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From Libby Prison

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Lieutenant Croul, of the 7th Michigan Oavnlry, has just returned from Libby Prison, havina; left Richmond on tiie 8th of May. He was oaplured n Kilpatrick's raid in April last, when within twelve mile of Ricbmond, liaving been shot through the lungs. IIo was conveyed to the hospital on the first floor oí the prison, and, of course, had little opportuni'y of seeing many al the inmates of the prison, While in hospital he teceived the best of surgicul eare, but tbere ivas very great need of ome medicines of which they had been ■deprived by the blokkade The food farnris'hed to those in hospita] consisied oí a píece (f eorn bread about three inches square, and tliree o unces of ineat per day Once a waek they had a vvineglass full of sngar or molasses, and a decoction of burnt rye arm peas callad coíFoe, after a known art'le-ofthat name. These were delicacies al'owed' to the ick ; the well ones fared much It was very seldom they had any raeat they were allowed in lieu thereof, occasiotmHy, a quantity of wormy Ueaos. Thefoad given thein would harclly have kept tbe reath f life in their bodies had it not been for the boxea received from home. The rebels cr.nfiseated all these boxes they couM consistently, and aiter dark they eonöseaied all they chose to. It a Ikx had a bot tl e of brandy in it, it was eotifiscntod wil hout delay. ifa quantity rif jel'ly, or other delieacy. iktct was confecated. 'i he boxee were opened and the eontenta turabled out ■prmniicuLlv frr the purpose of discovering eoneealed weotmeats. Rolls of btïtter wer out .u,p to see if there was money in trteui, and then the whole whs heap d back in tbr box in a damaged oótidition. The men wer.o not allowed to approaüh the ivin4ljws( (ui pain of boing shot. Few perdone ean iikceive the horrors of sueh n mprííj)ierrt. iManv of the prisonbts have lie-i(i r.nrïfined 'riere for a vear r raore, and itiey say thay wculd glad fly tnarch ut tot be shot rafher ttian a.lEr what tHey aio mm Payes rnight be üïedl wtih tilt utory of their nffi'erjngs. On the day tht Lien!. C. left Wahmond all the officers were sent South. It was l)elieved t'ney w-ere going to Lanville. Here, iep rt say?, the prisoners [are better tha.ii ut Jïichmund Thoy wili not be alrle t retscive tilines from ríótne, but they are treatei] inore generouslv umi allowed inore IHjerty.' - Free Prrsg ín e'infi'quciice of thu enlistinent of the.eulire senior ula-n of the Illinois Celk'ge at Jucksonville, in the one hundred dayn' service, there wil! b po commeneement exreises of that institution for ttiid year.


Old News
Michigan Argus