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One nigbt Tast weck Mr. M. I'. Olds, of Colii wa tur, had' several sheep killod and otbers injun-U by doga. Dr, D. (.!. Marsh left, Oi ldwatar on Frid:iy last lo assist iu taking care of oivr wuanded soldiere. The eitizensof Port Tluron contributed $850 in cash, beeides seven large boxes of delicaciea and 10 gallons of Catawba wine, valued at $800 mote. Port Hurón may justlj feel proud of thisuiagiianiuious doUaÜ(;ll. Tlio township of Decatur !s several abead on the quota assigned to it for all calis by th(; Governnient for men. A sniall port}' of gypsis aro tiow encamped in the viciuity of Grand Raven, telling tlio fortunes ofsilly ptoplo for their mouey. The fuiifnil of Capt. B. K. Weatherwsx of the lOth Miohigan Cavalry, who was killed at Watai zo Bridge, Kast Teniiescr, took plaeli at Grand Kapids on Thursday oí' lust week. Mr. Jones, Postmaster, of White Eivcr been arrested on charge of stealing moni y Jetters frotn the mail. He has been Fuspeett'd frtr a year past of being engaged in this crime, and a trap was set for hiiu, in whieh he was finally eauglit. Capt Ricaby was presentad with a sword on Frida) iasl by some of bis friends in ËJi) sda.ii Moses Fox, an old resident of BentOD wns sovcrely itijured on Saturday last by a faltiiig pieee of tiniber on the liead whíle assisting i the raising of a barn. Two ther men were slightly wounded. The First National Bank of Ionia bas received its first. i stallmetit of National curreney of about $1,800. Aecording to a recent census of the township of Coldwater its population is 1,478 The anDual tournament of the üremen of Michigan will ba held at Jaokson on the fourth of July next. The Common L'üuncil of that city have appropriated $500 to defray the expenses. A full attentlance of the firemen of the State is expeeted. John Anderson was fined $10 for st.ealing s pair of ladies' slippers fiom a store iu Vassar. Ob Monday night of last week, during a 8evere guie, Horace Lucas was lost overboard frotn the schoouer Fasliion wliile oiF Lexiugtou. He was shippad at Chicago- Mr. George Ilarringfon, one of the earliest settlers nf Shiawassee county, die I at Corunna on Fridu}' last, in tbe Slstyear of his age. A couiiteifeiter, who purchased a Lorse of Mr. Cavendish, of Caunndyigua, and paid for the same iu uounterfeit money, lias been arrested, and is now iu jail at Adrián. When arrested $2,000 in bogus bilis were fouud in his possessiou. About 600 laborers have arrived at Houghton, within the past ten days, to work in the mines in that vicinity, and there is still a great deiuaud for more. A correspondent from Howell iuforms us that a noted Copperliead of that place publicly stated on Saturday last that he hoped our army would be dcfeated and Jt'fl. Davis would come out victorious. The Huncock Mining Conipany lias called an assesMiicnt of two dollars per share on its stook; the Allouez Mining Co., an assessment of 25 cents; the Pitliering Mining Co., an assessment of one dollar, and the Providence Miuing Co., an assessment of 50 cents per share. Lieut. Edward Ilkie, of Co. G, and Lieut. George Haight, of Co. D. of the 24th Michigan regiment, have been arrested in Washington, by order of Maj. Gen. Augur, and sent to prison, for leaviug their regitnents without authority. The Eed roof, a weed as obnoxious to farmers as the Canadian thistle. and which is sure to choke down wheat wherevur it gets a footin, has appeared in Shiawa.ssee eouuty. It grows frotn ten to sixteen feet high, and bears a white flower. A Freedmen's Aid Society has baen organized at Battle Creek Two hundred recruits left Camp Blair, Jackson, on Friday last to jon the Arniy of the Potoniac. The Spiritualist of tliis State are to hold a mass convention at Grand Rapids ou the 25th, 2Gth and 27 th of June uext. The Soldiers' Aid Society, of Battle Creek, recently forwarded a box of sanitary stores to the Chicago Sanitary Comniission. The Second National Bank of Lansing has received its tirst instalmont of bauk notes ot'S19,ÜOU. The fourth aniiuai convention of the Michigan State Sabath School Teachers' Association will meet at Grand llapids on the 31st inst., and continue in sessiun two days.


Old News
Michigan Argus