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1STEW FIEMÜ o GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE & RKTAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes. &c. We, the underiifrned, bc(p leave to inform Die CïTïZENS OF aNN AKHOR and vieinity, that we hfivethis day establisheil a Tobacco and Cig&P busir.t se in this place, one dour KurÜl of the Franklin Bloei;, Main ï troet, where we shallalways keen a fu 11 ansuitnient df the best (jualities of SMOKING & CHEWIIVG TOBACCO! as also a largo and cho;ce seTeetion of tïiebest branda of CIGARS! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and Rosewood,) CIGAR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POÜCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOX ES. Wil! be found witli us of all kinds and of pRIOSfl to SüIT Evbry use . We shall sell all of the abovc rnentioned article.s and many others wliich belong to tur line of trade at the l'.wcnt possible rale fnr cash. I'le.ise cali and examine. N.B. - iirn - Squaw with eigarbox, one door nortli of the FrankÜn Block. GRUNER & 8EY1ER Ann Arbor, May 2d. 18G4, 95tf. THE LAT EST AKR1VAL -OF1W SPRING GOODS ! -AT- 0-0-0 I sm oow receiving a Urge STOCK of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Sillis, White Goods & Laces, Gl 0 VES r EOSIERIES, BALMORAUsKTs. Prints, Sheetings, Dcnïins, Tiekings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Which cah and ready paj buyersare particularly inviled to cali and examine, as I intend to close out the stock in tiie next 90 days to roake a change in my business. J. H. MAYNARD. April 1864. 3m953 i . B A. C H bas a new and complete STOCK OF MG GOODS bought before the recent GREAT RTSE IN GOLD ? ■Which wiU be Sold FOE CASH OISTLY, -A.T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbdr, April, 1864. EV GOODS ! - o - HENI01I & GOTT, Have juflt opened one of he Iargest stock of good choice DRY OODS! fiver broupht to tbiR city, which we Wttl sell witliout regard to present easteru pi ices N. B. - Cheapest Bleached and Biown SIIITIMi Al PRINTS! IN THE CITY. Afull STOOK of CARPBT8, OIL CLOÏHS, AND MAT.TINGS. HENION & GOTT Ann Arhor, Msy Si, la4. 2IE355 DY5PEPSIA, DIííEASES RESüLTING FR OM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVEORGANS, ABE CUBKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING These Bitters liuvc pniormcil more Cnrcs HAVE AND DO GIVEHETTEFt SATISFACTION Ilnve mort: Tesllitiony ! LfAVE MORE RESPECTARLE TEOPLE TO UCU FOIl 1 HEM ! Than nny otlior i-rticic in the markt-t. Wc ttefy any one to eóntradicf tliis Assertion, AND WILL PA Y S1OOO Toany ono who wil! produce a Crttf)rate mibüshed by us,tliatis nut r.KsrtxE. HOOFLMD'S GEIUÏAIV BITTERS WILI. CCRE 1NT EVEET CASE OF Chronic 01 Nervous Debiüty, Blseases of the Kidneys, and Dlseases arising ftom disoideied Stomach. Obtcrve thi folloirdng "implams ramltmpfrom Disorders of the Vigeslive Orgmig : ConsUpation.Inward l'ilos, Fullnese uf Plnod to tho head, Acidity, of tlio Stumacli, Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for food, Fuünt'Hs 01 wtight intheftomach öour Eructations, Sinkin r lluttcrmg at tbe pit of the Stomaeh, Swimming ol the Heail, Hurrlerf anddlAeatt breathihg. Flurteritig ut the Heart , CHoklng or Suffctlng 8cnsation when in a Ljing l'osture, Pimnefa of Vixion, DntB or Web.s before tlie Slglrt, Kever and Buil Pain in the Hcai, DfflaienÜy of Prespiration, Yellownosa of the Skin and K.ves, pain in the side, back, chesi .limbs, &c-, Sud-lcn (lush es of Heat, Burnins in the Flesb, Constant Iraagiuings oiTivil nnd Grcat Depression of Spirits, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALfiOHOiIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CAN'T MAKE DRUNKAEDS, EUT In the World. tar READ WHO SAY SO : Fromthe Rer. Ivi G. Beek, Pastor of the Baptist Cburch, I'eraberton, S, J orierly of the Nortb Uaptiat Churcli, Philadelphia. I have known Hoofland's Germán Ritters favorably for a number 01 yeara. i have used them in in; own famlly, and have been so pleased wlth thelr effects that I was induced to recommend thein to many others, and know 'hat they haveoperated in a strikingly beneficial menner. I take great plêasura in thus publ cly proclaimins this tact, and calling the attention of those atïlicted with the diseases for which they are recoinmended, to these bitters, kuowing from experience that ray recomraendation wili besustained. Ido this more cheerfully as Hoofland'.s Bitters is intended to benefit the alïïicted, and is 'not a rum drink." Yourstruly, LEV1 G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, 1). I). Editor of theEncyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian ChroniOÏC, Philiidelphia. ithOBgh Dot disposed to favoï or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through dit-'trttst of their ingredients and eftects, I yet know of do sufllcient reasons why a man may not testffy to the benefits lie believes himself to have received from auy Himple preparation in th hope that he may thus coatribute to the beneüt of others. I do this more readily in regard to Hootland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, becausc I was prejudiced against them for many years, underthe imprftssiou tha, they were chietiy an alchoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend, Robert éhoemiiker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouiagement to try them when suffering from great and long continued debility. The uee of threebottles ot these bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restoration U a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months before, and had almost denpftlred of regatning. I therefnre thauk God and my friend for direcÜng vüo to tbe use of them J. NEWTON BPOWN, Philft Frnm the Rev. Jos. H. Kennnrd, Pastor of the lOth Baptist Chutcb. I'r. Jackson :-Dear Sir: - I have been frequently requested to connect my name with commendations of different kinds of' raedicims, but rfgarding the piactice as nut of my apprnpriate .-pii-TC; Í have in all cases declined ; but with a cUutr prooi' in various instanees and particularly in my family,of the usefullness of Dr' Hootland's Germán Bitters, 1 depart tor once from my usual course. to expresa my iull ccnviction that, or general debility of tbe system and espeially' for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and vuJuable preparation,. In ome cases it may lail ; but usually, I dou tnot,itwill be %ery beneficial to those who sulfer from the above cause. Yours,very respectfully, .7. H. KKXN'ARD, Eighth below Coates Street , Phila. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown Penn. Dr. C M. Jackson :- Dear Sir : - Personal exporïenee enables me to say that I regard the Germán Di ti era piepared by yon as a tnostexcet ent medicine. In case ol severe cold and general debility I have been greatly benefited by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they witl produce similar effects on others. Yours, truly, WARREN R4N00LPH. Germantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H Turner, Pastor of Hedding M. E Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson : - Pear Sir .- "Having used your Germán Bitters in my family frequently, I am prepared to say that it bas been of great service. I believe tlint in most cases ;f general debility of the system it is the safest and most valuable remedy of which I have any knowiedge. Yours, respectfullv, H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth Street. From the Rev, J, M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Co lumbtifl, (N. J.) andMillstown, (Pa.) ByptistChurche NewRochelle, N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Dear Sir : - I feit it a pleasure thus,i f my owd acconl to bear te?tinaony to the excellence oftü.8 Germán Uitters. íSome ycars üince, being much alllicted with Dvspepsia, I used them ivith very beneficial results. I have often recommended ttiem to persons nfeebled by that formenting diMUe. anil have Èieard from them the most ilattering testimoniáis as to tlieir great valué. Incasesot general debility, 1 believe it to be atonic that can notbesurpassed. J. M LYONS. From the Rev Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxborough Biipfist Church. Dr. Jackson ■ - Dear Sir : -1 Teel itdue to your excel lont preparatioo, Uoofland's Gorman Bitters, loadd my testirocny to tlie deseivctl repntHt.ion it hns obtainoi', 1 have foryears, af times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervnus system. ï was adviaed iiy frund to try a bottle of your Gorman Ritters. I did Só and have experimced great and unexpected re liej; my hfalth tyia been vexy matemlly bencfitted. I confidentlv rocnminnnd the article w ere I meet with cases nimilar to my mvn, ainl have been assured by many of the'r grtöd rftecta Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough Pa. From Rev, J S. Herman, of the Germán Reformed Ohurch. Kutztown, Iierks Co Pa. Dr. C M. ïackfson ■ - ReKpocted ?ir .- I liuve been troubled with Dyiipgpáia nearly twenty yiarw, and have never used any medicino that dif me us much good at. Iloofiand's Bitters. I am very much iiuproved in health a f ter having taken five bottleB Yours, with respect, J ,S. HERMAN. PRIOES. Ijirge Size, holding: nearly doublo quantiiy ) $1 00 per bottle- half doz. S5 00. Pmall S!?.e - Ï5 cent )ier Bot(Jc- half dozon $4 00, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Sen thnt the Hiitnnture of " C M. JACKSON" s on tho WRAPI'BIK of eacii liotile Hhould your nparpfit Drugglst not have thoartiele, rio not b put oll' by piox'eatin ptvpt r;l inris Ihat may be oifered in its plaep. but senrl to nv ,,-ind we will forward, securely packfd,by cxpre.';s. Principal Office and Mnmifactory, NO 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELl'HfA. Jones &) Evans. Svccessors to C. M Jackson Sf Oo. PÜOPRIETOHS. For Kale by DrugL;?ÍL aD kalere in evarv ton ÍD (rhc rjita 3ate?. Siïj 1


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