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Editorial Notes Of Travel

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Nkau St I.ons Mo.. May 31st, 1801. 5 Deau Arqds: As yotir readers wcre informed in the last issue - that is in the issue ot May 27th - that the Editor was off on a tour of recreation, and was probnbly domioiled in St. Louis, the headqnartera of the Germán radiciílism of the country, it is inontnbont upon us to give them a few notes from our journal. Well, then, w laid down the scissors and the pen on 'Mondiiy, May 23d, and aecompanied by our "otherhalf" took the Ï5?ening Express of Michigan (.'en tral Railway, en route for St. Louid. - Conductor Hopper soon caoie round, recognized our pliiz, acknowledged our "Pass," and commended us to the kind attentions of the " contrabatid " in charge of the sleeping car. k " greenback " made it all right with this Uitter official, and iu duo time we were " shel ved " for the night - labeled "Chicago, ihissideup with care." Sleeping ears are a great iustilution, and tho wtll ventilated and providcd ones of the Central the best of the kind. The frequent stoppages of the train with the necessary noise of the " breaks," prevented acontinuous sleep, but early day of Tuesday ibuiid us neariug Cliicago, with limbs considerably restod and iu good coudi tiou. Iu approaehiug Chicago by tbe Ceulral, the traveler gets a fine view of Lake Michigan, is refreshed by i tg cool breezes, and besides gets somo idea o( the wet prairie ovit and above which in doraitable energy has reared a great city. Chicago is not a Phoenix city - raiscd from its ashes - but as its broad streets, solid blocks, and noble structures, are eight or ton feet above the original grade line, it may be called a city raised from the mud. We tarried for tho day at the Tremont House, and after breakfast sallied out in a rain storm, not to "do the city," but to make a few business calis. Finishing our business iu the forenoon, and the rain being considérate eDough to cease about the hour of dinner, we gave the afternoon to random "sight seeing." We went out on the State Street cars to "Camp Douglas" - opposito " Cottage Grove,1' - the home while living of the honored statesman of the Northwest, and in the shades of which, and within a rude and unmarked enclosure, now He his ramains. The camp is now garrisoned by about 3,600 tïèwps of the Iuvalid Corps, who guard about 0,000 " secesh " priso(10 I'S. The prisoners occupy a square adjoining that in wluo tho barracks of tho Invalid Corps are located, and are housed in buildings to all appearance as table as thoso assigned to tlieir guardiaus. We were not privileged to enter tlieir (juarters, but tbrough tlie opóngate saw séveral hundred of tlicm answering to roll cali. We were assured by officers and privates tïiat the prisoners were served with the sanio ratioüs as our boIdiers, drawing the same daily rations of rieat. bread, potatoes, and other vegota bles. We could but think that this contrasted wideíy but houorably with the treaurient received by the Union prisoner at liiebinond, who, if they can not bo furnished with equally liberal rations, ought to be, but are not allowod the freo light of lieaveu, with the opportunity of exereiso whieh the rehuís ia Camp Douglas enjoy. Themorniíigbeíore wo visited tho eamp about oOO rebe! priaoners arrived from llook Island, who had taken the oath of allogiunc, and who vrere being sent forward to the seaboard to entoi1 the naval service. We hcaid the conversation of several of' them - moro boys- and one of thera, iu answcr to our uíjuiríes, spoke so lightly of -h:s three yeara of service iu tho rebel anuy - he was froui East Ten nesseo and a vohmleer-iíiá of his disposition to try the (' othor side," that we thought if he was a fair sample of bis oompanious and their spirit - or lack of intelligent spirit - il was well that they wero togo on ship-board. From " Camp Douglaa " we erossed into " Cottage Grove," and followed a winding, woll trodden path to the gravo of ötepiikn A. Douola.s. Here, near his unpretendiag cottage - now owntd by strangora-oi) tho banka of iiake Michiaa.n, und with no monument ubov-c hiin, is returuing to duat all that is mortal of him, vvho, bad he beon eleoted President ia 1862, might not ha"j preveuted the secessiou of tho Southern States, but who, as President, wouH have couduotcd tho war agaiust tha accursed rêtelüóB ïrfth uit igttr and in tbó übt of principies tliat would bave t&rminated it sucecssfully aud honornbly befara tliis. May b fitUng monument soon be erected to his memory. Chicago bas been and growiug, despito the war, and lecaune of it. Fine bloeks are going up on all its streets, and its great improvement - tbe tunnel under Lake Michigan, which ís to givc it pure - is progressing. Chicigo has n future, and for the present we loave it. We leave on the 9 o'clock, P. M train by tbe Chicago, Alto and St. Louis Railroad. Applying for a berth in the -leeping car wo aro told that they are full, and tlint ladies traveling alone bave been turnee] away in bour ago. Inquiring for the wliv of tho rush, we find that the State República Convention is to be held on the uiorrow at Springfleld, and tbc delogates from Chicago and the country round about have early inade sure of their own comfort, and have no idea of giving way to ladies. And as liepubiicans, and espeuially tho Illinois friends of " Old Abi'." are ptr excellent the patriots and privileged class, we acquiosco in thcir good fortune, as cheerfully as possible, aud, with our " botter half," dispose of ourselves for a long nigbt's ride tbe best we may. We ire soon courting sleep, as successfully, perhaps, as sorne old bachelors may have courted a their paltuier days, and at least i. njov ourself for awhile in watching the confusión of others, which increases with the accession to our numbers at every way station all night long. But night will come to au end, and dayhght comes before we reach Springfield, Illinois' Capital City- 'he home of " Old Abo'' - and of whieb we get a railroador's view. But, as we intend to " do " Springfield on our return, uo more of it just here. We reach Alton and the Missiesppi about 8 o'cloek, and at 9J are at Eust St. Louis- or Illinois Town - waiting the Ferry. As our immediate destinatiou is nut the great city vvhich tbrives on the western banks of the " Father of Riveis," wc are content with a river view, aud go to the Iron Mountain depot. The baggage wigoo is a slow, one-horse concern, aud we lose a train, and bave tbe privilege of pacing tbe walks and tretting for an bour-and-a-half before auothcr. Our uight of unrest must eseuse our impatience. Tbe trunk and tbe next train come, and we go to Caroudolet, a suburbau city, a few miles doWti tbe river. The distance is soon made, and patronizing a livery s'atle, we go back into tbo country two and one half miles, where we are now rusticatiug, breaibirijr Missouri air, a little hot and dusty, and futteaiug on strawbernes, takn f'rcsh from the bed, served up in croain, with occasioually a luscious strawberry p'jortcake throivn in as a variation. We are on a strawberry " plaulation," and the barvest has just commenced, wlich will account for our good fortune. To givc our readers soiue idea of tbe " clover " wo are in, we will " just mentiou " that. - Priday and Salardáy 160 gallcus wore picfeëd ar,cl marketed in St. Louis, at SI. 00 and $1.25 per gallon. Satürday foreuoon we tried our haod at pickiug - and eating - and Saturday afternoon mounted the wagon witU one of the proprietora and went to mark et witli the fruit. Monday w " clerked " it ia the field, that is wo " tallied " as the piokers brougbt their fruit to the sheda About fil'ty piïkers, wornen and cHUdrcn -mostly Germana - wcre in the Held, and by '1 ü'elock, P. M., -560 gallons were picked. O'ie lo:id of it went tn io;irket in the afternoon, and two loada st.-irted at uiiduight and were sold in the St. Louis markets, 8 niik-s distant, at 5 A. M., Tnesday. This lot - the market being overstocked, the fruit himug come for wafd, rapidly wtthln three or four dnysdid not bi ing Rn average of over lilty oents.a gallon. Tü-day 280 gallons have been pieked, whiuh will go to market to inorrow morning. The fruit tnaïke.ten already tw lt!" tliu 'al'ge Early Searlet,1 (or Iowm); bat Wilson's Albany, a raueh botter vunety, and whiüh eomi.anda & botter p'ioe- thpugh not the led berry - than any otiier berry grown for tbe St. Louis market, is just coming forward. Eigiity gallons have been picked to-day. Our frieuds - two goahoad young men from Michigan- liave about six acres in beuriug, and aro aniong the largest grow er for the St. Louis market. Tliey wiil probably piek this yeiir 6,000 gallons. - Thero are huudreds of growers within :i cirele of a few miles who grow from one to two acres. In preparing their later bedf--, our friends havo gonc in for deep culture, and have nsod tho subsoil plow, pulverizing the ground to tho depth of iull Sfteen iuohes. Tho plunts ire set in rows tbree foefc apart, and about a fcot Ui riv, acd aro kapt irèo-ifom weédd and grass by usmg the cultivator and ho'e. The plants aro allowed to malee all the runners they will the first year, - but no fruit - and in the Fall are mulcbed or covered with straw, which is raked into ihe center of, tho rows in tlie Spring. They ;ire now preparing Jo try the hill culture. They set cithcr in the Fall or Spring - the latter most generullv--but we think their bods pet last Fall are further idvaneed and look better tban those set this Spring. Wilson's AlbaDy is their b st market berry, c rubining great bearinu' qnalities with L.rge siïe, and hearing handling and transportation. Newer varictios are being tried, witb ihe hope that at) equal m:iy bo found of a svveeter taste and better rlavor. Tbree cvop are oblained f rom the beds. The first will pay tor setting the beds and a handsome profit, while tho seeond and tliird cost Inrdly anything abovo the rent of tho land or tho interest on its value, and the cost of pickiug and markoting. Near St. Louis, or any other large city whcre the climate and soil ia favorable, strawberry growing is pruötable business, and we wonder that a fruit so easily raised is not more gcnerally cultivated for homo consumption. VVe havo giveu this mueh -pace to tho subject, not for the mere purpose of ''strioging'' out a letter, but to cali the atteution of our readers to the subject. Thougli nearly 225 miles scuth of Ann Arbor, Peaohes are not grown here lnrgely, except iu high and favored locauties; and St. Louis, like Chicago, relies upon " Egypt " for ber supplies. - The orchards that have produced uniformly,suffered so f rom the froezes of last January and February that they tnake more of a show of dead wood than of fruit. And reporta from " Egypt " are also very unfavorable, and we may safely prediot ihat Peaehes will be acareo and rule high the coming season. Grapes are grown largely around St. Louis, and succeed well, thougli unprotected vines vero materially injured last Winter, and the usual weight of fruit ts not looked for this yonr. Appk's produce well, and the Mississippi furnishes so cheap a ehannel of transportation both Ncrth and South that they always command mueh bigber prices than growers of Wasbteuaw can get. The extent of oreharding is not as large as might be expected in view of tho sure returns, but attention is now turning that way. The two pnpulur market varieties are the Janet or Janetting and VVinesap, neither of whicb is grown largely in Jliohigan. The Newtown Pippin bears better and is a fairer apple than with Us, and other well known varie t:cs are grown to somo extent. Farm labor is very scafe and bigh, both in this vicinity and on the otber side of' the river. In Ilünois, laborera get from $25 to S30 per montb and her they get from $1.25 to $1.50 per day, the season through. " Cnntrabands " - not very " reliabU',' liowover, - may bö obtained at from SlO to 610 per motitfa; but many of the people hurcabout have a haukenng after tlie oíd system, and' wil] not liire I he laborera - or the kind of luborera-w-they once owned. But, enough nf rural matters say you, and so say wo. We liave "dono" St. Louis by piece - though not very thoroughly, - v-ÍMted, the great Fair, - whioh is proving a success beyond expe-utation, - tako a turn n the Lindel), whicb is sonie hotel, and no uiistake, visited a couple of gunboats in a near .tuto of completen, "winked" at FrOHlOfttNs tenible fortifioations, &c, &c, Uut of thesfc in another letter. The wt-aiher ín now to.i warm, ai'd tliestiawberrieg too teiuptiog, t deal with them at '.bib "sittiug." Tin: Editor. Tho TiiumpliedeGand was just beginning to ripeo when our fmlougli expired, but we tried thoni enoiigfa to satisfy us that f Hovey raises ': ich " turnips we suould like a paper of seecl, tf A Washington neysboy, passinsf by a crowd of military oífieers near Willard s Hotel, suddenly yelled out at tba top .if [úv voicc "Terrible batt 1 o i n L o u i a i a 11 a ! the very 1 a t e a t . " On llt Btrength of this his pilo of papers vap dly dccré'aeed until a Massiiohuselts Colouel suddenly exelaiinetl : '' Seo boro, you d d üttlo rasca I, I don'.t seo any battlo 'here." - "Ni," auswered tlie boy, looking at the Colonel's bóot and q'jickly wideuing the gap betweën tlnn, " I reokon you don't, and you never will seo one if you keep loafin' 'roüud this 'ere tavern." Of oourse tho boy will be seut to Fort Lafayette. Why is a water lily like a whíllo ? Öocausu it cuines to the surfuofl to blow. _ Why is tííitins ioup wiili a fork like two íoverH kissiiiíí? Because it's mighty hard tc tret enmh of it. Why ís a woiiniiiV helid liko the luoón ? Bei'unse it is eontimiHlIy ■ cbaDgÍDg, stnd alwayt) büJ a cdüd d it.


Old News
Michigan Argus