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DYSPEPSIA, AND DIíiEASES RESUL TING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ÓRGANS, ARE CURKD BV HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING These Bitters have pcrformcil more Cures HAVE AND D'O GIVEBETTER SATISFACTION Ilnve more Tesllinonyl ' HAVE MORE RESFECTABLE PEOPLE TO VlUCII FOR THEM! Than nny other nrticle n Ilie imulet. We dcfy any one to contradict this Assertiou, AND WILL, PAT $1O;O ro nj one wbo wlH prerdoca n Cert [Beats publislu-d by us, that m not gentinh. HOOFLAND'S GEHUAN BITTERS WIl.I. O0RE IN" EVERY CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiiity, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising fiom disordeied Stomach. Ohscrvethi follnciiv? tumploms rcsvhmg frum Disorders of tht Digestiré Organs : ConsMpatioo.Inwftfá Piles, Fullix-ss oí Hlnod 1o the hpad, Acidity, of tlie Stomach, Nnunea, Henrtbiirn, Disgust for lood, f tilines 01 wwglil in tij o Stom ach Sour Eiuctations, zinking ,r fluiti ruig at tbti pit of the Stomach, Sïimruing of the Ilead, Hurrieil and 'iilncult breathing. Flniti'rii,g at the Ffeart, Ch'okiog ov Sutfocating öonMiition.s- wlien in a Lyiug Postín , DimtiOKH of Vision, Pota or Vr bs bofore the Slght Kuvcr nnd Tlnll Pain in the Heaï, llflidicncy of i'respiration, YeJlowni'.ss of the kin anl Eycs, pain in the sirte, back, chest.limbs, (fcc. Sudden Ilushes of Heat, Burnint: in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great Depression of Sp.rlts, ït EÍ3VEE3 3MCIO JE? 1 THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOLIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKAEDS, BUT as M mm mms In the World. ET REAL) WHO SAYS SO : From the Rev. I-eri G. Beek, Pastor of the Bfiptist Cburcli, Peniberton. N, J.5 oruierly oi the ortli li;titist ChLirch, rhilailelpliia. I haveknown Jloofland's Germán Bitten favorably for ft iiuinber 01 yar. l have med them in my own f;imily,aml liave been 80 pleased willi their ellects that I induceflto recommend tliem to many others, and know 'hat they liaveoperated in a strikingly beneticial marnier. I take great pleanurn in Ihus pub] ciy pro ciatming thi.s fact, and caliing tlie attention of iliuse afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommendd, to these bitters, knowing from experiuncé that my recommendatioa wil] bestistnnei. I do this more cheeifully a HooÜand's Bitters is intwded tu bent-ht the afHicted, and s -not a rum drink." Yours truly, LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, IJ. T. Editor of the Enciclopedia of Religious Knowledge and (Jhn'stian Chronicle, riiiladelphia. iHthough not disposed to favor or recomraeud Patent Medicines in genernl, th-ough distrust of their ingrt'dients and-ettects, Iyet know of no suflicient reaaona why a man may not te.stify to the benefits be believes himsctf to have received from any simple piepaiatiin in th hope that he may thus coatribute to the benefit of others. I do thismore readily in regard to Hooiland's Germau Bitters, prepare! by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, becaiiRe ] was prejudiced tgainst them for many years, underthe impre.ssion tha; they were chieilv an alchoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend BobertShoeraker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tesis, aud for eucouiagement to try them wben suffering from great and long èvntmued debiüiy The ui-e of Ihree bottles ol thee bittf'rs at the beirinning of the preaent year, was lilowed by evident relief and restoffttiOD tb a degree of bodily and mental vigor which 1 had not for six montbs brfore, ind had almost depaTrea of regafning. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing n:e to the une of tli m J. NtWTON BKoWiNl'hila From the RevJos. H. Kennard, Pastor of the lOih Hap. tist Cliurch. F Ir. Jackson:- Pear Sir :- -I have been frequently requcstpfl to counect my name wlth comniendations of different kinds of medicines, but rfgarding tlje pi actice as out of my appn.prijitesphere, I have in all case doclineii ; hut wilh a clearproof in various instances and particuiaily in my family,of the üsefu lineas of Dr' IIooHand's (ierman Ritiers, I dopart íor once froin my usual course. to express my iull ct.nviction that, or general debiüiy of the system and especfally for IJvt-r Complamc, it is a safe and vaJuable prepara tion. In some casos it may Jail ; hut usually, I don tnot,itwili be very beneiicial to thote who sulfer from tlie abovc cause. Tours, very respectfully, J.H. KENN'ARD, Eighth belofl Coate Street , Phihi. Frnm Rrv. Warren Rnndoipli, Pastor of the Baptist Church, (iermantown Penn. Dr. C M.Jfteltaojp :- Dea r Sïr : - Personal expcn'ence enablei me to say that I regard the Germán Bitters piepart'd by you as a most excel ent medicine, la outte ol severp cold and generaldebility I have been greatly benefited by th use of the Bittt-rs, and doubt not they will produce similar effeets on otbers. Yours, truly, WARREN R AXIlOI.I'H. Gormaütown, Pa. From Rev. J. II Turner, Pastor of Heddiug M F Church ,Phila. Dr. Jackson: - I)ear Sir .- Havinguscd your Germán Bitters in my family frequently, I íira prepnred to tok that it bas been of great service. I believe thatininost canes cf general debiiity of the syptem it is the ntesi and most valuuble remedy of whiuh I have any knuwiedge. Yours, respectfully, J. II. TURNER, No. 726 X. Nmeteenth Street. From the Rev.J. U, Ij ons, formerly Pastor of the Co lumbuB, (N. J.) and M dia towu, (Pa.) Baptist Chu relies New Rochelle, N. Y. Dr. C M. Jackfion :- Dearíir : - I feit it a pleasure thus, f my own accord to bear tetmony to the excellence of the 'ierman Bitters. íÑune years ince, bcing ïnuch alllictP'l witb Dvs()i'p.i;i , I ufeetj them with very beneficial results. Itiave often recommenderl thora to pprsons tufeebled by that (ormenticg disease. and have heard from th'in the most fiattering testimoniáis as to their great valué. Incasosof general debiüty, 1 believe itto be atonic that can not be Eurrpawed. J. M LYONP. From the IU'v. Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Bapfyil Cliurch. Dr. Jackson - - Pear Pir; -I teel it iwe to your oxee! tent prcpaiaii-in, licoHand's (ierman Bitters, U add my teütimony to the desorvcíl icput;ttfn It has ohtninod. I have foryears, at titnes, been troubled H'ithgn;it .lis order in my head and nervous svstem I was itdvtsed by friend totrya liottlc of your (crniiin Bitters. I iliit so and bavo expei [1 noed great and tintoept-etad re Hef; my health has been vorv materially benclitted. I confidently reenmmend tbeartiol ore I meet witb canos similfir to ry own, and liave been assured by many of the;r good rfiects Rtspectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. From Rev.J. S. Herman, of tbe Germán Refonned Clmrch.Kutztown. Itcrks ('o Pa. Dr. C M. laclisfn 1- Respcctod Pir .- I have Wen troubled with fjyspeprfffl nearly tivonty yoars, an.' have never nsed any medicine thüt dif mens nnu-h good as Hoofland'a Bitters. 1 am very much improved in health a f ter having fake fivc bottles Yours, with rt-spect, J S.HKRMAN. PBICES. Largo Size, holding nearly doublé quantity.) $1 00 per bottle- half doz. $5 "0 r=mall Pize- 75 cents per Bottle- half dozeu$4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sce tbat the signatura of " C M. JACKSON" is on the WRAPPKK of eaoh bottle. Slionli! yuur ne;ue;;t Druggist not have theartirle, do iiot be put off l),y it'iox'cating pr'pirntions that m;iy be lïered in its itace, hut send to us,auü we will forward, iecurely expresa. Principal Office and Mnnufactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, PHILaDELI'HTA. Jones fe Evans. Successors to C. M Jackson Sc Oo. TROPRIETOIiS. For sale by UrncjriN! and Dealers in everr town in heU.iitfd Btrtn -'."-yl Glad News for the Unfortnnatel ÏHK LONG SOUGHT SOU Discovxbjed at Last. curesV V Mh A yM ( "om V!:mjTiMMM) CHEROKEE REMEOY ♦Kt cim:koki:u injkction, Componude4 i'rora Itvfltft, Baik? mul meines. CÉEROkIe greut Inrtian Dlnretic cUroa all !d. bpcs oí the ftíliiAr) untan, soch ut InconllncnreolUieUriué, Infiminiiition of M.cBiinldi r, Inltamaiatlon of tl. e Kidneyp. Btóhe In the Biatidcr, Strictore. Gr-avai, Uonorrhe;i, Glct-t, aud 18 c. pecinlly recor uemjed In thust: c ses of Ffiior A bin 'or WMie In remata,) wn.-re all the old niuie-oua medicim-H buve JalU-d. ïlt is prepare in a IiIkU poncentrat. tl ïortr,, tj:e deae ouly bt ïrig froin out' to tranpooniula throe Unies per 4n, tv Ulbdl'.iF'itlc .i'.t r-tive in Ita actlon i portfjinpund cleanpiiig Efc b.ood, cauning lt to Pow In all of lrs original punty and vivor; thiw remoYlDR froni the 8yntem a I i ti!c urs eautti t ubli h have iniit'rd dlBcape. CUKltOKEE INJECT1ON is iutor.ded na nn :My r Hfi..i!ii.: to t e t'ln rolu-e lirnu.lj, nU 'eliould bc u ed in c mjuuctlou wltli thut medicino In all eahes 1 Ölttet, Ooaori he:i, Flaor Albns W1i1U-h lts eirects are lifuilng, Booiha-ti aod d ntuletDt; re moving ail ttrtag, mat ima pm; , iMNAd of tbe barnina and alciosl unrndur-thic p .io IU--t V experlenced lth nt-arly a:) the clienp i mofe Inj' cl'O. b. UT fïy tUe nstf vt the CHKROKFK ÜJ-.MKJY and CHEBOKEE INJK T ION- bR ivo kttrOlclncB nt the same time- 11 i m proper fttticbarjEfS re rtMiioyed, and tl. e w eal;em-d uigüi.t nrt sjift'dUy rstoreü to full vigor ai d Htifxgth. Pf Prlce. Chirokco Uemeilr $2 lr bottlc, or three botlitB ior $5. EV PrW Öfacrokev Injcction, $2 per bottlc, er tliree bottlf s lor $5. CF"Sect by ExprPB to nny addness on pecelpt of prlce. tW For fnll partloul'ir pet onr pamphlei ftom sry drug Ptnre ín tb e conniry. or wrlte iwand we wlll niiill frec to auy addiebs. a fuli troatlse. Allaucti ordws must besent io C. A. CO0K, Cl.icago, our General Agmt for the Wedt. Sold by TVholeild Prngglsts, nnd by uil UruralBts overy wliere. C. A. C'OOK, CniCAGO. General Aprent for the States of Illinois Iown, WlAconsln, Mvchian and Ind"ra' Dr W. E. MERWIN & CO., SOr-K PrOPRIj'TOllB, to. 69 Liberty strei t, hew York. THE GKEAT INDIAN MEDICINE, OJMPOCKDKD FBOM Ckerokee Cure ! An nnfiililnfi enre for Seminal WeakneB, Noctnrns] KmisBlons, and nll dieeases cansed by Sclf-PolntiOD, suchas Lobb of Memory, Universal Las-Hude, P&lns in the Back, Dlmuees of Vision, Prematuro Old Age, Weak Nérvea. Dirflcnlty of Breiihing, Trembllng, Wakefalnepp, KrnptioDS on the Face, Pale Countenance, Insanlty, Conriuinption, and alUhedlrefül comphiints c-iooe bv depiirilog from the path of nature. g3T" Thls medicine Is a Bimple vegcíablo extract, and one ou whica a!l c-n rely. as l; haB beea used In our pracMce for many years, and with thousands treatcd, it tías not failed iu a single inBtancfí. lts curatíve powers hnvc te;n BufflcieDt to jraln vlctory over tiie most tstubborn case. 23" l'o thoBo who have trlfléd with thelr conatitntiou, unt;I ttii-y thlnk thonisilves beyond the reach of mfdiciil ald, we wonld say, Dkspair kot ! the CHEKOKEfc (;URE will rettore yon to heulth and vigor, and after all qnack doctor have failed! PIT" Price, $2 per pottle.or tb ree bottleBfor $5, and forwarded by Express to all part of the world. L3? For full partlculfirs. act a Circular from any Irng Store in the country, or write to the Agent, who will mtü i free to ony onedesiring the ame, a ïull treatlsc, In pamphlet form. All eucn orders muBtbe sent to C. A. COOK, Chl cago, onr Genefal Agent for the West. Rold in Chicago, by Wholesale Drupglsts, and bj all DrugglBts everywberej C A. OOOIt Chicago. General Agent for the BtRtPS of IUluolB, lowa, WteconslD, Michigan and Indiana. - Dr. W. E MERWIM & CO., Bolk Pi oprïktobs. No. 69 Libf rty street. New York. Sold hy Wholesale Druggists in Detroit, ;ilso hy STKBH1NS k WILSON, Ann Arbor. 0Myl PHELPS & HYDE, PHELP8 & HYDE, 105 Eaudoiph Street, 105 Bi'twecn Clark and Dearbon, nest tn Matteaon IIous , CHICAGO, MANÜFACTUHERS And Wholesale and Retail Dealers in PIANO FORTES, PIANO FORTES, OF THE FOLLOWTNG MANÜFACTÜKKS. PHELPS ir HYDE, Chicago, J. P. HALE, Ntw York, J. C. FISCHER, New York, HAINES Sf BR O., New Ym-k, GROVESTE1N f CO., New Yrr7c, McPHAIL, Bosiov, HALLE T Sr DA VIS, Botton, BRACKET % CO., Boston. ALBO, DEALERS IN O:Ft.C3rjLL3XriS o n C3r jêIl kt Carhait's and Smith & Co's Earmoniums and Melodeons, Etarmoniums and Melodeons, STOOLS, SPREADS, Sheet. Music, Musical Instruments, &c. WHOLESALE WAREROOMP, 1U) LLi L Ol IZO BTBEEI, CHICAGO, ILL. _ Keep contantly onhana, a largo Stort or F] ANO FORTES ot tliiiruwn make, whist) thev wairant -mhh! tci any in ninrket, less than EaKlen, Wliola]f linces. Alsi, a line amortnMBt of tho best Fa-iirn Manufactures constanllj' on liand. Ilavinfr heen in the business fcwenfcy vearw, porpons ■odiqg frimi a clwlancc may r4jr uuc.u ior jiidment an.l lionoriii selecting for '(hem, as iré warrant even insfmrncnt we ,'ell. . Dealers Supplied on Reaaonable Tcrms. iy SEND FOR CIRCULAR. TOBACCO- You onn lmy thcb7st grftdei of FINE CHEW[fi TOBACCO at ' fnirn 50 eeins to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents i M. UKVANVS TOBACCO AMD CIOAR STORE Oign- Ke.] [ndinn. South tlde Hiiron Btrect, - a few (iuors froin Ceok'i Hott I. . . , M DlirANY. '.-.n Arbor, Dtt'.ll, IPP' 833tJ wSLí íif ö vií BufFalo Tcstimoiiy. mU CÏÏÏÏÏ ,„::;,;';;„„ "1 wa Imubled .villi Khenni.liym ),„. ,„„ ,.',.„.„ nlfcriiw mwour lúa erery dajr. j Uaíe lakaa t botilMof the'Pope ( nrpgnd havo nut bad auj paiu aluce Ihmitofl rnun lh.n í.i n ■ u( ks u.-o i f. nsider myself asentiielv eured, r.á tl, e in.diune. huí JUMA' me fltwy lijlii ni.d ;.,.,,!_ ;nst ]le a yuimg Ulan tliouifil I no si.xlj tvi-i. '.,,, SXWFíf,. 40L Mitigan ," "My wiMiaK bccn snli ring h , ,,: ' !. , ., ,. „tiIr, of ín inllaminatiiri i h:. rn tri ioi aloul x ,„■„,,,.,,,,.,„ onwttaef Terji acutóly. .Aboui ib., thst „i 3ámUt he cumíeme, I t. KiiiL-. H.v 'PlMpl', t .. j ,■ „,„1 c. ntinued te tnkei; son,,. Uree cka In ten daji. nft er lio tommnicd, the Mvellms „„,1 Mitfw sí „i hei iunMs r.rj m.temliï lejsened, and lo 1,,-ee wwfl, ,;ld disappeared ftitopptiii ' ■R, CURE „.-■;:„ "Two t „MI,,-,,, mu,,,,.,; „.;,,, a bad rever .ore. tlie otho uilli haring seen ' he adveitisltu. rit ot ' I Vi , ,t. s CiMe' j„ tJ(js pfn, purchMeí uc .Medicine, and i,(.. „it(.r ] „vhiit tli..r .iiií tried It.ríporl tn us.,-, mmnn.ling it mout hi'ttrlily a Ihorouïli i,, cas,..- Kditor Christian Admcate i&Kt CUllK f:r;,:-;r "tU face hag for more tliao ten vcars beonitreál ly disñgurod by . ruptions an.l biinob.V. irhicí Jlttiine Mendtd ver my whoiclju.l ,:ui.l unce for il i,v days mnde me entirely Hin.l : bul tlnring tm, bi.tllía of ili'l'onilrn(:nre.' m.v cqüafnUabps ,„„11, ,,,.. Dgutze n8- Indeed 1 hanliy kiu,n 1 ,,n „,,w ii wellman. Let TI who are alike afflictid tiv Ihe 'Pople'aCure,,.i,,.,,,P]l,.,r,.,i ,v t.(, sii,tary Suciety-acd I think th.-j wil] nut Iwgrudg Iholr dol "I havens.! the 'I'eo,,l(.-S Cu lo.' mi nn I' „,]v with irri-at bencllt, n ca-es ofSruhila ;n ■ Salt Bhcún and havo reciimmended it frcfiniTillv tu nn l],rnls. all of whom I Ix'lii'vc l,ave bseu byiieBUed, and musí ol tlim entirelj' "iired by it. CHAS. 8CUAEPT, 273 Main Bi.-p-s1Wirií THE i1ÏTDL'1 I '..slVniHle PE01 I.E'S lj U It Vj Wi.akniiss,.. "I bavcbpen ín feeble heaHh cvi-r sincr the bij-th of my boy, who a n.m Iirtit J9rs uid. i to.T liad many troubles and ilifficuitien, all lilis time, uniltting me for erety kind of labor, and desirnj n,;. al] my com fol-t, rtummir I cniiliin-nccil !ai;i._' tlie 'l'eople's Cure.' and have nsed l'our Imltl.s, aml nni mu almost a well woinan. My. dlffiu:Hfe have m-ai lv all diaap péared, aml I íVtl eheei mi nd baupy. "MRS: OATHARINE i'i W-W", Dreasinnker.Ui mkill Allí y' ab.íi e Tu micr st "Hurfalo, Oct. 20 1-ili" ■' ' .. r;s CURE';;:;,;;,'1,;,?, "My wife liasboL-n ín i'"' lii.iltl, !. v ., ,,,„- limo freq.ienlly to can a pnvpicían lo atíend but sin. was ni ly vcr iilLK-h wm-si-. )",,, jw, ,,,.' sx wtekBdhehad no niipetiSe, lost al! hvi .trengHj and wasencli dayErounR inirr, gl.e dad nighl nnti, cuuglMdi gront deal iuiing cach nj],i ami eormiaéí-ably rlnring tbe day.flnd e all upposed nhv uas golng vil' wítb tlie consnmpíion, wlu-n a fi'ien.l advised lier to iftke the 'l'eoples's Cure. On tftkjpg siie perceived a chango at once. On l ]i thiirl ('avslu-liad recoveied her appetite. nu] was fn„ roaiiifóf! her stn-ngth, until, on thc -iiii lli diy, nol vi li.'iiih.r taken one bottle, lie has Btopped takiny tlie insdifilne sa.vinff Rhe was u ellas ;„ni„ ,.. ,,,). ,„, aml she has continued -so ever t-ince. "PAÜL KI.].:iN-,;ai..lner, :!2 IVail st. "Buiralo, Uctobcr í , 1 f -S." Jg& For Palé by all Drugïgts. 922t1 C. CRÜSBY, (ieneral Agent, No. 2J56 Ma.n st. , liuWlo, N. Y , to whoni all onlers hould be dilrtasetj. For ?sle by St !linrs k Wi:.srM, (!ti:xviu.K i Fi!.i.kb and C. Ebkiitiach í; Co. WÓNDEÉFÜL BÜCGKfeSí Íí-S The attention ainl .-esear. ii #f the must .lis. tinguished Chemists and l'tijsicjans [or tw b. r. been devoted to the producli.m o! a remeifí for th si mostlifttre.ssing maladies is'ki ;.r.;n an.i ;ik mtmiAfter long stndv and mam ip..rinnuts. a maat' preparatimi has been dwcorerc;. WA'ISON ( Kinir, au Ivternal Rrmcdij,., curing lliimsauth .,{ , ., . where all other remedie. llave Btte'rlj failwl. ,„],■ aasuredthatit is no mere " ANOHYXE." rehev,,.. :,.r the niomentwhilethe canse rtmains, but is n nnrfoi-i SPECIFICand OÜBE for ti.o.,e ,ai„l„i .lL,,J ,1 vnet iiumer of Lmiraents. Kinbrucatinns nd K'xternal Medicines, which actas atimulaqta of t!i suriaceonlv aremerely temporal y in their effeets and , r il.-.iibtlri virtue The NKUKA!.,.'1A KING rwiches tlsouiceof ill tronble, and eftectually banishes Ihe ilisease from thesvMtem. Trice- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared bv Iy922 Buffalo, N. Y., nó Fort Krie, C. W. WIZAKD Sil, The jrrealest infernal aml externa] i ■. nn .iv ,■. , r - ■'■ - .■ to me public, for üm of klM mil r., n Hamlin's Wizrd Oii. Vo family, once having,igl,:y trie,!, wül b ivithtiut Hamlin's Wizard Oí!. It wllcuicX,.rvoi,s and l:,ll.,„,n,;,t„rv Pains„,o,e readily „nd ur3ly than a,,v otlier artiele ia uto 11 reuniré only a fe minutes nni.heaf ion oí Hamlin's Wisard Oil. TV cure tlie paiii enlii-i-Iy a al] (uH of .urnlsln Brü!gá " '; Cuts, m,.l Haml'n's Wisard 0 1. Is also a certain and ypeedv ini e loili ll.-uni,! Ism . lin!ii,l.!,iii. !„, u S.-OI-.: Tfariia'l DlplbeteLtt&srr "■-'■ Hamlin's Wizard Oil, Is no humbug. TrV t, and its w,.:i lerful .-fiéis will utnDtsa yon. l'KIO: 25 „n, 50 -. rti pH!K mrrTí K The fiftv rent hotili'scHit,,,, „■; ihree t,meas much aa tbe tivefit cent size Mnnufactured l.y J A Hun]in & Jiro , 1U2 Wnsliingtoii M.rHft. Cliicumi FrU.Kli, KINCH t Fn.l.ll,, -J4 itnd ítS Ma.1,.1 -'t I hicago, are WJiolesale Ageiits for ' 1,951 Hamlin's Wizard Oil. EIJTTAN'S VENTILAT!ON& WARMING! an.vof these c..lel)i-ai,.,l marhinrs ,i: U„. nraiMitlt of uildWgs át shi.rl i,,,;.,.,.. !,,. „. ,],( bel,,,,-., to üvesuoliin-íru.t s to all ,1,,,,,, , :1 ,, ,„';,;,„, Wlll enablethem lo ,,„ I, ,,„.., .s .,t „j thlf T7!Ztut th'i e! Wrmw KKrEÜKXCKR. uSS'MJT'!P,M.,;(,u!n, At'CUSSTrs IVUEXIUN-TJ. Ann Arbor.Mirch 4lh,lW4. fMg a"a"BKlaBKXinc9E)KM?0. "" liissoluiion Noticc. EIKFJRM ÖFCOAPW. Wf)Oh (O.. „ „s .ti-solred anmirv l(i, 1mí:í, lv mntiut! eon-w-ut. t'. A. Chapín .nd A. H.'Wood will séllle Uieaccuutits of the llrm. C A. Ch,ifi-, A. I!. Woon, V CJilAn.N, E. AVüLtH. Aun Arbor,.Inne SI. Lfa. Coparíiiersliip. 1-TR IIHEi;sii;NKli pirterml into pnrtneHlirii Jan. 16, W, bytbe linn iiami. nf Chapín ' Co.,Mid lili eiiuíiuiie flie business of nmiiufacturing printing nd wrappinff pajier. 0. A CBirU, X. Ciurm. V CuAViV. Ann Arhor.-Iune '2J , IsiB !10tf


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Michigan Argus