnArbor. _ C7T3LISS. rvEil.ER In Clocka, Watehea. Jewelry and Silver ]_) Ware No, 22, New Block, Anu Arbor. O. H. MILLBN. rKI.KR 'n I1ry Q0''s. firoceries, Crockery, kc. &c. ) Min Street. Ann Albor. ""phTlïpIïagh. TVKAI.ERS in Dry GoodGroceries . Boots fc Sboes, ) jtc., Main st., Ann Arbor. O.IÍOLLÍÉR rANUt'ACTURER and dealer in Boots and Shocs, one JV1 door north of the Pl)st Ofac:c'N. B. GOLE. HEALER inBoots & Shoes, Rubbers, fcc. Franklin ) Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. "rÏSDOiT& HBÑDERriON. TVEAURS n Hardware, Stoves, house furnishing U p(l, Tin Ware, Sc , Sc, New Block, Mam st. ' GEO PRAY, M. D. ■nHYSICIVtf and Surgcon. Residence nd office on X Detroit treet, near the tlepot. S. G. TAYLOR, DFALKR in Hat. Cap, Furs, Robes, Gents' Furnish'ing Gimdi, etc. East side Main Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. "aTjTsüïhekland, AGENT 'or the N'ew York Life Insurance Company. OffiM in Hinin street. Also has on band a stock cf th moitl approve 1 sewing machines. 885tf GEORGIË FISOHEK. MEAT MARKTCT- Huron S'reet-Oeneral rlealer in Frenh n.l Salt Meats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Poultrj-, I Hn!, ThIIow, &c, te. H1RAM J. BEAKES 1TTORNF.Y an. Counsellor t ;rnd Solicitor in A OfcMWM-j. Office in City Huil Hiock, over Wobster's Bonk Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. PBTSlrlAN aii'l Surgnn. Office at his resMence, nor'.h mie of lluron street. and second house west of Dmrtinn stn'ct. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOI.KSAIiEund Retail Il.'i l'-rs and Manüfacturers nf Rriy-Mi4a Clothin linporters of Clothn, Caslini-re,Iloeskin..Sc.,No. 5, Phcenix Block, Main st. YM. WAGNER. l-vEALEH in RmdjifaAe Clotliing, Cloths, CassimercB ) n.i raatiofx, Jíatr, Caps, Trucks, CarpeV Bags, Sc. Piiomii Bloct, liniii Itrwt. SLAWSON & SOÑ. pROCBRg. Provisión añil Commission Merchants, and U Díaleruín Water Urne, I-ind Piastor, nnü Piaster of Paris, onedoor east of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SCOTT. i MBROTYPE and Photograph Artlsl , in the rnoms A orer Campion'ii Clothing store, Plioenix Block. Per iftd tatiafaetiongiven. C. B. PORTER. SURGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main andlluron trets, over Bach il Pierscn's Store. All cali f romptly attendvd to Aprl859 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Grocerieí. Hatsand Cap, Boots and Shoos, Crockery, te., Corner of Main & Liberty sts. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. ViTAJUFACTUREKS of all kinds of Coooper Work, lu. Citv Cooper Shop. Custom work done on hort noties. Cor. Detroit and North Street, and cor.Nonh Wl Fifth Streets Ann Altor. " O. A. KELLEY, T)HOTÚCIRAPHEK- -Comer Fourth & Harón streets. I Aii Arbor. Case frames and Photograph Albums oniUotly on hand, and at lower ratea than can be tuand elwwhere. Iy891 ANDREW BELL. DÏALRB ín Groceries, Provisions, Flour, ProduceSi Se, &c, córner Main and Washington Streets, Ana Arbor. The highest market prices paid tor country produc. 886 . I. O. O. F. WA8HTENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows meet at their Lodge Eoora. nrj Friday Evening,at7 o'clock. B. Simdheim, N. O. B. Rose, Secy KINGSTÊY & MOKGAN. _TrORiEV8, CounsellorB, Solicitor, and Notaries il Public, h_Ye Books and Plats áUowing titlcs of 11 Unds n theCountv, and attend to eonveyancing and lollettmgde- ands,and to paying taxes and school intrrtinny part of thestaie. Office east of the park. D. DeFOREST. WHOLESVLEand retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, Shinglos.Sash, Doors.Blinds, Water Lime, Grand Ri'er Piaster, Piaster Pari, and Nails of all siíes A lillind perfeotasaortment of theabove.and all other kiMs of building material coDstantly on hand at the lowMtpoisible ratea, on Detroit st., a few rodsfromthe -ilroad Depot. Also operatmg extensively in the ?ent Cement Rooflng. M. C. STANLEY, Photograpliio Artist. Comer Main nd Hurón Streets, Ana Arbor, Micli, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPE3, fee. &c, lotbe Utest stTles.and cverjefTort mailetggive atisfiction. 56tf GRANGER & FINLEY, AITORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents TriC OTOT DONEILy'5 STORÍ, STUBON STEEET, B. F. Qransbr, ) Ann Arbor, Mieh. H. H. Finley, S Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf Ayers Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus