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A Desperate Struggle

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beveral years igo, wïieii tfio soutli of Ireland wkb, as it ever üih boen witiiin the rstvnwry of die oldef. inbabilant, in fi (üstiïrbed state, a gentleman advanced in years lived in a rctired country house. He was a bachelor, and whethcr (rusting to his suppoaed popularity, or im;igiuii)g ihat tilt general alarm among tho'gentry was groundleas, he oontinued in his lonely mansión long ifter his neighbora had quitted theirs for a gafer resicience in towii. He had been indUponod for sevcral days, and on tbs tii'ht lx; tras :it tackid, had taken his supper in his bedroom, whieh was on the jronnd fioor and insidf a pnrlor, with wh'uh he oominunicaled. The servants went to bed ; the house was shut up Cor (be night, uní the fnpper tray, with iu apjiUrtenaïioe, by a providtMitiai overnight, wero forgotfeu in the uld mans cl)Blhtei', Sonie hours after he had retired to bed he was alarmed by hearing a window lilted ui the outer apartment : his öhaui ber door, was ajar, ai d the inoon shone brilliniitly through the open Caseinent, rendering objects in the parlor distiiset and perceptible to any perso in the inner room, Presently i man leaped through wiudow, and three o'hcrs t'ollowed in quiek succession. Tho old gentleman sprang frora his bed, but unfortunalely there wero no anus in the npartment ; recollecting, however, the forgotten supcr tray, he provided himself with a case knife arid resolutelv took his stand behind the open door. líe had onc advai.t'lgc over his murdeiois, thejwere in the full tnoonKglit, and he shroud ed in impenetrable darkness. A momentary hesitation took place among the par'.y, who socmed uudeeided as to which of thciu sliould enter for, ncquaii:ted with the localities of the house, they knew well whero the devoted victim slept. At last one of tho villaios cautiously approached, stóod for a ino ment in the doot way, hesitated, ad vaneed a step - not a whisper was heard, a breath'ess silonct: reigacd around, and the apartment before him was as dark aa the gravo itself. "Go on, blast ye ! Wl-at the duce are ye rfeered of?' said the rough voice oí his associate behind ; he took a second step, and the old man's knife was buried in his heart ! No second thrust was requisite, for with a deop groan tho robber Mnk upon the Hoor. Tho obscurity of the chaniber, the sudden des'ructiou caiised by that doadly thrust, prevented the ruffians n the outer room trom knowmg the fute of their companion. A second prêSentéd himself, crosscd the thrcshold, sluiubled against his dead associate, üiid rectived tho old man's kuife ia lits bosom The wouud, tliough mortal, was'tiot so fatul as the otlier, and theruffiau had streng! li to ejaculate tra was a dead man! Instantly several shots wore fired, but the old gentleman's position shchered him from the bullets. A third assassin advaneed, levelled a loog fowling-pieco through the door way, and ac: ually reit'ed tho barrel against the old mini's body. The direction, however, "vaa a stsritiu" one, and w th admirable selt'posscssion ht) rema'med steady uutil the murdercr drew tho trigger, and the ball passed liim without iojury ; but the il isb ot' the gun uofortuuütely dwelosfd the placo of bis anibush. Then commencod a desperate strugglo - the robber, a powerful and athletic ruffiaii, elose ad suizevl bis vio tim nround the diere wus i;o equulity but'.veeü tlie combátante with regard to strength, although ;he utd man struok oflen and furiously with his knife the blows were iuetfeirtual, and he was tbrOWtl heavily upon ihe iloor, with the murder above hun. Kven thon, at that moment, hu presenee of miad s.ived that horoie gentli man. He fouud that the blade ot' the knife wad turned, and he contnved to straighten it upon thu floor. Tlie ruffitana iimid weru already upon his throat- the pressurc beuaiue suffocating - a fe w áirtuebt.s inoro, and the eontest mus' havo uiniod, but na ao cidontal moveni nt óf liis bmly xpósed the uiurderers sido- -tiiu oíd muid strucK with his remaining wtength, and i lie knife pa letrat d tho bieast of thu wreteh, aud with n ii: '.jo'.vulsivi; nuiveiiH'iít of na powerful fr;iiu, lie í;ink drad rtn the ílaor. After th8 desparate enobuiiter, tlie heroic oíd man beeniio exliaus(ed, and was just able to crawl b lok to his bed agaíu. Tlie next tnornin he diselosod the whole tranaction to his -iervunts, and sont for several of his frlends iñ town, who roeognizod iu tlie persous of the dmá men tlirce of the most uolurious cut throats in Ireland


Old News
Michigan Argus