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Cüerokee Cure. " That's's the Mattkr."- " I can't Work." "I bate to rise in the morning." " My eye sight is failing." ' My memorv is going." " I can't fi ray mind onanythins" Hiive you been using opium? "NV" Then take regular doacs of the CnEROKEB Cukr, and follow the direclions that eoOompMy it. If these iüs have been the result of your own selfinduli)rnce. in vio lation of nature's laws, and made you dread marriage, or if they are froin overlndulgence.iu natuvf' nn pat'-, the Ciikkukke Cdbï ivill cure you. It will restore vigor, stop tb ose nightly cmissions, rent you for practical life, and once more make a man of you, save you from blindness, anI, perhaps, ultímate iuiocy. Read the advertisement. Cali for Cherokee Cure. Take no other medicine untü have tried this. Sold by all druggixts. Mathews' Chocolate Woiin Dr: ps ? XiïYER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly reliable in all cases and far superior to anyanj all ujt the Fanoy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect safety.iis they contain NO MER' ÜRY, or othor deleterious Drug.- Mothers should ahvays puichase them and give their children no other. (No Calharlic whatever, is necessary to be given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. Fur Sale by all Druggists and Dealers ij Medicine:. C. R. WALKER. General Agent, lyO22 Cuiïalo,N.Y and Furt Erif.C. W. 4Ü3" PROF. R. J. LYOXS' Patients aüd all others interrested will nlea-e talte notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House. Anti Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expiration of which he willdiscnniinue li is vi.sïts and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Oiiio, tor the treatment of Loog aDH Chest dionsos. Jfttf A.N" 1-MKHK.STIXG J.ETÏER. - MesSHi Post fe RruIV , Aent.- N. Y, Sanilary Society, Rochester. - Gents . I fleem it due to yon stite the magical eflVct of that one buil Ie of People's Curewliich I obtaïned from you in Xincmbcr last. Seeing the advertisement ol your Po, cíety o(Tiring 1o give your niejicine to clerpymen fnr the poer of tlieir parirfhe, I ootained n bottle fora poor girl of my congrepati-m, who had long been nearly help loss from Tiheumatisirard strange to say, that one bnttle cured her entirely. I write this bopin it may aid the Society in its effurts to introfjuce the medicine, and bless those who may need such a remtdy ; and I usestrong terras, a I believe it.s merits will fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yours, RcspectfuUy, C R. W1LKINS, Pastor of the First Preshyterian Gburch 922yl Pittsford, Monroe Co N. Y. Take no more unvleasant and uw safe Medicines. For unpleasant aad dangeroiiR disoasep, use HELMBOLP'S FXTRACT BUCHÜ, WhlÓh has recoived the endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYSICIAXS IN THE U. S. [s now ofFvred to afllicted huinanity as a certain cure for the foWowing disoases and syruptoms acigina{ing from diaeases and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Oranft. General Debility, Mental aod Physical Depression, ïmbecility, Determination of Blood to theHead, Coufused Ideas, Hysteria, (JeiiMIrritability, Restlessness and Steepies-sness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efiiciency, Loss uf Appetite, Emaeiation, Low Spirits, Disorganization nr Panilysip of the Orguus of Generation. l'alpitation of the Heart, And, in fact,all thecoDcomitants of a Nervousand Debilitated slate of the s}'ateni. To ín sur e the germine, cut tkis ovt, ASK FOiï HELMBOLÖ'S. TAKR NO OTIIRR CURES GVARANTEED. 2m951 See advertisenunt m anotber oolumn . AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITÍ FRUIT. So is a jroon l'hvsician by his iuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEüREATAND CELEBKATED I'HYSH'TAN OF THE THKOAT, Ll'XGS AND CHEST, Kri'iwn all over tlie countr' as the Olebrated IND'IAN HERB DOCTOR! Froni outh America, will be at nis rooms, RÜSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, On the 18 lh and 19th inst.,on the same dale of and every subsequent taonth .luring 1862 and 18t3 A NK.iT l'AMPHI.KT Of the life,stuly and oxWnsive travls of Dr. Lyone an bp procured by all whodesire one, f ree f cli,r-e . Dr. L will visiL Ana Arbor, Jackson, and Aírian, Mtch..sfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor Iïnue, 20th. Jiiek.son . Htbbard House, 21 st Adrián, Brackett H use, 23 d and 23.1. MöB ojf Kxamjxation.- The Doctor diseerns diseast-s by tUt' eyes . He, therefore, aska no questions tior roq Jres patients to explain sjmptoioa. Afïiicted, come an'l bavf your symptorns and tlic locatiou uf your dïseüKOPx uhiim'd ('ree. of charge O" TWENÏY-ONE YEARS AGO-xil Mit 0. C. BaiSTOL a dietnguhed Chemist ani! Drugglitof the ei y of BufTaln, X. Y., nventert iihIimiiufactured a compound known as BRISÏ01S BALSAM OK HOARHOUND, which is a perfect spkc-ihc (or OOOBUS, colds, or any beonciiiai. nr U7K8 miffioixtikh luiBlQg fiom damp, cold, or surtilcn chiinge of the weatln-r. Every persoa who has ever taken BRISTOJS BALSA. M OF I1UAR1I0UNI), pronounces it tlie article ever uvented ; and so justly celebrated luis it becomo, tbat the market is already full of imitations, COUBterfelts, and most danierous compoiinls, under tho name of Iïulsam of Iloarhound, Therffurn, always bfl carcftil to cali for Bristol's Bnlsam, aud see that liis WRITTKN ■ignature is on the outsido label ol Ihc bottlfi. 11,1K.--This invnhmble Medicfno ]ms been nmv some twetttf-eai yvari before Ihe public, and without any i'ITort on the part of the propxtotor, ils Ble has become very oxtenaive, and is daily teireaslng. The low price at n-hich the Medicine is sold (25 CKNTS) emibles AU, to partake of its Lealing qualities. C. CROSBY.BÜFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to whom all orders should bc ad'Jreüáed. Fox fale bval! refpcctable d.-uggisit. ljeo#92a JUST EECE1VED NEW CAPPETS, NEW SHAWLS, WW lülffl, Hew Oioaks, New Prints, Uil UJLffXMi ]NTew Dress Goods, 1JV tiiiEAT VARÍÉTY. NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS, POE SPRING TliADE, . -A.T A-ju Arbor, April, 'G4. 952m2 II AT STORE! n G O T O SP lilIYl #m ...TAILull? Before you buy , Spring and Summer stylea.ot STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishiïtg Goods, &c. Ann Arbor, April 20 1 Ti , 1864. 3m953. MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazooi !Mich.- Insures against L(s; Usinags öy t'ire ur ljiglitning. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gwir antee Capital, by State Authority, O300,000,0 ZD . DIRECTORS : J. P. Kennedy, Maush Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo W. S.vyder, S. D. Allen, Geo. W. Allen, OFKICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pres. T. P Sheldon. Vier. Pr. Geo. W. Snyder. Sec, A. P. Mills Tens.. H. E Hoyt' Ass't Sec., S. D. Allen, Gen. Agt. !:40tf m o tj O m . 1HF: BTTSIHK8S CARD8 issiu-d bj Ihe ondMulgnsd and DlrcaTaied as eoin,vll be r.'ilr'Miicd at eithor of our places of' businoss. C. H. 1I11,I,KN, wm. ïVAfiXEH, l' BACH, DEAN & CO. A. DkFOREST. Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1804. 6wO51 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF -A-ÜXriKr AEBOR. DESKÍNATED DEP0S1TARY OP TIIE U. S. ! NATIONAL TEN-FORTY LOAN. Th is Bank is authnriziMi by tlicSpcri-'Iary of the Tiaaury to reeeire satwoHptonft io tlie Dniteó stuTcft 10 40 I-ojui authorized hy the act of Mtttoh 3, 804. This I.oan bearn date Maïcb lst, i8(4,in redemabl at the pleasnrc of the &ovornraent tl tei len years, and payable40 yean fiena date, beuring intérvst at the ra te ot 5 per cent prr ntumm. The Inl( rest on thissum is payable IR OOHf, on bonds not over One Hundred i ollars, annually, on th ftrat day of Mare-h, and on Qpnda airer One Hundred DolUra seml ;',imually, on the ftrst dsya of Marcb and n- tambor Subsciibers will receive either Rt-gistered or Coupon BpDds.'an they m-,iy prefeï BubBCibers wlH be required to pay their subsenptions in Legal Tt'ndtT Xolea or the Notos oí National ííauks. ("HAS. H. RICHMOND, Cashier Ann Arbor, April 8th, W64. 952tf BrhikerliofTa Self-Rakinj REAPER k MOWER COMBINED. rpHK Tiniikerliorfs 8elf Rafeiag Renper and Uower X Combtned is tbe only reïiable self raker offercud to the ianin"-s ot' tliiri ('nnnty. Tho othet Maebfoefl Inch are offer] in tbis markt Imvcnuly rakes on their advertisemenlHjthe agenta not daring to warrant the ■nanluneti ent ire. We alsi) Warrant ilio rrínl:orhofT Macbint1 Io ent any gmus wliii-h can be eul by any machine, aniTweproposi to put it into tbe Beid agafust aoy Macblofl that runs wbicu culs gwoa and gra4n. H5Öra9 ' )VV1I M. KTM.MY. Ann Arbor May 10 !i,1siU. G aura] Agent. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. NEW FIEMÜ Q GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE & KISTAIL DEALEKS IN TOBACCO, CÏGARS, Merschaum Pipes. &c. We, the underMgned, heg Ipave t Inform the C1TIZKXS OF aXn AülitiR and nctnHj, 11, t we Imvetliia il:i.v cxUblirlird aTebicoo and cigar bmlntss in this place, ooo door Korth of tlio Pranklin Bloei-, Main !t1Tl . wlicn' !■ sliallalwiijs keep a fuil as.sui luimt ni the Ut'-sL (jnalitieb of SMOKING & CIÍEWIA6 TOBACCO! as also a large and choice ■eleotioq of llic best branda uf CIGAIIS! PIPES, (Merschaum, Bri arxj llosevvood,) CIGAH KOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNÜFF & CIGAIÏ BOXES. WIIl be foun.l wlth ds of all kinds and of Pwona to Sl'IT KVKKV i I.K . We shall sell all of the above montloned articles and many othern wbioll belonj? to our line of irade at the lowèst possibte rate for oaah. Piease cali ;md examine . B.- Sign- Sanaw wlth ctgartrax, one ilnor north of theFranklin Blook. GRUNER & SKYI.ICR Ann Arbor, Miy 2d, 1834. D,.5tf. THE LATEST ARR1VAL -OF1W SPRING CÜODS! -ATO: 3BC. 3VE -A.-S-KTjíHXS'íS. 0-0-0 I am now receiyjng a large STOCK of DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GL O FUS !f E0SIERIE8, BAIJORAUss. Prints, Sïieetings, Dtninis, TICklBgS, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Wbich cash and reatly par buyersare particular]}ïnviletl to cali and examine, as I intend to close out the siock n tue npxl 90 days to mak e a change in niy J. II. MAYNARD. April 1884. 3m953 F. B ACH lias a iiew and completo STOOK OF SPRING GOODS bought bcfore tbo recent GREAT 1USE IN GOLD ? "Which will be Sold FOR OlSEC ONLY, -A-T THE LOWEST MARKET PRiCES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 18(54. 1STEW GOODS ! - o - HENION & GOTT, Have just opened one of he {ftrgfitt stock of gnod choice DRY OOODS! ever brought to thin city, whích we will sell witbout regard to present easiern pTices N. B- Cheapest Bleached and lijovvn SII1ET11 AW) PRINTS! IN THE CITY. A full STOCK Of CARPIiTS, Olli (JlffflS, AND . MAÏTINGS. HENION & OOTT. Aun Aroor, fny 3d,l?C4. 2mí-rñ


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Michigan Argus