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THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WIIJj he for th Heaüi.g of the Nations. Biult. Prof. n. a-. IjYokts. THE OREAT AXII IMIVSH'IAN of the TliKOAT.LU.VOS. HKAlii, UV1-.K AND THE BLUÜD, Known alluvi.-! thecountry as the CKLEBR-ATKn IXTIDIAIT HERB DOCTOR I Of2S2 Superior títreet, Cleveland, Ohio. WÍ11 visit the foUowmg places, viz A?]'OI'ÏMEXÏSFOK 1862, 1803aud 1R64. Prof K. J. Ly ons can be coasulted at the fllowinj places every ïnoutb, viz; Detroit, Hussel House, each month, 18thand 19th. Aun Arbnr, íéottitor Hrmse, each month, 20th. Jackson.liibbarrt House, each ruonih, 31. Adrián, Braclifct House, each immth 22ri amlgod. Toledo, Übio,Collina House, each month, 2-ith, 25th anri BS tb. HiLMale, Jlich., Hillsdalelious?, each month f27th Coldwatr, Jlich.. öuufenern MicUigau Hou.e, each month , 28th. Elkhart. Klkhari Houct ench month. 29th. Bouth Hond, fnd., St. Jo. Hotel, eaclt mnritli, 80. I-apnrto, Ind., Tee Gardt-n rlnutse, pacli tnoDtli 31st. Wooster,Uhio, Crandtíll Kxchauge, each montb, Vth nad 8th. Mansütld, Ohio, Wiler House, each month, Oth and lOth. Mt. Vornou, Kenyon Uousí, each month, llth and I5t5. NowarU, Ohio, Hollon House, each month 13th and Htli, PaIneTïne,Oltlf, CowlfüHnnse.each month, 4th ;LKVKL4ND, OHIO. KKPIÜtNCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STÍÍEET. Eiist of the public sqaïire, opposito the Postoffice. Oliice dü.vü each moutli. lst. Ü.i, 4th,5th, 6th, loih.- Office hours f rom D A. M. to 1 M, and Trom 2 I'. M. to 4 t'. il. OuSuntiay trom 9 to 10 A. M., aud 1 to 2 P. M. iftSr-Maximwstrictly adhered to- 1 irive such baimaa have no s tri f e, With nature or the la-s of life, With blood in y hajids I nevcr stairij Nor pniin meu toe&ge their pain. He s a phytivian indeed, ivho Cures. ïbi! Indian Doctor. K. J, LYuKö, cures the folie wtng compiamtri Ín the most obstinate siagesof their existenefc, iz: iisii;isfn of the Throat, Lungs, Heart, T.iver, Éitomacli , Uropav in the Cbest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kits. or F)illin(rSickness,;indal! Dthernervousderan.iifmcnfs. AIho uil dineaseof the blood . such ah Scroi'uia, Krjrsipelaa, (Jancers. Féver Sores, Leprosy, and all otlier éompliateri c li r ou ie ctmi])lainlH. Allforms of female dilucuities attended to with the bappient results. ït is hoped that no otie will despair of a cure until they hat veu Ind ia D Eierb Oootor's Medicinen a fair and fa i Ui t'ul trial. .During the Doctor' travel iu Kuiope, West Indies, South Amejica. and the United States, he has been the instrument in God'a hand, to restore lo healtli and vïgor tliousanas who weit given ui) an1 pronounced incurable by the most eminentnld school physicians; nay, inorf, thou-anos who were on the verste of the grave, are now liviup moi1uinntfl to the Tudinn Herb's DoctoV'R skill and successfuT t rea tm on t .and are dnily exclaiming: "B'enfied betht-day wlien Srftt e saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor '6 medicine." íatisfactory referencefof cures will be gladly and cheorfully given henever required t The Doctor pledges his word and honor, tliat he wiil in do wise,directly or indirectly, in.luce or cause any iuvnli.l to take h6 medicine without the strungest prob. abiliiy of a cure. SOF Mmle of examina tion, whkl) is ent irely different t'rom the facuHy Dr. Lyon profeaSefl to discern diseasefi by the tve. lie. thereforf asks noquestionn, nor doe be require pntientPto explain symptoms. Cali on e and all, ind have thpsvmptoirw and location of your dwcaeeexplained f ree of cliarge. FöThe poorHfiati beliberaHy contiidered. fiPostolIlcc-addresfl, box 2663. R. J. X.YONS, M. I'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. S5, !Sfi2 ly?80 O. 33 Xji I SS SS W"oulu take tliis methotl of iaforming bis oll friends and patrons and all others wuo ma. y favor hitn witb tlipir patronage, ttaí he has greatly eniarged his Stock and Assortmeut ! and haring adopted thö CASH SYSTEM BOTII IN BÜYING &SELLING is prepared to. 8811 üooiis at XlQaOna tSXO IriöeÊiT HÍ8 stock coüslsts iu p:ir ol the föilowiug: ,-jl AMKRICAN AND OTHER r "W"atchesi Ifeiï'1 -á The Celebrated 'ÈraStSiii SETHTHOMAS CLOCKN! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLËRY ! l'azors, Shoar, Scissorsiind Brunhes, ROGRBS PLATHi "ARK, Ihe beet in markt, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, PencilSs PAHER an.l ENVÈLOPES, Musical Instruments, Siringa $f Books for Instruments, SPECT 4.CLES, of Quid SHver, Sleel. and Plateé, with. PERISCOPIO GLA.SS, a superior article Persons havmg difiicult watches to öt witli glassee can be accomodated, as iny BtocU is largaad complptP, I. S. Particular attention to the REF'AIRINGo all kinds of fine Wateh, Huh a.s Makïng and Setting new Jeweifl, Pin ons Stnffs, and Cylivders. Also CLOCKS, Sc TIEVEILIRrS'" ne.itl v rpaired and war-anled, at big old standeast ■ side of Main Street. C. BLISS. Aan iibor.N'ov. 25, 1SC2 826ti GREAÏ .GEEATER GREATEST BRG41KS EVER OFFERED lo tliisCity.areuow beingoffered at the OHKAP.CLOCK.VVATCH, & jeve bilry StorOTHK Subscribí! r wouUssy to thu citizfiis ol Ann Arbor.iti particular, aïid thn rest oí W„hlenaw Onuntv ingflncrnl, tiinl hnhssjust IMPORTED rIRF.OTLY frora KÜROPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of which hfi bindshimaelftoiell CHEAPKRthan car beboughtwestof New York City. I have aluo tne CELKBRATED AMLll?CAN WATCHES, which I wlll eil Hr t35. F.very Vvatch warraoted to Derform wcll,orthe monoy ?etunded. Clocka, Jewelry, Piatod Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Peoi, Musicallnstruments and Strtng, " Cutlery, &c, and Infactnvariety of everythin); uaur.lly kepi by Jew elers can be boughtf'orthe oext ninety days ftt V(ur O W N P R I C E S I Persotas üuyififi anything nt this wel' known establisbme nt;i rcy upon getting goodt exnct'y as repreaented, orthpmoncy reiunded. Calleariy nd secure the best bargaiDs ever off'pred in thif City, One word ín regard to Repairing : Wenre preparad to mnfefi ny repairs onflne or com" mon Watchea.ovpn tn mrtkinpo .er tho, entire watch, if neceesary. Rppairinir of Clocks and Jflwelry as usurI. Alna the maiiuiHcturins ti RINGP.BROOCHS, or niiythinp desirod. froiTi California Gold onchortnotoe. Engravtoy in allitsbranchesexeeated wíttineatnej &d dispetch . J C. WATTS. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral THB ALL SUFFICIEpHr THHEE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN BEMEDIES," Known au "Helmbold's" GENUINE PREPARA1IONS, VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BUCHU " ' " SARSaPARILLA. IMPROVED KOSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GEPï ÍNE PPEPARATION, HIGHLY CONCÉNTRATE D" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHU, A Poaitive and Specific Remedy, Kor Diseases of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP5IOAL SWELLINGS. Th! Menicim; in the pnwr „f niKB.tion.and excito. intohealthyíic-tion hy which fmrrwr rÜJ LV OSSsSmSSa VNNATUIUL EHLARQBMENTS aro reducé, a ZomTrchTldr a"d is soiiEHELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU TOR WEAKNESSE3 Arising from ExceRses, Habita of Disaipation, Ear'i' Indisoretion, or Abuse, ATIENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINO 8Y1ÍTOM8 : TndUposition to Exertion, Lossof Pcwer, Los. of Memory, Difflcnltj Of Breathing, We.kNervBs, Trembling, Horror of D,seae, Waliefiilnes, Dimness o( Vision. Pain in the Back, Universal I.assitu.le of the Flusbinf of tlie Bodv. MiWOliUr Sj stem, Ernption on the Face, Hol Uaad, PallM Oounti-nnuce. DryncRB of the Skin. These sjtnptnms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, rood follow IJJPOTENCY.FATUITY EPILEPTIC FITS x one of which the patiënt may expii e. TVho can say that thcyaie nJt frequently followed by those "direful diseaes," Insanity and Consumption, Many areaware of the eauFe of their suffering, but none nill confjss. The records of the insane Asyhims and the melanchuly deaths by Consumption, heat ampie witness to the iruth of the assertion. l'HE CONSTIT0TIO.V, ONCE AFFECTED WITH ORGAN'IC -WEAKNE'S, ïequires the aid of medicine to streDgtben and ingoratdthesyslem, which HELM HOLIVS EXTRACT BUCHV invariably dues. A trial will convince the most skepti cal. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATIXG MARIilAGK, In raany aflections peculiar to Females the Extract ïucbu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in 'hlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Paiiifulneas, or uppression of Ihe Customary Kvacuations. Ulcerated r Schirrous state of the Uterus, Loucorrhea, or Vhites, Storility, anti for all complaiuts incident to the ex. whethararising from Indiscretiou, Habitof Dissiatioc,or ia the Decline or Change of Lite. 8EB 8YMPT0MK ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Takeno Balsam, llercury, or ünpleaniint Medicine for Unpleasaat and Dangerous Diseaaes, ÜEUBOLD'S EXTRACT BI1 Cl' RES Secret Diseases. Ia all their sUges ; atlittle expense ; littleor uo ch .flge in diet ; tío inconvenience, t AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate.therebyremoving obsfructions, preventiug and curingi?trictures of the Ureihra, allaying pain and inÜHmmation, "frequent in this clap of distases, and expellinu POlSONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORX OUT MATTER. Thou6ands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina short time, havefound they weredeceived.aadthat the "Poison" has, by the use of "Powerful Astringentn," heen dried up m the system, to break out ín an aggra vated ferm, and PEK1IAPS Afíer MARRIAGE. üTe Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections aod Diseaaes of ïlie TJrinary Oï"gans' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Pïuhbtic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Aad it io cortain to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for wliich it is reconimeuücd. JBLOOD ! BjLÖÖD ! BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concenlrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. ThÏR is an aiíectron of the Blond, and nttackfitlie Sexuti Orgaos, Lin'njin of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Windjiipf , anrl ut her ilucus HurTaces, makiug its appearance in the form of Ulcr.s Helmbold's Ext.act Saraparill!i purifits the Blood, anil retnoyej all Scaly Krn ptu'tis ot tb e Skin. giving to the Complexión a Cleai and Hoalthy Color. It beinp: prppared expressly iVrthis class o! comptaints, its Biood-Hurilying Propcrtie.s :irp preserva! to a rcater extent tj.anaay othr preparatinu of riilaparl. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a yphiltic Nature, and ns an injectton in hisoasts of the UHnary OrganB, arisinfi from liabits of dinsipation, used in connection with the KxtractsBuchu and Sarriaparilla, íd 8uch di seises ns rocommendeil. Evidence of themoat resjionfiible and reliableebacacter witl accompany the medicines CERTIFÍCATE OF CUKES, From e.ight U twenty vear. standing, with names knownto SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical Propertiasof BUCHU, see IHspensatory of the United States. See Professor DE WEES' valuable works on the Practice of Phyaic. Pee remarks mad by the laie celebrated Dr.PEY$WK, Philfuk-lphia. See romarks made by Dr. EPHUAIM McDOWELL, a celebrateil Phyuician, aod Momber óf the lioyal Cullfp;e of Sursreoufi, Ierland, and pubiined intheTranaactinns of the Kingaad Queen's .fourna,!, See Mpdicn-Cirurgical Review, publiüiiwl by BfiA'JWMIN TRA VERS, Fellow of the Royal College of SurKeons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extbact Hrrnr, $T 00 pee bottlh, or pix fok $5 00 11 Sahsaimriixa 1 00 i; bOQ ImI'Rovkd ROBI Wasu, 50 " 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for 412 00, wliich will be fiufficient to cure the most obstinate caseB, i directicnR are adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely pacbed iromobservation. y Describe symptoniá in all connnunicationH.Cures guara nteed. Advice gratis. AFMDAVIT. Personallyiippoared before mean Alderman of tte city of Philu'lelpliia,II. T. Hklmbold, who, being duly Bworn, doth say, his preparatione contain no narootic, no meriíury, orother injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable . H.T.HELMBOLT). Sworn an1 subecribed befure me, this 231 day oí Novembír, Ï854. WM P. HiBBARD. Alderman, Ninth-sti'ect, abore Race, Pbila. Address Letters for information in confidenoe. H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist Depot 104 SoutlTenth-street ,below CheBtnut, Phila. BEWARE OP roUBïTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose OF THEÏR OWN " nd "other" articleponthe epuiationattained by Helmbold' Genuine Prftrations, " 4I Extract Buchu, V ' u flaraapfirilU, " " ïmprnTed RoseWasb. Sol'ï by all DrujfgiatfieveryTrhere. ASK FOR HKLMBOLD' &.-T4KF. JtO OTH&R. Go oc.i ttw nclTncVattatTtt, aan vn& for it, AM FURNITÜRE ROOMS One door North of Bisdun and Ilenüerson's Hardware atore. Tbe umiersigned haring purcnased the entire stock "f W. D.Sraith &Co.,andadded largely to the same is prepared to furntnh bis ínends and patrón a gooc aksortmentof well made furniture, consistiug of SOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES! TABLES and CHAIR3, of all kind, and in fict ot evervthing perUining to the business. L O U S G ES. MATRASSES, to., &c.,madr to order by good and exporieictd workraen, and warrau ed to give ratisfiiction. He also keeps a goud assi.rtment of Cherry aDd Walnut Lumber for ale al razonable prlOM. And will also pav the hiirhest markot price for Cheriy. Walnut, and White Wwd Lamber. P. S. He ha also purchased the neir and ELEGANT HEARSK! of Sruith & Co . , and is prapared to f urnish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, AIsTD CASKETS, On the ahortest notfce. AIpo attencls to laylng out dcceaffd persons átty and ntght, without charge. All furniluie üelivtred iutheity free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor, January XSih, 1S63. 9i0tf NEW FIRM ! ! o GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. We, the iindertinned, bep leave to inform tbe CITIZENS OF ANN ARBOR and vicinitj, Ihat we havethis day establinbed a Tobacco and Cigar bufintss iu this place, ono door North of the Franklin Block, Main ï treet, where we hal! alnays keep a full assoitment of the best quahtieti of SMOKING & CHEWI1VG TOBACCO! as also a large and cho-ce selection of Ibe best brands of CIGAES! PIPES, (Merscbaum, Brier and RosewOod,) 0 16 AR HOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Will be found with us of all kinds nd of Prices io SüIT EVBRY ON. We shall sell all of the above mentioned articles and many others which belong to our line of trade at the lowest popsible rate for cash. P!eane cali and examine. N. B.-Sign- Squaw with ciear box, one door north of the Franklin Block. GECNER & SEYLER. Ann Arbor, May Sd, 1864. 9: Stf. THE LATEST AKR1VAL -OF1W SPRING GOOI! -ATft. 3E3C. 3Vr_aL-Sr3XTjiH.D'S. - o-o-o - I &m now receiviug a large STOCK of DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fanry Silks, White Goods & Laces, GL O VES êf E0SIERIE8, BALMORAUskTts. Prints, SlieeUngs, Denims, Tickings, and CH01CE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Wbích canil and ,rendy pay buyers are partícnlarly invited t cali and examine, as I nttn.i to close out the Ntock in tue next í)0 days to make a chaue in my J. H. MAVNARD. April 1804. 3m953 P. BAOH bas a new and complete STOCK OF SPRING GOODS bought before tho recent GREAÏ R1SE IN GOLD ? Which will be Soïd FOR CASH O]STI,YS m at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arboi-, April, 1864. CLOTHINO iLT IGÜITJC(JS! ïlaving just returned from East with a Iarge stock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invite all our oM frtends and custoraers to come and examine eur stock of CLOTHS CASS1MERES & VESTIGS. Dispute the fact if you can, It takes tlie TAILO1Ï after all to give appearance to tlio onter man. If you wish to appear well You must accordingly Dresn Well. Go to W. Guiterman & Co'a., There you will find thing8 exactly SO. SONDHEIM&hvuya ready to take your ciieHsure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleimnre, At figures L0WER than you will find in i he Stuta, 'J'ake heed - cali early, else vou are too LATE. The iNDucEMENTS are uow greater than ever, Our Cleeks you will fiod obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oettino up, Filling our Store frotn Bottom to top. STUDENTS eepecially will fiDd it to THKIll ADVANTAQE, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replonish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OHtl IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn England, Belgium, Germany aDd France, Sueh as you can stand up in. or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Panis ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You wül tind it so without. fietion, Furnishiner apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This ia all we say now, Tfcarefore ws mak e our bow. Tours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. 4 Co., Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTORY IS ÜÜRS ! T3EIE TFt x -i-"T"-r.-f7 Which bas been raging for the pa.t fcur weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Has proved a grand success, although tue slaughterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We now inake the announcement thatweshall continue llFor Muuy YearB" to niake war with high prices, being detennined to give the hunúií'ds whü daily ihrong our store, full value for their money, Lariies caD find with us all desirable shades and styles of DRESS GOODS, RIBBOJNS, TRIMMÍNTGS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, H0S1ERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very large and attractive stocü of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS f toelo tlioir Valxio We hear it said every day that w) are ruining the business in this city by selling so cheap but we cannot helpit, The Goods Must toe Sold. 1000 New StykandbeBt quality HOOP SKJRTS very cIk ap, and for the Gentlemen we have a very large assor ment of French Twilled Cïoth. Beaver Overcoatings, Dosakins, Fancy Cassim.res, Vestinga, 3cc, Of all deaeripitoBS, and can íurnish a whole uit on short notlee much cheaper tlian it can be bought ?lae where. Au exaraimitii-n of fhis brancli of our bu.i mss willcoovlnce 51 tnatthTa is the place to buy thfir P;ints, Coata and Veste. We have aleo a eomplete síocU of Ladies and Childrne' Shoes. HAÏS AND CAPS, Aua in facteverytliing that man or woman can deslíe to wear on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At afitonishing low prtces, and in short our entire stock must sharethe same fate for we are determioed to sell, no matter what old croakers roay say. AH are Lvited to inspect our stock as it is no trouble to show oor goodg, and wear boundto meet the del'lllUiis Of t 11. 932tf HACK SCHMID. For Rats, Mice, RoacAes, Ans, Bed Bugs, Mo'ks in Fuie, Woolen, Sfc, Inte.cls on Plant, Fowh, Animáis, Sfc, Put up in 25c. 60c. and $1.00 Boxea, Boítlas. and FlttRks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Ikstiti"tions, &o. "Only infallible remedits known. " "Freelrom l'oiflons." "Npt dangerou's to the Human Family." "Kats come out of their bolea to die " Sold Wholesale in all large cities. ,Solil by all Druigisíanfl Hetailers evcry where Si" Ml Bbiv.ikk 111 of atl worthless Imitatlons. i. See that "CosTAK'a" name is on iach Box, Iïottle, and Flaeíi, before you buy A .hesB HEtHY R. COSTAR. &&. Pkintipai. I1wot4S'2 Bhoapwy, Kkw York. J-Sold by all Whotesale and JWail Pruggits in Ann Arbor , Michig-m. jn954. H0WARD ASS0CIATI0N, PHILADfXPniA.PA. Dl8enwsrthe iVerpong, Seminal. Urlnary miíí Sexual SystUs_n(w and reliablctreatWiit- in Rnports of the HOWAKI) ASSÜCIATION- 8entby raoilinealod letter envelopes, fre of charas AMrenB, Dr . J . S Kt J J.l N HOUÜ HTON , Howani i hsoa. ''oí, tío 5 Bonto Víqu, "i.„t, rwi., Ta. l.flyi m JUST OPENING ? The lorgest Stock and best assortment of CABINET FURNITURE ? eyer bronght to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIR9, XiOOliLtUg GrlfUSiSOiSl Gilt Frames and Mouldings OOPFINS METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other (joods kept in the best and Iargest houaes in tV.e country. Weseepno second hand furnitureor Auction goods. Coffins kept constantlj on hand, and made to order My goods are offered at THE LOWEST CASH PR1CES N. B, I must have mcney, and respectful'y request those indebted, to cali and fix up their oíd tnatters without delay. O. M. MAKTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct.6 1S63. 9J5tf RISDON&HEJVDERSOA Etairo iiio IB TJ O ISL E! 1T JES CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. npHE VERY LATKST IMPKOVEMFNT, and better than A all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, Barley and tírass Seeü . lst. lt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will 8ow all kinds of Grain and Orass Seed. Zd. Never hunches the Grain éth. Never breaks (he Gi ain. 6th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. ñt.h. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Han long and wide steel points. 8th. lt has a land measure or 8wrveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lQth, lt has a self adjusting shut off slide. [t is neatly and substantiallj made. There is hardly a Drill olïered in tbe market but can boa8t of more or less " FIRST PREMIUMS? 'hejare about as indiscriminately bestowed aj the title of tl Profetaor," wliich is sometimen Hpplied to the lfiddler}' or iibootblack.n They cease to convey the dea of merk. Tile Hackeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of Stateand Coiinty Fairs, and without seeking áTor at the hands of any Cominittee, has received its ull share of Prrroiuras TESTIMONIALS : We give the following Dames of a few Farmfrs in thls iciuitj wao havcbougltt and used the Buckeyeiírill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. JacobPolheraus " Jacob Tremper, ' ' Thomafi White, N'ortbfield, John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, l( Edward Boy den, Webster. James Treadwell, AonArboi ranielO'Harat ' ' John G. Cook , Lodí. 0. A. Marshall, ' L. Edmonrtn, Saline, Geurge Cropsey, (Jreen Oak, Liv.Co. We arealsü AgentR for the Ohio Reaper & M.wer, cknowledged te be the very best in use. We are just in reccipt of 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell Cheap. Also alargeasaortment o Grrass And the largest and best selected tock vi BENT STXJJ F OR CARRIAGESerer before offered in íMi market We aiso keep a large and íull NAILS, GLASSjPUTTYjPAINT.andLINSEEDOIL. A completeanortmeut of STOVES, TINWAKE, NDEAVETKOUGUSalwayKon hand and pui np % the ïorteet notiee. UISDON & HENDERSQN Ann Arbor.Jnne29th,18fl2. 859tf NOBLE & RIDER, are stlltng their large stock uf BOOTS $c SHOES, CHEAPER TH AN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewed : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Cliildreo's Shoes : : : :15 a 1.50 Now is the (me to huy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidy advancing in Eastcrn Markets, THEY ALSO IIAKE WARRANTED Ly WORK TO ORDER. g AND KEPIK. ' Remember wo can not and will not be uutlereold. i Plesse callana examine iheir stock 1 LAWRBNCB NOBLE, CHARLFS RTBER. e ..BH Arêor,Fb. 131i,lWi '1W Sheriffs Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN-, Coüktt of Wísbtsna Byrirtueofa writ of Ji eri facies issued out óf. '"7 under the seal of the Circuit Court for tbeCountt , Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan and to V recteoand dehrered, I did on the twetity t'iirtl a May, A I). , 1364, Mi and lery upon all the" rfchtY,?' and mteret of Hugh Downey, the defendant U, ' ' narapd. in and ti. all thoso cerjain pie e.orM,TÍ landsituaíed m the ton6 ofLodiand Saline, CoUDt' Washtenaw, ai.d State of Michigan, known 1,2,?' and describid R-ing the uth.?Ü Huarter of section twentyfive in townsbip ibrL,? south of range live eat, containing one hui„S(S' xty acres of land, more or lesa, also all that Ir, . parcelo! land situated in tbe villageof 8 line (' -f Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan,' known booïïi and describid as tollón-a, ti-!rit i Being a partTf i numher one and two in section four according toth cordedplaiof said village, beginning on !he ttl road tweWe feet west from the northeaat corner ?iS' niimberone,th-nce Routherly aixty feet uarall.uïf th eat line to the CTucago road, tlicnce westerl ,T ' the said Chicago road twenty feet to the place olhi.jf mng Also all thnt reitain tract or of l„ó Sí uíted in the village of Saline, County of Wai!h. State of Michigan, defcribed as fcllow : commeDcin!',' thenorth wesl corner of lot owneil by Andrew (W( on the east Mc o! tbe Ann Arnor roaj, riinnintl,. northeny alonjr ttie line of jaid road to the souih corner „f a lot owned by E L. Bickford. thenceeasteT along said Blckford'R south line to land owned bV ' Kanouw theuce southerly atóng-aid Kanoue'.Um, h northeast corner of MhrCraiR' lot, thencewïïw ly along said ( raik's Iii,e to the place of bwinini . tainingabontfift?enrod of land, which I n 'l forsalfi tothehighentWddor at public auction l,T outb door of the Court House, in the Citv . Arbor in said County, bmg the place of l.cldl,,k" Circuit Court for said Coanty, on Saturday tui !!' ofythaVdUay' D" I8M'at " 'Cl"k "S. P11"-1? WIN-EGAR, Shw Joktix Korbes, Deputy Sheriff. nn Dated, May 24th, 18B4. MKf Mortgage Sale. rEFAULT haring been made in ihe perforn:nc, „ ttfteenth day of January, A. D.. 1866. enouted bAÏÏ Lawrence and Tamar Lawreñee, hi wife to i, 1 ron and djily recorded in the Jflice of tl e 4,,,, of lleeds. of Washtenaw rountv Michin i ? twen.y-two „f m.rtgage, pari H,r io„rd i Í2 ■nty ,on the twenty-nmt;-, iay of Februar, A t 18S6 whereh, the power to sell tbemortgaged l'nml, bas become operative ; and no uitorprocef dinV2 beeninstrtuLd at law to recover thé ,UM ,ecur" said mortgage „r any part thereol , and the ,„3 hundred and fifty ooe Ml, and thirty three celü being now fo be due ttereon n.,-K,,!e fhe "1 and expenses of the pioceedings nnw Ving had for Ï foreclosure of said mortgaBe including trasonable ,7 torneys fees.) Nntlce ík therefore hereby etpi tw aid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mort gtged prcmises described a foilows, Tiz ■ The M1 fourlh at ihe north-west (juarter of siction f,„, eighl, alo thenorth east oni-eighth of the north.i one-half quarter of said secfion twenty eight (lint rods in widlh fiom the side occujiied as a lane),H k,i„ in townhip number four enuth nnd range nu'mbtrii. the County of Washtenaw, and' State o' Mi igan, containing in all forty-nine acre of land mor., less, oisomepart thereof, at public vendue ut tlieIouï door of tneConrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor ■! said CouBty. (that being the plaie of holding thíC ruit Court witl-in said Countv,) on Fr-da the twmf, sixth day of August next at'noon '' BKiKKsitCHAMER, DAVID BROWK Attorney for Morlpagoe. Mortíírn Dated, Ann Arbor, May 21st, 1864. g Estáte of Joseph Kelsey. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washlena , il Ata session ofthe Probate Court for the Cooih'rf Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in thedlro Ann Arbor, on Mondar, the thirtieth dav of M,; . theyearonethousandeighthundredandsixtj-four 1 resent, Thomas Xinöe Judge of Probate In the matter of the Estáte of Joseph Kelsey UI, of said cminty, deceased. Henrj Rearick, admini-tt, tor of eaid estáte, come nto Court and repramii that he ia do prepared to render his final account n such adniinistrator ".oumii Thereupon it la Ordered, fhat Wednesday, the twenbnmth day of Junenext, at ten o -;]ock n the forra! beassjgned for the hearing of said petition. and that tbt heirs at law of t:M deceased, and al' other mmou interested in said esUte, are required to anpeu i a sesgion of said Tourt, thín to be holden sttht l'robate Office, n tbe City of Ann Albor in nü County, nmlslmw cause, f any theie be, wbr til the said account should not be allowed. And 1 a fiirther ordered, that said Henrj Rearick giT notice to the persons ioterested in Baid esttts of the pfndency of said account and thrbeinnr thereof, by causin? a copv of this Order to bt piibliíhedin tlie Michigan Argus. a nevrspaper práw and eirculatinfr in said County of Washteoaw. three uccessive week previous tosaid day of hparnir (Atruecopv) THOMAS KI.W, 9s9ti Jude of Ptobitt. CITY COOPER SHOP, SPAFFOlïü & DODSLEY, successors to O. C. SPAFFORD & D. HENNING, Vould refipectfully announce to the citizens oí ici Arbur and vieimty, that they are uow iranufacturii a-nd keep coiistantly onh?nd a Large Assoríment of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kcgs, Fiikins, Chnrna, Well Bnckets, Flour and Apples Barrels, Êc. Merchants and Brewers are ínvitetl to examine thtit Butter Firkins and Beer Kegs. CTJSTOlvíE -W7"OriBC, done to ORDER on SHORT N0T1CE and warranteé. {UT Cash paid for Sta ves, Heading and Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit k North Streets, and conK uf Nortb & Fifth Sire ets. fePAFFORD h DODSLET. Ann Arbor, Feb, Oth, 1864. WW NEW"aOO]DS! -o- HENION & GOTT, Have juBt opened one ofthe largest stock of f choice DRY GOODS! ever brought to this city, which we will geil witbö regard to present eastern prices. N. B.--Cheapest Bleached an Brown ■Til AND PRIIS! IN THE CITY. AfullsroCKof CARPETS, Oil (Ml, AND M:TTiisras. HENION & GOTT. Ann Arbor, Way 3d, 1?64. 2m955 FOR SALE!'" ANRW (ROVER & BAKER StWING MACHWl also a NEW siNGKR lurHINE, either F"";1 manufacturingpattern. Applya A Farm for sale, C) SITUATED six miles North of Ann Arbor. si'""5 consista of 122 acres. On tce premise 'T Pfr aaildings, fine orchard and a living stream. iJ tnownastheRosecranBfarm. 7t wi)l be M I' ind termB ol pvm8Dt joade íbv ïnoufr eJLjp Jf ArMr, JMi ?: 14 MW


Old News
Michigan Argus