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v o c AiTïïTjsrïiri - o - ÏITILIJ.'M B. TlKMll'M), Teacher of Music, from T. Hirtford, C'oon., rfapectfulljr Mtpoaueea lila i triitmn to oien u Ann . riior .scl]..ols Or classes l'.ir in Btructiuna in the wjïnck or music aml prnctiue U the iht .)k singio, Áa imroidtttarv Icssoo or lecture les n will be giïrn at lioger's Hul', Tuesday Eve., May 31st. hl nlii.'li thi„ub.itof Miisic In the Public Schools no uttMtr Insülutions oí L.arning- Music in uur Lhurchos- The different mddes of oondoétlug il- .UI iute ""'I DIlUlmiOtlgM of Each- üoncorl- - --iciul SIusic- uid „thfrkinrlrc-.l topi wiil oe mlr..flucea :uii! bi ífíl y di3uBa(ítl. All nho are ntereütet in Musical l'iogress - whethcr general Dr njwcial- are invitcl te. t pnmt) Ilmll:ill will l,c oiionM fit 'i. Exercises to tranrai'üci al 8 u'óloeh. ,eat., free. The ilnn Ui :i coiu-ae of lesabaa' will be fully dotailed on lue.Ml;iy cvening. Side-Walk Notice- Thompson Street. Oity op Ann Arbor, ) Heookber's Offick, May 24th, 1S(}4. } State oí? Michigan-, CouiiIv of Washtenaw BS. To L. 1). Hale, Jolin'C. Mead, Jolm' Alhnandiiiger, Jacob F. Uwinner, Gotüob Sclileicher, Charleé Wortlon. Yon and eaeh of yon are hereby notifie.l tliat lip Uoimiinn Council of the City of Aun Albor lias ordeied the side-walk on Uie east side of Thompson Street, between Liberty Street and William Slreet, to be graded and pláiíKed that such side-walk is to be constnicted Cour feet wide, of pine plank two tliick, and spikcd to 4x4 inch onk sleopers, onder tlio superii-.tendence of Ihe Streef and Rnporvlsor of the - i ■■ ■■■iiaii m ii ii 1 1 tj First and Seconil Wards oí' said City, and tlií't you aro abimt to be assessed to pay tlie expenses of gradina; and planking such sidewalk, n tront of or afljacent to certain premises in said city owned or oecupied by you respective!}-, and tliat a report and assessraent roll lias been made out in the premisos and is now on file iu Iliis office for inspection, and tliat Uie Conimon Conncil of said city, wil] meet at the Conncil Room. in said city, on Monday, June fitli, A. D 1864, ai 8o'clock' 1'. M., to review such assessment rol), on the request of any persons oonsidering himsel: agricved therehi - And yon are liereby further nolified, tliat tlie iiarty is allowed tbirtj davs from the time of the service of this notice upon hiin. witliin whicli to uiake such gradintl and sideualk, under tlie siperintendence of tl] Street Conimissioner and Supervisor of tlie and Secoml Wards of' said city, and lliat if such side-walk shall witliin tliat time liave been so constructed, to tlie sa'.isfaction of such superintendents, no of proeeedinys to collect such assess menls, sliall be incuirel by tlie person so construí ting the same, but if any part of such side-walk sliall not be constructen vithinsai tinif, Ih? p;cnn-es so assessed for the conslriuiion iliereof will be sold or leased foi the sliortesi term of years at wliicli any person will take the same and oay tlie tax nssessed thereon for constructinijsuch side-walk with the interest and all costs aud charges thereon. By order of the Comnion Counoil. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk Notice- Fourth Street. Gity op Ann Arbok, Recokdkr's Office, May 24ili ]8(4. ) Otate of shciiioan. Coimty of AVashtenaw, O ss. To Charles M. Root, Mrs. Louisa Flagg, j Benihard Beuder, Erastus Root, George'C. Jlogk, Mrs. Boxheimer, Ste])hen Hedges, and Mrs. Sarah Brown. You and each of you are hereby notiiied, tliat tlie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor, has ordered the sidewalk on th east side of Fourth street betweea William and Packard streets, to bc graded and planked; that such .side-walk s to be constructed four feot wide, of line plank, two inches thick, and spiked to 4x4 incli oak sleepers, undei' the superintendenee of tlie Street Cominissioner and Supervisor pf the First and Secoud Wardsof said City. and that you are about to be assessed to pay the expenses of grading and planking sucli side-walk, in front of or adjaceut to certain premisos in said city, owned or occupied by you respectiTidy, and that a report and assessnient roll has been made out in the promises and is noiv on file in this offtce for inspection, and that the Common Council of said uity, will meet at the Council Room, in said citv. on Slondnv. .Tnnefít.h A T) 1RR4 nf. 8 o'clock P. M , to review such assessment rol], : on the rcquast of any persofl considerina himst'll' aggiieved thereby ; - And you are bereby i'urtber notifled, tbat "the party is allowed thirty dáys frora the time of the service of Ihis notioe upon liim, within which to niake sueh grading and sidewalk, under the superintenl dence oí' ttie Street öommissioner and Superi visor of the First and Secoud Wards of said city, and that if such side-walk sha.ll witlrin ' that time have bèeu so constructed within said t m; the premises so assessed for the shortest term of years at which any persou wil] takc the same and ]ay the tax assessed thereou for eonstrueting such side-walk with the interest and all costs and charges ihepepn. B-y order of the Common Conncil. 0. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk ïiotice- East University St City ok Anx Aeiüir, ) Recobder's Office, May 24tli 18G4. J State of Michiqax, i,'ouiity o f Washtunaw, ss. To JJeVolson Wood, Francis Stagg, Jolin Arrastrong C. L. Ford, Thomas F. Hill, Julius Sohmidt, William H. Mallory, Calvin Bliss. George H. Grenville, George Grenviile, J. C. Leuion, John West. and John Blackburn You and each of you are liereby notified, that the Coramou Council of the City of Ann Albor lias ordered the side-walk on the east side of East University street, betweeu a ]oint four rods soutli of the south side of Willard street and the nortli side of Fletcher street, to be sraded and planked ; that such side walk is to be constructed four feet wide, of pine plank, two inches thick, and apik'd to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, under tlie superintendence of the Street Commisxioner anil Supervisor of the First and Second Wards of said City, and that you are aboui to le assessed to pav the expenses of grading and plauking such side walk in front of or adjacent to certain premises in said city owned or occuiied by you respeclively, and that a report and assessnient rojl has been made out in the premises and isnow on Hlein this office for inspection, and that the Common Council of said city will meet at the Oouheil Room. in said city, on Monday June Gih, A. 1). Ib64, at 8 o'clock P M., to review such assessment roll, on the reijuest of any person có'nsideri]g himself iisgrieved thereby ; - And you are hereby finlier notified, that thepirty isallowed thirty days from the time of the service of this notice upon liim, within which to niake stich g rading and sidewalk, under the superintendence of the Street Cunnnissioner and &up#rvisor of First and Second Wards of said city, a .d that if such side walk shall within that time have beeu so c. nstructed, to the s iiisiaeuun oí suco superimeuaems, no expense of proceedings to collect such assessmepts, shall beincurred by theperson so constnicting the saine, luit if any part of such side-wulk shall not be constructed witliin said time, the piemises so assessed for the constructiou thereof will be sold or leased for the shortest term of years at whicli anv person will take the same and pay thé tax assessod th reon for constructing" such side-walk vvith Ihe interest and all costs and charges tliereon. By order of the Common Oouncil. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk Notice -Washington Street. Cixr of Ann Akbob, ) Recobdeb's Office, May 2ird Ib6i. ) State of Michigan, County ot Washtenaw, ss. To Frederick Gwlnher, Jacob F. Owiimer, Mis. Caroline Bueliler, Conrad Krapf, Frederick Sorg, George W. Moore, Mrs. Eliza FreucU. üeoige Urenville, Mis. Mary Mayiuud, Edward Porter, Trusteos of Methodist Episcopal Ch'arcb, Martin Clark, Mrs Kellofig, Harrison Guodricl), Mrs. Haunali Eastman, Mrs. lu Bois, Mrs. Elizabeth Holdeii, Mrs. Nancy Webster, Lorenzo Davis, Ira Cusliman, Mrs. Kiug, aud Joliu W. Knight. You and eacli of you are hereby uotitied that the Conmion Coiuicil of the city of Ana bor lias uruereu the side-walk on the soutli sido of Washihgton streel iïoni Fourth street to State street to be graded and planked ; that sueh side-walk is to be eonstructed four l'eet wide of pine plank, two inches thick, and spiked to oak sleepers, four inches square, tue superinteiideneo oftlie Streel Oommissioner aud Supervisor oí the Fúst and Second Wardu of said City, and tliat you are ibuut to be assessed to pay the expenses oí' grading and platikitfg sueh side-walk, in f ont of or adjaeent to certain j)remises in said uit y owued or oceupied by you respeitively, and tbat a report and a-ises.sinent, roll luis been made out in the prenjisés and is now on rile in this office for inspection and that the Cöminon Oouncil of said city tiII mtéi at tlie Jou heil lioom in said city on Monday June 6i) A. D. ia6l, :ii 8 o'eloek P. M., to ruvuw sueh assesjineui roll, on the request of anj sersiin consklering himsdf nggncved threby; And you are lierehy furtlier notified, thut the party is allowed thirty davs froin the -imc of the service of ihis notiee upon hiui, witbin which to rnake such grailmg and si. Ie walk. uiuler the nperihténdrefioe ofthe Street Comiuissioner and Supervisor of lbo first and Seeond Wurds of said city, and lint f such side walkshall witliin llial tiiuu lave bten so eonstructed to the satisfiietion f sucli superintendents no expense of pro eedings t. collecl. sueh aasessments, shail ba ncurred by he ptr-on so CDiistructins; lila ame but if any pan of sueh stde-wafk sliall 01, be construct d within suid time, the iremises eo asseased for tha con-truction liereof will be suld or leajed for the shoriost 3rm vf years at which any persou will take ie same and pay the tax assessed thereón 'or constructing s-ich side-wfilk wi'h the iu,erest and all costs and charges tln-reon. By order of the Cominon Coinieil. C. A. CIIAPIX. lï.-c ■: 1 r. Side-Waik Nodce- B own and Pontiac StreetsCity of Anx Ahuok, Recokdee's Office, May 24 ih 1864. ) State tf Michigan, County of YVashtenaw, ss. To Tlioinas Walker, Stephen BuweD, Tliomas Irish, Chexter l'arsons, Joseph Waite, James Gibsorfj ü. L. Gates, Agent of Mie 13edi'll Estáte, Jonathan Sprague, George Davis, Mis. Betsey Doty, L, B. Simnious, and Alïrd II. Partridge. You and eaeh of you are hereliy notilied, lliat tlie Conimon Council of the City of Ann Arbor, lias ordered llie sile-walk on the North sideof Browu streel and on the North East .side of Pontiac street commeucing o the_west side of Broadway and ruuuing on the north side óf said Brown street to Pontiac sneet and thence on the northeast side of Pontiac street to the front gate entering into ihe premises owned or occupied by Allicd 11 Paruiilge, to be graded and planked : that such side walk is to be coii.-liuri.-d four foet wide of pine plank tvvo inches thick and spiked to 4x4 inch oak sleepers, nder the snperintendeiice of the Street Commissioner and Supervisor ot' the Third, Fuuiih. and t'ilth Wards of said city; and that you are about to be assesscd to p'ay the expeiises of grading and planknis tteh sido walk in front of or adjacent to certain ftxmha in saul city, owned or occupied by you respectively, and that a report and assessnient roll has been made out iq the preinises and is now on Hle in tliis office for inspection, and that the Oommon Oouncil of said city will meet at the Council Koom ia -aid city "on Monday June Gth, A. D. 1864, at 8 o'clock P. M , to review such assessnient roll on the request of any pernon considering himself aggriered. thereby and you are hereby furtlier notified, that the party is allowed thirty days fnnn the fcimo of the service of this notice upon him, within which to make such grading and side walk under the superintendeuce of the Street Commissioner and Supervisor of the Third, Fourtli, and Fifth Wards of said city, and that if such side.-walk shall within that time have been so couslructed to the. satisfaction of sucli superintendents, nu expense of proceedinjs to collect such assessnient shall be incurred by the person so c'onstructlng the same; but'if any part of such walk shall nót be constntcted within said time the premises so assessed foi the construction thereof will he sold or leased for the shoitest tevm of years at which any person will take the same and pay the tax assessed thereon for constructiiiff such side-walk, with the interest and al: costs and charges thereon. By order of the Commoh Oouncil. C. A. CHAPÍN, Recorder. Side-Walk lïotice-East Catharme St ÏTÏ UK ANK ARJÍOR, Recoriieh's Qlttct, May 2-lth lfcüi. J .... tatk oi' Michica.s-, Coitnty of Washteiiaw, i } se, To l'hilip Bacli Frederick A. Horn, Amos Meado, and, llarvey Banister. Vou and eaeh of yon are liereby iiolified, tliat the CoiiiiHiui (Jdiiiicü ot liie Oity o. Aun Arbor ha.-; ordered thfi side-walk 'on the north sjde of JKast Catharine street íVoni l ie west si. 'te f [ngalts streè! lo the east skle of State sti -et. u 1. „, ;,,UmI and plankeft ; that sucli si.i,.-',va!k tl ti be c-Diisti-ucu-d fottv feet, mide of pina plank two iuches t;iick and spiked to 4x4 ucb pak sleniit-rs. under the saperiiitendeucu of tl)è Sueet Commüsionér and ,,f the Thinl, Fom-ih, and t'illli Waids ui sniil t;iy ; and y..n are about to l)'e assessf 4 to the of gi-adin and plahkflig Sücfi siSe-walk in (Vont ui tir adjaceiiL lo íéífálíl [iieiiii.e.sin h-aid cily. ".vlied or occupied by you respectivuly , aiiii that a repm L and ts:,esmput roll bas been maiie om n tluMifeniibes and is uojv ou file n tlns office foc inspection, and that the Common CounéSl of pM city 11 meet at the Cuuneü Kttmn in wid city, on Monday, Jtine Ijthi A. i). löt4 at 8 o'clo'ck 1'. il., to review Mich assesMiit-nt, roll on the r&iuest, of any yeispn to.i.isideriug Uiiselfaggiifned tliereby; ind you are h?feby hirtlier ntibp(i, that the p:niy is allouvd thiiiy days fVom the time of ! he M-: vxv ol ibis notice upon bim, within wliich lo inake sneb gqtdhig and Kido-'.valk undei the .v.ipei -intendiwiec of the Öticcl tpimissioiter and Supervisor ofthe Thii-d, Fotirlh and l'iftli Ydrds of Said city. and that if sucli sidevalk shall tlii,, that tiiWti have heen so constructed to tbe satislaction oi steh sBprintendeuts, no expense oí proceedaias to colIpct sui-h assessment shal be ncuiied bv the poixm so constructing the saine ; liut if any parlof said side-waik shall not ie eonst: nct"ed wilhin said time the picniises so assessed fot the constiucti.m tbereof will be sod or lea.ed for the shoitest term ol years at wlnch any porson will take ihe same' and p'av the tiix asspssed thercon tor constrnctiiii; sui;h side-wa!k: witli the interest and ail ooms and cbargea thereon. By order of the Coinmon Conncil, C. A. CI1APKN', Eeconter. ■T STA ADA IJ O LS C A. L 3i] S, M'.tr. me 'fj-ucl.-s, Lelter Prtusa, dr. FAIRBAKKS, 6REEXLEAF k C0„ 17 T.k Streel, CHICAGO. $i] 1 in ÍK" rf til hy FARRAXD, SHELEY fe CO. Bo caie.rul tu huy otity the Genuinf.jggr ï955 Estáte of Charles Hyland. OTtTKOF MICHIGAN. Cnunty of WaM(naw. "8 - O Atttfies.siniof the lJphaf-Oinirt tr tbf Cuuatf of WatohtCTi&ft', .i-leu Mtlb.' lïr -htiU- flico, in the City cf ' n:i Arlir. V0 MliiljlT tl e Ism-iiIv-DmkI fay ,,f May, n the .var ono tii. .i's'ii' t-ïit i íi nl' xtv-four. l'ivs-n'.T!)' íriíi! NirldA..íudjfe ol Probate. In the mitiiT ol file K-Ia'e W ( l:;i 1 s (' vliiml, late of the C t y f Arni ArïKtr. in itaid ('ontitv, iteceased. On rc:ulinp and tiling tlif petititni, luly vcritied. of Xolson R. Ny', riyin? for Ihe prohitte of au instrument ow (n lile ín this "ourt. pnrpirtinjr in be the Inst will anti testam 'fll pi ijaiJ tleauíí :uv i lotler.s testam.-ii t;n y gtHifitfl thelferL to the executer naraeil therein. Therupon it is Onlered, thut Mcruijiy , the twentieth day of .Ttinfnnxt , ni ten d'clork i:i tht fo ron non, bo apsintHl tot-the iiHring u{ sid petition. and th:it ttie flevise. n} l((atet'a Hnd ai law of süd [lecea'ed and edtotlier persons ntervr-,U-ii in Stiííl estflt, ;tr rei] ;iired t. ;i aunar at i se.-i(tn of fit! (url . tköa Lc V httfrina t the Probóle Office, in Cifj .; AimUrW iu satd Cu.iiiiy . unislu.w (ííiiisc. iiiuiy thwbe, why the prayer of tbe-pelitiuntr shouhl put ■r.üited: Anii it U further Üï '.■; t-(] , tli:it s;iid petitioner bivo notice tu tiitj piTS.ii-. mtet)&ste1 in saM .■state, of the pntíeuc.y 01 sai I n-iiti n, and thè hearing thereofj bj ■ ■■■; in:!;; oiy ni t!ns Onler v lm pntK.s3iel ín the Michigan Argits, n n% ymwi priueó and cir9ulatin(j iiHiiid ('o'!iM ïtf V;(ii(M!;tw-. three siiccc.í.-íive weeks rvvioun ! u Mi'u da ■- ui baai :;ir. (A fría CvVy.) ' THOMAS NT.SW, PftS Jnrtjre of Prnbate Sheriff Sale. CTATR OF ;irn 'AY. Cor.vTV or Wasiitkv.iw . ss. - . O Iïy nf ;t ,r'n vfjieri facies iênucd tratofand alxltr thf cal cif the Rpcail Cnurt for th C.iantv of '■ ■ ' i ' ■ ■ : . . - Q üit' i.i:c i' M A-hian, ao'l to mêdtrccteñ nijd de'.ivered, 1 ditl nn the twcnty tliird day of Uiiy.A R.lStil, pizennil leyy upon all tbe riq-ltt tille ;ind intt'iL-st cf 1íii.;i .lowury, :he di'iendnl therein BMh cl in Mi ! foiffl ..-(.rtain pié es orpnroelsof l;in'lsit'j:tU'l in the tdwn.i ui Lodiaiul Stílicc.Ctivat of ■li'ni:-. i'ui Staf? ut M'h2;ui, i.nnvi,, fcouuded ni) 1 d"so::'H-! a fn'lnw. to-vit: Iï i-i the so:i:!i v. , st n'Mitcr nf ection twcotv-ftre in townhin three f) .-i.nli „f i-..-t. „ ..f.,ii,l,„r ,,„,.á s:iy nca-s ': ■ !..!■:. :i. ■ r les, ;i, ,, J t„:.; Ltuctof "■,-: dl ! nu! l'.Mi.tpii n i.ic iílgéf Baliue (Lunty ' ■r V;i-,!lH-ii -, :iü l-'Hi'i,: (:ch;i:an, l;i,o;i kauodrd iin.l .l.cnl.-.l c;MU..v.-.-, t,-.,v,t : Keing a part of lots uiimiKT mpe uvA nvi) in wuon foórncoarlicfl tothe recoi Je,l (,:, . „r f,M villaiti-, bijjiniung w he CUicago t c,:, i ,„■..;,,. r,.,.. ,-,..; i', ..,, north east curnerofl,)t nui.iluT ,,:u'. theni'c ...Milinily sixtv leet par.illi') witli '■■■ ft lino to the fliu-iixii i-iio.l, tlnure ne.-leiiy al pg tlie-aiil CliioJitr11 rM il twcnry feet to the place nt heiriiiuiug Alio ali t!i it ((;it;iin tractor parcol of hiod ai; iiateil in tl,,, i ;]!„„,. of Sajirie', County of Washt.'nau-. of Ifichlfad. desoribeii a l'nll.nvs : coniine.ic'inir at Ule in]i ireat cornet "I lot invual by Amlrew ('raic, on lh' ide of the Arm .rlmr road, rnnnfiig ! hèncc 1 MiTtheny alunj; the line oi' eaid roail to the south-west cnnier ut u lol owned by E. I.. Bicklon!. theuce asteriy s alo:i -iaid Bickforirs wnuth line to land mvnc! ,lnlM, K.tim-isi', IhenuO fioutherly alüDfi snid K:,nonsü's line tO (htMiortlt etifi corner.of saidCraiVs lot. il,. ly leng sai.l (Y:i -N Mlie to the plnce of heÍone V'": tiinin.L'al t [il'l'.-i-it fodfl of land. which I in i:..,,.,. p fors:,!eto the hilut biild.T at public auction at the t uthauar of u,r Ctml Hoe, in the C'itv oía-bu tl Arbnr, in said County . Ih-mb ihe place of holdirii tlie Circuit Court for saHCounty, on Saturda'y, the ei'-hth 6 day of July, A. II., 18U,at one o'clnck in the afternonn t 3f that day. q 1'lIIl.iP fflNËGAa, éhVriff. (i .Iortov Foriiks, Deputy iheiilf. Uated, May Wlh, ltfdJ. td!58 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. ! Mortgage Sale. tMvty.„vo „I ,,;,,;. ,]„, ' "n'. "i seveuty on Uventy-nmih ,b,y of Februai, i" h" '"■'""■ "Perativ, ; 1 DosmtorprofefdhiXrÏÏ! ll'"'11'' 1 lw to recover the 1,-bt s 'c, " ï' btmdred md fiftyone do!la:s and ti.ï.-ty Ihreè cm? now claimeJ . be due tl,, ren (bernde. the " ' and expense,. „I the pioeeeding now being had ron?. foreclcw.iri.ofsa.ii rorrtgaee inch,,;;,,,. rcaEóBati .,' torps !-., .V„tice i, ,].,,,!„„: Un biV; Md mortgagewifl be forecloscd i.v ■ ..■,!,. ,.r the n pged prtmises tlescribrd at folli.lri, viz: n,, „„.'„ ' f'M.rth of tW nonh-west qunrt-r of .s(Pti„n J' r' eigh', tl,, „,.,-th eat ,,.,,-ngl,il, „f the DorüS onc-hall (nart,., „f Sai,i s,.cti(i„ nvinlv i.iekt (1„ , red. in wfit i, ir.,,,, the side pecuf,iea a lane),tll taï ln '"?■'- "1 Jim r fot, ., „tl, ,,„d „„,,. „ ,'„ „ I ijfKp, contaiqing n „II tWt.y-.m, ■ pcreR of l;,„d. „,„ löS . or mne pM l hereof, ,1 pnbfic vcn.lut at tl,,. Za ■■: HAVin BROWy ;LtrfÖJr?ê5i g FOK SLË7 A NEW GKOVKR t BAHHR ÏEWNI M.UHIXp n. .te a -EW -INwl-.K MACHINE, .„tber F ■„: nianulactuiin?i,attein. tffll Mt THE ARGBS OFFIfE A KARE CHANCE. SMALL FARM OF 37 ACBES fal and pnug crup in. The house is wVll furni K ntnnt HU ta insert 3 tnne.s andsend btU _ JirowiitíH & Peirin, GEiVL GOIIÍS&M raCffASli, Í88 Suuth H'ater Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Dealers in Grain, Flour, Provisions Soeds, Green and Dried Fruits ei' der, c6c. WSè!5F Eotsi"rdi pan.eü wth cash br satiMactory referenc?. fcW Manhoofl: HovT Lost. TIoïï Restored. jrsT'. net, ma, of Dl. CnI wittout m.dicn,,) of SrKKTOKBn.L, oí t nal W.-Í.M. Inv„l„ntary Seminal I.oe. Z S Pnce, in a sejten onvelope, pfv fi cent. 11,.. c-lrtrated autl.or ín thi.s adn.irabl,. „ssav dar tice, that tlu alarmuiR ensequ-nces of . buse m., .a.liM.lyciircl ■;;!,„„, thedaigerou. use ofinto na me,l,c,„P„rtl,eap,li,-atio.-, „f tb knifc-poiX .arnodeotcure at once simple, eertain S5X yTaSeSiíáa i-ent, ander s. al, in „ plain envelope, to ;,ru ,4,ireM, Piw, ""r,-e,.,ptur,;xtout.s, oruvo „tam. A,)! 'Iress thepubli-!,crs, ' ,.„ „ ■'■ C. KI.ÍXF CO., 137 Boivery, New York, P„st office box 45SB. 95Ttf U. S. 10-40 Eonds - - Tbes e Bonds are issued under thé act of Cjnp-w I of Marebj 8 h. lr.-!, whifh prcviih-s that all Rondi I ■isiie.l un.lor this Act si, all be 1-XKM1T I-'ÜOM TAX AT10.V hy or undci snj state or m.m'cipal autlioritv. Subscriptions to tne.e Bonds are receirad in li, ! States notes or notes of National liiuiks. The; are l'O BK KEDF.EMEI1 IN Cdl.V, at thé pUasnre f tk (Dvcrnroint, at any priud not less tint, tai nor m, 1 !Sarl,?,a,sfrilnl!,,,r ,,.,,,. _ a,.(1 llMl „.. demptionFIVi: rEÜ CEJfT INTKRKST WII.I. HKCAIIi IN roiV. on of not ov. r onh lmmlrod dolkn iniiuallv and on íl,.ther líon.l.s a-mi-annually . Tlnterest is payable on the fiïst dtfys of Mar'ch tui ' -'eptetoSer in ( ach j ear. Subseriberj -.vill re;eive eit l„r Registeren orCoupoi Rmds as th'ey ui i.v pr.efet. RegyterO i:,.i„i are kcordeJoutheoooksol tho C. S. Treasurer, aod can be transrerred onlv on tbe ou-ner's tnler. tméjk Bonda nrt pa.vaMi' to borer, anj are mure cciieulent for com nercial usjfpg. StíbMribíM to this Iran wil! hare the njiti tiiftjing their Bonila draw inte rest from March lat, by pay : in? the accruedintere.-t incoin- (or in United Stotv notes, orthe notes of Xa-tional lianks, ailding fifty prr cent. for piemium ) or receii-o them drawing MlMlil fromthedateof subscription and 'deposit. As thex Bouds are Exfmpt from Hunifipal or State TuxalioB, their valué is ■! fmin me to three per cet. peramium accrdïag to the rate of tax leviein nrious parís of thï ountry. At the prosrnt rate of premium on gold tliey pa.T Over Eight Per Cent Interest in currency, and are of eqal onvenience as a pernfanétft or temporary iuvestment . It is beliovod thiit do securitics offor so grei inducements to lenders as the various descriptioo of V. S Bonds. In all other forma of Mdebtetlness. the faith orability of private parties or stock compartí or separate conimunities only is pldged for pajment. whileforthi debts of the United States the hole property of the country is holden to secur the W inent of botli principal and interest in coin . These Bonds m .y be subscribed for in ram! from $50 up to any magnitudt. on the same terms, H'I are thus made equajly available to the smalleat lwderand tbe larest c:inir:ili-t. Tliey can be conrertediutoraoney at any momjnt, aud the holder 11 have the benefit of the Interest. It raay be useFld to staie in thi connection that tb total Fuudüd Debt of the üaited Htates on wliich in terestis payablo in gold, on the third day of March, 18IÍ4, was, $7!U9i)5,0[X per anmira. It will bf söen tliat even the present gold revenues of thegirerainent are Ia g.;ly in excess of tlie wants of the Tieasury for the pafmönt of gold iutere!, whili' the recent incroase of the tariff will doubtle raife the annual receiptB from customa on the saro amount of importations, to 8150,000, 0:X) per annum. Instracttons to the National Bnks acHng a lo agents were notissutu frum the United States TreaiurJ until March 26, but ia the first three weeks of April the subscriutions averaged more than TEN' MHÁJ0Í A WML, Subscriptions willbe received by the Fitst Xational Bankol Aa:i Arbor, Mich, Secoaa National Bank of Detroit, M ch. First Xational Bank of Fentoa, Mich. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are deposiUries of l'ublic luoney, an.l a-U KK-: ísJtfKS AN') h'aXKIvRS throughout tin; country, (actilif as attuts of the National Dppositary B.inks,) will furnish funher infor Lnatjon on appnealionand AÜFORl) EVEKY FACILITY TO SÜDSORIBEBá. ICE! ICE! IX CONSEQUEXCK of tht' scarcirviind liiph prioef ]ab-r,I propos to furnifth families wllfa Icetlieeniiiiug summer, O Ibs. PI:R DAY, AT $1 50 Per Month rnvi!el tliey an willm tn lia Jw Ifft jn.t 'n' ide thVgats, Persona viahingto huveit delivcreü t Ucir back doors, w.ü be c!iLríeú BI -Per Month Extra. )rders lelt lïlth ThÓinpsOD Son will be prompt'J lied. CLEMEST R. THOMPSO, Anu Arbor, May 1864, 3v956 ______ . __- Ayer's CaUiartlo Filis.


Old News
Michigan Argus