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Washtenaw County Sunday School Association

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This asBOciatiou is yet in its infancy, having beon orgauized Dec. 29tb, 1862. The year and a half of its existence has proved sufficicut inerely to discover soinething of tho nature and extent of the work which needs to be done, and suggest raethods of executing it. At the semiannuul meeting, held at Ypsilanti on the 6th and 7th of this month, abotit thirty schools were represented by delegates or letters, and most of them by botb. ïhirteen of the twen ty townthips in the county were represented. By the twenty-six schools making written statistical reports, there were reported 162 teachers, 2668 scholars belonging to the schools, with an average attendance of 1787, and 5,233 volumes in the libraries. But the most cheering item was the report of conversions; they teil of 118 hopefully converted to Christ during the year. Five schools hold Teachers' Meetings, and all report the practice of memoriziug scripture, to some extent, as a part of the work done in the school. Duriug the eighteen months of its existence the association has been laboring to ascertain the Sabbath School wants of the couuty, chiefly by correspondence with the Vice Presidenta, of which there is one in each township. - Little has been done towards supplying these wants, and, in fuct, but slow progresa ia discovering their extent. At this meeting, it is hoped, a new Ímpetus was given to the work. The attendance . was not large, but it represented the principal centers of christian influenoe in the county, and those preseut evinced a determiaiation to proseeute the work with increased vigor. The Executive Committee was mstructed to employ a Missionary or two to enter immediately upon a thorough canvass of the county, and $150 were raised or pledged on the spot to defray the expense of the work. It will be the object of such Missionary to travel through the county and ascertain where schools are located and their condition ; to seek out destitute places where schools should be 'organized, aud make efïort to orgauiee schools in theuj ; and, in ahort, to thoroughly investígate the condition of the field and make ful effort to secure good Sunday öchoola íd every practicable locality. A record will bo kept embracing the resnhs of bis labor, and thus affording a complete sketch of the schools of the county, and also a list of such places as will Deed, in future, the special fostering care of the aesociatiüu. It was adopted as the unanimous sen tinieiit of the association, that our coua ty ought to do its own Sunday Schoo work. lt was conceded to be a disgrace to the great educational center of our State, if not of the West, to be Mission ary ground íd the work of the moral am religioua culture of the young. It was deemed iujustice to the more destitute regions for us to allow the funds of our benevolent orgauizations, like the A. S S. Uuion and others, to be consumec upon us whjle the really needy go un supplied. A considerable portion of the time was spent in a free coüfereuoe upon topics relating to the management of the Sunday School, and the morning anc afternoons sesiions of Tuesday were preceded by short prayer meetings. - Rev. Frof. Chapín, of Ano Arbor, gave the address on Monday evening. Taken as a whole the meeting was pleasant profitable, and full of promise, anc Ypsilanti was again demonstrated to be an excellent placo to hold such a gathering. The times of meeting were changed. The regular annual meeting for the election of officers, &u., was fixed for Monday after the first Sabbath in November, and the semi-aunual meeting for Monday after the first Sabbath iu May. The ïrst of these meetings will thus occur soon after the closing of Suminer schools; and the second will occur in season to be of benefit in giving ímpetus to the Summer schools. The meeting next Novem)er will be held in Ann Arbor, at the Baptist house of worship. The spirit of this association is per'ectly catholic, and it s difficult to see ïow any lover of morality and good citizenship, to say nothiög of christianity, eau withhold his co operation ; and we earnestly soücit such co-operation. The association feit itself greaily beeaved in the death of one of its most ffioient rneinbers, Bro. J. L Dennis, fice President for Salem. He rests 'rom his labors, and bis works follow him. Edward Olney, Sec'y. C3S" Gen. Frank Blair bas been usted from his seat in the House, that ody having voted that he was not legally eleoted, and Samuel Knox has een admitted to the seat thus vacated. Dn the same day, the Sonate Judiciary Jommitteo dec ded that General Blair ïolds liis commission iu the army illegaly. Coineident with this raid ou Frank lie radicáis are demanding that Montomery Bi.air " play out " ot the Cabiet. JKSC" Rumor saya Fort DarlÍDg is capured. EF The Democratie State Convention held at Detroit on Wednesday was largoly attended. Hon. J. L. BuTTEiiriELD, uf Jackson Countv, presided. Tbe following delegates were eleo'ed to the Chicago Convention: At Lar ge- John S. Barry, A. C, Baldwin, Alpheus Felch, aud Mathan Barlow. Ist District- Theodoro J. Campau, David A. Noble. 2d District- Rufus W. Landon, Clark S. Potter. 3d DUtrict- George W. Peck, David Johnwon. 4th Disriet- Henry Fralick, Samuel W, Odell. 5th Diitrict - Wm, L. Bancroft, J. M. Wattles. 6th District- ïlugh McCurdy, Michael Jeffers The following platform was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That the democratie party of the State of Michigan stands now, as ever heretofore, upon the platform of the Uni n, the Constitution, and the supremaoy of the laws. A resolution was also adoptjd inviting Gov. Seymoür, ol JVew York, to address the Democracy of Michigan, at Detroit, on bis return from the Chicago Convention, or at such othtr time as he tuay select. A good degree of harmony and entbuBiasm prevailed. ty The eleventh and last resolución in tbe Baltimore-Shoddy-LincolD platform, is "that we approve the position ! taken by the Goverumeat that tbe ' pie of the United States can never regard with indiñerence the attempt of any European power" to overthrow any republican government on this continent and eetablish monarehical institutions instead, &c, &c. Decidedly cool in view of the late letter of Secretary Sjswaiid cornmunicating to Louis Napoleon, through Minister Dayton, . bis own and the President's dissent ' from the resolution passed by the House declaring the Monroe doctrine. But, perhaps the Ballimore Convention did not cousider Lincoln and ■ Seward either the government or its proper representíttive.s. As Artemus Ward says, the Baltirnore resolution is evidently "sarkasum'" II - III L-5Í" At a receot session of the Supreme Court for Greene Cotinty, N. Y., Albkrt W. Patkik obtained a judgment ior $9,000 against Marehal Muruay and his Deputy, William Buckley, for fulse imprisónrnent. Mr. Patkie was arrested without due procesa of law, carriediito New York, and imprisoned one week in a narrow, h'lthy, 11ventilated cell, compelled to 6leep on a bare bonrd, &e , &c. The defense set up an order of the President, but it availed nothing. It is to be hoped ihi is not the firsl jiulgment that will be obtained for arbitrury arrest and ialse impiisontnent. F Giiant's irmy bas followed McClellan's line of retreat - is that a treasonable word? - through the Chickahominy Svvamps, and now rests on the James River. 'i lie overland route lo Richmond has again been tried, and at what a loss. Wil] the next move be on Washington or Riuhmond ? - It looks hke Eichniond, and we hope so. Vallandiohasi has left his retreat in Canada and returned to Ohio. He mude a speech at Hamilton Wednesday, and the Democratie Convcntion there convened foolishly and insanely e!ai;ted him a delégate to the Chicago Convention. He was to makt) a speech at Dayton yesterday, and troubla was apprehended. 'M I I I J53"A. correspondent of the Detroit Tribune saya that the Michigau delegateevoted for Han.nibal Hamlix. The proceedings as published in the Nevv York Tribune record them as voting for Andkkw Johnson. DkI they vote doublé? t1 Tho telegraph says a cali for 200,000 more men is soon to bo made


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